Welcome to SNEA Karnataka

Edited and Published By S P Jagadale, Circle President


Comrades, please cick the link given below to get all your doubts clarified by GS SNEA and all CHQ OBs.


Click here FOR SNEA Membership form

SNEA Welfare form

Click for BSNL empanalled Hospitals in Karnataka


EPF Full pension SLP at Hon Supreme Court SNEA has decided to implede the SLP by making all the members party by name. Intestested members are requested to fil the details Click here by today evening pl. A fee of Rs.200/- may be paid to respective DS.



click here for the Star group health Insurance policy copy.

Click here to add your details to opt for the Group medical Insurance.



EF Full pension SLP at Hon Supreme Court SNEA has decided to implede the SLP by making all the members party by name. Intestested members are requested to fil the details Click here by today evening pl. A fee of Rs.200/- may be paid to respective DSs.

Click for the Speech of CS SNEA Ktk on BSNL formation day function. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fxyQJFY3nbUmwDtK8


CS SNEA Karnataka wrote to CGM regarding the issue of EPF full pension option requests are pending for approval which are non visible in the EPFO portal and requested for kind intervention with EPFO Higher officers and BSNL CO for extending the dalast date from 31.01.2025.

Click for the letter


SNEA Shimoga updates
On 30.01.2025 Telecom Advisory committee meeting held in the circuit house Shimoga, Honourable MP Sri B Y Raghavendra ji presided over the TAC Meeting.
After the meeting SNEA Shimoga delegation led by District Secretary Shomoga Com Laxminarayan, Distrioct President Com Raju, Treasurer Com Praveen and all active members honoured Sri B Y Raghavendra ji Honourable MP Shimoga and Laxminarayan DS SNEA Shimoga presented the memorandum, Circle President Jagadale explained very effectively how BSNL employees are deprived of 3rd PRC and requested for helping BSNL staff for getting long pending 3rd PRC and supporting shortage of staff and other resources.

District President Raju, DS SNEA Laxminarayan, Treasurer Praveen all active SNEA Shimoga members joined in the felicitation and in submitting the memorandum. Click for the memorandum


A Tribute to an Unparalleled Leader , SNEA Karnataka Offered Shradanjali to our Visionary great leader Sri W Sheshago on his 9th anniversary.

Words fall short in capturing the essence of this extraordinary soul. He stands incomparable, for there are no equals to his wisdom, sagacity, and visionary leadership. With unwavering dedication and selfless service, he transformed a cadre burdened with deficiencies into one that stands tall in glory.

Calm, composed, and resolute, he devoted his life to the upliftment of JTOs and the officers promoted therefrom . His dreams revolved solely around their progress, and despite relentless opposition from the DoT bureaucracy, his perseverance ensured a far better future for those he tirelessly championed.

His untimely and sudden demise leaves an irreplaceable void in this Associationโ€”a loss that words cannot express. His legacy, however, remains indelible, etched forever in our hearts and minds.

With profound love and respect,


SNEA Karnataka Circle New office Bearers had an introductory meeting with CGMT Karnataka. Com S P Jagadale Circle President introduced all the newly elected bearers to CGM, Sr GM HR and Admin and Admin staff.

New Circle Seretary Com Ramesha B and Team Greeted Smt N Sujatha CGMT Karnataka, Sri Ashok Agarwal Sr GM HR , Sri Nagaraj K DGM Admin, Sri Bannur Lingare AGM Staff Welfare, M K Srinivas AGM Admin, with flower bouquet. All the newly elected SNEA COBs interacted with CGM all the field R issues for the redressal. Discussion was quite long for about 2 and half an hour and was cery fruitful. CGM madam was d enough to listen patiently all the issues raised by our Office bearers red her best to resolve the possible issthe earliest.

SNEA Karnataka thanked th CGM, Sr GM HR and Admin team for giving more time for the discussion and giving positive assurance on the issue raised by office bearers in the meeting.

Click for the agenda.


On the occasion of New Year 2025 Delgatation of SNEA consisting of COBs and DOBs of Circle Office and BGTD lead by CS and CP SNEA Karnataka met Smy N Sujatha CGM Ktk greeted and wished on New Year 2025. New year calandersere got released by CGM madam.All the Senior Officers in Circle Office were greeted and conveyed New year best wishes.



The district conference of DKTD SNEA Braheld on 08.12.2024 in the conference PGM officeMangalore. Delegates from all over ict have attended the conference and delebarated on various ield issues and HR Issues. Circle Secretary replied to all the queries raised by the members in more convincing way. CS also explained about the issues being pursued by the Circle and CHQ. Circle presCom Guruprasad Deshpande and Circle Treasurer S V Makkannavar attended the conference adressed the gathering. The following new office bearers have blected unanimously.

SNEA DKTD Office bearers

District President : Com. Gafoor K.T District Vice President : Com. Narasimha S.N District Secretory : Com. Rajesh S.R Assit. District Secretory1: Com. Vinod Naik Assit. District Secretory2: Com. Chethana Shet Organizing Secretory : Com. Sudarshan K Treasurer : Com. Sudhir Kumar K CEC Member : Com. Dhananjaya V K Auditor : Com. Raghavendra K Branch secretory : 1. Com. Sudarshan kumar 2. com. Harsha N 3. com. Jyothi D M Executive Members : 1. Com. Suraj 2. Com. Smt. Archana Kurrey 3. Com. Smt. Asha 4. Com. Rajesh K.M 5. Com. Aji Kumar 6. Com. Parveen Kumari 7. Com. Jayaprasad M


SNEA Updates on Formal Agenda Meeting with BSNL Management held yesterday on 04/12/2024

We are delighted to inform you that the formal agenda meeting between SNEA CHQ and BSNL Management on 4th December 2024 was a remarkable success. The meeting witnessed active participation from Hon'ble CMD BSNL, Director HR, PGM (Pers/SR/Rstg), PGM (Admn), PGM (Estt), PGM (Trg/Rctt), CGM (EW), GM (BW) and Many DGMs, AGMs of concerned units along with their teams.

It was highly successful agenda meeting with Recognized Majority Association.
It was a classic example of best Co-ordination between BSNL Management and the Recognized Representative Association. It was held in very co-ordial and healthy atmosphere, wherein Management has accepted the strong and intelligent persuasion by SNEA with full justification& supporting documents on every point.

The discussions were highly constructive, fostering optimism for favorable outcomes on various crucial issues.

### Key Positive Commitments by Management for Future Outcomes:
1. Special efforts to focus on BSNL growth to target 25% Market Share by 2025.
2. Laptop policy extended for all filed units with incorporation of about all suggestions given by SNEA.
3. The Request for Revision of TA/DA rates for AGM and below level Officers is accepted and orders for the same will be issued shortly may be with New Year 2025.
4. DA limit for medical reimbursement amounts frozen since 2020 will be restored to Basic of 1st April of that Financial Year.
5. Deputation to other PSUs/Govt Organizations will be opened shortly.
6. Sabbatical leave for Executives will be introduced from New Year.
7. Separate Mobile connection approved for Office Bearers of SNEA at all levels.
8. Contribution to SAB will be enhanced suitably and the percentage of enhancement will be decided shortly in consultation with Finance wing.
9. SAB contributions amount will be displayed on Salary slips
10. Second Saturday off to field units will be restored
11. Inter /Intra Circle Long stay Transfers stopped with immediate effect.
12. Shortly New Transfer policy will be framed by incorporating all suggestions by SNEA
13. The request for restoration of Hard Tenure period will be given consideration with proper review.
14. Pending OTP Transfers of July 2024 will be given immediate consideration to best possible extent, with relieving after closure of Financial Year.
15. All suggestions on Transfer policy including changes in OTP window accepted and will be incorporated in window 2025. Executives will be informed about vacancy position of that particular Circle, while opting under OTP window.
16. Restructuring review including additions to sanctioned strength for 4G and BharatNet projects, paving the way for increased vacancies and subsequent promotions will be made effective from New Year 2025.
17. Encouraging progress on Standard Pay Scales as BSNL Management acknowledging the genuineness of this long-pending issue and it has been firmly assured to settle this issue to best possible extent.
18. Request for creation of Benevolent fund to support families during untimely deaths was appreciated and agreed to be implemented for all willing Executives.
19. Promotions for all wings and Cadres will be given consideration by special review as per feedback by SNEA
20. Dispute on Educational Qualifications among executives in Civil and Electrical wing for EE promotions is settled with parity to Telecom wing
21. The long Pending JTO to SDE Promotions for Civil and Electrical wing for filling all existing vacancies will be issued with topmost priority.
22. Special efforts will be made to conclude the pending Court cases on HR issues by discussing the issues with SNEA and by giving due consideration to the genuine issues.
23. Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy will be reviewed.
24. Due consideration will be given to SNEA feedback on issues created due to MSRR 2023.
25. Proposal for proper functioning of ALTTC will be given due consideration.
26. No Further deputation o*f DGM level Officers to BSNL.
27. Committee will be constituted for consideration of One PSU One Association Proposal.
28. Restoration Full fledge functioning with Hostel facilities of ALTTC Ghaziabad
29. The issues created due to Fake Caste complaints well be decided well within the guidelines on the subject with sympathetic consideration.
30. The Powers of different Officers on HR issues will be restored.
31. Transfer orders giving consideration to Request by CSS Cadre executives to Parent Circle will be issued shortly.
32. Wage Negotiation for Non-Executives will be settled at the earliest.
33. Settlement of claim of allowances by the JTOs Civil deputed for 4G saturation projects in All India hard tenure stations.


Very Sad to know the sudden demise of Comrade Badri Joshi JTO Davanagere, may god rest his soul in peace.๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’


DoT endorsed DoPT Order for enhancement of maximum limit for Gratuity from Rs 20 lakh to Rs 25 lakhs on reaching Dearness allowance to 50% for its applicability for BSNL absorbees opted for Pension for combined service of DoT and BSNL . Copy <<<>>

DoPT issued order in May 2024, but it was not endorsed by DoT and SNEA has pursued this issue in DoT. Now, DoT has specifically endorsed this order for BSNL/MTNL, it will be applicable for all serving and retired DoT absorbed Executives and Non-Executives.

This order is being endorsed by BSNL to its field units. This will benefit for all DoT absorbees and will be effective from 01/01/2024.



The District conference SNEA Bijapur Branch was held on 15.11.2024 at Bijapur. The Open session begun with lighting of the lamp followed by invocation song by Smt Sunanda Pattar , welcomed Com Pophale. Sri Jambagi DGM Bijapur Chief Guest, Com M S Adasul GS SNEA . Com Guruprasad Deshpande CP SNE KTK, Com S P Jagadale CS SNE KTK were the Guest of Honour for the Open session. Com Sri I M Patil District President presided over the function. The District Secretary SNEA Comrade Viveknand Naik along with all the SNEA members organised the event very well.

The District Secretary of SNEA Sangli along with members attended and graced the occasion.

The field Issues and pending HR Issues were delebarated in length . Both CS and GS gave in depth reply to all the queries of the members.

Vote of thanks extended by Comrade Ainapur.

Following members were got Elected as office bearers for the period of two years w.e.f 15.11.2024.

Sl No

Name of the Office bearer

Post in Association

Designation in the Dept


Sri I M Patil

District President

AGM Bagalkot


Sri Prakash

District Vice President

JTO Plg MS Bagalkot


Sri Kumarswamy

AGM Bagalkot


Sri Aanand Naikodi

District Secretary

JTO Bijapur


Sri Mahendra Hitnalli


Asst District Secretary

JTO Bijapur


Sri D M Halemani

SDE Mahalingpur


Smt Sunanda Pattar

District Treasurer

JTO Plg Bijapur


Sri Anil Tankasali

Organising Secretary

JTO Jamakhandi


Sri P N Patil

Executive committee members

AGM Bijapur


Sri Ainapur

AGM Bijapur


Sri Pophale

AGM Bijapur


Sri Ravi Linganur

SDE MS Bijapur


Sri Siddaroodh Chelad

SDE MS Bijapur


Sri Muneshawar


JAO Bijapr



The district conference of CNTX ktk held on today 11.8.2024 at RTTC Mysore.
The program begun under the president shop of Com Archana Galiyavar with lightening the lamp and with Prayer by Kum Moksha, welcome by Com Gurumurthy.
Com Shivanna Nayak presented DS report and Deepak presented Treasurer report.
Circle President Com Guruprasad Deshpande, ACSs Kencharadder, K N Muralidhar, Org Secretary Girish attended and addressed the conference along with CS SNEA ktk.
After detailed deliberations on BSNL and HR issues the election for new OBs is conducted and following new OBs were elected unanimously.
Gurumurthy District President SDE
Gangadhar Naik VDP DE
Shivanna Naik DS
Thaherkhan ADS1
Tulasi vanamala ADS2

Treasurer Bhageertamma
Org Secretary Deepak JTO

CEC Member Venugopal AGM

Auditor Sunil SDE

Executive committee members
D B Rathod
Mobile Srinivas
Santosh Rathod
SNEA Karnataka congatulates the new office bearers of CNTX๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’


District conference of Shimoga BA held on 23.06.2024.
SNEA Shimoga held a combined district conference (Shimoga and Chikkamangalore) at Shimoga in a very grand manner.
CS SNEA ktk along with Circle President Com Guruprasad Deshpande, ACS Com Kencharadder, CHQ Treasurer Com Tata Babu, DS SNEA CNTX Shivanna Nayak, Dattatreya ADS CNTX, were attended the conference conference and addressed the gathering.
Com Mylarappa Dist President presided, function started with prayer by com Sonam Das and welcome by Praveen.
All the Field issues were raised and discussed by members for which CS gave reply for all the queries.
HR issues were also deliberated and CHQ Treasurer gave reply to all and explained how CHQ is working to meet all our crucial HR demands of Executives.
Com President also addressed the gathering and told the need of association and how we strengthen to resolve our HR issues.
ACS Com Kencharadder addressed the gathering he explained how the CNTX is suffering with staff shortage. How all our executives are deprived of promotion.
Overall it was good session and after that a New BA Body is formed with following office bearers for the next tenure 2024 -26.
R Raju President
Gopalkrishna vice President
Laxminarayan DS
Vinayakumar ADS1
Smt Mamatha ADS2
Praveen Kumar Treasurer
Shridhar Org Secretary
Sachin M CEC Member
Executive Committee members
Gangadhar Naik

Manjannagowda D Patil Auditor
Congratulations and best wishes to the new office bearers of Shimoga BA๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’


SNEA Karnataka met new CGM Sri Ujwal Gulani ji and gave warm welcome to Karnataka.๐Ÿ’.
CS along with CHQ Treasurer Tata Babu, COBs Makannavar, Prashant K Y, Kumarswamy, DSs Jayakrishna Reddy and Ramesha B, all active SNEA members of CO greeted new CGM.

CGM is very good listener and he knows all verticals work and importance and difficulties of field units.

CS SNEA ktk assured the best support to CGM in taking BSNL Karnataka to new heights. SNEA will always be part of solution for betterment of BSNL and it's growth.

CS explained how Karnataka services are badlay affected due to frequent failure of Txmn media. There is no proper resources for CN TX to maintain the long routes and non availability of sufficient BNGs and OTN we are facing regular speed and intermittent disconnection of data services.

The bad performance of M/s PTPL is also brought to the notice of CGM and requested him to ensure certification of vendor invoices by concerned OA / BA then only we can expect good service from vendor and vendor will be under control.
CGM assured for the same.

CS SNEA ktk assured to CGM if the Txmn media and speed issues are resolved then definitely KTK will over ride neighbouring circles TN and Kerala in number of FTTH connectios.

It is very happy to inform you all that New CGM is very practical, through in all fields and more over he is staff supportive.

Let us extend our best cooperation to the New CGM and let take BSNL ktk to new heights.


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to GS SNEA CHQ about the burning issues Backhaul transmission media in Karnataka which badly affecting the FTTH and EB Services. Click for the details


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to GS for kind intervention for ensuring online Pre Exam training for all those appearing for JTO to SDE promotion LICE reg.

Click for the letter


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to GS for kind intervention for postponing of online LICE being held for promotion in various cadres reg.


Click for the letter


SNEA Karnataka Tributes a warm homage to our great Visionary leader Late W Sheshagiri Rao on his 7th anniversary. Many members participated in Shraddanjai pooja performed in SNEA Office CO Bangalore and gave homage to the departed soul.

Sheshagiri Rao Sadha Amar Rahein

A Trade Unionist Par Excellence, full of modesty, Humility and unwavering, absolute and uncompromising Commitment towards the values of Trade Union.

Today SNEA stands firmly like an unshakeable pillar on the great and inspiring values inculcated by him. The cadre of JTO and those promoted therefrom owes almost everything to this Legendary and Immortal Trade Unionist.

Posterity in SNEA should strictly uphold the Trade Union Ethics and Values inculcated by our most beloved leader.


CS SNEA ktk met GM CNTX and discussed the transfer issue of Nagesh JTO Udupi , Rijesh SDE Hubli GM assured it will be done soon.
Also discussed the issues being faced by our Executives in the field about illogical IPMS targets without providing proper resources and support.
The issue of raising demand note and realising that amount linking to IPMS is not acceptable.GM agreed for this and assured the concerned to instruct to review it so that it should not affect IPMS of any executive.


CS SNEA writes to GS SNEA CHQ for getting provision for Intra Circle Transfer between Teritorial and Teritorial Circles in OTP Portal.

Click for the letter.


The Delegates from SNEA Karnataka were attended the Highly Successful SNEA CWC Meeting held at New Delhi: The grand, Historical and highly successful CWC Meeting of SNEA CHQ was held at the best Auditorium at Heart of Capital Delhi at Bhim Hall, Dr Ambedkar International Centre, 15, Janpath, New Delhi, 110001.

The CWC Meeting was for three days from 07/01/2024 to 09/01/2024 with pre CWC CHQ OB Meeting on 06/01/02024 and this very special CWC Meeting after the grand and spectacular Victory of SNEA Five Star Alliance was held with full enthusiasm. The Delegates from Karnataka raised many issues issues pertaini development and maintenance/ Debarated in length aboutpending HR Issues. CS SNEA Karnataka gave presentaon all points related to growth and HR Issues pending for Executives. The great shortf staff in Karnataka and pendenancy of Rule 9 transfers in JTO and JAO cadres.

It is very proud moment for SNEA Karnataka honoured by SNEA CHQ with three awards in various categories for the best performance in the 3rd MV.

Click for the CS Report 1. CS Report 2


SNEA Greeted CGMT Karnataka and all senior on the Occasion of New year 2024.

SNEA Calanders for the New year 2024 released by CGMT Karnataka.


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to CGM for printing BSNLiaries 2024 for distributing to VIPs , State Government and EB customers etc to miantain good of BSNL. Click for the letter


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka for taking up the issue with Higher EPFO of EPF higher pension option of 286 employees pending for Employer approval due to EPF portal issue.

Click for the letter


AGM Rectt BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads conveying for date of holding LICE and intimation of starting date of online Registration for four cadres of JTO to SDE Telecom, SDE to EE Civil & Electrical and SDE to AGM Telecom. Copy <<<>>

The registration process will start from 1800 hrs of 18/12/2023 and will conclude at 1800 Hrs of 16/01/2024 and editing can be done from 19/01/2024 to 21/01/2024.


Formal agenda meeting of SNEA Karnataka took place with management on 16th December 2023

The delegation of SNEA Karnataka comprising of Smt Leela Dayanand VP, Tata Babu CHQ Treasurer, Jagadale CS SNEA ktk, Makannavar CT, K N Muralidhar ACS, Prashant K Y ACS, Prabhakar ACS, Bellubbi, Delhi Babu CWC members, DSs Jayakrishna Reddy CO Bangalore, Anandkrishna ADS CO Blore, Panchakshari DS Madikeri, Manoj DS Bidar, Chandrashekhar Meti DS Gulbarga, Nagendra Reddy ADS BGTD were participated in meeting.

A very exhaustive agenda on field and HR issues were discussed with management very eloboratily. The meeting was almost for entire day from 10.45 am to 5.30 pm.

SNEA Karnataka delegates apprised the issues being faced by our Executives in the field due to lack of resources and non support of the management. How unrealistic targets affecting IPMS, need of labour and vehicle support in attending faults. The non performance of PTPL vendor and no efficiency/ improvements of outsourcing of BTS etc.

HR issues like extending the previlage of second Saturday to filed units, getting empanelment of hospitals on cashless treatment in every OA and
removing the undesired conditions in settling the medical claim, proper maintenance of quarters and office washrooms etc were discussed in length.

Also discussed on the heart burning issue of our long pending JTO /JAO Rule 8 / 9 transfer.This was discussed in length and management justified their shortage of staff in Karnataka and it is very difficult to consider at this juncture. But SNEA ktk also given justification how best *Rule 8/ 9 transfer can be considered and our Executives can be helped who are away from their families since long time. Our justification and concern was convinced to the management and assured to act positively on this at the earliest.

The burning issues at Hubli being faced by our Executives due inhuman approach of GM Hubli was also brought to the notice of CGM and assured his intervention in making the best encouraging working atmosphere in Hubli.

Finally appealed to CGM to write and recommend the genuine pending 3rd PRC, standard pay scales, SAB and pay loss issues to BSNL CO for kind consideration and implementation which will motivate our Executives. CGM was very positive and assured to write on these welfare issues to BSNL CO.

The meeting was very cohesive and completed with positive hope.

SNEA Karnataka thankful to CGM, Sr GM HR and admin, DGM HR and admin, AGM SGO, AGM General for arranging the the meeting and for smoothly conducting the meeting. Thanks to all vertical heads for positive response to our agenda discussion.

Thanks to all our COBs CWC members, DSs SNEA CO Blore, Madikeri, Mysore, Bidar, Gulbarga, DOBs of CO and BGTD for attending the meeting and sharing and discussing the issues of Executives.

SNEA Karnataka tried it's best to discuss all burning issues and hoping for the earliest resolution.

Let us continue our efforts with positive hope.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

CGM KTK appreciated our SNEA feedback, suggestions and discussion on field and HR issues and he invited SNEA representative from each SSA for the next agenda meeting.

This the credibility and trust built up by SNEA Karnataka. Let us be proud.

Click for the Agenda discussed..


With Continous persuasion of SNEA Karnataka with Admin all the rule 8 requests received as on date are updated and published waiting list of 101 cases.

Click for the list



AGM SR BSNL CO published the Final outcome of 3 rd MV by the Chief Returning Officer & PGM Admn BSNL CO wherein SNEA in strong support of its Five Star Alliance is emerged as Strongest and Top Most Association in BSNL with 52.07% of total Votes and Karnataka with more than 58% votes.. Copy <<<>>>

With this spectacular and record break victory, SNEA has once again reached top most position of Associations with marvelous come back. This is first time in the history of BSNL that any Association/Union has crossed the benchmark of 50% Votes out of total votes.

It is nice to see that SNEA has got highest votes among all participating association of 3 rd MV in about each and every Circle. In two Circles, SNEA is at second position but here also the votes polled in favour of SNEA are more than the members of alliance and hence these circles also the support of Executives to SNEA & alliance is certified as Marvelous. SNEA CHQ feels very proud and delighted with such overwhelming response from the Executives in BSNL.

This spectacular victory of Five Star Alliance Association is possible with strong love and affection by the Majority of the executives in BSNL and we convey sincere thanks and gratitude to all the executives in BSNL for this historical and record break Victory and certification of Strongest Unity of the executives.

SNEA Karnataka conveys sincere thanks & gratitude towards all the leaders at CHQ/Circle/ District Level, CWC/CEC Members and all the esteemed members of SNEA, SEWA BSNL for their very active and vital role in this spectacular victory.

SNEA Karnataka appreciates the sincere and devoted efforts taken by all its Circle Office bearers /District Secretaries/Presidents, all the District Office Bearers, activists on social media, team of creative, esteemed members of SNEA all over India who have taken every possible step for this victory including arranging campaign meetings from own funds and were very active and alert and responsible role played over the period and conveys sincere and thanks and gratitude to all of them.

We specially convey thanks to Shri. Jagadish T , CS SEWA BSNL Karnataka and all Office bearers SEWA BSNL KTK who have taken great initiative during 3 rd MV campaign meetings all over Karnataka and gave their best for landslide victory of SNEA.

SNEA specially conveys sincere thanks to all the leaders of SNPWA all over Karnataka for their well wishes and blessing with active participation in 3 rd MV campaign for this grand success of SNEA. On this special day we remember the devoted efforts by late Shri W. Seshagiri Rao, Ex GS/President SNEA who has dream for strong unity of executives in BSNl and with this victory we have achieved his dream by becoming largest association with more than 58% votes in Karnataka and more than 52% votes in all over India.

We are very happy to see the wave of joy and happiness among all executives in BSNL about this spectacular victory and the executives in BSNL have celebrated this Victory and step towards strong unity of the executives in BSNL.

We are aware that with this spectacular Victory and Support by the majority of the executives in BSNL, the responsibility on SNEA is increased in multifold and we have to move ahead for getting timely solution for HR & Financial issues being faced by the Executives in BSNL.

We hereby firmly assure to all the executives in BSNL, that SNEA CHQ along with its five Star alliance partners and also along with all other association/unions in BSNL will put sincere & firm efforts with powerful and result oriented negotiation with BSNL Management, with different Officer/offices of DoT and Government of India for getting solutions for these pending HR & financial issues in step by step but firmly manner.

Five Star Association Alliance Zindabad!


BSNL Zindabad and BSNL Executives Unity Zindabad !!!!.


SNEA Ktk visited ZTTC Mysore , com Adasul GS SNEA CHQ, Rajesh Manchan, VP , VP Leela Dayanand, CS, Treasurer Makannavar, ACS K N Muralidhar, Delhi Babu CWC Member attended.
CS and GS SNEA have interacted with all LICE JTOs trainees and replied their queries. Comrades from Mysore, Madikeri and Mandya have attended the meeting.
It iwas a great interaction session.


Under the great leadership of DP Com Chandrashekhar Abbigeri, DS Com Sudheer A Bellubbi, Treasurer Com Raviraj Badiger along with all very active members of SNEA Hubli have established a very nice looking and very specious SNEA office which was innagurated by Com M S Adasul GS SNEA CHQ, Com Tata Babu CHQ, Com Guruprasad Deshpande CP SNEA ktk on 10.06.2023. The innaguration of SNEA office was very colourful event all the SNEA members of Hubli attended along with other union / associations leaders along with their members graced the occasion.

Com M S Adasul GS SNEA CHQ appreciated the innovative ideas of renovating SNEA office by Hubli comrades and which is the best office among which ever seen. He appreciated the unity and enthusiasm of Hubli comrades.

After the innaguration all the members , guests and invitees assembled in the conference hall for the open session. Open session started with invocation, Welcome by Raviraj Badigeri followed by innaguration of open session by lightning the lamp by Chief guests and special invitees.

Com Sudheer A Bellubbi DS SNEA Hubli presented the key note address in which he eloborated all the issues being faced by our field units, need of support from the management. He also highlighted the pending HR issues and requested for CHQ intervention and support for early resolution.

Open session was addressed by DS NFTE Com S L Pujar, DS BSNL EU Anand Badiger,
Com S P Jagadale CS SNEA KTK during his address he eloborated the field issues which are being faced by our members, issues related to outsourcing of OFC routes to M/s PTPL, infrastructure issues, EB unrealistic targets, STR staff shortage issues and heart burning HR Issues like E2 E3, 22820, E1+5 , pending SAB and 3rd PRC and non consideration of OTP request from KTK to other circles.
GS SNEA CHQ Com Adasul addressed the open house with opening remarks with high appreciation to Hubli comrades for their tremendous enthusiasm and unity. He eloborated how SNEA is working very hard and strategically for the early resolution pending HR issues and his efforts in getting 3rd PRC with many central ministers and various MPs. Also explained how the Government of India is giving more importance to BSNL and supporting BSNL which has elevated the status of BSNL in the public. He appealed to the members and other union/ associations to be united in the interest of the members for their welfare.
Unity among all brings the glory in BSNL and early resolution of our pending HR issues.

Com Tata Babu CHQ Treasurer addressed the open session eloborated about present CHQ functionality and real Challenges for which unity among all is need of the hour. He appreciated the unity of Hubli comrades.

Com Guruprasad Deshpande CP SNEA ktk gave his eloborated analysis of present condition of BSNL and also explained about 4G saturation project as he is directly involved in Electrical part. He appreciated the Hubli comrades and appealed to maintain same zeal and enthusiasm to maintain for ever.

Com Chandrappa Kencharadder ACS SNEA ktk also graced the occasion and appealed for the unity among all and also highlighted the burning issues of STR Karnataka to CHQ.

Guest of honour Sri Dhananjay Tripathi also graced the occasion and addressed he emphasized that professionalism in work culture is highly needed to improve the efficiency of the system. He admitted the shortfalls in achieving the unrealistic targets assigned by BSNL CO but he appealed to all to involve 100% and work professionally.

There was great felicitation by all the union and associations to GS SNEA, CHQ Treasurer, Circle President, ACS SNEA KTK.

In Presidential remark Com Chandrashekhar Abbigeri DP SNEA Hubli thanked all the members who have generously donated to bring a good look to very spacious SNEA office at Pinto Road Exchange compound Hubli.
He explained how the Hubli branch is functioning and their future commitment for the coming 3rd EMV.
He appealed for best support from circle and CHQ for the earliest resolution of HR issues.

The open session was concluded with vote of thanks by Com Somashekar Dandin.

It was great and colourful event.

In the afternoon session one to one interaction took place between members and GS SNEA CHQ with various issues of BSNL development/ Operations and maintenance issues HR issues etc.
GS SNEA CHQ gave patience listening to all the queries of the members and GS gave clarity for all the queries and he assured his best in resolving all the issues in time bound manner.

Over all the entire Hubli comrades very happy and delighted to have direct interaction with GS SNEA CHQ and other OBs.
The visit of GS SNEA CHQ and CHQ Treasurer brought new enthusiasm in all the members.
It was a great and memorable colourful event.
The interactive session followed by election of new SSA branch body, all the new office bearers got elected unanimously which again shown the unity among all the members which is highly appreciated by SNEA CHQ and SNEA Karnataka.
Com Huchchappa Shirahatti DP, Com Raviraj Badiger DS and Com Chandrashekhar Abbigeri DT occupied as SNEA new OBs along with other OBs. The entire team is very young and energetic.

SNEA CHQ and SNEA Ktk convey the best wishes to the new team of SNEA Hubli.

Click for the Glimpses


CS Writes to CGMT Karnataka for issuing of Confirmation in the cadre of JTOs and release of their security deposits.

Click for the letter


CS SNEA Karnataka writes GS SNEA CHQ highlighting the burning issue of staff shortage in ZTTC Mysore and requesting for posting 6 Executives who have been already got selected ZTTC Mysore by ALTTC Ghaziabad. Click for the letter


Congratulations to a very active SNEA Office bearer Com S J Bongale AGM MS Hubli and Ex District Treasurer of SNEA Hubli on successful completion of his valuable service to the Organisation BSNL and SNEA both. He was instrumental instrengthening SNEA.

Congratulations to a very string and active memberof SNEA com Sreedhar AGM Txmn CO , he was Ex ACS SNEA Ktk, on his successful completion of valuable and sincere service to both BSNL and SNEA. SNEA Karnataka wishing both the comrades with best ws on their retirem and wishing them a very happy and peacefull ret life.

CS SNEA Karnataka along with COBs, CO DOBs and CHQ Treasurer and SNEA members of CO met CMD BSNL and felicitated on his visit to Bangalore. CS SNEA ktk appealed to CMD to take care of BSNL employee welfare.

In valedictory function of All India cultural program held at Bangalore SNEA Karnataka felicitated Mr Munna Baher belongs to Odissa now staying in Gujarat, he is not working in BSNL but he is supporting all BSNL cultural events and for all participants by playing tabala and other instruments. He is continuously doing this volunteer support for BSNL since 2006 on his own expenditure. In recognition and appreciation For him Music is his life and *BSNL is his family. For his selfless support to BSNL artists SNEA Karnataka got him felicitated by our beloved CMD BSNL Sri P K Purwar ji In valedictory function of All India cultural program held at Bangalore SNEA Karnataka felicitated Mr Munna Baher belongs to Odissa now staying in Gujarat, he is not working in BSNL but he is supporting all BSNL cultural events and for all participants by playing tabala and other instruments. He is continuously doing this volunteer support for BSNL since 2006 on his own expenditure. In recognition and appreciation For him Music is his life and *BSNL is his family. For his selfless support to BSNL artists SNEA Karnataka got him felicitated by our beloved CMD BSNL Sri P K Purwar ji



Dear colleagues
SNEA Karnataka for the welfare of BSNL employees (All over INDIA, Executives & Non Executives), has launched Group Health Insurance with a competitive and affordable premium, from a reputed Health insurance company Star Health Insurance, which has a wide network of hospitals in all over INDIA
SNEA Health Portal click here

Policy Terms :
1. Coverage is for 5 lakhs per family including parents and In-laws
2. There are different premium slabs based on employee age.
3. All pre-existing diseases will be covered.
4. For the treatment first empanelled hospitals of Star Health insurance must be approached.
5. Room Rent limit Rs. 5,000/- per day & for ICU it's actual charges
6. Maternity expenses Not covered & Sub-limits for Cataract is Rs.20,000/- per eye.
Last date to pay the premium is 23-APR- 2023

Contact for any queries

S P Jagadale
CS, SNEA, Karnataka
+91 9449854799


CS SNEA Writes to GS SNEA for taking case with BSNL CO for not issuing transfer order to Executives during 3rd membership verification.

Click for the letter


CS SNEA Writes to GS SNEA regarding the issue of migration of Karnataka State Police Department BSNL CUG connections to Relience JIO and requested for kind the intervention with BSNL Management, Central Honarable Home Minister and Honarable MOC for stopping migration of BSNL CUG connections with all state and central Govt offices.

Click for the letter.


CS SNEA Writes to CGM akrnataka GS SNEACHQ regarding the issue of Intra and Inter Circle transfer, highlited the heartburning issues of Karnataka shortage of staff.

Click for the letter 1. CGM Karnataka 2. GS SNEA CHQ



CS Writes to GS SNEA CHQ for kind intervention in the issue of non considerations of OTP requests from Karnataka to Other Circles by BSNL CO.

Click for the letter


SNEA Karnataka Visit to ZTTC Mysore to have interaction with New LICE JTO Trainees on 24.01.2023.

SNEA Karnataka CS com S P Jagadale along with ACS Com K N Muralidhar, Com Girish Organizing Secretary and com Delhi Babu CWC members visited ZTTC Mysore and had good interaction with new LICE JTOs.

Com Vishnu Sharma District President Mysore, Ravishankar DS Mysore , Satish Treasurer Mysore and organisation secretary Com Girish, com Raghavendra G V have arranged meeting very nicely.

SNEA Karnataka congratulated all the trainees for succeful in becoming Executives. Distributed SNEA diries of the year 2023 to all the trainees.

Com K N Muralidhar ACS, elaborated about SNEA organization and it's previous struggle for the Executives welfare and SNEA achievements.

Com Delhi Babu elaborated how SNEA differs from other associations and it's concern towards Executives. He also appealed to al members to be with SNEA.

CS SNEA ktk Com S P Jagadale briefed about the requirements of JTOs in various SSA, and how to opt for place of postings. Encouraged to study well in their exam and to have good merit to get their choice of places.

CS replied al pl their queries raised by the trainees.

SNEA Mysore had arranged Branch meeting for SNEA members of Mysore, felicitated all the four AGMs who got promoted as AGMs recently. Circle Vice President Com Smt Leela Dayanand , District Secretary Madikeri Com Panchakshari also joined the felicitation program and graced the occasion.

CS Com S P Jagadale elaborated in detail to all the queries raised by members in respect of IPMS, Transfer, Promotion, 3rd PRC, M/s PTPL OFC maintenance Issues, new MSRR related issues, 4G saturation project etc. It was very brainstorming session at Mysore.

It was great interactive session.

Click for the glimpses https://photos.app.goo.gl/KeTJzstv6r82s4pp8


Parliamentary committee meeting held at Bangalore on 21.01.2023 at Hotel Taj Bangalore. BSNL had an opportunity to host and make all arrangements.

Parliamentary committee comprising of Member of Parliment, Rajya sabha members, respective Secretaries had come to Bangalore and had meeting with Prasar Bharati, ITI, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank and other Financial institutes etc.

SNEA Karnataka took this opportunity to meet all the parliamentary committee members, CS Com S P Jagadale who was the reception committee member for this parliamentary committee meeting delegates , other office bearers Com K N Muralidhara ACS, Com Sadanand Makkannavar Treasurer, Com Ramesha B DS BGTD, Com Delhi Babu Treasurer BGTD ,Com Kiran Organising Secretary BGTD, Com Mukund Jois CEC member and members Com Srinivas M K , Com Nagesha, Com K Nagaraja, Com Abhijeet met Chairman of the parliamentary committee Sri Pratap Rao Jadhav MP Buldano of Maharastra and other members of the parliamentary committee Dr Anil Agarawal Rajyasabha member UP, Sri Karthik Chidambaram MP Tamilnadu , Sri Karthikeya Sharma MP Haryana and Dr John Brittas MP Kerala and presented memorandum and apprised about BSNL situation, need of 3rd PRC, need of immediate 4Gservices etc.

All the dignitaries gave patient listening to humble appeal of SNEA Karnataka for 3 rd PRC and immediate 4G service to BSNL and all have explained how GOI is behind revival of strategic PSU especially BSNL and assured their best effort and support for getting 3rd PRC to the employees of the BSNL and Indigenous 4G service .

Click for the glimpse https://photos.app.goo.gl/ocVCTRxcCtPRfNmj9


The CEC meeting of Karnataka was held for two days on 07/01/2023 and 08/01/2023 at Harbour city Mangalore in Conference Hall of Hotel Srinivas.

These proceedings of first day of meeting were presided over by Shri. Guruprasad Deshpande CP SNEA Karnataka, it was specially attended and addressed by Shri. M.S. Adasul. GS SNEA CHQ, Shri. Rajesh Manchan VP SNEA CHQ, Shri. Tata Babu CHQ Treasurer and Shri.Vimal Raghunath AGS SNEA CHQ.

The CEC meeting started with doing Pooja to Pitamah of SNEA and great visionary late Shri. W.Sheshagiri Rao and flag hoisting by Circle President Shri. Guruprasad P Deshpande andShri. M S Adasul, General Secretary CHQ with slogans of BSNL Zindabad, SNEA Zindabad, Executive unity Zindabad.

First day session begun with welcome by Shri. Suresh Kumar C R,District Secretary SNEA Mangalore and invocation by Shri. K N Muralidhar ACS SNEA Karnataka.

The House two minute of silence to pay homage to the departed souls especially our Ex CGM Karnataka late Shri. Devesh Kumar, beloved father of Shri. M.S. Adasul and other members.

Thereafter proposed agenda was approved by house, with some more addition of points for discussion. The session continued with self-introduction of all members present in CEC meeting.

Shri. Somnath Jagdale, CS SNEA Karnataka presented the report on activities as Circle Secretaryfor the period 21.11.2021 to 06.01.2023 and it was approved with loud claps. Copy <<<>>>

Shri. Sadanand Makkannavar, Circle Treasurer SNEA Karnataka presented the financial report for the period 21/11/2021 to 31/12/2022. The house approved it after replying to all queries raised by the members.

Point by point as per the agenda discussion took place. Almost all members deliberated on the burning issues like online attendance, IPMS, Shortage of resources to achieve the IPMS targets, inefficient working of outsource model for CFA, OFC and CSC which are greatly affecting service as well as destroying our BSNL network. Discussions took place on new MSRR 2023 and its drawback and adverse impact on the career growth of executives.Circle Secretary gave reply to all points raised by the members related to Circle.

After lunch, the house started with address by CHQ Leaders. Shri. Vimal Raghunath AGS SNEA CHQ conveyed detailed reply to the queries raised by delegates in the CEC Meeting. He specifically heighted and guided house about facing new challenges of IPMS, Online attendance, Restructuring norms, issues created due to amendment of MSRRs, Pay loss issue, Standard pay scales, E1 plus five increments etc. He updated house about action being taken by SNEA in resolution of pending HR issues and further course of action proposed by SNEA. In conclusion, he conveyed thanks to team SNEA Karnataka for inviting him and giving him opportunity to have interaction with all comrades of SNEA Karnataka.

Shri. Tata Babu, Treasurer SNEA CHQ in his address shared details to the house about ongoing activities at CHQ and how association is working for safeguarding interest of all executives in BSNL. He updated house about different HR issues being pursued by SNEA at different level. He updated all DS about the need of strengthening SNEA and shared details of executives who can be members of SNEA Family. He appealed to all DSs and active members to meet every executive personally and add them in the SNEA family. He put forward the action plan for restoration of glory of SNEA with appeal to strengthen SNEA in each and every SSA.

Shri. M. S. Adasul GS SNEA CHQ elaborated in detail to all the queries raised by members in respect of Online attendance, IPMS, outsourcing vendor issues, karmayogi program etc. In his elaboration narrated that with good will developed by CMD BSNL with DoT and GOI, BSNL is getting very good financial as well as administrative support from GOI.He added that by now it is established that agitation and approach of court will not yield early result and continuous persuasion with BSNL management, DoT and GoI is the best available solution for meeting our pending demands. He also elaborated that how SNEA CHQ is working out to realise the 3 Rd PRC for our BSNL Executives. He appreciated the executives who are working very hard and without adequate resources and have kept BSNL in better position of odd situation in Telecom sector. He appreciated the unity of SNEA Karnataka under able leadership of Com S P Jagadale CS SNEA .Shri. Guruprasad P Deshpande Circle President concluded with presidential remarks.

On Second day i.e. 08/01/2023 an open session was held in a very grand manner.

The Open Session was presided over by Shri Guru Prasad Deshpande, CP SNEA Karnataka and attended and addressed by Chief Guest Shri. Ravi G R, CGMT Karnataka, Shri. M S Adasul GS SNEA CHQ were Chief guests,Shri. Rajesh Manchan, Shri. Tata Babu, Shri. Vimal Raghunath, and veteran leader Shri. S. B.Nagavi, Ex CP SNEA Karnataka

The Open session started with lightening of lamps by hands of all dignitaries and welcome speech by Shri. Devadig District President.

Shri. Somnath Jagdale, CS SNEA Karnataka addressed key note address in which he highlighted the burning issues and how our field executives are suffering without support of adequate resources, pathetic situation battery powerplant at several main exchanges, poor performance of outsourcing agencies for CFA, OFC and CSCs affecting worstly the BSNL service. Sought the support of CGM and GS intervention in procurement of Battery, powerplant, repair of DG sets, procurement of CPAN, OTN and BNG nodes immediately to meet the present and future data traffic. Explained the CN TX back haul issues which is greatly affecting our BSNL Karnataka services.Ultimately CS ended with a strong note that "The survival of BSNL is only in the hands of policy makers" and the "CHQ which has to fight against the wrong policies of the BSNL management

Shri. S. B. Nagavi, Ex CP SNEA Karnataka , greeted the occasion and elaborated about how BSNL management is going breach of its own agreement during employees' absorption to BSNL by New MSRR 2023 publishing and its implementation. He also explained this new MSRR 2023 will lead to favouritism and no fare, honest transparent evaluation of an executive for promotion by selection instead of seniority. In his speech he also elaborated how FTTH business of channel partners getting affected due to inconsistent media, frequent cable cut, no sufficient OTNs etc.He appealed to support with adequate resources and proper support of CN TX connectivity. If back haul and bandwidth issues are resolved then it is not difficult to achieve any target set by BSNL.The second guest of honour Shri. Rajesh Manchan greeted SNEA Karnataka on the occasion of open session for successful completion of CEC. He narrated what is the importance of human resource and its motivation in the organisation.

Shri. Vimal Raghunath AGS SNEA CHQ greeted the occasion, he also elaborated the motivation and adequate supply of minimum resources can do the wonders in the organisation.

The second guest of honour Com Rajesh Manchan greeted SNEA Karnataka on the occasion of open session for successful completion of CEC. He narrated what is the importance of human resource and need of it's motivation in the organisation.

Shri. Tata Babu, Treasurer SNEA CHQ also greeted and wished for success of open session and he narrated the strength of Association in building the organisation BSNL and taking it to new height.

Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ also greeted SNEA Karnataka for successful completion of CEC open session. He narrated how best the present CMD is in successful in bringing 1.6 lakh crs package, 4G USO project, BBNL merger to BSNL for which USO is funding, etc.Present management by implementing online attendance, IPMS, Program of Karmayogi etc ensuring the GOI that BSNL is serious about improvement of BSNL. He also detailed BSNL initiative for procurement of 18000 sets battery of various capacities before March 2023 all sets will be delivered at sites / Exchanged.Similarly procurement for CPAN nodes, OTN and BNG to cater additional data traffic, are also in full swing.GS appealed to have faith and confidence in BSNL Management and SNEA CHQ so that everything will be positive. He also assured that BSNL employees will definitely get 3Rd PRC, in that direction SNEA CHQ is making all its efforts to meet all top ministers and DOT Officers for 3Rd PRC.He gave great moral support to all BSNL employees.

Chief guest of the Open Session, Shri. Ravi G R, CGM Karnataka started addressing with greeting to all. He narrated the importance of bsnl4innthe society. Inspite of BSNL not having 4G services and not data speed as of other TSPs but still the public first choice is BSNL. This faith we all need to maintain and win the confidence of public by rendering best services to them He promised that he will always stand with all BSNL employees for the good cause and improvement of BSNL.He prayed for the glory of BSNL and for bright future of its members.He gave a very positive motivational speech for which all were very happy and motivated like anything.

Shri. Guruprasad Deshpande, CP SNEA Karnataka in his presidential remarks thanked all our CHQ leaders, both the Chief guests and all guest of honours for their effective positive thoughts sharing with all the members attended the open session.

Finally Shri. Dhananjay Kumar District Treasurer gave vote of thanks to all dignitaries for their valuable positive suggestions for the improvement of BSNL. Thanked all the invitees and all members who participated in CEC deliberations and open session very actively.

The open session concluded with felicitation to all dignitaries and invitees and with delicious food organised by Mangalore comrades.

Click for the Photos <<<>>> Click for the CS Report Key note address of CS


The District conference of SNEA Kolar held on today 03.01.2023 at Chikkaballapur BSNL M/w Station.

Comrades working various SDCAs have attended the conference very enthusiastically and delibarated most of the field issues and hardship faced by them which are affecting our BSNL services.

The entire event was very interactive and more BSNL concerned.

SNEA Karnataka is very happy about the discussion took place today which will be definately taken up with our circle management and our CHQ to resolve the issues at the earliest.
CS addressed the members and encouraged all.

Our CHQ Treasurer com Tata babu, DS BGTD com Ramesha and CWC member com Delhi Babu were also addressed and graced the occasion.
New SNEA Kolar body is formed with following new OBs.
1. Naveed Pasha as DP
2. Subramania as VDP
3. Narein Nandakumar as DS
4..Nagendra Babu as ADS
5.Vishwehara Rao Treasurer
6.Pradeep Area Secretary
7. Madasudhan Area Secretary

Executive committee members.
1. Jagadishwar Reddy
2. Mahendra Nayak.

SNEA Karnataka Congratulates all the newly Elected Office bearers.



CS SNEA Karnataka writes to CGMT Issues related to non performance of M/s Pratap Terlecrats Pvt Ltd, BSNL OFC outsourced Vendor and issues being faced by the field units. Click for the letter.


CS SNEA Ktk along with Com K N Muralidhra ACS, Com Sadanand Makkannavar Tresurer, and Com Tata Babu CHQ Treasurer met CGM Sri Gopalani and discussed about issuing of posting order for newly promoted AGMs. SNEA requested to post as is where as basis. Also requested for considering long pending OTP transfers of Executives and issue the transfer Order. Requested to call for options to the SSAs where is shortage of AGMs. CGM assured it will studied in detail about excess and shortage of Executives and accordingly decision will be taken in accordance with policy.


Pride moment

It is very proud to share that Shimoga SSA Sagara block Karnataka was selected one among the 4 places all over India for pilot fibre saturation project.

This project was taken as prestigious project by DOT and BSNL for providing FTTH connection in rural area only in four blocks all over india, which was started from 1.10.2022 to 30.11.2022 but was was finalized by for Sagar of Shimoga SSA of Karnataka 18.10.2022 .
Even late start by 18 days but Our Executives in Sagara Block took as challenge and put their best and sincere effort Shimoga has achieved number one place in India in achieving the Target set by DOT and BSNL and finally in realizing the dream.

SNEA Karnataka proud and Congratulates all the Employees involved in acheiving it. A special appreciation and congratulations to the following who directly handled, worked day and night motivated TIP vendors and ultimately realized the dream of DOT and BSNL by completing the assigned target well within the Time.
R Raju SDE Project Incharge DS SNEA Shimoga
Laksmi Narayana JTO Sagar
Vidya kini SDE NIB
Praveen Kumar JTO BBC
Sachin JTO

All have worked day and night to make this project successful and also it's very proud feel that all are our SNEA comrades.


CS along with ACS com K N Muralidhara, CHQ Treasurer Com Tata Babu and Com Shivanna DS CN Txn met GM and CGM CN Txn and took the issue of posting of two comrades in AGM Promotion out side their present working, CGM assured positively to review the postings . Also highlighted the issue of temproary advance and settlement of HKLs payment and rationlisation of man power etc.


CS Writes to CGM Karnataka Untowards Incident happened in Harapanahalli Exchange CSC compound Bellary, customer came to CSC with 9 year old child for Adhar Enrollment, child was playing at gate, due to the rusted hinges the gate broke and fell down suddenly on a child and took life of small child. CS SNEA Karnataka met CGM and escalted the issue and requested for kind instructions to civil wing for inspection and report on damaged building structure may be called for and must be extended financial support for regular repair and maintenance . Click for the letter


SNEA Karnataka congratulates all the SDES who have Got AGM promotions and best wishes for their future new assignment.

CS attended the felicitation function arranged by SNEA Belgaum to 11 Executives who got promotion of AGMs. CS felicitated and greeted all the newly promoted AGMs and addressed the gathering.

CS along with Circle President Com Guruprasad Deshpande attnded the felicitation function arranged by SNEA Hubli to the 6 newly promoted AGMs in Hubli. Both CS and CP felicited all the AGM promotees and addressed the gathering.


All the Comrades of SNEA throughout the Country are hugely aggrieved, pained and shocked to know about untimely passing away of beloved father of Com M.S. Adsul, GS/ SNEA, at his native in Maharashtra

Our deepest and sincere condolences to Com Adsul and his entire family for this tragic and unbearable loss. Praying to the almighty to give him and his family enormous strength to come out of this most difficult phase of life and meet this irreparable loss.


Congratulations to all SDE Electricals Sreenivasan C. R , K Sudheer and Sanjay Kamble for getting EE Promotions. Best wishes to all for your new assignment.

Click for the order.


Landmark & historical Judgement by the Hon SC on EPS 95: HonorableSupreme Court has delivered the judgement in the EPS batch cases on 04/11/2022. The Courts have allowed the Writ Petitions and dismissed appeal by the EPFO and Government of India. Copy of Judgement <<<>>

A Bench comprising Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, Chief Justice of India, Justice Aniruddha Bose, and Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia have allowed the appeal of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation and the Union government challenging the judgements of the High Courts of Kerala, Rajasthan, and Delhi, which had quashed the EPS Amendment of 2014.

After completion of hearing on 11/08/2022, the Honorable Court has reserved the judgement and pronounced it on 04/11/2022.

This landmark judgement is the achievement of continuous efforts on platform of NCOA (National Confederation of Officer Associations) and has given great relief to BSNL recruited Executives as well as Non executives.

SNEA was continuously pursuing EPF 95 issue as major constituent of NCOA, the applicant in this case decided by the Hon Supreme Court. SNEA funded for this case fought by NCOA and as a Prominent constituent of NCOA, judgement is directly applicable for SNEA members.

This case has 700 plus applicants from various Central and State PSUs and NCOA. Today, the efforts of SNEA on the platform of NCOA yielded results in favour of the BSNL recruited Executives.

With this achievement and justice through the Supreme Court now the higher pension option will be available to all BSNL Recruited Executives and Non-Executives and crores of the EPFO Members.

In Kerala High Court, the prayer by some individuals from BSNL was only to extend the order already passed by the high Court in an earlier judgement obtained in the cases filed ed by Milma, ITI, NHL, HMT employees and Hon. HC allowed it even though they are not a party in the Supreme Court.

The real fight was in the Supreme Court and this battle has been successfully taken care of by NCOA and many other Unions/Associations of Central & State PSUs.

Among all Associations/Unions in BSNL, SNEA is the only association which is a party in this case finally decided by Supreme Court vide Writ Petition (C) No 1134 of 2018 through NCOA. There are about 68 cases all tagged together concerning EPS 95 Higher Pension issue.

Com. K. Sebastin, Ex GS SNEA has taken up this important issue related to BSNL recruited Executives as major constituent of NCOA and continuously extended required financial support to NCOA led by Shri. V.K. Tomar, SG NCOA and Shri Ashok Rao, Ex-President NCOA. SNEA CHQ conveys sincere thanks and gratitude to all these stalwart leaders for their initiatives and persuasion till getting this result.

SNEA CHQ congratulates all the EPF Account Holders in general and SNEA members in particular for their victory in getting this long pending issue settled in their favour.

Highlights of the judgement: This judgement needs detailed analysis and team SNEA is on job. But we have consolidated the following important points of this historical judgement.

ยท The Court held that the Pensioners right to receive enhanced pension is constitutionally and legally protected and guaranteed.

ยท Before Amendment of 2014 they had the right to receive enhanced pension in exercise of option under paragraph 11 (3) and post Amendment they will continue to have the right to exercise joint option under paragraph 11(4) of the EPS Scheme

ยท The cut of date imposed in the 2014 Amendment and Circulars are illegal and bad in law. Hence any member of the Pension Scheme can exercise their option without reference of cut off date during his membership tenure.

ยท There is no difference between Exempted and unexempted establishments for the purpose of Pension and enhanced pension extension.

ยท All Members who continue in service after 2014 are given an extension of four months to exercise their joint option to enable the same to be processed by the EPFO.

ยท Locus of EPO to maintain the SLP will be decided later by the Court.

ยท The Court has granted Moratorium on quashing of the 2014 Amendment till the next 6 months to enable EPFO to do necessary computation and request refund of Provident fund amount from the pensioners who seek enhanced pension.

ยท Also, the court has given four months to employees who could not enroll in the scheme and are entitled to do so.

ยท Though this Historical judgement will give full pension benefit to all BSNL employees joined prior to the cut off date of 2014 but did not give relief to the employees retired before 2014. In BSNL there will be a rare case of pensioners who retired before 2014 and are members of EPFO.

ยท All Pensioners who retired before 2014 Amendment without exercising their joint option will not be eligible for enhanced pension as they exited the Pension Scheme without giving the option.

ยท All Pensioners who retired before 2014 the Amendment after exercising their option to receive a higher pension but the same being rejected or unprocessed will be entitled to receive higher pension.

ยท All pensioners who retired prior to 2014 without exercising joint option to consider moving appropriate Application/Writ Petition before the Honorable Supreme Court will get the benefits extended as has been given to others and SNEA is ascertaining its possibilities through NCOA.

These are some important points and this judgement needs detailed study from all angles and aspects and matter will be clear only when EPFO issues the guidelines based on this judgement.

SNEA will continue to pursue through NCOA to get the guidelines issued from EPFO at the earliest & its implementation in BSNL and to settle the unresolved issues if any.


Sad News: Shri. Devesh Kumar, the most efficient and active CGMT Karnataka took last breath on 04/11/2022 while he was undergoing treatment for heart and kidney related issues in Narayan Hrudayalaya Hospital Bangalore. He was 58 years and survived with wife, only son Abhinav working in Australia as IT Engineer, aged parents, a brother, and sisters.

Shri. Devesh Kumar, born at Bag Bahar, Post Kohanda District Azamgarh of UP State has taken over charge of CGMT Karnataka Circle in April 2020 and was serving as CGMT till his heavenly exit on 04/11/2022. He was fully devoted ITS officer serving BSNL with sincere efforts. Though he got promoted as DDG and posted to NCS DOT and joined in DoT but next day he returned to BSNL and continued to serve BSNL.

Shri. Devesh Kumar, was a very humble and kind-hearted person who was always behind BSNL progress and development and on his sudden exit, there is a big vacuum in BSNL Karnataka Circle. His contribution towards BSNL and specifically towards Karnataka Circle is highly appreciated.

SNEA Karnataka conveys deepest condolences to the family members of late Shri. Devesh Kumar, CGMT Karnataka Circle, prays Almighty to give strength to family members to come out of these sad moments and give heavenly space and space for departed soul.



BSNL CO done partial modification in facility of Immunity from transfer to recognised and support Union / Assosiations. Click for the letter


GS SNEA CHQ writes:

PGM Restg BSNL CO issued Time Schedule and FAQs in Online IPMS for executives to all Circle Heads. Copy <<<>>

As per this letter, the window for entering achievements for the Aug-Sep 2022 cycle is open from 30/09/2022 to 15/10/2022, but it is not practically opened as till it shows IPMS cannot be created, window is not Open. The IPMS data of about 17 Executives is yet to be updated due to different reasons.

SNEA CHQ has taken up matter with PGM SR BSNL CO for reopening of Window for submitting IPMS data of left out executives and she assured to look into it.

But it is seen that vide this letter, Negative Marking has been introduced for not updating targets in time.

One side BSNL management is not able to provide good Desktop and laptops to the Executives in Middle management and creating policy for purchase of laptops for the GM and above level officers who already have laptop supplied by BSNL.

On the other hand, such stringent conditions are put on Executives in Middle level management without giving minimum required infrastructure with deliberate attempt to create unrest among the executives.

Hundreds of GM and above level officers have not reported reviewed e-APRs for which well-established system is introduced before five years and date of e-APR is being extended at number of times every year, but for this new concept of online IPMS where the initiatives were required at Higher level, and then only action is expected at lower level, immediate penalties are being introduced as if he/she has done big crime.

One must understand the need to of time for newly introduced concept and adjust with non-availability of Infrastructure.

SNEA CHQ will take this matter with Management with request to stop all such punishment practices at least at the initial stage or give the minimum required infrastructure and support by Executives in Middle Management, we have no issue if one in punished after minimum required support is extended but same should be equally applicable for all.


Humanity ever remains with BSNL staff: SNEA Karnataka Could able to get donation from many humble people to Late Com Vikas to support his family of Rs 151757/- The Cheque is being sent to Com Somentah CS West Bengal to handover this Cheque to handover personally to Smt Kavita Kumari W/o Late Vikas JTO WB who earlier workedas JE in Shirahatti SDCA of Hubli SSA of Karnataka.

The list of donors is available in the excel sheet attached pl. *My Sincere thanks to all who have supported by donation, may God bless you all.

Special thanks to our Two Lady comrades Smt Navyashree and Smt Kokila SDEs Mobile Service CO Bangalore who took initiative of collecting donations and gave consolidated amount.

Click for the list of donars , Click for the cheque Issued. Click for the letter to CS WB to handover the cheque.


SNEA Karnataka wishing all the BSNL family members on the Occasion of BSNL Formation day 2022. Let strive hard to uplift the BSNL and increase our productivity for ultimate prosparity of our BSNL.


SNEA Karnataka Thankful to Com C Agatha Sophie SDE MS CO Bangalore for donating Rs 5000 to SNEA. She is getting relieved today from this CO and joining her home town Nagaercoil in Tamilanadu. SNEA Karnataka conveys best wishes to her for new assignment at new place.

SNEA Karnataka Thankful to Com Vijayakumari SDE BGTD for donating Rs 5000 to SNEA. SNEA Karnataka conveys best wishes to her for new assignment at new place.


CS Writes to CGM Karnataka / BBNW/ CN Txmn about FTTH Issues being faced by field units due to non cooperation of other units / non availibity of essential Infrastructure resources reg.Click for the letter.


SAD NEWS:ย With deep sorrow, it is to inform thatย Smt.ย Krishnaveni SDE STR Bidarย passed awayย at age of 40ย years.ย She suffered from low BP and was immediately shifted to hospital, but her life could not be saved as she had severe heart attack and passed away in the hospital.ย She is survived with husband and two small kids son age 10 years and daughter five years.

Unfortunatelyย she has also not opted for GTIย andย entire family was fully dependent on Smt. Krishnaveniย SDE. As such, the future of her kids and family is in deep dark.ย Smt. Krishnaveni, was 2008 batch JTO joined BSNL in 2010 and was recently promoted as SDE.

SNEA conveys deepest condolences to aggrieved family and prays to the Almighty to give courage and sufficient strength to aggrieved family members to tide over this period of crisis and for bearing this irreparable loss. May departed soul ofย Smt. Krishnaveniย Rest in Heaven with the Nobel Peace.

Shri.ย Ardhani Srivastav,ย DS SNEAย Bidarย andย Shri.ย Prabhakar, ACS SNEAย KTK Circle along with CS KTK took initiatives and ย collectedย financial help to her kids. In a single day an amount of Rs.ย 150660.00 isย collected which will be utilized for kids education like that SNEA Karnataka will make an arrangements.

SNEA appeals to all Executives/Non-Executives in BSNL in general and SNEA members in particular to come forward and stand with family members of Late Com.ย Smt. Krishnaveni, by extending financial support liberally. The amount may be deposited/ transferred to State Bank of India Account No. 32025272651ย Com Ardhani Shrivastavaย IFSC: SBIN0011265, Honnali, Karnataka State or Phone Pay or google pay on 9449025129ย ย 


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to CGMT Karnataka and GS SNEA CHQ for immediate stop empowering responsibility of Motivational training โ€œCustomer / Citizen Centricity program to Centum learning limited Institute which belongs to Bharati Airtel reg.

Click for the letter Centum Trg Issue


Status of SDE to AGM Promotions:ย The proposal by DPC-Pers section for approval of SDE to AGM promotion order was approved by CMD BSNL at late evening of Saturday 27/08/2022. Thereafter, with day night efforts by the officers in DPC and Pers section, BSNL CO for days together and specially on holidays on last Saturday and Sunday, the DPC for SDE to AGM Promotions is completed by the afternoon 29/08/2022.

The e-file was to be processed for final approval of Director HR BSNL board for issuing AGM promotions and promotion order would have been issued by late evening yesterday. But unfortunately one court case has been filed in CAT Jabalpur and even though case was not listed in the morning and BSNL advocate/ representative was not present in court, CAT Jabalpur has granted stay on SDE to AGM promotions and entire process has been kept on hold.ย ย ย Copyย <<<>> By taking serious note of happenings and understanding unrest among SDEs aspirant of AGM promotions, SNEA CHQ has taken immediate action and matter has been pursued at all level. The issues were discussed with GS of other associations for pursuing possibility of issuing promotions orders as the entire process of DPC was completed. But management has stopped process as the notice was served to BSNL under acknowledgement.GS SNEA has telephonic and personal discussions withย GS SEWA BSNLย by evening hours, but GS SEWA BSNL could not join us when we other GS decided to meet Director HR and CMD BSNL as by that time he left office. But GS SEWA BSNL also has firmly supported our stand to issue promotion order without delay.Accordingly, late evening at 1930 hrs,ย GS SNEA, GS AIGETOA, GS AIBSNLEAย metย Shri. Arvind Vadnerkar, Director, HR BSNL Boardย and requested for issuing orders as entire process of DPC has been completed and formal order should be issued even though stay has been granted. Director HR responded very positively but expressed his difficulties in issuing promotion orders as though process of DPC is completed but the file was not processed and if promotion order is issued after stay by court, then it will be contempt of court.We have elaborate discussion on other options it was firmly agreed by Director HR BSNL Board for checking possibilities of filing review petition in CAT Jabalpur or filing an appeal in High Court Jabalpur. Accordingly, Director HR BSNL Board immediately passed on instructions to GM Pers, CGM MP and GM BA Head Jabalpur. ย Apart from these legal options, the applicant will be appealed to withdraw the case as the process of MT recruitment and AGM promotions are two different processes and there is no direct relation between it. After elaborate discussions Director HR BSNL has firmly assured to take all efforts for getting stay vacated and clear hurdles if any in issuing promotion orders.The chances of vacation of stay are more as compared to getting relief by filing review petition and accordingly the judgment will be challenged in High Court Jabalpur for vacation of stay. From the pleadings of the case and overall proceedings it is clear that the aim of this court case is to stop the process of AGM promotions and get the orders issued for GD & Interviews of MT process, before the AGM promotions are issued.Thereafter we all three GS have requested for time fromย Shri. P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNLย who just returned from DOT meeting by 2000 hrs and was further busy in meeting of all directors of BSNL. But we all waited and CMD BSNL was kind enough to give us time to even though it was 2145 hrs in the late evening.On our concern to issue promotions orders today itself, CMD BSNL expressed displeasure and pointed out that some of your member is approaching court of law and has stopped promotions by getting stay and now it is responsibility of association leaders to deal with it who have played or may be playing with the process of promotions. CMD BSNL expressed that the inter rivalry among the different groups and strongly oppose to MT is reason for stopping AGM promotions also. CMD BSNL added that if association leaders have shown patience and allowed management to go ahead with the process of promotions for all, there will not have been any issue. But when matter has been taken up to court, now for issuing promotion order, it is required that stay is vacated.CMD BSNL elaborated that he has discussed details with Director HR and other senior officers and confirmed that the stay is granted without ground for staying AGM process and hence he has issued directions for proceeding for vacation of stay. CMD BSNL informed in clear words that what you are sowing, you will get same ripe in return and no need to blame anybody else for it. CMD BSNL appealed all to take serious note of happening and bring awareness among members for not approaching court on such already decided issues. CMD BSNL was confident that very shortly the stay will be vacated, but advised us that association leaders will have to think up to which level any issue is to be stretched and take corrective action in future.As such it is clear that BSNL management is firm on getting stay vacated and issuing AGM promotions and the stay will be vacated shortly and AGM promotions which are stalled at last moment will be issued shortly. All the four associations are also pursuing for issuing early promotion orders by vacation of stay.If required, SNEA will join in the case which is being filed by BSNL for vacating stay as thousands of its members are affected and actively join hands in vacating stay.When others are opposing Internal MT Recruitment by tooth and nail, SNEA has openly supported and stood behind successful candidates of Internal MTs by understanding need of BSNL and mainly for opening doors of fast-track promotions to BSNLโ€™s own talent. But it does not mean that some of the MT candidates are given free hand to play politics and play with sentiments of other thousands of aspirants of AGM promotions and stop the promotions of SDEs who are waiting for their turn since 2018. ย We are also aware that some similar cases are being planned by some group of executives and BSNL management is taking care of all such cases by taking required action so that AGM promotions are not further held up in litigation.SNEA condemns such selfish and hopeless attitude of creating hurdles in the way of promotion of other executives by managing stay at last moment of AGM DPC process and spoiling long awaited happiness of the other executives. We cannot tolerate all such nonsense attitude of fighting among each other and creating hurdles in our own promotions. SNEA promote brotherhood among executives of BSNL our aim is to move ahead with support of each other and will move ahead with it. ย ย SNEA also appeal the applicants in case to come out of this politics of stopping SDE to AGM Promotions and withdraw the case and not to approach any other court for stopping any other promotion process for expediating their promotions otherwise SNEA will have to think over its stand to support MTs. If appeal of SNEA is responded positively, SNEA will continue with our stand to support Internal MT recruitment, otherwise we will have to think over it and we cannot allow anyone to play with sentiments of others. ย SNEA CHQ is well aware about deep feelings of the SDEs who are aspirants of AGM promotions and patiently waiting for their turn of AGM promotion since 2018. We are also aware that some similar cases are being planned by some group of executives and BSNL management is taking care of all such cases by taking required action so that AGM promotions are not further held up in litigation.

SNEA appeals all of them to keep patience for some more time by understanding that till now all the hurdles are overcome with keen persuasion at all levels and we are confident with firm stand and action by BSNL management this last hurdle will also be overcome in similar manner and SDE to AGM promotions for all wings and all cadres will be issued very shortly.ย 



we express deepest condolences in the loss of our beloved leader, colleague Com.Deepak Kumar P. SDE Kerala Kannur SSA left for his heavenly abode on 02.08.2022, at Kannur Kerala.

Comrade Deepak Kumar red salute to you.
We have not forgotten the contribution you have done to the young JTOs posted in a hilly station like Coorg and through the channel of SNEA, you were able to help every youngster in their comfortable working, including their transfers and incidentally strengthened SNEA both at Karnataka and Kerala. The ground work you did in achieving our goals, I have very closely seen. We never thought of your departure so soon and still not able to believe. Your humane approach, good works and helps to us always remain in our hearts. May God give all the strength to your wife and family to bear with the shock and pray God for RIP. With deep sorrow.


Warm Welcome to newly joined members in SNEA Family:ย It is nice to see that with the devoted efforts of Activists, Districts Secretaries/Circle Office Bearers, and DOBs, hundreds of executives all over Karnataka circle of new members are joining SNEA family all over India.

SNEA Karnataka wholeheartedly welcomes the Executives who have shown faith in SNEA by filling membership form of SNEA.ย Warm Welcome to all.ย Your joining in masses to the SNEA family has boosted our morale and doubled our energy as leaders of this Prestigious association known for its fighting spirit and resolution of issues by successful negotiation with management and Government. ย 

We firmly assure each and every member of SNEA, that SNEA will continue its sincere and devoted efforts on resolution of the pending HR issues and issues related to growth and development of BSNL.


AUAB Karnataka met Honble PM Chikkaballapur Sri Bachchegowda and gave the memorandum. He was very kind enough to listen to our Issues since the day of Inception and assured that he will defiantely raise the issue during Parliment session being commenced from 18.07.2022.


AUAB Karnataka met Honble EX PM and Present Rajya Sabaha member Sri H D Devegowda, Newly Elected Honble Rajya Sabha Member Sri Jaggesh, Honble MP Banglore North Sadanand Gowda, Honble MP Bangalore Central Sri P C Mohan, Honble MP Bangalore South Sri Tejasvi Surya and presented the memorandum to all the dignitaries. All the dignitaries were very humble and gave patience litsening to our BSNL issues on Implementation of 3rd pay revision for all BSNL Employees from 01.01.2017 and all assured us that they will definately take up this genune issue of BSNL Employees with concerned minitrof communication and will try their best for early resolution. AUAB extnded gratitude to all of them.


SNEA Karnataka Greeted Sri Devesh Kumar CGM Karnataka on his promotion to HAG level. Conveyed best wishes and wished for his continuaton as CGM Karnataka. Along with CS , Com Tata Babu , K N Muralidhar, Sadanad Makkannavar , Ananadkrishna, Prashant and Alpesh Desai joined on the occasion of greeting.


AMC contract for Bharat Net Phase I is awarded to M/s Telecrats India Private Limited who will start the work soon. This will give relief to our Executives on maintenance of NOFN GPs.


CS SNEA Karnataka wrote to CGM about Reduction of HKLs and Vehicle severely affect on the field units reg. Click for the letter


Meeting with GM CN TX South Bangalore was held on 10.06.2022 by SNEA CN TX new Office bearers Com Smt Archana Galiyavar President, Com Shivanna Nayak DS, Com Arun Divae Treasurer, Deepak ADS and the following points were discussed.
1.Regular sanctioning and disbursement of temporary advance without curtailing by IFA and also section wise disbursement of temporary advance was demanded by SNEA CN TX.
GM CN TX South assured to regularize the temporary advance sanction and disbursement, if any curtail is to be done it will be done by DGMM only.
2. Delay in HKS payment causing unrest among field staff and facing the embracing situation every day by the field staff was explained in detail by SNEA team.
GM CN TX told that due to previous pendency of 'MMS' bills, maximum fund was diverted to 'MMS' and now all the MMS bills are cleared. In future fund will be allotted to BSF and HKS payment will be regularised.
3. Shortage of field staff JE/JTO/SDE in almost all the divisions was raised and demanded to post JE/JTO/SDE to the divisions having acute shortage of field staff.
GM CN TX taken data of JEs appearing for LICE from the Circle secretary and planned to write letter to circle office(ktk) to get more staff during next promotion from JE to JTO to fill the vacancies.
4. Pay fixation case of 6 executives who got time bound promotion from E4 to E5 last year was discussed.
GM CN TX assured that it will be settled very shortly.


CS SNEA Karnataka wrote to CGM about non payment of Temproary advances to the Executives in the field and discussed in personal the hardship being faced by the executives in the field. Click for the letter


District conference of STR Karnataka held today in NTB Bangalore.

The conference was attended by CS SNEA Ktk along with All India CHQ treasurer Com Tatababu, our ACSs Com K N Muralidhar and Com Kencharedder.

The conference presided by Com Kencharedder, Com Mukund Jois presented invocation song and DS report.

The members from Karnataka STR attended and delibarated on various issues of BSNL and Executives HR issues.

New body is formed with following office bearers.Almost OBs are young and BSNL recruited.

Com Smt Archana Galiyavar President

Com Gangadhar Naik Vice President

Com Shivanna Naik District secretary

Com Deepak ADS
Com Arun Kumar Divate Treasurer
Com Nagesh organizing secretary
Com Taher Khan CEC member.
Executive committee members.
1.Com Hazare. Davangere
2. Ganesh Airsang Hubli
3. M Srinivas Mysore
4. Shivangowda Raichur.

The conference was with excellent arrangements.

SNEA Karnataka best wishes to all newly elected OBs


CS SNEA Karnataka met PGM finance and requested for considering Inter and intra circle Rule 8 JAO transfer with the incoming reaptriated JAOs, PGM Finance assured after all 28 JAOs joins to Karnataka Circle. We keep on pursuing at both end pl.


SNEA Karnataka extends thanks to CGM Karntaka, GM HR & Admin CO for considering all Intra circle request and issuing transfer order for the Executives. SNEA Karnataka assures best services from these executives. Click for orders 1 , 2 & 3


The Delegates of SNEA Karnataka attended 31st AIC of SNEA held at Auditorium of Andhra University Visakapattanam from 11th to 13th April 2022. All the Karnataka delegates actively participated in the deliberations and gave valuable inputs to CHQ. After a long gap of 20 years SNEA Karnataka could able to get one key post i.e All India Treasurer to Karnataka. Com Tata Babu Karnam SDE Bangalore got unanimously elected as All India Treasurer.


SNEA Karnataka held on line CEC meeting on 27.03.2022 in view of AIC being held on 11th to 13th April 2022 in Vishapattanam. Issue on BBNL merger with BSNL, CFA cluster, FTTH speed Issues, exhorbitant chrging by FTTH vendors to FTTH Customers, penalty for not attending FTTH faults by vendors, offering MDO to PDO, Higher capacity Battery requirement, Additional Txmn nodes supply, staff shortage of Executives inKtk, Vehicle and HKL payment pendency,Temproary advances pendency, JE recruitment , E2 E3 and SAB etc were discussed in length by all the DSs and CEC members. CS summed up with whatever the steps taken by SNEA Karnataka with Karnataka managament to addres the above issues pertaing to Karnataka Circle. President Com Guruprasad Deshpande presided over the CEC.


BSNL Board meeting on 28.03.2022:

RR amendments with stagnation criteria and lower Pay Scales is an agenda in the meeting:

Hon CAT/HYD stayed further actions on the draft Rect Rules.

Sensing the danger of demotion of the entry level cadres of JTO/JAO and SDE/AO to lower pay scales and the ill motives of the management to derail Time Bound Promotions in the name of Restructuring, SNEA, Telangana Circle and other SNEA activists challenged in the CAT, Hyderabad the Restructuring order dated 23.11.2021 and the proposed amendments in SDE equivalent RRs with lower pay scales of E2 and stagnation criteria of 12 years, JAO RRs with lower pay scale of E1. We prayed for the scrapping of the Restg order proposing amendments in RRs with 12 year condition (instead of 4-6 years as per the terms and conditions) and the proposed amendments in the RRs with lower pay scales of E1 and E2 w.e.f. 01.01.2007.

Hon court disposed the petition on 11.03.2022 with the order: โ€œ ---.ย It is needless to say that if they have not finalized the draft Rect Rules, no further action should be contemplated. ---. In 2018 their demand has been accepted but ----โ€œ

The lawyer served the notice and the court order to BSNL Management and DoT, yesterday.

Comrades, as SNEA repeatedly assured to the Executives in BSNL, SNEA will take all the measures to protect the interest of the Executives without any dilution on our demands for E2 and E3 scales and Time Bound Promotions which are sacrosanct and cannot be altered as it is part of the terms and conditions for absorption. Terms and conditions finalized after prolonged agitation by SNEA through the negotiated settlement dated 01.11.2002 and through the court orders we obtained from PCAT, New Delhi on 06.08.2002.

Through the amendment in RRs, management is trying to reject both our demands of E2 & E3 scales and Time Bound Promotions.

How other Assns can be salient on such important developments which is going to decide the fate of entire BSNL Executives?

Whether management taken them into confidence before bringing such amendments in the RRs with lower pay scales of E1 and E2 and stagnation period of 12 years?

Hon Hyderabad CAT orderโ€ƒย Agreement with SNEA for pay scales and TB Promotions (page1)ย Agreement with SNEA for pay scales and TB Prootions (page2)


CS along with ACS Com Prashant K Y met CGM Karnataka and highlited the de motivating stand taken by BSNL CO to transfer the SDEs/ AGMs tose completed 26 years of service in Karnataka. As already Karnataka is declared as Deficit circle in restructuring by BSNL CO. Now transferring from the deficit circle will lead to double displacement and unnecessary expenditure on BSNL. Requested CGM for writing to BSNL COP about shortage staff position in Karnataka and to prevent the proposed transfer to Karnataka Executives. CGM agreed for all the points we discussed and spoke immediately to PGM Personal BSNL CO and expressed transferring of Karnataka Executives will be discouraging and affect Karnataka greately.


SNEA Karnataka protest on the proposal of BSNL CO NEW Delhi on transfer of Executives from Karntaka which is already declared as Deficit circle. Double displacement and unnecessary expenditure to BSNL on double transfer may be avoided.

SNEA Karnataka writes to GS SNEA CHQ for immediate intervention to stop transfer from deficit circle . Click for the letter.


CS along with Com Umesha K DS SNEA Tumakur met CGM and requested to convert salary deduction for the agitation period as EL and avoid salary deduction so that Executives will be motivated to continue to shoulder the responsibility. CGM was humble and assured to look for best possible way to do the needful. Click for the letter.

Com.WS.Rao is not only a legendary figure in the comity of Trade Unions in erstwhile DOT and BSNL, but tallest of all times in all respects. He was very very humble, down to earth but yet was undaunting in real terms, uncompromising and toughest one. His Trade Union Integrity is unmatched and almost impossible for anyone to emulate. Was made of an entirely different stuff. He was truly democratic in that he never ever diluted the mandate of his Comrades and strove like anything to live up to their mandate and confidence. That is how he could built an unshakeable, monumental and deeply entrenched Trade Union Institution, the greatest of great SNEA, which epitomizes real aspirations ofย  future generations of SNEA and also SNPWA. Posterity in SNEA will have to strive incredibly hard, to their last breath, in the prevailing circumstances,ย  to preserve and foster the values that this highest Trade Union Institution in BSNL stands for. The challenges for the coming generations in SNEA on this account are very very formidable and arduous.
- G.L.Jogi.



Pay Loss issue of Rs 22820 for 2007 & 2008 Rect JTOs and 2010 Rect DR JAOs:

SNEA activists Com Pavitra Singh, CS, SNEA(UP East), Com M Delhi Babu (Karnataka) and Others filed petition in the Hon Principal CAT, New Delhi on the issue. All the applicants are 2007/2008 Rect JTOs or 2010 JAO. SNEA will be pursuing the case by engaging Senior Lawyer of the Delhi High Court.

There is no decision taken by SNEA to collect any fund from the individuals for the case.ย So, no JTO/JAO of the above batch is to give any contribution /collection to any Association.ย The benefit of the final outcome of the case will be equally applicable for all the similarly placed JTO/JAOs. ย 


The district conference of Hassan held on Friday 7.1.2022 in a grand manner in Jewel Rock Hotel.

The open session was presided by District president Com Sanjay Kumar. The open session was graced by CS SNEA ktk, Circle Treasurer com S V Makkannavar, Sri Nagesh DGM Hassan, Sri Nagaraj AGM Hassan, Smt Santoshkumari AGM Hassan, Com Sampath Kumar DS NFTE, Com Govind Gowda DS BSNLE Com Sourabh Kumar DS AIGETOA Hassan and all 100% of SNEA members were present in the conference.

All the guests and honourable guest spoke on the topic " The revival of BSNL and upcoming challenges with BSNL"

Com Rudresh presented DS Report and Com Maruthi Rathod presented the district financial report both are approved by entire house without any doubt.

Delegate session started after open session, all members expressed the issues with cluster management, bandwidth issue, Stores for EB, vehicle issues etc.

CS SNEA ktk noted all the issues raised by the Members and assured to take up at Circle Office and to support for any cause.

Election for the new office bearer took place and following new DOBs were elected unanimously.

Sanjay Kumar DP
Santhosh Kumari VDP
Rudresh K DS
Maruthi Rathod ADS
Uday Kumar ADS
Tirumalesh Dist Tresusrer
Gurumurthy Org Secretary
Exe committee members
Shyam S K Auditor

It was a very nicely arranged and grand conference.




The XXXI All India Conference of Sanchar Nigam Executivesโ€™ Association will be held at:



For two days 12th and 13th February, 2022 with pre CWC on 11th February 2022.

Notice for XXXI All India Conferenceโ€ƒ



Work According to Rule (Non Co-operation) and Quitting all official Whatโ€™s App Group from 03.01.2022 onwards

Dear Comrades and Friends,

All our major HR issues like Time Bound Promotions for JTO to SDE, JAO to AO and SDE to AGM , AO to CAO, E2 & E3 pay scales, Regular DGM promotions, Regular Promotion instead of LA, Scrapping of DR DGM and MT RRs etc not settled so far. Many years passed.

Even the SDE promotions made recent months, their promotion is due from 01.07.2018 itself. E2 & E3 Pay scales from 01.01.2007.

In order to protest against this, all Executives are requested to leave the Official What App Group and start Work According to Rule from 03.01.2022 onwards.

Join this movement to ensure your career progression.

Mass C/L will be on 07.01.2022


My Dear Comrades,

SNEA wish you all, all your family members and relatives, a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2022.

We will fully focus and dedicate ourselves towards our uninterrupted career Growth in terms of Promotions, Pay scales, Pay Revision and Pension.ย 

More importantly, for the faster Revival of BSNL.


The 7th Circle Conference of SNEA Karnataka held on 18th, 19th and 20th of November 2021 at Hubli in very grand Manner under the leadership of Com S A Bellubbi and entire team of SNEA Hubli. Everyone appreciated the hospitality and gesture offered by Hubli comrades.

Report of the 7th circle conference of SNEA Karnataka held at Hubli

As per notice issued, circle conference was held on 18.11.2021, 19.11.2021 and 20.11.2021 at Hubli. Following is the detailed report of the conference.

  1. Pre-CEC meeting on 18.11.2021.

Meeting commenced at 18:00 hours with welcome speech and presentation of bouquets to all dignitaries by comrade of Hubli division Com Gunashekhar followed by invocation rendered by Com.Mukunda Jois.

Circle president Com. S B Nagavi delivered opening remarks with a note that presentation of CS report and audited financial reports are part of agenda of the Pre-CEC.

Circle secretary Com. S P Jagadale presented report to the august house. House approved the report with following additions as proposed by Circle org. secretary Com. Muralidhara K N.

  1. SNEA KTK approached court of law without any other options in opposition to favorable pick and choose postings of few Executives to BBNW.
  2. Farewell to Sri. C A Reddy the then GM CM was arranged by SNEA KTK on 21.05.2021 on his transfer to AP Circle.Circle treasurer Com Sadananda V Makkannavar presented audited financial reports of the Completed period of circle and SNEA Bhavan. House approved the report.
    Meeting ended with vote of thanks delivered by Com Raviraj Badiger.
  1. Delegate session on 19.11.2021

Before commencement of the delegate session CP Com. S B Nagavi and GS SNEA CHQย Com K Sebastin hoisted the flag of SNEA and slogan BSNL Zindabad, SNEA Zindabad,, Executive Unity Zindabad, Hubli Conference Zindabad taen by all deegates. Soon after meeting started with invitation of dignitaries to Dias by Com. S A Bellubbi, DS Hubli division. Invocation was rendered by the Invocation was rendered by lady comrades of Hubli Division Com. Bharati Gogi ,Swapna bhujang and Chetana shet, Followed by welcome address presented by the district president of Hubli division ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Com Chandrashekar Abbigeri.
House observed two minutes silence to remember sacrifices made by departed comrades of the association during the period gone by.

Circle president in his opening remarks informed the house for approval of the agenda for delegate session. In response to the same house approved the agenda.

Circle secretary Com. S P Jagadale presented report to the august house and sought for its approval. House approvedย ย  the report.

Circle treasurer Sri. Sadanand V Makkannavar presented audited financial reports of theย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Completed period of circle and SNEA Bhavan. House approved the report after discussion of few issues namely item 11 and 14 in the report.
District secretariesโ€™ report: -

  1. STR Division secretary com. Mukunda Jois in his report elaborated the problems of STR namely maintenance of routes without proper support of manpower, issues of HKS, nonpayment of wages, delay in disbursement of temporary advance and many more issues.
  2. Com. Rudresh, DS Hassan also elaborated the problems in his report with reference to HKS wages and in addition narrated the shortage of staff in post VRS period, issues with outsourcing of external plant. Also pointed out ineffective functioning of the call center for FTTH, difficulties of sharing of vehicles, non- payment of vendor bills and vehicle bills.
  3. Com. Narain Nanda kumar, DS Kolar covered in his report the shortage of staff, administrative and accounts issues cropped up after merger with BGTD, TBP, no allotment of temporary advance. Also mentioned their active participation of agitation programs. More and more connections are being disconnected because of the issues with outsourcing he added. Pleaded circle body to take up the recruitment of JEs and pressurize CHQ for redressal of left out issues of II PRC.
  4. Com. Girish Mulabharathi, DS Gulbarga highlighted the pending payment of temporary advances, vendor bills, HKS payment, reduction of number of vehicles, fixation of rent, speed issues of FTTH. Also mentioned the loss of pay case of Com. Siddaram.
  5. Com. Ramesh, DS Bellary presented in his report the alarming situation arose in membership verification and the efforts to overcome the same, affected traffic because of media issues, speed issues of FTTH, non-availability of spare cards and cards in BNG, posting of JTO to Bellary STR and finally appreciated the efforts made by STR comrades in upkeep of media.
  6. Com. Shivaprasad, DS Karwar presented the report in which he mentioned the in effective functioning of โ€˜Wingsโ€™ service, terrain problems, monetization of assets, requirement of solar panel and controllers for further connectivity with BTS and shortage of B-2 NODE.
  7. Com. Sudheer Bellubbi, DS Hubli covered in his report that restriction in % of allocation of fiber needs to be removed, allotment of funds should come directly from GM office instead of DGMs, Disclosure of break down in MPLS is needed, attitude of GM Hubli and connected issues.
  8. Com. Panchakshari, DS Madikeri highlighted back haul connectivity issues, 3G speed issues, procurement of battery/power plants etc, frequent interruption of 3G services, renting outย  of commercial buildings.
  9. Com. Guruprasad Deshpande, DS Mangalore informed the house that rate of modem charged by franchisees is not uniform, TA/DA for attending complaints, minimum staff be maintained at administration offices, maintenance of copper lines

Session ended with felicitation to Com. Ashok Nayak, VSSP Awardee.

Address by General Secretary SNEA: -
At the very outset thanked all comrades of SNEA KTK for emerging as NO.1 in Membership verification of executives.
AIC shall be held in the month of January/February and venue will be decided in a day or two.
Due to VRS, participation for association activities is seen reduced.
Mentioned that Circle conference is historical one due to the fact that on the same day farm laws are kept under abeyance.
Revival package implemented in BSNL is a big relief for BSNL remaining employees.
Association prioritized the focus on improvement of services and condition of BSNL rather than concentration towards HR issues. Out of 70000 crores allotted by GOI as relief package, 15000 crores spent towards ex gratia payment, 10000 crores towards bonds.
GOI has taken a decision to allot spectrum at free of cost.
Out of many HR issues, 3 major issues are implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy, Standard pay scales to executives and Implementation of III PRC in BSNL.
As on date there is no proposal of even 0%fitment in III PRC implementation
BSNL is not allowed to avail any bank loan and even collateral security is denied by the Govt.
Explained the struggle behind PRC issues, briefed various developments during that period.
Because of recent struggle wage negotiation is resumed back and CMD agreed to arrange a meeting with Secretary, DOT.
SNEA is committed to pursue for attainment of standard pay scales to executives of BSNL.
16 individuals are benefited with GTI scheme of BSNL for Rs 50 Lakhs to each.
Explained in detail the various court cases made for promotions and opined that CPSUCH is the only solution and needs its implantation.
Regarding GHI, duty of employer is to protect the interest of employees. BSNL is facing cash crunch, Restoration of medical allowance as given earlier is not going to happen in near future.
Members asked various questions and GS answered with patience and to the satisfaction of members.

Open session on 20.11.2021
In a well-organized function Sri. Devesh kumar and Mrs CGMT KTK Smt Anju Deveshumar , GS SNEA Comย  Sebastin, GM Hubli BA Shri Dhnanjay Tripathi, Circle presiden Com S B Nagavi, Circle secretary Com S P Jagadale, CS AIGETOA KTK Com Sourabh Agarwal, ACS NFTE Com Belur,ย  AIBSNLEA Com Purushottam Katti DSย  AIBDPA Hubliย  Com G G Patil , DGM(HR&Admin) Smt Vijaya Hiremath, CS SNWPA Com M H Gombi, CHQ Advisor Com M Delhi Babu, AGS SNEA Com Pandurang Nayak and other dignitaries were chaired on the Dias.
Invocation was rendered by lady comrades of Hubli Division Com. Bharati Gogi , Swapna bhujang and Chetana shet.
Lamping of light by all the chief guests.
Welcome address was delivered by the district secretary Com. Sudhir Bellubbi.

  1. Key note address was delivered by the Circle secretary SNEA Com S P Jagadale
  2. Speech by CS AIGETIOA: Stressed upon the importance of promotions in BSNL, given analysis of BA structure and restructuring in BSNL, Shortage of executives in Karnataka in comparison with adjacent circles, penalty clause in clustering, BTS Outsourcing, issues with franchise ship of FTTH, challenges in Transmission maintenance and rewarding of executives.
  3. Sri. Belur, AGS NFTE wished the conference a success and requested the house to pass valuable resolutions.
  4. Sri. Gombi, CS SNWPA also thanked Com CS and organizers for Kind invitation to the conference and appealed for struggle for implementation of pay revision.
  5. ย AGS SNEA Com Pandurang Nayak mentioned nice to hear only twice about transfers and most of the other times about service improvement, congratulated all the comrades of Karnataka for their contribution in achieving operating profits, way head is very challenging as many ISPs are investing, issues in outsourcing, issues of STR and disparity of executive strength.
  6. CHQ Advisor Com M Delhi Babu addressed the gathering and appealed for the unity which wil only help us resolve our pending issues resolved at the earliest. Expressed for the early resolution E2 ,E3 and 2nd PRC pending issues before going to 3rd PRC implementation
  7. GMTD Hubli thanked all for invitation to conference.
  8. DGM(HR&Admin) Smt Vijaya Hiremath conveyed Best wishes on behalf of GM(HR & Admin).
  9. Speech by GS SNEA: Thanked all for invitation and congratulated comrades of Hubli for arrangement of successful conference, mentioned Karnataka is very fortunate to have dynamic CGM of present and applauded comrades of Karnataka for take up of organizational issues on top priority, failure in implementation of level playing field in telecom, Launch of BSNL mobile services was possible only through court, ADC abolished, many services denied to BSNL, all these forced BSNL to incur heavy losses, No DOT officer is in favor of BSNL, NITI ayog is also against, STR&STP merger will pave the way for staff redistribution, without launch of 4G BSNL revival will be in question, aggressive monetization of assets is required to come out of financial crunch, challenges in clustering concept of outsourcing, finalization of tender for procurement of OTN, No promotions because of various court cases and without any uniform policy and finally concluded that 21 years of HR practice in BSNL is a big failure.

Speech by CGMT KTK:

Thanked SNEA for invitation and share the feelings. Elaborated the way how the company is survived and expressed happiness for support from staff and could achieve milestones. Informed that as per customer need FTTH is replaced with landline and broadband. In post VRS scenario staff reduction happened and that is the reason to go for franchise ship. Appealed employees to feel themselves as owners and ownership to be taken and suggested not to divert calls. Citizens of the country and also Karnataka have faith on BSNL and employees should reciprocate. It is known that issues are pending with outsourcing and are being sorted out, as a leader concerned should take care without leaving it to vendors completely. No single paise should be paid for no work and hence final authority rests on executives. Based on field suggestions many changes are being incorporated. Not the quarte alone whole year we should be able to generate profits. In mobile segment 2G&3G will continue and revenue should go up and market share of minimum 10 percent should be ensured and accordingly marketing activities should be promoted. In EB segment each customer should be taken care and casual calls should be made to known their problems. Reiterated that contact with customer can bring miracles. Staff side Karnataka circle is in very difficult condition with only outgoing transfers but no incoming made acute shortage. If Karnataka can be converted as soft tenure, then people will come. Finally appealed all the members to work hard so that can be comfortable.

  1. Speech By Mrs.CGM KTK Smt Anju Deveshumar: It was an inspirational speech and thanked the house for kind invitation and expressed that she is the firm believer of unity which can bring results.
  2. Concluding remarks by CP Com S B Nagavi: Appraised CS about achievement and with limited resources could perform better. His 41 years of service brought full satisfaction and could succeed in developing second line leadership. While endorsing the statements of Mrs. CGMT statements appreciated CGMT KTK for his down to earth attitude.
  3. Poem read by Kum. Sinchan Jagadale was applauded by all.
  4. Felicitation to all chief guests followed by vote of thanks by Com Raviraj Badiger

Continued delegate session:

  1. Com. Gopalakrishna, DS CKM TD proposed the house to pass resolution of thanking comrades of Hubli for hosting a successful conference with nice arrangement. Accordingly, Resolution was passed with expression of highest gratitude to Hubli SNEA comrades for the nice arrangements and made conference a memorial one.
  2. Com Narein Nanda Kumar expressed to make diaries with some more informatics and attractive CS replied that as the diaries are giving on free of cost to the members and it is made on cost effective basis with still more addition of information will cost more and how ever the point will be taken for future improvement.
  3. Com. Rudresh, DS HSN TD requested for supply of diaries and calendars before calendarย  year starts, CS assured the same.
  4. CP Com S B Nagavi was felicitated by ACE division.

While addressing the house with thanks giving to each district and circle office bearers announced that the present body gets dissolved and election can be conducted for selection of new Circle office bearers for further next term.

Elections for the post of office bearers for the period 2021-2024
Under chairmanship of Sri. Makkalgeri and vice chairmanship Sri. Mukund Jois elections were held and following are the office bearers elected for the period 2021-2024.

  1. Circle President: Com Guruprasad P Dย SDE Elecย DKTD
  2. Circle vice president: Com Leela Dayanand SDE ย Madikeri
  3. Circle Secretary: Com S P Jagadale ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย AGM MS CO BG
  4. Circle Treasurer: Com. S V Makkannavar ย AGM CO BG
  5. Assistant Circle secretaries:
    1. Com. Prabhakar Sherikarย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย SDE MS Bidar
    2. Com.Muralidhara K N ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย AGM MS CO BG
    3. Com.ย  Prashant K Y ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย JAO CO BG
    4. Com.Chandrappa Kencharedderย ย ย ย ย  STR Shimogga

6. Area secretaries:
i). Com. Kumaraswamy K Rย  ย SDE Electrical ACE Division BG
i). Com. M C Sureshย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  DGM (L/A) Tumkur
7. CWC Members:
i) Com. Girish Moola Bharathiย  AGM (L/A) Gulbarga
ii) Com. Delhi Babu ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย SDE BGTD
iii) Com. Umesh B K ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย SDE Tumkur
iv) Com. Narain Nandakumar ย ย SDE Kolar

All the above office bearers have taken oath in presence of the delegates and GS SNEA. Circle president adjourned the house โ€œsinedieโ€

Click here for the glimpses of open session Part I Part II Part III


The final list of paid members for enrolling group health Insurance of The New India Insurance Kerala Policy,

Clickโžก Excel sheet Pl check the data you have entered for GHI, pl update us if any corrections to be done in the list, message with your reference of Sl no in sheet , Name and HRMS mobile number mentioning the corrections needed pl to Bellubbi 9448010044 or Shrikant 9448010012 or Delhi Babu 9449935536 on or before 17:00 Hrs of 29.10.2021 so that corrections if any can be incorporated before issuing policy document..

The 7th Circle conference of SNEA Karnataka will be held on 19th and 20th November 2021 with the Pre CEC on 18th November 2021.

Chandravadan Desai Sabhagriha,
II Floor, Karnataka Chamber of Commerce& Industry,
Lamington Road, OPP Nehru Stadium JC Nagar,

All the District Secretaries / Circle Office Bearers / CEC/ CWC members and delegates are requested to attend and make the conference grand success.

Click here for the Notice. Click for the circular.


Health Insurance of New India Insurance policy

Payment should be made on or before 25.10.2021. later paymet will not be entertained.

Click the below link ๐Ÿ‘‡ for entering/ editing data and for the payment update.


As the claim ratio is very high of the last year with star health insurance based on which this year renewal premium quoted very high by star health insurance which is not affordable and willing members are also so premium will shoot up.
It is economically non feasible to continue with star health insurance.
Heance it is proposed to merge with the New India Insurance policy initiated by BSNL employees of Kerala, the renewal of which is on 23.03.2020, we existing policy holders of star health insurance of SNEA Karnataka can join the Kerala policy for next five months on pro rate premium basis from 30.10.2021 to 23.03.2022.

Note: Only existing policy holders of star health insurance initiated by SNEA Karnataka can join for next five months and remaining intrested can join only at the time of renewal i.e. in the month of march 2022.

The existing members are requested to fill up the details and pay the premium payment details on or before 25.10.2021 wihtout fail,later entry wil not be entertained.

1. It is only for existing policy holders.
2. Provision for the new entrants is not there now.However they can join in the month of March 2022.
3. This premium and policy will be only for five months from 30th October to March 2022.
4. Annual premium for the next policy period from March 2022 to March 2023 will be collected during March 2022 and policy will be issued in the month of March 2022.

Read the Instructions before proceeding to fill the form please.

1) If data already entered Search with HR Number and fill missing data and Submit.
2) New Optees should enter full data and Submit.
3) As per the Aadhar Card Details should be updated please
4) Dependents to be removed in the list.
5) Parents and InLaws add or remove from the list based on your requirement.
6) Before making payments make sure that Calculations of Premium Amount as per the slab given. This is premium is inclusive of GST, no separate GST
7) Payment can be done through online or payments App by using NFET details given bellow.

8) Payment UTR number should be entered in the registration form and also whatsapp to 9449854799 with Name, HRMS No amount paid and UTR number.

9) NEFT Details:SANCHAR NIGAM EXECUTIVES'ASSOSIATION Acc No: 520101235063068 IFSC code: UBIN0901750.

10) Premium Amount here it is calculated only for E+S+C+P which DOB are Entered. 11) Wait for Payment confirmation through SMS by SNEA KTK by next day



SNEA Belgaum SSA branch conducted District conference today in grand manner, all the SNEA members, other union/ assosiation office bearers and GM Belgaum Sri Vikas Jaylar attended and graced the function.

All the delegates took active participation in discussion of issues related to growth of the BSNL and welfare of members.
CS SNEA spoke on circle issues, AGS Com Pandurang Nayak highlited issues at CHQ level and CWC member Com M H Talikote highlited about need of team work and DS SNEA Hubli com S A Bellubbi all addressed the gathering.

Following new office bearers are elected unanimously.

1. Nishikant Jadhav DP
2. Vinayak Dasar VDP
3. Abdul Kothali DS
4. Seema Badiger ADS1
5. Gopi Dandagal ADS2
6.Vinod Kulkarni Treasurer
7. Prasad Pawar Org Sec
8. Arun Chavali CEC member
9. M S Devadig Auditor

Out of 9 elected office bearers, 6 new office bearers are BSNL recruitees.

Congratulations to all the newly elected office bearers.


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to GS SNEA CHQ for pursuing the SDE promotions to all the left out eligible executives and to consider the number of promotions which were issued to the resigned / expired Executives wrongly.

Click for the letter


Gratitude of SNEA Karnataka

CS SNEA ktk along with ACSs com Ramesha B, Prashant K Y, Delhi Babu Treasurer BGTD, Com Anandkrishna DS CO, Com Giridhar M DS MS met CGM Karnataka, GM HR and admin thanked both of them and entire DGM and AGM Admin staff for their tireless efforts in making all the data made available to CO as required for DPC well within time and ensured the huge promotions.

There is no single left out case in Karnataka.

SNEA Karnataka whole heartedly thanked every one in the staff section up to CGM who made it possible to get our long waiting JTOs promotion to SDE.

SNEA ktk requested CGM Karnataka for posting all the SDEs who are all have promoted as SDEs to be posted as is where as basis.

CGM assured to do his best.

SNEA Karnataka once again thankfull to Karnataka circle management.


SNEA Karnataka Sincerely thank Honโ€™ble CGM Karnataka, GM HR & Admin, DGM HR& Admin, AGM Staff and entire team of Admin section for completing the herculean task in records time to ensure JTO to SDE Promotions. We will be failing on our part if we do not thank the efforts of all the Officers of the staffsection who have worked round the clock right from the preparation of eligibility list, corrections, feeding the data and updating the VC status and helping for the smooth conduction of the DPC. Finally we thank all the District Secreataries and their teams for their untiring efforts. ย 

Congratulations comrades....
Promotion of JTOs (T) to SDE (T) in BSNL against 67% SCF (Promotionย quota) -ย Order released by Corporate office........View Order copy.
View Promotion List:
ย List (Page 1-20)ย ย ย  ย  ย List (Page 21-40)ย ย 
ย ย List (Page 41-60)ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย List (Page 61-79)

View complete list in Excel Format.
View Circle wise List.


CS writes to CGMT Karnaaka to impress upon the state Government for giving priority for the BSNL staff in giving the treatment and vaccination for all the BSNL employees irrespective of the age and impress upon the BSNL CO for allotment of medical advances for the covid infected BSNL employees for the treatment as none of the empanelled Hospitals are giving cashless treatment to BSNL employees. Appealed that BSNL has to support its employees in such crucial pandemic.

Click for the letter

"Employee may be count for the organisation and whole world but for the family he/she is entire world"


CS along with ACS Com Prashant K Y , DS CO Com AnandKrishna and Com Prashant Treasurer MS met CGM brought to the notice about the increasing covid cases, in view of which requested CGM for 1. Getting vaccination to all BSNL employees irrespective of age group as BSNL employees are covered under essential services. 2. Getting priority in getting admitted and treatment for BSNL employees in Hospitals by state government on priority as BSNL is under esential service. 3. Ensuring one empanelled hospital in each SSA for cashless treatment to BSNL employees. 4. Based on the worsening situation of covid requested to bring roster in working hours / allowing to work from home wherever feasible. 5. Also requested to CGM for not processing any long stay transfers. CGM was very patiently listened and assured his best for all the above points raised by SNEA Karnataka.

Click for the letter 1 and letter 2



Due to pandemic covid 19 the number of cases increasing in Karnataka.
State Govt put restrictions on public gathering and all our DSs expressed their opinion to postpone the circle conference which is scheduled from 17th to 19th April 2021.

COBs had meeting on 9.4.2021 CS, ACSs Com Ramesha B, Tata Babu, Prashant, Tresurer com Makannavar, organising secretary com K N Muralidhar, DSs of CO Anandkrishna and Com Giridhar M were also present, based on the members and all DSs views and By considering the genuine facts SNEA ktk circle organization is compelled to postpone the scheduled circle conference, future date will be decided once the situation comes to normal.

Kindly don't book the tickets, may be cancelled if already booked, sorry for the inconveniences.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to host SSA Hubli DS and all Comrades who enthusiastically organised for the circle conference.

Circle conference is postponed till the situation comes to normal pl.


CS, ACSs Com Ramesha B, Tata Babu, Prashant, Tresurer com Makannavar, organising secretary com K N Muralidhar, DSs of CO Anandkrishna and Com Giridhar M, met CGM Shri Deveshkumar and Shri Ashok K Agarwal was also present. SNEA Karnataka strongly protested on the decision of calling option from Executives who have completed 15 years of service at same place. Explained the CGM that as Karnataka Circle is already having excellent transfer policy which is being followed by many years by which almost Executives are happy and there is smooth working atmosphere. In view of Covid 19 increasing cases and BSNL financial position the transferring of Executives is not only inconvinience but also burden for the company unnecessarily. SNEA Karnataka appealed the CGM to adhre to the Existing Transfer policy rather than deviation. CGMT and GM HR were listened us patiently and assured to consider the points which were discussed for stopping of calling options for transfer. SNEA stronglly protest this move of the management.


The District conference of Mysore Branch held on 02.04.2021 in RTTC Mysore.

The Function with Prayer by Smt Annapurna Jagannath, Com Raghavendra welcomed the guest and members and lighting the lamp.

Veteren leader and Ex CP Com Venkatesh Murthy, Com M N Ramakrishna CVP, Com Ravikumar Ex DS, Com Sudhakar Gour DP, Com Vishnu Sharma DS and Com Raghavendra G V Ex DS SNEA Mysore shared the dias along with CS SNEA Ktk.

Almost all members have attended the conference. All the members delibarated and shown their keen intrest on the revival of BSNL, improvemment of Revenue and allotment of 4G service to BSNL along with many maintenance and developmental issues were delibarated.

CS addressed the gathering and thrown light on the present financial condition of BSNL interms of Revenue, Expenditure and liabilities. Clarified all the doubts raised by the members.

Appealed to all the members to join their hands in increasing the revenue and decreasing the Expenditue by using their innovative ideas.

Com M N Ramakrishna addressed and appealed to all the members about the need of the unity and Assosiation during present crisis.

Com Venkateshmurthy appealed all for their unitedness and work with more enthusiasm and more energy in the coming days.

Com Ravikumar Ex DS also addressed and thanked all the members for their best support to him during his tenure.

Com Sudhakar Gour District President presided over the function and Com Chetan gave cote of thanks.


The Election for the new office bearer took place and following Office bearers are elected Unanimously for the next two years.

1.Com Sudhakar C Gour- DP
2.Com Vishnu Sharma - DVP
3.Ravishankar G B- DS
4.Sathish S - Treasurer

Assistant District Secretaries
5. Girish S
6. Chethan C R
7. Vishwanath S

Organising Secretary
8. Nagaraj Nandanwar

Executive Committee Members
9. Smt Annapurna Jagannath
10. Manjunath D-ECM
11. Yadhunandan P- ECM
12. Harsha kumar -ECMC

om smt Laxmi Devi Madagundi

SNEA Karnataka congratulates all the newly elected office bearers of SNEA Mysore.


SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA and excellent worker of the BSNL, late Sri J D Guled, Hubli on 30.03.2021. He was our strong and committed member and leader of SNEA Hubli. He was instrumental in strengthening SNEA in Hubli during crisis of the leasdership after vaccation of Late Sri Antonyswamy. It is great loss for the trade union for his departure. SNEA Karnataka mourns and Prays almighty for his great soul rest in heavenly peace .


The District conference of Karwar held on 27.03.2021 in the conference hall O/o GMTD Karwar.

Smt Rajeshwari DGM Karwar was the Chief guest. Most of the members attended and delibarated on many maintenance, developmental, Marketing Issues, CFA tender drawbacks, Battery and power plant issues, NGN card repair etc. It was very interactive session. CS noted all the issues and assured to take up with the management. CS addressed about the present scenario of Telcom and especially about BSNL. Motivated the menmbers how to increase the revenue and cut down the expenditures to the BSNL.

The election for the new office bearers took place and following Office bearers have been elected unanimously.

Dist President Manjunath Pednekar

Vice President Vinayak Nayak

Dist Secretary Shivaprasad Bhat

ADS Smt Chaitra Akkasali

Tresurer Akash Jain

Org Secretary R N Goankar

Exe committee members:
Rizwan Madgavi, Jayant Moger, Smt A S Rajeshwari
A Ranganath

Nagaraj Moger

SNEA Karnataka congratulates all the newly elected office bearers of SNEA Karwar .


Pl ensure the Circle conference fund Rs 500 from each member and remit to circle treasurer on or before 31.3.2021. Pl conduct branch meeting and elect delegates for attending circle conference. One deligate for every 15 paid membership and part their off.

Delegation fees Rs 1000.

Observer may be allowed against the payment of Rs 1500 per observer.

Note: Observers can present in the delegate and open session but they cant deliberate.

Accomodation will be available
For DS,CEC and COB:
From the morning of 17.4.2021 to 20.4.2021.

For deligates and observer
From morning of 18.4.2021 to 20.4.2021

Pl expedite the collection of conference fund and selection of deligates and inform to host SSA pl.

Pl intimate your arrival and departure details to the reception committee.

Reception committee Leader:

Com Chandrashekar Abbigeri : 9449994432

Team Maembers:

Ashok Talawar : 9449160002

Ayyanagoudar : 9480011966

SomashekarDandin 9448811177

Prahlad Kulkarni : 9449237247

Kumar Savadatti : 9482959555

Smt. Shwetha : [ For Lady Delegates ] 9481011011ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
For any other information and queries SNEA Hubli District Secretary S A Bellubbi [9448010044] ,ย Treasurer Sri Raviraj Badiger [ 9480131992 ] and Asst.District Secretary Sri R Gunashekharย  [94835 02445] may be contacted please.


The 7th Circle conference of SNEA Karnataka will be held on 18th and 19th April 2021 with the Pre CEC on 17th April 2021.


Auditorium Dept of Bio Technology,

BVB Engineering College, Vidyanagar, PB Road Hubli.

All the District Secretaries / Circle Office Bearers / CEC/ CWC members and delegates are requested to attend and make the conference grand success.

Click here for the Notice Click here for the Circular


Indefinite Hunger Fast from 08.03.2021 postponed for one month

Considering the personal assurance from Hon CMD, BSNL and the appeal made in the meeting held on 03.03.2021, SNEA decided to postpone the โ€œINDEFINITE HUNGER FASTโ€ at BSNLCO and Circle HQs from 08.03.2021 onwards for a period of one month, for facilitating the Management to implement the new Promotion Policy approved by the BSNL Board.

The CSs and CHQ OBs meeting held on 04.03.2021, online took this unanimous decision, considering the appeal made by CMD. At the same time the preparations for a long drawn battle is to be continued by the Circles. SSA General Body meetings are to be completed wherever it is not held. ย 

GS writes to Shri P K Purwar, CMD/BSNL on postponement:

Appealโ€ƒย GS letter to CMD, BSNL


The District Conference of SNEA BIJAPUR branch held on 28.02.2021 in very grand manner. All the members attended and new members were also added to the fold of SNEA Bijapur. The Function begun with invocation song by Com Smt Sunanda Patter, Com Sunil Mundewadi welcomed the gathering and anchred the function. Com Siddaroodh Cheelad gave DS report, Com M R Ustad Prisided over the function and Com I M Patil gave vote of thanks.

During the delebartion all the members expreseed their views and difficulties being faced by the executives in the field.

Vateran leader Com Bijjargi also graced the function and addressed the gathering.

Com Pandurang Nayak AGS graced the conference and addressed on the financial status of the BSNL as a whole, the present HR issues, what is the role of SNEA CHQ in resolving all HR issues, he completely gave picture about CPSU CH and its need and benefits to the executives. As in the present scenario of lots of litigations on seniority and reservation issues to overcome all these hurdles and to get promotion at faster rate it is possible only through CPSU CH ands what is the action plan SNEA CHQ to achive it. He appealed all the members to extend their full support for the implementation CPSU CH in the intrest of the Executive carreer progression.

CS addressed the gathering during which highlighted the present financial position of the company, revenue and present laibilities. Appealed to all the members to analyse the revenue and expenditure in their own section in which they are working, then work out how the revenue can be increased and how we can reduce the expenditure. This kind of analysis will definately help the BSNL to overcome the present crisis. Explaind the need of CPSU CH implementation. Also highlited the welfare majors taken by SNEA Karnataka like distribution of food grains to the HKLs when they were not getting long pending wages. SNEA Karnataka initiated Group Health Insurance for the employees of the BSNL at very low premium with coverage of 7 lakhs. SNEA CHQ extending support of 1.5 lakhs to the decesed family member in case of unforseen incidents to the members and GTI through which executive's family is being secured by 50 lakhs by paying a very meager premium which will defianately help the families in the crisis. He also told the Bijapur was one of the energetic and strong Branch earlier and appealed to maintain with the same zeal and enthusiasm.

President Com M R Ustad gave presidential remarks and appealed to all the members for he unity and strengthen the SNEA and workmfor the glory of BSNL.

The Election for the New Office bearers was conducted and following Office bearers got elected Unanimously.

Com M R Ustad District President

Com Siddaroodh Cheelad, Com Kumarswamy as Vice Presidents

Com Vivekanand D Naik District Secretary

Com I M Patil, Com Azhar Momin as Asst dist Secretaries

Com Sunil Mundewadi as Treasurer

Com Anil Tankasali Organising Secretary

Com Anand Naikodi, ComRavi Linganur, Com B G Aiduddi, Com V G Kulkarni, Com P N Patil, Com S M Rathod, Com R M Biradar, Com Santosh Jadhav and Com Smt Sunanda Patter as Executive members.

SNEA Karnataka extends best wishes to all the newely elected office bearers.


Salaries & Pensions Are Rightful Entitlements Of Government Employees; Appropriate Interest Must Be Paid For Delayed Payment: Supreme Courtย .......View Media Report.โ€ƒ


Indefinite Hunger Fast from 08.03.2021:

REGULAR Promotion to all eligible Executives w.e.f. 01.07.2018

Our Demands:

1. Regular Promotions through the Non-post based Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy, BSNL Executives Promotion Policy Amendment and Recruitment Rules (BEPPARR) 2017, approved by the BSNL Board on 28.05.2018, effectively from 01.07.2018.

2. Regular Promotion upto DGM Grade instead of LA promotion and open the path for promotion to higher posts.

a) SSA/local meeting may be held and explain the compelling reasons for going for Indefinite Hunger Fast:

b) Meet all GMs and BA/SSA Heads and submit the copy of the Notice issued on 05.11.2020 and explain the compulsions to go for agitations and seek their intervention.

c) Promotion is for all the Executives. Support of all the Executives may be sought for the agitation by meeting them individually.

Make all out preparations by meeting every Executives to make the Indefinite Hunger Fast a big success till management listening to our demands.

Appeal to all Executivesโ€ƒ


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka for immediate intervention with BBMP commissioner for stopping of cutting BSNL overhead OFC cables by BBMP Authority.Click for the letter



เฒ…เฒคเณเฒฏเฒ‚เฒค เฒธเฒพเฒฐเณเฒฅเฒ•เฒตเฒพเฒฆ เฒฐเณ€เฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒธเฒพเฒ—เณเฒคเณเฒคเฒฟเฒฆเณเฒฆ เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒคเณเฒ‚เฒฌเณ เฒœเณ€เฒตเฒจ เฒฏเฒพเฒฐเณ‚ เฒจเฒฟเฒฐเณ€เฒ•เณเฒทเฒฟเฒธเฒฆ เฒฐเณ€เฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒ…เฒ‚เฒคเณเฒฏเฒ—เณŠเฒ‚เฒกเฒฟเฒฆเณ†. เฒตเณƒเฒคเณเฒคเฒฟ เฒœเณ€เฒตเฒจเฒฆเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒ’เฒฌเณเฒฌ เฒคเฒชเฒธเณเฒตเฒฟเฒฏเฒ‚เฒคเณ† เฒฌเฒฆเณเฒ•เฒฟเฒฆ เฒถเฒพเฒจเฒตเฒพเฒกเฒฐเณ เฒคเฒฎเณเฒฎ เฒนเฒฟเฒ‚เฒฆเณ† เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒœเณ€เฒตเฒจเฒฆ เฒ…เฒจเณ‡เฒ• เฒ‰เฒฆเฒพเฒนเฒฐเฒฃเณ†เฒ—เฒณเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒฌเฒฟเฒŸเณเฒŸเณ เฒนเณ‹เฒ—เฒฟเฒฆเณเฒฆเฒพเฒฐเณ†.
เฒเฒ•เฒจเฒฟเฒทเณเฒ เณ†, เฒธเฒฎเฒฏเฒชเฒพเฒฒเฒจเณ†, เฒธเฒพเฒคเฒคเณเฒฏ, เฒ’เฒณเฒ—เณ† เฒฌเฒฟเฒฐเณเฒ—เฒพเฒณเฒฟ เฒ‡เฒฆเณเฒฆเฒพเฒ—เฒฒเณ‚ เฒฎเณเฒ–เฒฆเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒธเฒฆเฒพ เฒฎเฒ‚เฒฆเฒนเฒพเฒธ, เฒ•เฒทเณเฒŸเฒ—เฒณเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒŽเฒฆเณเฒฐเฒฟเฒธเณเฒต เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒฐเณ€เฒคเฒฟ, เฒตเฒฟเฒจเณ‹เฒฆเฒฆเฒฒเณเฒฒเณ‚ เฒถเฒฟเฒ•เณเฒทเฒฃ, เฒ†เฒคเณเฒฎเฒตเฒฟเฒฒเณ‹เฒชเฒฟ เฒธเณเฒตเฒญเฒพเฒต เฒนเณ€เฒ—เณ† เฒคเฒฎเณเฒฎ เฒธเฒพเฒงเฒจเณ†เฒฏเฒฟเฒ‚เฒฆ เฒ‰เฒฆเฒพเฒนเฒฐเฒฃเณ†เฒฏเฒพเฒ—เฒฟ เฒนเณ‹เฒฆ เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒœเณ€เฒตเฒจ เฒจเฒฎเณเฒฎเฒ‚เฒฅเฒฐเฒฟเฒ—เณ†เฒฒเณเฒฒ เฒ’เฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒถเณเฒฐเณ‡เฒทเณเฒ  เฒฎเณ‡เฒฒเณเฒชเฒ‚เฒ•เณเฒคเฒฟ.
เฒจเฒฟเฒตเณƒเฒคเณเฒคเฒฐเฒพเฒฆ เฒจเฒ‚เฒคเฒฐเฒตเณ‚ เฒชเณเฒฐเฒคเฒฟเฒจเฒฟเฒคเณเฒฏ เฒŠเฒŸ เฒ•เฒŸเณเฒŸเฒฟเฒ•เณŠเฒ‚เฒกเณ เฒธเฒฎเฒฏเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ† เฒธเฒฐเฒฟเฒฏเฒพเฒ—เฒฟ เฒฌเฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒ…เฒจเณ‡เฒ• เฒคเฒฟเฒ‚เฒ—เฒณเณเฒ—เฒณ เฒ•เฒพเฒฒ เฒ•เณ†เฒฒเฒธ เฒฎเฒพเฒกเฒฟเฒฆเฒฐเณ. เฒˆ เฒ•เณเฒฐเฒฟเฒคเณ เฒ…เฒตเฒฐเฒจเณเฒจเณ‚เฒฎเณเฒฎเณ† เฒ•เณ‡เฒณเฒฟเฒฆเฒพเฒ— เฒ…เฒตเฒฐเณ เฒ•เณŠเฒŸเณเฒŸ เฒ‰เฒคเณเฒคเฒฐ เฒจเฒฟเฒœเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ‚ เฒ…เฒฆเณเฒญเณเฒค. เฒ…เฒตเฒฐเณ เฒนเณ‡เฒณเฒฟเฒฆเณเฒฆเณ... เฒจเฒจเฒ— เฒฎเณ‚เฒฐเฒฎเฒ‚เฒฆเฒฟ เฒ…เฒตเณเฒตเฒ‚เฒฆเณเฒฐเณ(เฒคเฒพเฒฏเฒ‚เฒฆเณเฒฐเณ).เฒจเฒจเณเฒจ เฒนเฒกเฒฆเฒตเณเฒต(เฒนเณ†เฒคเณเฒค เฒคเฒพเฒฏเฒฟ),เฒนเณŠเฒคเณเฒคเฒตเณเฒต (เฒฆเณ‡เฒถ-เฒญเฒพเฒฐเฒคเฒฎเฒพเฒคเณ†) เฒ‡เฒจเณเฒจ เฒฎเณ‚เฒฐเฒจเณ‡เฒฆเฒพเฒ•เฒฟ เฒจเฒจเฒ—-เฒจเฒฎเฒ— เฒคเณเฒคเณเฒคเณ เฒจเณ€เฒกเฒฟเฒฆ เฒˆ เฒ…เฒตเณเฒต(P&T,DOT,เฒˆเฒ— BSNL) เฒˆ เฒฎเณ‚เฒฐเณ เฒœเฒจ เฒ…เฒตเณเฒตเฒ‚เฒฆเณเฒฐ เฒ‹เฒฃ เฒคเณ€เฒฐเณเฒธเณ‹เฒฆเณเฒฐ เฒธเฒฒเณเฒตเฒพเฒ—เฒฟ เฒฌเฒฆเณเฒ•เฒฟเฒฆเฒพเฒ— เฒจเฒฎเณเฒฎ เฒœเณ€เฒตเฒจ เฒธเฒพเฒฐเณเฒฅเฒ• " เฒ…เฒ‚เฒฆเณเฒฐเณ.
"เฒธเณเฒจเณ‡เฒนเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ† เฒธเณเฒจเณ‡เฒน, เฒชเณเฒฐเณ‡เฒฎเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ† เฒชเณเฒฐเณ‡เฒฎ" เฒ‡เฒฆเณ เฒธเฒนเฒœ. เฒ†เฒฆเฒฐเณ† เฒถเฒพเฒจเฒตเฒพเฒกเฒฐเณ เฒ‡เฒฆเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒฎเณ€เฒฐเฒฟ เฒŽเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฐเฒฒเณเฒฒเณ‚ เฒธเณเฒจเณ‡เฒน เฒชเณเฒฐเณ€เฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒ•เฒ‚เฒกเฒตเฒฐเณ,เฒŽเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฐเฒฟเฒ—เณ‚ เฒธเณเฒจเณ‡เฒน - เฒชเณเฒฐเณ€เฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒนเฒ‚เฒšเฒฟเฒฆเฒตเฒฐเณ.
เฒนเณ€เฒ—เณ† เฒจเฒฟเฒœ เฒ…เฒฐเณเฒฅเฒฆเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒ’เฒฌเณเฒฌ เฒ•เฒฐเณเฒฎเฒฏเณ‹เฒ—เฒฟเฒฏเฒ‚เฒคเณ† เฒฌเฒฆเณเฒ•เฒฟเฒฆเฒตเฒฐเณ.เฒ‡เฒทเณเฒŸเณ เฒฌเณ‡เฒ— เฒ…เฒตเฒฐเณ เฒจเฒฎเณเฒฎเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒ…เฒ—เฒฒเฒฌเฒนเณเฒฆเณ เฒŽเฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒฏเฒพเฒฐเณ‚ เฒจเฒฟเฒฐเณ€เฒ•เณเฒทเฒฟเฒธเฒฟเฒฐเฒฒเฒฟเฒฒเณเฒฒ.
เฒ…เฒตเฒฐเฒฟเฒ—เณ† เฒญเฒ—เฒตเฒ‚เฒค เฒธเฒฆเณเฒ—เฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒนเฒพเฒ—เณ‚ เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒ•เณเฒŸเณเฒ‚เฒฌเฒฆ เฒŽเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฐเฒฟเฒ—เณ‚ เฒˆ เฒฆเณ:เฒ–เฒตเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒคเฒกเณ†เฒฆเณเฒ•เณŠเฒณเณเฒณเณเฒต เฒถเฒ•เณเฒคเฒฟเฒฏเฒจเณเฒจเณ เฒฆเฒฏเฒชเฒพเฒฒเฒฟเฒธเฒฒเฒฟ เฒŽเฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒชเณเฒฐเฒพเฒฐเณเฒฅเฒฟเฒธเณเฒตเณ†.

SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA and excellent worker of the BSNL, late Sri D D Shanwad, Rtd DE Belgaum on 18.02.2021. He worked at various position as DS, CEC and CWC member in SNEA. Though he retired during 2015 he was daily he was coming to Belguam Main Exchanges use to help during NGN Installation, Battery Installation and Power Plant maintenance etc. He was great asset for the BSNL. A good human being we all lost , may God rest his soul in peace and give enough strength to his family members to bear the loss and pain.


CS Writes to CGM Karnataka for impementing transfer module in ESS portal to bring more transparency in transfers and avoid delay in forwarding request transfer applications by the controlling officers unnecessarily and causing inconvinience to the genuines cases.

Click for the letter.


SNEA Karnataka holding online CEC meeting on 31.01.2021 at 10.30 hours. All the DSs , CEC members and COBs are requested to attend the CEC meeting and give feedback and views of general members on BEPPARR (CPSU CH) and preparation for indefinite Hunger fast w.e.f 15.02.2021.


ย Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives โ€“ Reminder for annualย renewal of the scheme w e f 01-03-21 reg.ย 

ย GTI Guide Lines


In view of Indefinate hunger strike all the District Secretaries are requested to hold their Branch level meeting, educate the importance and the need of CPSU CH implementation for smooth carreer progress of Executives.

The SSA meeting and Circle Executive Committee (CEC) meetings will be held immediately to explain the compelling reasons for going for agitations:

i) Number of Posts will be drastically reduced after Restg, based on the current assets and connections. Restg is in the advanced stage.ย (Eg: In Telecom stream, the posts will be JTO-12,000, SDE-11,000 and DE-3,000 approx. 7,500 SDEs and 1,425 DEs are wkg after VRS. Eligible DE post for promotion is 75% of 3,000, i.e. 2,250 of which 1,425 are already wkg! About 3,500 SDE vacancies will be available for SCF and LDCE quota together).ย ย 

ii) Management is considering withdrawal of the Board approved Promotion Policy from the Board. This will close the doors for promotion, once for all.

iii) Non posts based promotion as per BEPPARR 2017 is to be implemented before completion of Restg.

iv) After first promotion to SDE/AO, there will not be any further career progression for the Executives. The young Executives will be forced to retire maximum as a DE/CAO/EE.

v) The young JTO/JAOs, the GATE JTOs and 2017 JAOs will get their first functional promotion with scale in 5 years, 1 year earlier (instead of first scale upgradation after 6 years). They will have smooth career progression to DGM, GM/CGM posts.

vi) The young JTOs and JAOs become SDE/AOs in 2015 and 2018 may have to wait 15 to 20 years for their promotion through DPC to DE/CAO cadres where as they will get DE/CAO promotion in 5 to 8 years through the new promotion policy. Many will be forced to retire as DE/CAO as witnessing today.

vii) All list 8 SDEs will not be able to promote as DE now, as per the vacancies (1725 SDEs are in list 8 and the vacancies after Restg will be around 850). As per the new policy, all the SDEs in list 8, list 9 and list 10 (to be published for the SDEs promoted against 2007-08 vacancies in 2009 and LDCE in 2013) will become DE on 01.07.2021 or earlier!

viii) Management will continue with LA arrangement as per requirement. They will not allow the Executives to become DE or DGM on regular basis because it will lead to their promotion to higher posts of GM etc.

ix) Demanding promotion from a prospective date (say from 2021) is indirectly to kill the efforts for promotion from 01.07.2018. All Executives will lose almost 3 years of service.

x) Demanding promotion through DPC for limited posts from a prospective date is indirectly to kill the efforts for Time Bound Promotion through BEPPARR. All Executives will suffer in future.

b) Meeting of SSA and Circle heads by SSA/Circle Secs this week itself and explaining them the reasons for going for agitation and seeking their intervention by submitting the copy of the Notice issued on 05.11.2020.

c) Promotion is for all the Executives. Support of all the Executives will be sought for the agitation by meeting them individually.

d) Mgt selectively leaking news about DPC for some cadres and remain silent over other cadres in the name of Restg. At the same time senior management had already taken a decision to go for promotion only after completion of Restg. If management is sincere on promotions, why they are not making similar efforts for promotion in other cadres?

Make all out preparations by convening SSA level meetings to make the Indefinite Hunger Fast a big success till management is listening to our demands.

Online CEC will be held at this weeek end.


Promotion through BEPPARR 2017 (CPSU CH) and Post based Promotion through DPC:

A comparative Chart



Hunger Fast at BSNLCO and Circle HQs

From 04-08 January, 2021


Implement the New Promotion Policy BEPPARR 2017 from 01.07.2018 as approved by the BSNL Board.

Promotion for BSNL Executives as per the Terms and conditions for Absorption.

Honour the Assurances of Time Bound Promotions upto SG JAG Grade.

Time Bound Promotion after every 5 years as approved.

BSNL formed in 2000 but still working as Govt Dept, unlike the other CPSUs.

Abandon Govt structure and embrace the CPSU structure for promotions in BSNL.

Implement non-post based Time Bound promotions before Restructuring.

Change of Designation alongwith change of scale.

Promotions with Parity and Uniformity, without discrimination.

Past Service Weightage for future promotions.

Only Regular Promotion, NO Look After or Adhoc promotion.

Regular Promotion upto DGM Grade instead of LA arrangement.

No CPSU run by deputed management, BSNL should stop deputation.

BSNL should be lead by BSNL Officers as in other CPSUs.

Open Promotion to Higher Posts for BSNL Executives.

Stop deputation and promote BSNL Own Executives.

Allow career growth for young Executives.

Provide fast track promotion for the meritorious candidates.

Executives drawing higher scales but could not extract the work of higher posts.

Smooth career progression for BSNL Executives.

This struggle is for all the Executives, across all the Wings in BSNL.

Excutives Unity Zindabad


SNEA Karnataka stood once again to its commitment in getting further Rule 8 Transfer order issued for 30 JTOs (already persued by SNEA and management agreed cases during Nov 2018 got it approved and implemented with present CGMT). With effort of SNEA Ktk more than 300 Rule 8 transfers have been issued so far and It continues its sincere effrort till the waiting list of rule 8 becomes end.

Thankfull to CGM Karnataka for his kind consideration of long pending Rule 8 transfer, thankfull to GM HR and Admin, DGM Staff , AGM Staff and entire staff section for working out in getting the rule 8 transfer order released.

Click for the orders for AP & Telangana



ย Appeal to all the Associations and Unions

Appeal to all the Executives in BSNL.ย 

Kindly support the Twitter campaign on 17.12.20 demanding non post based Time bound functional promotion w.e.f 01.07.2018.

Comrades, non post based time bound functional promotion only will give us career progression after Restructuring and VRS.ย 

It is for the promotion for all the Executives, minimum up to AGM Grade and thereafter to DGM and above.ย 

It is a common issue for all the Executives and those become Executives in the future.ย 

ย Hash tagย ย ย #ReformHRPolicies_BSNL

Tweet to

CMD,BSNLย ย @cmdbsnl

Hon Ministerย @rsprasad

Secretary, DOTย @DoT_India

Director HRย ย @arvind9963ย 

(Every Tweet shall contain Hash tag and Profile tag)


CS SNEA Karnataka along with ACSs com Prashant, com Tata Babu, Treasurer com Makannavar, DS CO com Anandkrishna, DS MS com Giridhar M, met and greeted Dir EB Sri V Ramesh who is incharge for all Maintenance regions along with EB .

CS SNEA Karnataka utilised this opportunity to highlight the following issues which are being faced our STR Executives.

1. Immediate clearance of pending wages of poor HKLs who have stood with BSNL in restoring services.

2. Repeated reduction of HKLs in STR where outsourcing is not all done till today will not be accepted and should not be implemented in STR.

3. Expressed that STR Executives are attending the faults with their own two wheeler, with scarcity of stores, the management still not understanding the pain of Executives and importance of STR network.

4. Regular and skilled labour force is must for txmn and outdoor works, it is highly impossible to relay on engaging daily base labours on fault basis. Regular petroling of route is must which saves many damages.

5. Even after year the merger of STR and STP activity is not getting initiated, CS daringly told that it is being purposefully delayed to accommodate both STR and STP CGMs safely for some more time.
This is creating very unrest among the STR comrades who are struggling day and night where as STP staff are liesure as at present not uch capital wors are there due to scarcity of fund which pinches the STR staff who are limited in number and strugling in restoring the services round the clock.

6. FTTH vendors are suffering lot due to speed issues which needs to be addressed immediately to retain customers.

6. The clause of restrictions of only 25% fibre allocation to circle utility is to be removed as there is huge demand for EB and many leads are pending for the fibre allocation from STR.

Both CGM Karnataka and CGM STR, Dir EB listened and accepted all the points.
CS SNEA Karnataka gave the letter containing the issues to resolve by CO at the earliest.

Click for the letter


CS SNEA Karnataka writes to GS SNEA CHQ for ensuring JTOs under Rue 8 wait list of Karnataka to get posting to their choice of circle during JTO to SDE promotions.Click for the letter.


The list of the willing members of Karnataka to opt for EPF Full pension option sent for SNEA CHQ to implede the SLP being filed at SC. Cick for the list.


District conference of BGTD held on 01.12.2020. Com Shivanna DP presided the conference, Com Kiran Kumar S DS BGTD conducted the proceedings, SantoshKumar ADS BGTD, Delhi Babu Treasurer BGTD, Circle president Com Nagavi, CVP Com Jayaprakash Javali , ACSs Com Ramesh, Com Tata Babu , Com Prashant , Ex DP BGTD Sri Huliraja, Ex DS BGTD Sri Vishwanath attended and graced the conference. The adhoc body desolved and new body is formed.

Following office bearers have got elected.

Vasant Dist President Rajkumar Vice President

Ramesha B Dist Secretary

Goutam ADS 1, Prakash ADS 2

Delhi Babu Treasurer

Murthy C H Org Secretary

Area Secretaries
1. Shivaprasad, 2. Jannappa, 3. Penchalaiah & 4. Ravi H

CEC Members
1. Govind Gudi, 2. Manikanta & 3. Shivanna.

Kiran Kumar S Auditor

SNEA Karnataka conveys best wishes for all the newly elected office bearers.

Unity is order of the day and collective effort will yield results.
Let us go with single United voice for the growth of the BSNL and welfare of members through strengthening SNEA.

New office bearers taking Oath.

Ex DP Sri Huliraja & Ex DS Sri Vishwanath were felicitated by SNEA BGTD


Successfully got insured by STAR Health Insurance for BSNL Karnataka employees by initiation of SNEA Karnataka. The Cheque for first batch (277 families ) for amount of 49,85,513 rupees is handed over by CGM KTK to Zonal Manager of Star Health Insurance.

Now all the 277 optees and their family of first batch are covered under the Health insurance scheme from today itself for 7 Lakhs.

Note: This opportunity is not yet closed. Still all the BSNL Karnataka employees can opt for the same and secure their family by making payment.


SNEA Karnataka Circle conducted on line CEC meeting on 10.10.2020. Al the DSs, CEC members and COBs attended the meetng and delebarated on many operation, maintenance and deveeopment issues.

1. CFA outsoursing performance of vendor is not satisfactory and penalty clauses are not stringent.

2. Drastic reducton of HKLs even in the area where outsoursing is not done yet.

3. Scarcty of ow count 4F OF cable.

4. Jonting kits , Uy Connectors short supply.

5. Refund of security deposit to the land ine closed cases.

6. Clearing of HKLs pending wages and clearing medica pending bils to hospitas so that Hospitals start treatment to BSNL employees, as many hospitals denying for giving the treatment because of huge bill pendency. Hospital empanallment in every SSA to get the cashless treatment to our BSNL Staff.

7. Taking up the issue with BBNL regarding as CSC vendor is not promptly attending the GPs faults and GPs are complaining on BSN staff unnecessarily.

8. FTTH speed Issues to be resolved.

9. Proper suport for repairing Power plant modules and supply of good new sets of battery and repair of DG sets wil only yield fruitfull resut of outsoursing of BTS Infra maintenance.

CGMT Karnataka was invited for this Onlne CEC and presented all the above isssues and CGMT addressed on the above ponts and assured his best support in resolving the issues and appealed to all the executives to jont their hands for the growth of the revenue for Karnataka circle.

CHQ President Com A A Khan attended and addressed on strengthening of the organisation both BSNL and SNEA.

GS SNEA Com K Sebastien attended and addressed on all HR issues like status on E2 E3, SAB, 22820, EPF fullpension option, Promotions avenues through DPC and CPSU CH etc.Circle President Com S B Nagavi presided over the meeting.

CS gave brief note on the development what SNEA Karnataka did and the issues taken up with Circle Administration for the welfare of the members.



The finality for group health insurance Initiated by SNEA Karnataka has reached and come to the stage of payment. Pl click the link , http://ocbdvg.ddns.net/ghi/, type your HRMS No go to search option if you have already filled, check your details add or correct if any. Make the payment and update the details in the same sheet.

Those who get all their details after entering their HRMS No they have to pay the premium amount and needs to uptdate the UTR ( the tarnsaction ID generated from Bank after payment) in the sheet and submit.

The Bank account No: 520101235063068 IFSC Code : CORP0000175 A/c Name : Sanchar Nigam Executives' Assosiation.

For those after entering their HRMS No if their Details are not displayed then they have to fill all their family members details to whom all they want to cover in this GHS and submit. They need not pay immediately, they will be communicated when they have to pay, till then they need to wait.

Note : An employee can add maximum 1 self plus 5 ( including spouse,children, parents and inlwas). If the number is exceeding 6 then employee has to choose among the parents and in-laws to include.

All BSNL employees can opt for this GHS, irrespective of cadres. SNEA initiated this GHS for the welfare of all our BSNL employees. Let us protect ourself and our family health.

Pay on or before 07.10.2020 to ensure your enrollment in the GHS pl.


CS SNEA Karnataka along with ACS Com Prashant K Y , Treasurer Com Makkannavar and DS SNEA CO Com Anandkrishna met CGM and greeted on the occasionof 21 st BSNL formation day.Presented the face mask to CGMT .

Brought to the notice of CGMT, In the name reducing HKLs SSA GMs are removing all HKLs even in Txmn which will affect severly the network. CGM assured that HKLs will not be removed from Txmn. Requested to Continue the Sri M Toppo GM CFA as Incharge GM for Bellary and Raichur SSA, CGM agreed. Requested to have one empanalled Hospital in each SSA for BSNL Employees treatment especially in Covid 19 situation, CGM assured to do the needful. Requested to consider pending SDE request transfer for which CGM assured to do.

"Wish you all a very happy 21st BSNL Formation day".We all have experienced excellent and bad time for Entire telecom field especially for BSNL. Though we are capable of doing wonders and leading the telecom market we are deprived of opportunities. Inspite of all hurdles from all side to BSNL, BSNL stood and continuing for 20 years as no 1 royal company to our citizens of India is just and just because of all your dedication, efforts, sacrifice and ultimately your great commitment towards the mother organization. Let us not be disheartened because of the diprived of opportunities,let us unite and fight together for the betterment of BSNL and for betterment of our own people who are working for BSNL. Let us contribute our best and best to the company BSNL. Let us be part in making BSNL turn around. With best wishes on this day once again.


The District conference of SNEA Hubi held on 27.09.2020, Com G Shivaputrayya Presided over, Program begun with wecome by Com Raviraj Badiger. Com S A Bellubbi presented the DS report and com S J Bongale District Treasurer Presented the Financial report. Entire House approved both the reports without raising any single query.

During the member session, all the members discussed heartburning issues being faced in the fields,

1. Flaws in the CFA tender and no satisfacory service from the vendor.

2. FTTH /Mobile data speed issues.

3. From BNG up link issue as only one 10 G link is available to Bangalore for the entire services of Hubli which is overloaded and congestion and low speed issues are raising because of theis uplink non enhancement.

4.Extending the security personnals during the Night hours to safeguard BSNL assetes especially for main hub exchanges.

5. Stores and spares for the Transmission maintenance.

6. Round the clock man power availity in Mobile OMCR/ FTTH/MPLS NOC.

7. The CPAN NOC Access to be extended to the field units especially to each SSA NIB up to L3 level privilages so that dependency on NOC from the field units will be reduced and ultimately issues will be resolved at the SSA level itself.

8. Small Electrical / Civil works are to be got attended through Temprory advances by the Executives of Civil / Electrical.

9. Pension contribution on highest pay scale issue to be taken.

10. The Burning issue of 22820 for 2007 & 08 batch JTO is to be resolved immediately to overcome huge pay losses to these two batches.

11. E2 E3 and SAB issues were also discussed.

12. Promotion through DPC/ CPSU CH.

13. Rule 8 transfer issue.

Sri R S Kadam DGM MS was invited as Chief Guest for the Open Session, Sri S L Pujar DS NFTE was also attended the Open Session. Com S A Belubbi DS SNEA Huibi presented Key note address in which he highlited how the Executives are suffering and woorking in the fied with the scarcity of resources. The flaws in the CFA outsourcing tender were aso highighted.

Sri S L Pujar addressed the open session, extended their support for the Executice assosiation in any strugle. He expressed though we are having hurdes with unity and joint effort only it can be overcome.

CS SNEA Karnataka addressed the open session, Congratulated the entire team of SNEA Hubi under the leadrership of Com S A Belubbi for their best effort and giving their best contribution of more than 65 % to SNEA in the recent MV process which made SNEA Karnataka Victory.

Explained what is the status of other businesses in the pendamic Covid 19 situation, out of all businesses only the service in demand and it is increasing is only Teecom services, appealed to encash this best opportunity and bring more connections and Revenue to the BSNL. There lot of lansd and building which are vaccant and being unutilised, such assets are to be identified and effort shouls be made realise revenue by renting out.There is lot of scope to earn revenue from our Passive Infra which needs to be encashed. Even our Battery and Powerplants are not in good condition there is a provision to install Battery and Power plant by other TSP on their own who are sharing BSNL infra like Tower and spacce and we can share their Battery and Powerplany which will lessen our burden of maiontainance. As we are having limited / no resources instead of waiting for the resources and losing the revenue till our resources are made available it nis better to provide FTTH/Leased lines through vendors and earn 50% revenue without any capex. During the marketing Mela customised location/ customers to be identified do the Mela so that it will be more effective. As the customer mainly botheration is speed and the best service availability, choose the location ofr Mela where our 3G services is there, less data traffic, site avaialbililty is more. Appealed to work professionally and stratagically to bring more revenue to the BSNL. Regarding non payments of empampanalled Hospitals which are not giving treatment to our staff, already brought to the notice of CGMT and appealed to make one Hospital empanalled in every SSA to get the cashless treatment to our BSNL Staff. Expressed the effort done by SNEA CHQ in taking the HR issues of E2,E3, 22820, SAB and promotion for the Executives to the management , DOT etc.

SNEA Karnataka initiated the Group Health Insurance whic is being finalised this week and it best to choose and safe gurad our health and get treated with cashless.

Sri R S Kadam Chief Guest addressed, appealed to work with Unity and enthusiasm. More professionalism is need of the hour. Let us utilise the available resorces and best opprtunities optimally and join hands to improve our revenue. What ever the field issues are coming to their notice assured to take up immediately and resolve at the earliest to support the field staff.

Com G Shivaputrayya gave presidential speech and appealed to all work as team and help the BSNL in realising more customers and ultimately revenue to the BSNL.

Com Gunashekar gave vote of Thanks.

Election of new office bearers took place and following mebers were Elected as new office bearers unanimously.

1. Com Chandrashekar Abbigeri District President

2. Com H F Shirahatti Vice President

3, Com S A Bellubbi District Secretary

4. Com Gunashekar Asst District Secretary

5. Com Smt Shweta Meharwade Asst District Secretary

6. Com Raviraj Badiger District Treasurer

7. Com Ayyangouda Organsing Secretary

8. Com Jagadeesh Kammar CEC Member

9. Com Ashok Talawar Auditor

Executive Committee Memebrs

1. Com Baghat Singh

2. Com Vinayak

3. Com S N Dandin

4. Com Kattimani

Congratualtions to the very young and energetic team full of BSNL recruits. All the seniors supported to the youngsters and encouraged to lead the organisation. All the youngsters supported Senior comrade S A Bellubbi to lead as DS. This shows the faith of BRs on seniros and concern of all our seniors comrades to give leadership to our youngsters to lead the organisation.

SNEA Karnataka conveys the Best wishes to all newly elected Office bearers.

Click here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B4EkY5t66vMCZTm8qhcA1ypMevpGFu0u for the Glimpses.


SNEA Karnataka thankful to CGMT for considering and issuing the Intra circle transfer order for 14 JTOs. The requests registred up to March 2020 were considered, SNEA Karnataka continues to persue for further consideration of remaining cases.


SNEA Karnataka thankful to CGM , GM HR for posting the LICE JTOs to the places maximum of their choice which they have opted. Few are not posted to their choice of places, SNEA Karnataka Requesting and persuing with the CGM to review those few cases also and help them also to get thier choice of places among their 3 options.


CS aong wth ACs Com Prashant and Tata Babu met CGM and requested to consider the choice of place in posting the LICE JTOs who are completting their training on 11.09.2020.

It is also requested to consider all pending Intra circle JTOs, SDEs, and Rule 8 request transfers.

There are many Temproary transfers (Rule 9) of JTOs/ JAOs are pending since long, many are having genuine medical cases, requetsed CGM to consider such cases on priority.

CGM was kind enough to listen and assured his best to help in this regard.


The District conference of BGTD held on 02.09.2020 through online. Com Huiraja District President presided over the conference, Com Vishwanath District Secretary BGTD presented the DS report, the District Treasurer Com Devaraj presented the financiial report Entire House approved both the reports without raising any single query. COBs CP Com S B Nagavi, Vice President Com Jayaprakash Javali, ACSs Ramesha B, Tata Babu, Prashant K Y were graced the conference along with CS SNEA Ktk. The exisiting body desolved, as every member insisted to go for physical election for selecton of new office bearers, hence an adhoc body consisting of the following office bearers is formed to work till a physical election is held.

Com Shivanna District President

Com Kirankumar S District Secretary

Com Santosh Kumar ADS

Com Delhi Babu Treasurer


Heartiey congratuations to all the members, DSs, DOBs, COBs, for the Victory of SNEA in Karnataka Circle in 2nd EMV.Thanks to each and every Executive of Karnataka for their good support to SNEA. Thanks to all who have worked day and night to make SNEA victroy in Karnataka. Thanks to all our senior comrades who stood with SNEA and helped during MV.

Our fight is not with any other assosiations but our fight is for the welfare of the Executives' and against the wrong policies of the management.

Unity is need of the hour and we all Executives' Assosiations have to join hands in resolving the Issues of Executives and work for thier welfare and to strengthen BSNL.

Together we can achieve many things, let us join hands all together.


Achievements / breakthrough / progress / status of the issues taken up by SNEA

1. Protected BSNL from the threat of closure. Protectedย  jobย  ofย  thousandsย  and thousands of employees.

2. Opposed Tower Subsidiary formation. Actively involved in the major issues like Restructuring, review of sanctioned posts based on Assets, Pension Contribution, Project Vasundhara, FTTH policy, Outsourcing of CFA and OFC work, NGNย  tender, MPLS expansion, Phase VII add on and Phase VIII.4 GSM tender.

3.For smooth career progression, Non-post based Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy negotiated and approved by Board. It will ensure Promotionย  afterย  everyย  5 years, upto AGM Grade, irrespective of vacancy.ย  Implementationย  fromย  01.07.2018 will ensure parity and smooth career progression for youngsters.

4.14,082 Executives got promotion, filling almost all the vacancies in allย  cadres.ย  Approval of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy on 28.05.18 made it possible in June 2018. 5.BSNL recommended standard pay scales of E2, E3. Protected the Cadres from demotion to E1 and E2 scale from 2017 onwards. Making all the efforts for the approval of E2 and E3 pay scales w.e.f.01.01.2007.

6. Superannuation Fund created with 3% contribution. Another hike @2% of the emoluments w.e.f. 01.04.2017. Pursuing for further enhancement.

7. EPF full Pension: EPF contribution without the ceiling of 12%ย  ofย  Rsย  6500ย  implemented in BSNL. SNEA and its members becoming direct party in theย  caseย  atย  Hon Supreme Court for EPF full Pension.

8.BSNL Board recommended 3rd PRC with 15% fitment. BSNL is the only loss making PSU, recommended Pay Revision.

9. Group Term Insurance (GTI) for the BSNL Executives from March, 2019 with aย  premium of Rs 9440/- for coverage of Rs 50 lakhs for all Executives up to 50 Years.

10. First TBP uniformly after 4 years: Action initiated.

11. Pay loss of Rs 22820/- for post 2007 rects: We made Management to accept there is huge pay loss. Initiated legal action for 2007 &ย  2008ย  rects.ย  Demandedย  continuing with the pre-revised scale of Rs 9850/ till the issue resolved. Additional increments from E2 also demanded.

12. E1+5 increments ensured for all the post 2007 rect JTO/JAOs: Uptoย  2010 implemented. For Post 2010, approved by DoT. Implementationย  ofย  E1+5ย  increment for post 2010 rects pending as it is linked with E1 and E2 scale notification (SNEA opposing E1& E2 notification).

13. Rect of thousands of JTO/JAOs in Dept/DR quota byย  clearingย  variousย  hurdles.ย  JTO LICE made almost current.

14. Maximum Rule 8 cases settled utilising LICE and GATE JTOs as substitutes. Relaxationย  in qualifying service for LICE JTO/JAO in Rule 8 Transfers.

15. External MT stopped. Examination for internal MT conducted for the career progression of young Executives.

16. Orders issued on 28.02.2017 protecting the officiating pay.

17. Protection of Additional increment on functional promotions.

18. SDE RR amended with Rota & Quota from 28.08.2015.

19. FR22(1)(a)(i) fixation for Officiating JTOs.

20. E1A and E2A pay scales for Civil/Elect/Arch/TF/PA/PS from 01.10.2000 approved byย  the MC of the Board.

21. Addressing Reversion of 2001 Rect JTOs passed LDCE 2007.

22. e-APAAR and e-DPC got it introduced in BSNL.

Give us 51 vote, SNEA will achieve more.

Vote for SNEA, Vote for Unity,

Vote for Sl. Number: 9


Both CS SNEA Karnataka and Com Shudharshan CS BSNLEU Karnataka met Sri Madhanpuri PGM STR, Sri Deepak Tayal CGM STR, highlighted the heart burning issues of non payment of STR HKLs , non supply of material, non support of temproary advances in time. Both the CSs pressurised to release 3 months wages for HKLs immediately and supply of standard jointing kits and other accessories to restore the faults.Not attending of HKLs to work will impact more on the fault restoration and patroling the route which is highly needed as at many routes smart city projetcs/ NH way expansion and other developmental works are in great progress which are severely damagaing our OFC routes and our executives of STR are suffering with scarcity of men and material. Demanded for immediate priority to STR.

While our discussion with CGM STR , call received form DIR EB to CGM STR and CGM escalated to Dir EB that SNAE and BSNLEU are infront of him and demanding for the release of pending HKLs payments and STR Karnataka is allotted only 35 lakhs against the outstanding of 13 months each month invoice value is abpout 75 lakhs, 35 lakhs is not even sufficient to clear the one month wagws to HKLs.. Dir EB assured to intervene with CO for further fund allotment. Regarding Jointing Kits already tender process for the procurment of joint kits is completed and will be suppied to each store location by the month end.

Both CSs thanked all the HKLs for their great patience for extending their best cooperation to BSNL and attending the faults even at the risky time of COVID and not getting their wages from 11 months. Red salute to all the HKLs from SNEA and BSNLEU for their commitment to the BSNL.

After discussion with CGM, PGM STR addresssed all the Executives of Bangalore OD section and HKLs. PGM STR told how many times CS SNEA Karnataka met CGM and PGM STR highlighted HKLs payments and other burnining issues of STR with dates. He assured to arrange one month wages to HKLs by Friday and appealed all HKLs to cooperate and join for work.

Both the CSs assured to all Execuives and HKLs best effort will be put from our CHQ to impress upon the CO to release the HKLs payment on high priority as STR is the Back bone for all the BSNL services. Both the assosiations will be there for any strugle in the intrest of the BSNL and for the welfare of the mankinds who ever working for the BSNL.

SNEA and BSNLEU together arranged food grains packet to STR HKLs, requested HKLs to collect on Monday at WMS compound.



CS SNEA Karnataka along with ACS Com Prashant met CGM and discussed the following issues.
1. Clearing the pending bills of HKLs by diverting from the fund allotted to other heads which can be managed for time being.
CGM made an arrangement for payment of one month all vendor for all SSAs. Amount already has been sent to bank.
2. Empanelment of hospitals for the remaining SSAs for getting cashless treatment for COVID 19 to our BSNL staff.
CGM agreed and assured to get it done.
3. Requested CGM to initiate the process for considering further pending Rule 8 transfers, JTOs are waiting since long time of more than 10 years.
The discussion of working strength, sanctioned strength in Karnataka and the circles for which rule 8 request transfer are given were discussed at length.
CS SNEA highlighted the heart'burning issues faced by these rule 8 request JTOs who are away from their spouse, aged parents and family. After much discussion CGM got convinced and very humble to initiate the process in the 3rd week of August 2020.

4. As DGMs/AGMs /SDEs are retiring continously, requested to give looking after immediately to fill up all the positions.
5. Also requested to consider and approve the rule 9 cases which are of genuine medical/physical handicap cases.
6. Requested to consider the intra circle transfers of JTOs/SDEs/DEs.
7. Also discussed the pending cases of settlement of terminal benefits to some retirees through VRS.

Discussion took in detail and CGM patiently listened and assured his best to resolve the above all issues in time bound manner.
SNEA Karnataka conveyed thanks to CGM Karnataka for his assurance.



เฒฎเณ‡เฒงเฒพเฒตเฒฟ ,เฒฎเณƒเฒฆเณ เฒฎเฒพเฒคเฒฟเฒจ ,เฒธเณเฒจเณ‡เฒนเฒฎเฒฏ เฒตเณเฒฏเฒ•เณเฒคเฒฟเฒคเณเฒต เฒธเฒฆเฒพ เฒจเฒ—เณ เฒฎเณเฒ–เฒฆ เฒฐเฒ‚เฒœเฒจ เฒ‡เฒจเณเฒจเฒฟเฒฒเณเฒฒ เฒŽเฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒจเฒ‚เฒฌเฒฒเฒฟเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ† เฒธเฒพเฒงเณเฒฏเฒตเฒฟเฒฒเณเฒฒ.
เฒ…เฒตเฒฐ เฒ†เฒคเณเฒฎเฒ•เณเฒ•เณ† เฒถเฒพเฒ‚เฒคเฒฟ,เฒธเฒฆเณเฒ—เฒคเฒฟ เฒ•เณŠเฒกเฒฒเฒฟ เฒŽเฒ‚เฒฆเณ เฒญเฒ—เฒตเฒ‚เฒคเฒจเฒฒเณเฒฒเฒฟ เฒชเณเฒฐเฒพเฒฐเณเฒฅเฒจเณ†.

SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA and excellent worker of the BSNL, late Smt Ranjana C V SDE RTTC , Mysore on 22.07.2020. Her husband also expired last month. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to their only daughter and family members to bear the loss and pain.


SNEA Karnataka initiated the Group medical insurance for the BSNL staff, under the panic situation of COVID 19 protection of our health and Insurance coverage is highly need of the hour.

SNEA Karnataka negotiated with Star health Insurnace and got competitive quotation. Those who are willing to join in this group medical insurance can join by giving their willingness and can add their family details in the google sheet available below.

Click here to add your details to opt for the Group medical Insurance.

Quotation age group wise is as below. E - Employee S- Spouse C- Children

Parents can also be added with additional premium.



SNEA Karnataka held Online CEC meeting on 05.07.2020, all the COBs, DSs, CEC members and many active members of SNEA took part in the deliberation. Meeting continously took for 8 hours. Many Issues disscussed regarding HR , BSNL growth and about need of MV. GS SNEA CHQ gave reply to all the query raised by the members, like CPSU, E1 to E2, SAB , 22820 , Rule-8, GATE JTOs Bond issue, 4G, STR-STP merger, staff restructuring etc and explained the role played by SNEA in the past 3 years which was very critical. In such a tough a situation also SNEA ensured about 15000 promotions for the executives in various cadre. SNEA is striving hard for the implementation of CPSU CH through which another 15000 promotions to the long waiting executives can be ensured. GS appealed to all the executives for the unification, our all pending issues will be resolved only when we all executives are united. When issues are common to all the executives then why cant we align to single Executive asssosiation?. Unity is need of the hour.

Some of the highlights are:
1. E1+5 increment already sanction will be pursued for implementation shortly for 2015 batch onwards and for 2010 SRD batch. Will be fixed at 18850/- instead of 19020/-.
2. CPSU cadre hierarchy will be implemented from 1-7-2018 within three months of becoming solid majority association after MV. Dear comrades please note if implemented all those who have completed 5 years of service will get promotion to the next cadre, JTO-SDE, JAO to AO, with this Rule-8 will be resolved as SDE and AI are all India cadre and promotees can opt home circle.
2A) please note recently promoted LICE JTO' , GATE recruited JTO's and recently recruited and promoted JAO's are highest beneficiaries of CPSU cadre hierarchy.
3. In the side lines of CPSU , SNEA will also try for making JTO As all India cadre to resolve rule-8 issue permanently.
3A) SNEA will also try resolve Bond period agreement issue of GATE JTO'd which is against the natural law justice.

4. STR - STP merger is on the anvil, initially to start with WTR-WTP circles, to solve STR staff related issue.
5 . Requested GS to put pressure at top level for improving conditions in STR with respect to staff and expenditure, same was assured by GS.
6.GS also mentioned that, SNEA considers everybody except ITS as BSNL recruited, and hence no bias in SNEA as propogated by other associations, Evey body will be treated equally with most importance.
7. GS also mentioned that in three years after first MV, if SNEA can give 15000/- promotions in 2018 and make way for promotion to juniors, After becoming majority association in the present MV can arrange another 15000/- promotions in the very near future.
8. SNEA is also trying for unification of associations either before MV or immediately after MV, as the strength of unification as already shown results by making Government to declare as strategic department and also made it to borne the VRS-2019 expenditure , other wise there was a plan to close BSNL and also all the VRS expenditure would have made to be borne by BSNL, But due to United fight present results have been achieved.
9. 4G tender has become a national security issue after border issues with China, it is under discussion at higher level, will be disclosed as and when information/progress is received.
10. GS has instructed to all comrades of SNEA to goto other non comrades of SNEA pursue them to Join SNEA by revealing the achievements and commitment of SNEA towards executive fraternity of BSNL in particular and CPSU's in general as SNEA is playing very important role in NCOA .(A common association representing all central government companies).
11. GS also discussed about merger of BSNL and MTNL, he reiterated the SNEA stand of resolving pay parity issue between BSNL and MTNL before merger.
12.SNEA Karnataka assured to consider all intra circle request transfers during LICE JTO posting .

13. SNEA Karntaka is committed for Rule 8 transfer and coninue to persue for getting rule 8 transfers.

Dear comrades, don't fall or allow others to fall in the false propganda of any association which wants to creat division among BSNL executives tagging different people differently, we should understand the strength of SNEA and try to make it more strong with full majority in the coming MV, we can fight for our issues within the SNEA platform, as SNEA platform is very strong with present leadership at all levels from SSA to CHQ.

Let us be united and strengthen both SNEA and BSNL.


Today CS Met GM Admin & HR requested to issue the request transfer orders immediately for the executives who have gone on longstay and completed two years and also for JTOs/ SDEs who have requested for their transfer. GM HR & Admin assured it will be issued on priority.


CS along with Vice President Com Jayaprakash Javali, ACSs Com B Ramesh,Com Tata Babu,Com K Y Prashant, Organising secretary Com K N Muralidhar, DS BGTD Com Vishwanath, DS CO Com AnandKrishna, Com Nagesh, met Newly joined CGMT Karnataka Sri Devesh Kumar and gave him warm welcome to Karnataka on Behalf of SNEA Karnataka.Assured our best support for the development of BSNL Karnataka and requested CGM support in resolving the field and HR issues. CGMT was very humble and listened all the points and gave his suggestions also for the betterment of the organisation. The points discussed with CGMT are available in the letter attached. Click for the letter.


CS Met GM HR and Admin , requested to consideer the request transfer of SDEs who have gone on longstanding and completed two years and issue the order at the ealiest. Also requested to consider the request transfer of JTOs and issue the order.


CS SNEA Karnataka along with SNEA STR branch office bearers Com Chandrashekhar, com Arun Divate, met PGM Sri Madhanpuri and CGM STR Sri Deepak Tayal.

Highlighted the heart burning issues of STR Karnataka which are as follows.
1. Long pending HKLs wages.
Today amount is transferred to all four vendors for month, however CS demanded to persue with CO to clear atleast 3 months wages then only the HKLs can come for work.
CGMT appealed us to convey he is trying his best to ensure minimum 3 months wages to HKLs in this month and requested to ask all HKLs to report for work. CS SNEA also told he will also persue with GS to get fund allocation for another 2 months wages to HKLs.

2. Hired vehicle bills and their GST deduction issue.
Agreed to persue with CO for fund allocation and for GST workout with account section.

3. Jointing kits and 24F cable for maintenance.
Already tender is floated for around 1800 jointing kits through GEM portal, PO will be placed as soon as tender formalities complete.

4. EPF and ESI payment issue for HKLs.

Being persued with CO.

5. Outsourcing of OFC routes.

30% of OFC route is proposed and being taken up shortly.

6. Merger of STP with STR immediately to overcome the staff shortage in STR.

It was proposed to implement by 1st April but due to lockdown and other issues could not happen, will be once again taken up with CO and request for intervention.

7. Posting regular DGM to STR Hubli division.

Agreed to act.

8. Accepting the temproary advances request from the field executives on their need basis but not asking them to put request depending on the availability of fund , which is wrong practice.

Agreed and asked to place ty advance request based on the field requirements.

9. Rationalisation of STR staff based on the network and geographical terrains.

Agreed but couldn't done because of STP merger pendency.

10. Instead of giving additional charge to staff it is better if it is made permanent with STP staff merger.

Again waiting for STP merger implementation.

11. Suggested to adopt the OFC maintenance tender of BGTD/AIRTEL which is job based billing and it workout to be cheaper.
Agreed to see the proposal and asked the PGM to pur up for process.

CS explained all the above in detail, especially why outside labours can't be engaged through ty advance when our trained HKLs are not coming to work.
CGMT got convinced and requested to call HKLs for duty and assure them their pending dues will be cleared with persuasion with CO. Hoping another 2 months wages this month.


The SNEA Mysore district conference was held yesterday on 8.3.2020.CS along with CP S B Nagavi, CVP M N Ramakrishna, CVP Jayaprakash Javali, Ex CP Sri Venkateshmurthy, Gopalkrishna DS Chikkamangalore attended the conference and addressed the gathering.Various points related to post VRS were discussed and appealed to all VRS optees to help and support our existing staff and to take the BSNL ahead so that BSNL can once again flourish soon.Mysore SNEA branch felicitated around 70ย  retirees( VRS optees/ those who retired by superannuation). Also felicitated all the executive s and non-executive s who dedicated worked in admin section during VRS process.The conference was presided by Com Arun Naragund, Com Ravikumar presented the DS report, and Com Sameeulla presented the financial report.

Election conducted for the selection of new office bearers.

Com Sudhakar Gour AGM is District President,

Com Raghavendra G Y SDE Txmn, he is BSNL recruitee of 2002 batch, is District secretary.

Com Satish SDE Txmn as Treasurer, Got elected unanimously with other office bearers.

SNEA Karnataka congratulates the new young team which is going to lead by young DS Com Raghavendra.

The conference was held in a grand manner.For the Glimpses of conference click the link๐Ÿ‘‡https://drive.google.com/open?id=1__GyNfbDA7QNyXIpWO4hnMp0LD3wHyh6



After the completion of hunger strike yesterday,ย  AUAB circle secretaries, District secretaries of BGTD , CO and office bearers met CGMT KTK, exhibited the unhappiness about CGMT attitude of not giving meeting either to AUAB or any union and assosiation individually.CGMT replied as the management is presently panic to handle many crucial issues of post VRS, once everything is streamlined meeting will be given to all.Following issues were discussed in detail which are affecting our service and facing in execution of day to day development, o&m works in the field.

1. Assigning outdoor related works to CG appointed ATT is not yielding fruitful results instead HKLs number may be increased.

2. More revenue earning CSCs should be operated by our own staff instead of handing over to franchaise.

3. About NGN, our existing line condition not meeting the line parameters as required by the NGN specification which causing frequent disturbance of voice and data services. Due to which many numbers are getting disconnected.

4. Regarding outsourcing of CFA, it is mentioned in the tender that the permission for road cutting is the responsibility of BSNL, which should be made as the responsibility of the contractor as BSNL struggling lot to deal with such issues officially but it is for the contractor to manage in indivaual contractor capacity.

5. Requested CGM to write highlighting the shortage of DGMs in Karnataka so that some of recently promoted DGMs of ktkย  posted to out of ktk can be retained and posted back to ktk.

6. About vacating of entire BSNL establishment at ( Pride Heritage) CTO building toย  CO for letting out CTO building to judicial department, requested to maintain two floors with BSNL so that ownership of the entire building remains with BSNL.

7. Discussed about disbursement of January salary, settlement of the all recoveries which are not paid to the concerned.ย CGM told January salary is expected by this month end.

8. About revenue decline, CGMT told there is revenue rise of 10% in mobile sector, which is good sign for the BSNL.AUAB Put it's best effort to highlight the burning issues, let us hope management takes in right spirit and acts for the revival of the BSNL in true spirit.

9. AUAB asked CGMT to instruct all the SSA heads to give meeting to unions / Assosiations to discuss about local issues.

AUAB Put it's best effort to highlight the burning issues, let us hope management takes in right spirit and acts for the revival of the BSNL in true spirit.ย 


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka , protesting against engaging selective VRS opted Officers in Circle Office.

Click for the letter.

The CGMT Karnataka inititaed a move of engaging VRS optees for the Circle office work,

which is highly objectionable under following crisis of the BSNL.

1. When the BSNL is not in a position to pay salary to its working employees in time.

2. BSNL has not paid more than 15 months wages to casual labours who are starving without payment even then they are with BSNL and working for the BSNL, with whose presence only our customers are getting services and BSNL getting revenue.

3. It would have been appreciated if the management took the initiative of paying all the pending dues of the casual labours and increasing their confidence with the BSNL

4. BSNL not paid building / land owners rent since many months.

5. BSNL is unable to pay the electricity bills of BSNL Exchanges / BTS, resulting good revenue earning sites are getting switched off.

6. BSNL unable to pay the IP Vendors bills, resulting good revenue earning sites are getting switched off.

7. BSNL is unable to refund the deposits of the customers who have closed their connections.

8. BSNL is unable to pay already recovered money of the employees to the concerned financial institutions like LIC/ Post Office / MOU banks/ BSNL employeesโ€™ societies etc.

9. BSNL unable to pay the vehicle vendors bills since many months because of which the vehicle services have been stopped at many places and our field staff attending the faults by taking all the cable material and accessories on their head and shoulders and sometimes on their own two wheeler and attending the interruptions, which never been recognized by the management and appreciated. But where as for the administrative vehicle VOLA money is being paid regularly without a single day delay which is total discrimination and demoralizing the field staff.

 10. BSNL is not in a position to pay many vendors bills who believed in BSNL and extended their services to BSNL and BSNL already earned money but failed to pay their claims.

11. Many of the transmission trained executives / non executives have opted VRS whose absence really felt in the field and as a result many leased circuits are pending for commissioning and many circuits not being unattended in time.

In this context SNEA Karnataka strongly protest this stand of the BSNL Karnataka management's proposal of engaging consultants or whatsoever to the Circle Office.


"Pride of SNEA KArnataka "

The following members of SNEA bagged the โ€œVishist Sanchar Seva Padak Awardโ€ for the year 2018 for their excellent contribution and delivering their best to the organization.






Smt Jayalakshmi Kulkarni




Sri.A M Nataraju




Sri.Ashok Nayak




Sri.S Dattatri




Sri.P S Surendar


CO, Bangalore



CS writes to CGMT STR Chennai for,

A formal agenda meeting to discuss the issues mentioned in the letter to handle the post VRS crisis.Click for the letter.


Mangalore become 4G Enabled.

SNEA Karnataka conveys Heartiest congratulations to all the Executives and non executives for getting 4G service innagurated and launched in Mangalore. 161 BTSs are upgraded with 4G services in Mangalore city.


The AGB meeting of Hubli SSA was held on 13.01.2020, almost all the members who have not opted for VRS, continuing in BSNL after 1st February 2020 and who has to take this organisation have all attended. All the members riased thier doubts about the BSNL , O& M activities , HR issues and restructuring policy etc. Com S A Bellubbi DS Hubli noted all the local issues and explained what are all the issues resolved by the District body. CS explained elobarately what are the plans that the BSNL has thought of to overcome the crisis of HR after VRS.

Com Bongale welcomed the gathering and Com V S Myageri gave a vote of thanks.


CS writes reminder to CGMT Karnataka for

A formal agenda meeting to discuss the issues mentioned in the letter to handle the post VRS crisis.


The district conference of Shimoga held on 29.12.2019 in the conference hall of GM Office Shimoga, CS attended. The function was presided by Com Rajashekar District President, begun the program with Invocatcation song by Com Subramanya , Welcome by Com Shivaram. Com Dattatri DS presented the DS report and detailed the activities done during his tenure as DS Shimoga. Com Shiram presented the treasurer report. Com Kenchareddy anchored the whole function. Shri Baskar Javali DGM was invited as a guest of honour for the conferenece. He addressed the gathering and appeled the members to contribute their best to the organisation and concentrate more on the outstanding dues. CS addressed and eloborated all the issues and role played by SNEA Karnataka and SNEA CHQ in resolving the issues of the members and to safeguard the intrest of the BSNL. He also told what are the activities and stand taken by the managaement to overcome the shortage of staff after 31.01.2020. He Thanked all the staff of Shimoga for their excellent contribution in S& M activities and FTTH penetration. Com Rajaashekar gave the presidential speech in which he highlited the role played by the SNEA since the Days of our late Late Sheshagiri Rao for the welfare of the members and presented the vote of thanks.

The election for the new office bearers was conducted in which Com Jayappa elected as President, Com Raju elected as DS and Com Smt Vidya Kini got unanimously as treasurer. SNEA Karnataka congratulates and conveys the best wishes to the newly elected office bearers.

Click for the Glimpses.


SNEA Conveys a very and prosperous new year 2020 to all.Let us begin the new year with new zeal,and enthusiasm. Let us make BSNL more flurishing with our innovative ideas.


CS along with newly elected OBs of STR ROK division DS Com Mukund Joise , Com Shivanna President Com Ravindrakumar, Com M L Chandrashekar met Shri Madanpuri PGM STR, started discussion on the agenda given by STR comrades during the STR ROK meeting which was held in Hubli on 14.12.2019. Highlited the shaortage of staff, scarcity of materials especially 24 F cable and SJC/BJC, vehicle, temproary advance pending and HKLs payments pending since many months. Protested the for not taking action for transporting 24 F cable which was diverted from Chennai to Hubli and Bangalore. Demanded for immediate action plan for the restrucure to handle the post VRS situation. PGM told that management is waiting for STR and STP merger activity complete then only it will become easy fro the restructure of staff. Also discussed the heart burnining issues of the STR Raichur division where only one JTO and one JE are taking the load of entire 600 Kms along with DTC indoor activities which is practically very difficult to maintain the network. Aslo pressurised to releive JTO Vanshikrishna who has got already Rule 8 Transfer but not yet releived, pressurised to releive him by immediate rearrangements of staff. The registration of request transfer of JTO Ganesh was also discussed and asked to register and consider at the earliest.

From the Admin side Shri C Kodlekar was prsent and noted all the issues which were raised during the meeting. SNEA thanked PGM and Kodlekar for having meeting with SNEA and taking the STR issues and assured to resolve in best possible manner.

27.12.2019 Click here to add your details to opt for the Group medical Insurance.

SNEA Karnataka has taken initiative to negotiate with the Insurance companies for the Group medical Insurance for our BSNL employees. It is to seek the details from the willing employees opting for Group medical insurance, to get quotation for Group Medical Insurance.

Special features of this proposal are

1. Both working and retired employees of BSNL can opt.

2. Employee can add their children up to the age of 30 years.

3. Employee can add their parents, in laws up to the age of 75 years.

Pl ensure the willingness and upadte data in above google sheet within 10.01.2020 please.


Heartiest congratulations to Com Chetan JTO NW - O CM Mysore with his innovative idea saved Rs 75000/- with EB reduction for one month from 10 Non BSNL sites after fitting DC Fans and switching off Airconditioner units. He is our SNEA ADS of Mysore Branch. SNEA thanks and congratulates him for his contribution.

Click for the Technical details.


Pride of Karnataka,

Heartiest congratulations to each and very one of Davanagere Executives and non executives with whose effort Davanagere got Best maintained SSA Award, Shri Dasar DGM Davanagere Received the award, which is inspiration to all the remaining SSAs. SNEA Conveys best wishes to all.

One more National level Award has come to Karntaka Hubli SSA, Shri Girish Chindi TT Awarded with "Bharat Sanchar Seva Padak award" for his maritoreous service. He is very sincere and hard working man and he really deserve this award. He was working in Broad band and leased lines. Now he is working for FTTH and extending good support for the FTTH franchaisees to get more FTTH in the fold of the BSNL. He is an asset for the BSNL.SNEA conveys best wishes to him for his future.


CS met CGMT Ktk, reminded the request for the formal meeting with SNEA on the agenda points submitted a week before.Asked about the temproary advances, reorganisation of manpower, the limit of only 4 to 8 years of services in a particular place for applying Deputation to TERM cell and about the transfer proposals if any.Staff scarcity in STR Raichur regarding also told.

CGMT told that the CO is getting the succession plans form all the BAs and after reconciling only possible to have the meeting. Assured to clear all the dues before 31.1.2020 especially of those who opted for VRS. Working out at all the BA level to reorganise the manpower. The limit is fixed just to avoid the newly joined executive displacement and who are under the perview of getting transfer after 8 years normally.As of now there is no thought on transfer, may be on the analysis of future scarcity.To meet the the shortage of STR Raichur staff will be taken care.


SNEA STR ROK Branch held District conference at Hubli. Almost the comrades of STR ROK attended the meeting. All the critical issues which our STR executives are facing were discussed in depth.
AGS Com Pandurang Nayak attended the meeting and eloborated the issues related to CHQ and what are steps being taken at CO to meet the post VRS manpower scarcity. What is the financial position of BSNL and what is the best choice to maintain the network in future.
Com Talikote CWC member addressed the gathering and expressed that post VRS activities have to be initiated immediately to cope the future challenges.
CS SNEA addressed eloborated what made Govt to think about the revival of BSNL and what is the role of the employees who remain in BSNL. Expressed the outsourcing is the only method with which we can do o&m and development works in future. Appealed to the members that give their valuable inputs to make successful of outsourcing and make more and more vendors to support BSNL.
Thanked the HKLs who stood with BSNL even not getting their wages since six to eight months. Thanked all STR comrades for thier dedication and commitment of giving service even in the absence of stores, vehicle,money, vehicle etc by putting thier personal money to attend the faults.
President Sri S B Nagavi also graced the meeting as he was on the personal visit to Hubli. He also addressed the need of the outsourcing and our role in that.
Com Ravindra Kumar presided over the meeting, com Kencharedder presented the DS report and highlighted the issues of STR.
New OBs were elected, comย  Aiduddi got elected as President, Com Mukund Jois as DS and Com Hazare as Treasurer.
Meeting concluded with vote of thanks.

The house elected Com B.G. Aiududdi as President, Com Mukunda Jois H A as District Secretary and Com S.D Hazare as Treasurer. SNEA Karnataka extends best wishes to all the newly elected office bearers.

Click for the New office beraer list and the resolutions conveyed to the PGM STR.

11.12.2019 CS writes to CGMT Karnataka for

A formal agenda meeting to discuss the issues mentioned in the letter to handle the post VRS crisis. Click for the letter.


The combined General body meeting of BGTD, CO and MS Bangalore branches held on 02.12.2019 at Auditorium CO Bangalore, Com Ravi President prisided over the meeting, CS, ACS Com B Ramesh, Com Prashant and CHQOB Com Smt Savita addressed the gathering, replied for all the queries in respect of VRS option and post VRS issues. CS Explained in detail about what made the VRS to come for BSNL, what compelled the Govt to think seriously about BSNL presence for the Nation and revive it urgently. He also explained the role played by all unions and assosiasions along with the members in getting this revival paln in which entire 4G spectrum along with GST is freely allotted to the BSNL, around Rs 7500 Cr to BSNL beingg supported by GOI through sovenier bonds and all the money earned through land monitisation will directly come to BSNL. Honble MOC Shri Ravishankar Prasad clearly told BSNL is strateggical GOVT PSU which will not be closed, will not be disinvested and it will never be privatised. This has boosted the moral and image of the entire BSNL in the telecom market inspite of so many false propoganda of wested intrest agencies about BSNL. CS Explained the pros cons of the VRS scheme and appealed to the members to take their informed decision. Also told what are the restructuring plans being preapred at CO for the post VRS scenario. CS encouraged the executives who remain with BSNL to take the future challenges sportively and definately bright future is there for BSNL.


The General body meeting of Mysore branch held on 01.12.2019 at RTTC Mysore, Com Naragund President prisided over the meeting, Com Ramakrishna CVP and CS addressed the gathering, replied all the queries in respect of VRS option and post VRS issues. CS Explained in detail about the pros cons of the VRS scheme and appealed to the members to take their informed decision. Also told what are the restructuring plans being preapred at CO for the post VRS scenario. Ex VP Venkateshmurthy was also attended and addressed the meeting and encouraged the executives who remain with BSNL to take the future challenges sportively and definately bright future is there for BSNL.


Click here to write up your valuable suggestions for the Future Road Map for maintenance activities and restructuring in post VRS scenario --- Meeting with BSNL Management on 26.11.2019.

The suggestions of the members from SSAs are to be collected and consolidated by the CSs and email to CHQ by this week end. External Plant and OFC route maintenance are tough jobs requires feedback from those working in those areas. CSs may interact with all the Dist Secs and activists on this issue. All the activists are requested to contribute.


CS writes to the CGMT Karnataka,

1. For seeking the clarification on the points related to VRS option immediately from CO, DOT and GOI.

2. Post VRS action plan for the survival of the company and motivation to the employees who remain with BSNL and has to take our BSNL forward. Click for the letter.


It is noticed that some disgruntled elements with malafide intentions, spreading fake news on VRS, just to create panic among the Executives.

It is noticed that even the Executives below 55 years also opted for VRS in large numbers, even beyond the expectation of the management eventhough the package is not good for them and may suffer financial losses in the long run. The package for 55+ is comparatively better.

The future increments, better prospects of pay revision, better career prospects, better terminal benefits and pension, family circumstances and the future challenges in the changed scenario are to be taken into account before taking a final decision.

It will be always better to take some challenges especially during challenging time. VRS is purely voluntary and individual has to take a final call. The negativity created by management and other vested interests should not come in the way of such crucial decision in your career.

Eventhough Union Cabinet approved the proposal for reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58, it is quite unlikely that the Govt will implement such unpopular measure now, in view of the good response for the VRS.



Payment of electricity bills:

Comrades, Govt has taken a very good initiative, writing to all State Govts not to disconnect electricity connections due to non payment till 31.03.2020. Secretary, DoT written to all the Chief Secretaries in this regard. Further Hon MoC Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadย  written to all the State Chief Ministers also in this regard. This is a very good gesture from Govt of India. Further it is written not to levy penal interest on BSNL and make the payments due towards BSNL on priority.

It has to be pursued with State Govts and State Electricity Boards/Corporations by the CGMs. We have to purse the matter till it materialises. ย If any difficulty is faced with State Govt, it may be reported to BSNLCO so that further intervention from DoT can be sought.

Hereafter payment of electricity bills will not be priority as BSNLCO planning to utilise the fund for other maintenance activities for the remaining months.

BSNL connection to other Govt Depts:

As part of Revival package, Govt also decided in principle to direct all the Govt Depts and State Govts to take BSNL landline and BB connections. As and when 4G roll out happens and quality attains, BSNL mobile services also will become mandatory.

This is another big decision in favour of BSNL.

Prior to that BSNL has to make mandatory for its own Officers and staff to use BSNL connection!


BSNL Revivalย -ย OM Released by DOT as per Cabinet Approvalย ย Click Hereย ย โ€ƒ

HUNGER STRIKE on 18-10-2019ย by AUAB:

Make theย programme a resounding success.


The main demand is speedy revival of BSNL and other demands are linked with that. The Hunger Strike tomorrow is a good beginning where the General Secretaries, Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are leading the Hunger strike at Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels respectively. Other activists also can join the Hunger Strike.

Lunch hour demonstrations are to be organised at all the places on same day, involving the entire Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL. Almost all the Unions and Associations joined together on this critical issue of Revival of BSNL forgetting all the differences.

The success of any agitation depends on the participation and this is the occasion to show our solidarity. It is for our survival, for our bread and butter, all the employees should understand that. If the Revival package is not decided by Diwali as promised, we have to gear up for the biggest struggle in November and this will be the run up to that agitation. We have to send the right message to the Govt.


1. Immediate payment of the September salary. Timely payment of salary every month.

2. Payment of contract/casual workers wages, electricity bills, rentals etc.

3. Revival of BSNL by immediate allocation of 4G spectrum, extension of financial assistance/ soft loan and approval for BSNLโ€™s Land Monetisation policy.

4. Settlement of 3rd Pay Revision, Pension Revision and 30% Superannuation benefits.

5. Payment towards Banks, LIC premium, Societies, GPF etc.




SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA and excellent worker of the BSNL, late Smt Sandhya SDE Indoor CTS Exchange, BGTD on 4.10.2019. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all her family members to bear the loss and pain.

ACS Com Ramesh B, District Treasurer Devaraj, Com Ananadkumar and many other members of SNEA BGTD have attended the final rituals at Bangalore to give the respect of homage to the departed soul.



Positive developments on BSNL Revival Plan

It is understood that the discussions held at PMO yesterday was very positive and the Secretaries from different Depts come to an understanding that BSNL Revival is required and BSNL can be Revived. Discussions are continuing on the implementation of Revival package. Hopefully it will be concluded in another one week and proposal may go to the Cabinet for approval before Deepavali.


Wish you all a very happy and prosperous BSNL formation day.

Let all of us unite our ideas and try to implement them for the betterment of the BSNL. The talented human resourse, wide network and customer faith are the greatest strength of the BSNL with which we can definately take our BSNL to new height with prosparity. Let us get united and make BSNL flag fly high in the Telecom market. Once again with best wishes.


Protest Lunch Hour Demonstration on 01.10.2019

The Unions and Associations of BSNL is constrained to conduct a lunch hour demonstration on 01.10.2019 in protest against the non-payment of salary in time, non-payment of wages to contract workers, electricity bills, rentals etc and total ban on capital expenditure along with other issues related with Revival of BSNL.

Unions and Associations further demanded that if BSNL is not able to pay the salary, Govt should pay the salary to all BSNL employees being the Principal Employer and owner of the company.

Charter of Demands

1.ย Immediate allotment of 4G Spectrum and Land Monetization.

2. Payment of Salary to BSNL employees on due date by BSNL or DoT.

3. Payment of wages to contract workers, payment of electricity and rental charges.

4.ย ย ย  Implementation of 3rd Pay Revision.

5.ย  Honour the Commitments given by Union Cabinet in 2000 to ensure Financial viability of BSNL:

i) Financial support for loss making Rural Exchanges.

ii) Extend soft loan to BSNL/ Sovereign Guarantee for itโ€™s capital expenditures.

iii) Remove the total ban on capital expenditure by BSNL. Allow field units capital expenditure, where revenue is assured.

6. No Retrenchment & No Roll Back of Retirement age to 58.

7. Payment of Pension Contribution by BSNL as per the Govt Rule.

We appeal to all the Unions & Associations and employees to join the protest demonstration on 01.10.2019


The District Conference of Chikkamagalore was held on 08.09.2019 in the auditorium of main telephone exchange Chikkamagalore. The Conference begun with the Prayer by melodious voice of Kum Medha Daughter of Com Mukunda Jois, welcome by Com Parmeshwara, Com Pattenshetty presided over the meeting. Com Gopalkrishna A presented the DS report and Com Mukunda Jois presented the finance report. Shri K Shivanna DGM Chikkamagalore was invited as the Chief Guest of the function. The Circle President and the Circle Secretary SNEA have attended the conference. Almost members have attended the conference and actively participated and delibarated all field issues which are affecting the development and maintenance activities. STR comrade highlighted the critical issues of STR ataff suffering in the field. Newly joined Gate JTOs shared their difficulties in handling staff which was very much genuine and about very much worried about their future in BSNL with present condition.

The CS addressed and explained what are all the action taken by SNEA Karnataka to get support from the managment to our field staff. Thanked for the dedication of the Chikkamagalore staff in restoring the services during the flood and landsliding inspite of resources scarcity.

The CP addressed the gathering and explained the reason for the present crisis and what is the need of the hour to overcome the present crisis.

The Chief guest Shri K Shivanna addressed the gathering and remembered the support of the SNEA for Chikkamagalore management and appealed for all the members to involve 100% and contribute their best to make the company strong in revenue.

Deliberations took up to late evening and concluded with vote of thanks by Com Bhaskar Rao.

The new body with following office bearers is formed.

Com B M Prasannakumar District President.

ComA N Gopalkrishna District Secretary.

Com H N Sharathkumar District Treasurer.

Com Parameshwar VP, Com N B Hebbal ADS, Com Smt Geetha Asst Treasurer,

Com Vinayakumar Org Secretary, Com Mukund Jois Auditor,

Comrades Jeevankumar, Amithkumar,K Prasanna, Parappa, Subraman, Smt A S Gayathri got elected as Executice committie members.


CS writes to SNEA CHQ President and GS regarding delay in disbursing Salary of August 2019. Click for the Letter.


SNEA Karnataka held the CEC meeting on 31.08.2019 at Gokul Veg Hotel, Airport Road, Yelahanka, Bangalore. The meeting begun with prayer by Com P S Bhat DS Karwar, welcome by the Circle Secretary Com S P Jagadale. Com S B Nagavi presided over the meeting, Com A A Khan President SNEA CHQ, Com K Sebastein GS , Com Chandrashekar AGS , Com Panduranga Nayak AS South, and our Vetren leader Shri G L Jogi graced and addressed the members on the viability and future of the company, HR issues, developmental and maintenance issues etc and what is the need of the hour.

All the distrcits except Davanagere, Hassan, Chikkamagalore, Raichur, Bellary have attended the CEC and delibatred their burning issues of Maintenanace , developmental, HKL payments, Electricity bills, land and Building owner rent, vehicle , temproary advances, immediate death relief fund, GLCP card requirement for Alphion OLTE to meet the FTTH demand, etc. CS SNEA Karnataka noted all the all the issues raised by the participants in the CEC and assured to take up the issues pertaining to Karnataka with the circle managament and rest with SNEA CHQ to deal with Corporate office.The deliberations took up to late evening and concluded with vote of thanks by Com Muralidhara Organising secretary.

Com Sureshkumar is nominated as Auditor for the period of the present circle body.

CS SNEA Karnataka extended thanks to all COBs , DOBs of BGTD and all comrades of BGTD who worked hard and made the CWC event grand success and memoriable by nice arrangements of stay and food.


Pride moment for the SNEA Karnataka that, CWC meeting of SNEA CHQ held at Gokul Veg Hotel, Yalahanka , Airport Road, Bangalore from 29th to 30th August, 2019 after long gap of holding AIC in Karnataka during 2006.

The CWC meeting started at 10 am on 29.08.2019 with flag hoisting by CHQ Presidentย  Com A A Khan. A brief report was presented by the General Secretary Com K Sebastin and thereafter CWC entered into serious discussions on various agenda items.ย On 29th morning, Shri S. K.Mishra CGM / KTK Circle addressed the CWC meeting. SNEA Karnataka Circle office bearers and District office bearers and comrades of BGTD involved in all the activities for making the event grand success.All the Circles have given their apprciation for all the food, stay arrangements and for the nice way of conducting the event by the SNEA Karnataka circle. SNEA Karnataka circle thanks who are all involved to make it a very grand success. SNEA Karnataka thanks to CHQ for giving an opprtunity to hold CWC in Karnataka.

SNEA CHQ felicitated Shri S K Mishra CGMT Ktk and Shri S B Nagavi CP SNEA Ktk on his achievement of Master degree in Law.

For the details of CWC discussion and resolutions click here.

ll 24-08-2019 Pride of SNEA !!!!!

It is proud to share that our beloved Circle President SNEA Karnataka Sri S B Nagavi passed his LLM regular course with first class and stood second topper among all the very young regular LLM students. The difference of Marks between 1st rank and Second Rank Nagavi is only 1 mark, it shows he competed well with youngsters. He once again proved that age is only the number, will not obstruct for learning and the enthusiasm. All of us do higher education to get the Job but he did his B.Sc graduataion at 53 plus of his age , done his LLB and MBL at 56 plus of his age and postgraduation after his retirement which shows his keen intrest of learning the new things, which will help him to help the needy people who are in need of legal assistance.

SNEA proud of him and we all inspired by his commitment and dedication. May his additional legal knowledge will help BSNL and it's faternity. SNEA Karnataka congratulates and conveys best wishes to him.


CS met GM HR & Admin, requested to consider the pending request transfers of JTOs and also requested to consider the genuine medical cases and having less than two years of service cases sympathetically. GM HR assured to do the needful.

ll 06-08-2019

CS writes to CGMT regarding the wrong criteria adopted for the rationalisation of staff in Karnataka.

1. Click for the CS letter. 2 . Click for the CGMT reply to CS letter.

All the district secretaries and CEC members are requested to come with full preparation for CEC meeting being held on 31.8.2019 at Bangalore, to discuss in depth on issue of Unscientific Rationalisation of staff being adopted by Karnataka BSNL managaement.



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of late Tamarai Selvam SDE HSR on 05.08.2019 due to prolonged illness. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all his family members to bear the loss and pain.

ll03-08-2019 CEC Meeting of SNEA Karnataka :

CEC meeting of SNEA Karnataka is scheduled on 31st August 2019 at Hotel Gokul, near Kogilu cross, Airport road, Bangalore. All the CEC members and District secretaries are requested to go through the agenda and attend the meeting with preparation and make the deliberations more fruitful for the growth of the company BSNL and for the welfare of the Executives. Our beloved CHQ President Com A A Khan and General Secretary Com K Sebastin, Com Chandrashekar Joint Secretary South and Com Pandurang Nayak AGS will be attending and address. Click here for the agenda


SNEA Karnataka thankful to Com S N Kaldeep JTO Dharwad who donated Rs 11111/ -, and Rs 11111/- to SNEA Hubli Branch also, he was a very active member of SNEA and was good asset for the BSNL oirganisation, retired on superannuation. SNEA Karnataka wishes him a very happy and healthy retired life.

CS attended the felicitation function of most spiritted Officer of BSNL and SNEA very active member and District President SNEA Hubli Com Smt Rajalaxmi P Yavagal DE external Hubli, retired on superannuation on 31st July 2019. Being a lady Officer she took every transfer and posting as a challenge and created her own image in improving the system.Now a days every one fear to work in outdoor because of scarcity of money / men and material but at the age of 56 years she was posted as DE External Hubli, but inspite of her age and many health issues she did her best and involved herself and her team in rehabitation work of Pillars and external plant put her best effort to minimise the fault occuerance. Earlier she was CAF incharge there also she made 100 % CAFs defects free and convetred maximum CAFs in to Digital CAFs which saved huge penalty from TERM cell. Along with Official duty she was also actively involved in assosiation activites and played her major role in rebuilding SNEA in Hubli. She worked in various position and right now she is District President of SNEA Hubli. She was the voice of the women during 2008 when there was so many malpractice in Transfer and posting , she presented the irregularities in the transfer policy before women commission, her strong fight a decade before in Karnataka helped today and paved the way to bring the transparency in tranfer and posting by maintaining proper waiting list. She was also Director for BSNL Employess Co Op Society Hubli continously for 15 years. She was very humble and dedicated Officer to BSNL, SNEA wishes her a very healthy and happy retired Life.

Also attended the felicitation function of Com S N Kaldeep JTO, Com Sudhakar Kulkarni SDE MS, Com M S Deshpande JTO STR. SNEA wishes to all those who retired on superannuation " A very healthy and happy retired Life".

Click here for the Glimpses


CS writes to CGMT regarding the wrong criteria adopted for the rationalisation of staff in which many tasks of the executives are masked and arrived to the justification figures only on the number of connections which is not at all acceptable. Click for the letter.



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of late S N Lokanatha Retd SDE Chikkamagalore on 30.07.2019 due to massive heart attack. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all his family members to bear the loss and pain.

ll24-07-2019 For the latest updates visit SNEA CHQ website .



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA, late S N Prasad SDE BTS Mtce, Shankarpuram,BGTD on 14.07.2019. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all his family members to bear the loss and pain.


For the latest updation on Revival plan of BSNL pl visit our SNEA CHQ web site.

GS writes to Smt. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, DoT: Instructions may be issued to the State Govts not to disconnect the power supply for Telephone Exchanges and BSNL Towers for maintaining the Telecom Services till the Revival Plan is implemented โ€“ your kind intervention.

GS letter to Secretary, DoTโ€ƒ


The Circle Administartion called all the Unions and associations meeting on 06.07.2019, for giving the feedback under the present crucial financial condition of the company, on the following points.

1. Service improvement and Continuity. 2. Revenue Improvement. 3 Expenditure control 4. Demand generation and HR Changes if any to achive point no 1 to 4.

SNEA Karnataka collected the view points from all its members, compiled and presented in the meeting with power point presentation. CGMT Letter , Click for the PPT



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very young and active member of SNEA Manojkumar JAO BGTD on 06.07.2019. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all his family members to bear the loss and pain.

ACS Com Prashant and many other members of SNEA are attending the final rituals at Hassan to give the respect of homage to the departed soul.

Unfortunately he didn't opt for GTI , otherwise his family could havle assisted with 50 lakhs. Let us feel the importance of GTI.

ll29-06-2019 Welfare claims through LIC:ย Every month, the list of members for whom subscription is deducted from salary is submitted to the LIC along with the premium for their coverage. Those names available in the list only will be eligible for welfare claims. So all the Branch/ SSA Secretaries are instructed to ensure that new members and those who are not in check off system is brought under check off system every month.

Less deduction of subscription amount:ย Irrespective of repeated reminders, it is observed that the subscription for 51 Executives of Karnataka are deducted for less amount Rs 70 instead of Rs 100. The list is enclosed. Take up the issue with concerned DDOs for correction and get the deduction implemented @ Rs 100 per month from January, 2019 onwards. The arrears from January, 2019 also may be got deducted. All SSA/Brach Secretaries may complete the process at the earliest. View the list of executives of Karnataka, less deduction taking place and get it corrected to actuals.

ll27-06-2019 "Customer lost never be gained again"

CS writes to GS SNEA , BSNL services are started deteriorating due to non-payment of Electric supply payments, Labours, land and building rents and vendor payments . Click for the letter .


We want BSNL to survive:ย Ravi Shankar Prasad blames stiff competition, high employee cost for crisis in telecom PSUย ....View Media Report.โ€ƒ


CS writes to GS SNEA, BSNL Bulk SMS revenue from SBI blocked due to non payments of dues to System Integrator M/s Infronics by BSNL reg. Click for the letter


Com K Sebastin GS along with President and other CHQ office berers of SNEA had Meeting with Shri Arvind G Sawant, Hon Union Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.

Hon Minister assured to discuss the important issues mentioned in our memorandum with our Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad.

Memorandum submitted to Shri Arvind G Sawant, Hon Union Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprisesโ€ƒ


Modalities for settlement of welfare claims through LIC.The following documents are required for settlement of the claims by LIC. CSs may forward the welfare claim application with the following documents:

1.ย Death Certificate.

2.ย KYC (copy of Aadhar/PAN etc) of the deceased employee and the nominee.

3. Cancelled cheque of the nominee.

The welfare claim amount increased from Rs 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs.

Every month, the list of members for whom subscription is deducted from salary is submitted to the LIC along with the premium for their coverage. Those names available in the list only will be eligible for welfare claims hereafter. So all the Branch/SSA/Circle Secretaries are instructed to ensure that new members and those who are not in check off system is brought under check off system every month.


Mysore staff you are Really Inspiring to all : Converted city of Palace to City of FTTH:

Heartiest congratulations to Mysore staff for their marvelous achivement in FTTH. Also the support of PGM Mysore Sri K L Jairam is highly appreciable even in the financial crisis and non availabilty of stores and accessories they have achived 4000 net connections with Rs 1250 ARPU per month, addition of Rs 50 lakhs per month. All together made Mysore as a City of FTTH.


No one can pay us other than our customers ; No option left us other than hard work :

The only option to survive is to increase the revenue and that can be possible only through improving the quality of services. The biggest challenge is to maintain the connections and system without even labour support, by the employees themselves. All the employees are to understand that we are in a serious financial crisis in our family and we have to overcome this at any cost. Since this financial crisis may continue for a period for 1 to 2 years, there is no meaning for a wait and watch. We have to act very fast as we had demonstrated during natural calamities etc. Considering the poor financial condition of the Union Govt, it will not be very easy to get support from the Govt also. Now Govt and BSNL is seriously exploring the revival through monetization of BSNL land and massive restructuring of the organizations. It may take minimum few months to get the results. Till that time we are struggling to get financial support from the Govt as well as Banks. Blame game or excuses are not going to help us in any manner and nobody is going to solve our problems.

Management is knocking every door of financial institutions for the loan and seeking the support from the Government but no positive hope. But our own customers ready and coming to pay us , they expect only best service so let us give our best service to them so that money comes automatically and we can definately overcome the crisis. Let us try our best to withstand on our own confidences & resources.


JTO to SDE promotion:ย Arguments on the review petition filed by BSNL completed and judgment reserved. Till then proceedings on contempt petition stayed.


CS SNEA Karnataka spoke to GS SNEA and given the details of heart burn issues of the Karnataka in particular and BSNL as a whole about the non payment of Electricity Bills, HKL payments,Rent of land and building, all vendors payments , which is affecting the services greately . GS immediately responded by writing a letter to MOC.

GS writes to Shri. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon Minister for Communications:ย Urgent need for speedy revival of BSNL by facilitating loan for BSNL for OPEX/CAPEX, permission for land monetization and payment of pension contribution on actual basic pay which will improve the cash flow.ย  If the decision is delayed by another 2 to 3 months, it will be too late as BSNL network may deteriorate beyond repair/revival, making revival impossible.ย 

GS letter to Hon Minister for Communicationsโ€ƒ


SNEA Karnataka is thankful to our beloved CGMT for considering the SDE / AGM request transfer and issuing the order. Thankful to GM HR , DGM Admin , AGM Admin and the entire staff section who put their best effort in processing and releasing the request transfer order at the earliest after receiving the corporate office guidelines.

CS wrote to the CGMT about the three missing cases in the issued transfer order and requested for considering the missing transfer requests also and issuing the transfer order immediately.


SNEA thankful to the CO finance wing for endorsing the TTA to JTO Fixation under FR 22 I a (1) to all SSAs for all those TTAs who have officiated as JTO.

For the fixation details Click A , B and C .


It is a humble appeal to all that now the BSNL has got an oppotunity from the Government of India for Aadhar enrolment and updation through our CSCs in KTK circle. BSNL is getting Rs 100 for new enrolment, Rs 50 for any updation , Rs 30 for printouts. This is a good opprtunity for all of us to increase the revenue and at the same time we can market our SIMs and FTTH , landlines to those who are coming to our CSCs for Aadhar enrolment and other related works of Aadhar. Already 245 staff are trained by UDAI team, now these 245 members have to take one small online examination after that they will be assigned this Aadhar enrolement works. It is to request to all DSs and OBs please see that all the staff who have already trained in the Aadhar activity, takes online Examination at the earliest so that they can start the Aadhar enrolment in your respective SSAs and start earning revenue to the BSNL. Pl contact Com R Laxman AGM IT who is Nodal Incharge for this activity. His Mob No 9449850105 for any assistance please.

List of staff undergone training on Aadhar enrolment and updation in KTK circle is enclosed herewith for further kind encouragement...

ll 27-05-2019

SNEA Karnataka held meeting of COBs , DOBs of BGTD and CO with our beloved GS SNEA Com K Sebastin on his visit to Bangalore on 25.5.2019 at 5.30 in conference Hall NTB Bangalore.

CS welcomed the GS SNEA Com K Sebastin for Karnataka after his 3rd time becoming GS with good mandate. CS presented the following heart burning issues to GS for the address.

  1. Incoming transfer issue of Karnataka pending for the approval from Co New Delhi.
  2. Financial Crisis for the payments of ย Electricity bills, Land and building owners, HKL payments, FTTH Vendor payments (Commission), other service vendor payments etc.
  3. Requirement of the GLCP cards of OLTE of Alphian make is sent from Karnataka to Corporate Office, for 80 nos action to be initiated to place PO immediately by CO so that FTTH demand can be met.
  4. HR Issues : First TBP for 4 years , Standard pay scales E2, E3, 22820 scale fixation, additional 3% hike in SAB from March 2019 as assured by CMD BSNL.
  5. Promotion Issues: JTO to SDE SDE to DE and DE to DGM promotions. Progress on CPSU CH Implementation.
  6. Those who have opted GTI by mistake either less than 50 years or more than 50 years, if those are not willing to opt GTI then refund of their amount which is already deducted from the March salary may be refunded.

GS elaborated in detail for all the queries raised by the members and explained what is the present condition of the company and what is the need of the hour to come out of the crisis.

CP Com S B Nagavi elaborated how the BSNL can be revived and what are the responsibilities of the employees , management and ultimately the intrest ofย  guardian of BSNL that is Govt of India towards BSNL.

All the office bearers actively participated in interaction with GS. It was fruitfull interaction session which clarified many fears in the minds of the members.

SNEA felicitated our senior and very active member Com Raja AGM Txmn BGTD , who is retiring this month. SNEA remembers his dedication to both BSNL in total and SNEA in particular. He donated Rs 10,000 /- to SNEA for which SNEA is thankful to him. Wishes him a very happy and contended retired life

SNEA Karnataka felicitated our beloved GS SNEA Com K Sebastin for his daughter Mis Jyotsna who secured 1st Rank with Gold medal in M Sc Botany from Christ College Bangalore. SNEA prays almighty for her bright future. Happy to know earlier his elder daughter Mis Jasmine also secured 1st Rank with Gold medal in MBA from Jain institution Bangalore and now she is working in Bangalore and her wedding is on 8th June 2019. GS expressed his gratitude to Bangalore comrades who took care of his children during their study in Bangalore. He also recalled the words said to him by our Pithamaha of SNEA, late Shri W . Sheshagirirao that when our present GS was not ready to go to Delhi because of small children who were studying in Kerala, at that time sheshagirirao told him to work for the people and you will get the blessings of thousands of people and your children will be taken care of by the blessings of the people which came true to our GS. If we do good then good things will definitely follow us. SNEA conveyed best wishes for her future.ย 

Com Vishwanath DS BGTD gave Vote of Thanks.

Click for the Glimpses

ll 21-05-2019

CS along with Com Jayaprakash Javali CVP, Com S V Makkannavar Tresurer, Com Vishwanath DS BGTD and Com Anand Krishna DS CO, met CGMT explained the heart burning issues of Incoming request transfers of Executives especially who have completed two years on their long stay transfer from parent SSA, pressurised for considering the incoming request transfers of Executives and issuing the transfer order immediately as many of the Executives are ladies and kids of some of them have to take admission to School/ colleges.

Also discussed the long pending non payment issues of HKL , Vendors etc. The difficulities being faced by our field staff due to non support of BBNW NOC also brought to the notice of CGMT.

CGMT expressed that he is more concerned about incoming request transfers and equally concerned about shortage of Executives in the other SSAs. Assured that action will be initiated as soon as reply comes from CO New Delhi.

Regarding funds he assured that it is being persued with CO and for BBNW NOC Issue, assured to speak to GM BBNW and resolve the issue at the earliest.

Finally he appealed all of us to contribute our best to the Organisation and join hands to come out of the present crisis.

Click here for the Reply of CGMT.


With continuous effort of our predecessor then the CS Com S B Nagavi around 191 Rule-8 transfers of JTOs were realized. This could be achieved only through continuous persuasion with management with logical justification yielded into 191 cases of rule-8 transfers in different slots and made 173 JTOs to join their nearest and dearest family members who were waiting since long and 18 JTOs got cancelled their rule transfer and continued in Karnataka.ย ย 
After our 6th Circle conference held during February 2018, the 55 cases which were approved during Com S B Nagavi CS period were got relieved during April 2018. As the there was huge waiting list of Rule 8 around 171 , Once again the present body of ย Circle Organization team started perusing for further consideration of Rule 8 transfer as new GATE JTOs started reporting to Ktk Circle after the completion of their First Phase training. ย A formal meeting with then the CGMT Sri R Mani was held on 05.05.2018 and Rule 8 transfer consideration was one of the important agenda. After discussion at a length CGMT was reluctant and not agreed for considering further rule 8 as the new GATE JTOs were very fresh to Company and yet to acquaint to the work culture of the BSNL. Among the 238 reported for Karnataka many were applied for NOC to quit the company. With all these backgrounds CGMT not agreed for further consideration of Rule 8 request. This was not agreed to by SNEA in our formal meeting. However the then CGMT gave hope of reviewing issue after six months.
Again after six months once again we had formal meeting with the CGMT on 17.11.2018 presented all the JTOs strength and new addition to JTO cadre with facts and figures, the net GATE JTOs after resignation was 189 , we presented the LICE JTOsย  but CGMT didnโ€™t agree to take LICE JTOs as addition as there is no man power increase as such. Then we put forth the addition of DR JEs around 105 and convinced CGMT to consider at least to the extent of this 105 in JE cadre corresponding number of JTOs to be taken in to account, CGMT somewhat convinced and agreed initially for considering 20 cases. After continuous discussion, pursuation and negotiation; finally agreed for 35 cases with the condition of relieving in April 2019.ย  Further we requested the CGMT to consider all rule 8 cases registered upto 2015 which were around another 30 , they can also be considered and relieved after another six months in staggeredย  manner. With great reluctance it was also agreed to.
SNEA Karnataka put its sincere and continuous effort in getting Rule 8 Transfer as much as possible even in the crisis of JTOs in Karnataka and made the JTOs , who were waiting long to join their age old parents and spouse. SNEA is more thankful to our Karnataka native JTOs/ SDEs being kindhearted who took an additional workload and helped these Rule 8 waiting JTOs to get relieved.
SNEA Karnataka could also able to get around 10 JTOs mutual transfer who were a in Rule 8 transfer waiting list, with GATE JTOs especially from Kerala, Gujarat and West Bengal.
Around 8 JTOs who were also in the Rule 8 transfer list got promoted as SDE in LDCE, SNEA Karnataka could able to get posted them to their choice of place.
SNEA finding all means to and helping to clear the waiting list of Rule 8 and Intra Circle transfer as and when opportunity gets.
SNEA is very much thankful to the CGMT, GM HR, DGM Admin and AGM HRD and all the staff who put their best effort in helping for the Rule 8 Transfers.
SNEA continuously works for the welfare of the members and betterment of the organization. Faith and loyalty of the members with SNEA are the only inspiration to SNEA.

ll 27-04-2019

During the Ugadi fest organised by Kannada Sangha circle Office Bangalore, SNEA felicitated Kum Nivedita Balareddiyavar D/o Balareddiyavar DGM CO Bangalore, who qualified in UPSC Examination with 303 Rank and likely to get IRS. SNEA wishes for her bright future ahead. Click for the Glimpses


Com Sharathkumar JTO Chikkamagalore awarded with letter of appreciation for his excellent work and contribution in migration work of NGN along with his normal duties. Chikkamagalore is the first SSA which completed NGN migration work in Karnataka Circle. SNEA Congratultes Com Sharthkumar and Chikkamagalore SSA for achivement.


The VCs of 87 AGMs and 43 Adhoc DGMs of Karnataka Circle for the promotion of regular DGM have sent to Corporate office. Promotion order expected soon.


CS conveys GS SNEA CHQ the resolution of an emmergency CEC meeting of SNEA Karnataka held on 2.4.2019 at SNEA Bhavan, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore, for resolving the issues at the earliest. Click for the letter


CS along with Com Javali VP, ACSs Com B Ramesh and Com Prashant, Com Makkannavar Treasurer, Com Savitha CWC member, Com AnandKrishna DS CO and Com Palanivelu VP BGTD met and gave warm welcome to Sri Poddar who has assumed the charge of GM HR Karnataka Circle. Discussed the incoming transfer and requested to issue request transfer order immediately as the Executives who have gone long stay have already completed their two years of tennure and eagerly waiting for transfer back to their original place. GM told administritation is seriously thinking about this issue and assured to act at the earliest once the CGMT returns back to HQ.


CS writes to CGMT once again, for considering the request transfer of SDEs and issuing the transfer order immediately. Click for the letter

ll 20-04-2019

Brief report of ย emergency CEC meeting held on 02.04.2019 at SNEA Bhavan Sahakarnagar Bangalore.

The meeting begun with Invocation by Com Mukund Jois , welcome by Com B Ramesh ACS. Com S B Nagavi, CP Presided over the meeting , Com Pandurang Nayak AGS CHQ and women representative council CHQ Com Savita A represented CHQ. Along with CS Com Sadananad Makannavar Tresurer also shared the dias.

CEC paid ย homage to all the departed members by observing one minute silence.

Circle President Com S B Nagavi in his opening remarks highlighted the reasons for the present crisis in the BSNL and motivated how to overcome the same. Explained role played by SNEA during promotions of various cadres, last year and SNEAsโ€™ effort in getting approval of the CPSU CH by BSNL Board, which would put an end to all litigation and gives a free path to all future promotions provided it is notified ealry.

CS presented the CS report for the period 26.02.2018 to 01.04.2019.

The discussion as per the agenda commenced and lots of fruitful discussions were made by many DSs, COBs and CEC members, for the betterment of the Organization and welfare of the members.
Following are the inputs / feedback given to CEC body, early resolution of which will help the organization and boost the morale of the members.

a. Revenue generation and expenditure control for the growth of the company. Steps for increasing the productivity of self and subordinate staff.

. Minimum price for our services to be suggested by TRAI and this has to be taken up on priority to remain in financial health.

. Punctuality and precautionary steps will help for the improvement of productivity.

. Bio metric attendance to be implemented in all Offices and for all employees even to Group A cadre.

. Reduction of HKL implemented everywhere except CO, the excess HKLs in CO can be diverted to SSA where it helps to provide service to our customers and helps to earn revenue.

. Expenditure on hired vehicles being utilized for administrative purposes may be reduced by switching over to OLA as already implemented in some of the Circles.

. Revenue growth can be expected and customer can be more satisfied only through FTTH service. Penetration in FTTH is need of the hour. This can be achieved with proper supply of stores, OLTEs and man power.

. Incentive to encourage the outstanding dues recovery, to employees will help in expediting the realization of the dues.

. Scrapping of obsolete items and materials by taking local quotation up to Rs 15000 as done by Chikkamagalore SSA will help in disposing of the scrap for items which cannot be referred to MSTC.

. Nonpayment of the Electricity bills and non supply of diesel will make even good earning BTS down and thereby incremental loss of revenue. Priority of payment should be given to revenue earning SSAs/BTSs.

. Revenue can be generated by proper space audit and energy audit. The Unutilized space in commercial location can be made remunerative by renting out the land and building ย to earn revenue.

. To reduce the Service charges to various Vendors supporting in various platforms like CDR, SAP, CRM, Sancharsfot, Canon fx, etc all are to be integrated with single platform to resolve all the issues.

. Proper co-ordination of the higher ups in realizing the damage restoration charges from state Government in Smart city project will help reducing our operational expenditures. Kerala State Government paid 9 Cr during the smart city project and this effort is missing with us.

. AMC for ZTE DSLAMs cards should be made as per working connection but not as per equipped capacity which will save huge AMC amount. Same way AMC charges for Juniper routers also can be reduced.

. CAF section should be owned by marketing wing to make it robust and reduce the penalty.

. The rent realization for the quarters occupied by the DOT staff.

b . Creative imitative for building the BSNL image of our products.

. Proper service and customer Satisfaction will enhance the BSNL image.

. Social media exploitation will help to improve the BSNL image.

. Press conferences to be held to clarify the damages done recently with the BSNL image in social media.

. Common platform for all APPs on GPS based will help fast disposal of complaint and extending the services to our customers.

c. Development and maintenance issues including shortage of stores.

. Sufficient OLTEs supply with all stores and accessories to penetrate more in FTTH.

. The SSID being displayed for Rural USO WiFi Hotspots is 4G+ which needs to be changed as it is with backhaul of 2 mbps only. This may be embracing to the field staff to answer public.

. All the Core Equipments are located in Bangalore, during major OFC cuts major part of the Karnataka will be isolated. To avoid decentralization of core equipments to be done at two or three places.

. There is no proper support from NOC, NGN and CPAN vendors. These issues needs to be addressed.

. In CPAN E1 issue not yet being resolved after several reminders to CPAN vendor.

. Support of EMS server is very poor though it is of capacity to handle 120 clients but gets overloaded with only 30 clients.

. OFC fault occurrence is more and existing Txmn teams are overloaded, suggested to have more well equipped Txmn teams at every SDCA level which will help in fast restoration of the services. Outsourcing of the OFC network maintenance is need of the hour. Excusive and dedicated FTTH team will improve the number of connections customer satisfaction and revenue.

. Requirement of the GLCB cards is on priority to meet the demands of the FTTH in Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore, Hubli, Belgaum, Bidar, Kolar SSAs etc.

. Procurement of armored OFC cable will help in localization of OFC route and faults. Unwanted items being supplied with OFC jointing kits to be removed and cost of the Jointing can be reduced and it will saving to BSNL.

. Coordination from the BSNL higher authority with other Departments like BBMP, Muncipal Authority, BSSWB, PWD, National Highway, BESCOM, Police Department, other telecom operators by whose developmental work our UG copper ad OFC network being damaged severely. Coordination and Nodal officer will help to protect our network from damage and service interruption.

. There is no manpower available to switch on DG set during night at Infra shared site but the operators Reliance JIO, AIRTEL etc complain severely and quarrels with BSNL staff , this needs to be addressed by proper supply of man power for all the Infra shared BTSs.

. The restriction of 25% STR fibre allotment to Circles / SSA is to be modified as most of the SSAs donโ€™t have SDCA to SDCA OFC cable route and difficult to implement CPAN project and meet the EB requirements.

. Multi agency work damaging our cable networks. Supply of sufficient Uy connectors, Birla connectors, cable pieces of various sizes and manpower will ease the restoration work.

. Backhaul up gradation to RPR and mobile 3G BTSs will help to extend assured bandwidth to our customers

d . Technical staff utilized for non technical works like CSC, UDAN, and Marketing etc.

To meet the acute shortage of technical staff, CEC resolved in the ย ย meeting to demand the management ย to utilize the JAOs and AOs for non technical works like UDAN, CSC and Marketing etc to overcome the actual shortage of JTOs / SDEs in the field.

e . Better Utilization ofย  WiFi hotspots : The non-revenue generating WiFi hotspots are to be relocated to the place where more Public can utilize the service and fetch revenue for the BSNL.

f. Specific field issues related to service : No support of MPLS NOC. This ย is very serious issue to be taken with GM NOC.

g . Transfer policy regarding.

h. Organizational HR Issues related to First TBP , E2 E3 , SAB, Promotions, CPSU CH, PRC Viability of BSNL.

. All the HR issues discussed and AGS Com Pandurang Nayak briefed the present status of all the issues.

The deliberation was more on the growth of the company and customer needs. CS summed up all the points and assured to take up the issues related to circle with CGMT and issues related to CHQ with GS SNEA. Com Savita A women representative council CHQ addressed the meeting and appealed for unity and joint struggle in the coming days for the survival of the company and welfare of the members.

The meeting concluded by late evening with concluding remarks and vote of thanks by senior Comrade Ramakrishna VP SNEA Ktk.


CS writes to PGM Finance CO Bangalore for early settlement of Fixation of pay under FR 22 (1) (a) (1) to the Officials who were screening test passed & were Officiating in the grade of JTOs, as it is being persued since six months but so far no progress. Click for the letter


Our Com Arun Chavali DS SNEA Belgaum, he is SDE CSC Incharge Belgaum got awarded from Sri Prashant Obayya GM Belgaum for highest SIM sale and MNP (Port In to BSNL) in CSC Belgaum. It is an Inspiration to all of us. SNEA Karnataka congratulates him , entire CSC Staff and Belgaum comrades for their best effort in acheiving more than the target.


CS writes to CGMT to consider the request transfer of SDEs who have gone on longstay , sincerely obeyed the transfer order of the management and completed their two years of service at the place of their transfer, waiting for their transfer back to their previous place of working. Click for the letter


CS along with AGS Com Pandurang Nayak, CWC member Com Talikote , DS STR ROK Com Kenchareddy, DP STR ROK Com Raveendrakumar, CEC member Shyam Kulkarni . Com Mukund Jois met Sri K C Pandey GM STR Bangalore on 01.04.2019, discussed many heart burning issues which our STR Executives facing daily. Pending transfer cases also discussed . Requested for posting of DE on regular basis to Raichur. The specific problems of road widening and support of vehicles, sufficient HKL and temproary advances discussed. GM patiently heard all the isssues and assured his best in ensuring his support to resolve the issues and to ease the work of Executives. SNEA Ktk thanked him for his support.


CS writes to GS SNEA CHQ the heartburn issue of non payment of HKL wages since 4 months in Karnataka, if they have not been paid since four moths what will be their family condition and how we can entrust work to them, it is very inhuman thing. requested GS for his persuasion for the early allotment fund from CO.Click for the letter.


CS Writes to PGM BGTD regarding Improper selection process of Executives to work for the BESCOM on consultation basis. Requested to ensure the Justice for the deserving people who can build best Image of our BSNL but not for the people who are seeking backdoor entry, challenge such transparent policy adopted by Karnataka Circle just to avoid transfers at the cost of others. Click here for the letter.

ll18-03-2019 CEC Meeting of SNEA Karnataka :

An emergency CEC meeting of SNEA Karnataka is scheduled on 2nd April 2019. All the CEC members and District secretaries are requested to go through the Agenda and attend the meeting with preparation and make the deliberations more fruitful for the growth of the company BSNL and for the welfare of the Executives. Click here for the Agenda.


CS along with ACS Com Prashant K Y met CGMT Karnataka brought to his notice regarding frequent interruption of

10 G link between Hubli to Bangalore , the traffic for MPLS, ILL, KSWAN, DCR Links, NGN Exchanges, FTTH etc are severely getting affected and customers are annoyed. Requested for put hold time being to migrate the GSM traffic on MPLS as it is frequently getting interupted, it will lead further disatisfaction of mobile customers also.

Requested to make neccessary arrangements for the FTTH vendor payments ( revenue share cases), issues of FTTH Wallet aslo brought to his notice. Requested to add the Rural Exchanges where NOFN OLTEs are located to the list of critical / super critical list for the payment of Electricity bill so that such exchanges can be avoided from disconnection of power supply.

Disposal of scrap materials which are not in ERP , locally through quotation.

Suggested to explore the possibilities of promoting WINGS service in WiFi enabled campuses like NIT Suratkal , Educational Institutes , corporate Offices etc.

Extending an Official platform for the BSNL staff who can create attractive audio / vedio documents of our product to promote in social media for the public to make aware of our products, which will not cost anything financially to BSNL.

Requested for changing the existing the announcement ( e.g Busy tone announcement) which is not pleasent in mobile services. To reduce the cost of the printing bills of the lesser amount telephone number.

The discussion took place for an hour , CGMT patiently heard us and also shown us the improvements in Karnataka after some inititaive step taken by him for the bettterment of BSNL. Appealed for giving our best within the available limitations and resources. We assured our best .



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA Late Smt Jayanthi D S SDE CDMA BGTD on 15.3.2019. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all her family members to bear the loss and pain.

DS BGTD Com Vishwanath, Com Ashok and many other members of SNEA visited hospital and gave the respect of homage to the departed soul.


Awareness and knowledge about CFA products and services -- new initiative on Bharat Fibre Demand Generation Portal.
Covering letterโ€ƒย Initiative on FTTH


CGMT Karnataka has immediately replied to SNEA letter regarding motivation Vis-a-Vis demotivation. He has raised certain important facts regarding monitoring by Corporate Office, comparison and the results of his proactive and administrative measures. The District secretaries are requested to give their inputs for further discourse in the matter. After Sri R K Mishra then the CGMT Karnataka we have got administrative response by Sri S K Mishraji present CGMT Karnataka on our letter. The objectives of the CGMT are well taken and SNEA wants to move in the direction of development and QOS to result into increase in revenue . Therefore all the District Secretaries have to come forward with their view points and report through e mail to CS mail id mysneaktk@gmail.com Click for CGMT letter


CS Writes to CGMT, Motivation is the need of the hour and not summery classification as Worst performance sans factual ground realities. Click for the letter


CS has sent the fund requirement of STR Karnataka to Com K Sebastien GS SNEA for the kind persual and fund allotment immediately for smooth functioning of STR Network in Karnataka. Fund Requirement


CS writes to Com K Sebastien GS SNEA to take up the issues of STR Karnataka with CMD BSNL immediately, to avoid further detoriation STR network which will affect all our GSM / EB / VAS / FTTH / BB services . Click for the letter


CS along with Com Jayaprakash Javali VP , Com B Ramesh ACS, Com Palanivelu DP, Com Vishwanath DS BGTD met the Incharge CGMT Sri Deepak Tayal requested him to meet the Chief Secretary Karnataka State Government personely and get the instructions issued to all the MDs of BESCOM / CHESCOM / GESCOM / HESCOM / MESCOM for not disconnecting the power supply to BSNL exchanges / BTSs which are rendering essential services to the public and Government offices. Click for the letter


AGB Meeting of Mobile service Branch Bangalore held on 27.2.2019 in the auditorium CO Bangalore . Com S Prasad President presided the meeting and DS MS Com Sudeendra presented the DS report . CP Sri S B Nagavi addressed the gathering recalled how the MS branch of SNEA grown up and who were all contributed for the strenghtening the branch. He also told about present scenario of Telecom in the market and also elaborated on the legal hurdles which were contributed in delaying the promotion avenues of the Executives. Appealed to be united which is order of the day.

CS addressed about the present financial position of the BSNL and what is the role of all employees of the BSNL to uplift the BSNL by putting our best efforts in improving the revenue and at the same time serious efforts should be put for curtailing the expenditures and put hold on the waistage. Appealed to MS members to seriously have look on AMC , Vendor bills and their quality of works which can save money to BSNL and improves the services to our esteemed customers.

The meeting was also graced by our ACs Com Tata babu , Com K Y Prashant, Organising Secretary Com K N Muralidhar and DS CO Com Ananadkrishna . It was good interactive session and good gathering.

Com K N Muaralidhar gave vote of thanks.

The new body formed with Com Ramadas President, Com M Giridhar Branch Secretary, Com Prashant Treasurer, Com Ashwatnarayan Reddy VP, Com Shankar Belemani Asst Secretary, Com Damodar Asst treasurer, Com Manjunath Organising Secretary, Com Srinivasalu CEC member Com Srinivas Reddy, Com Smt Kokila and Com Srinivas as EC member.


CS along with CVP Com Javali, ACS Com Prashant , CT Com Makannavar and DS BGTD Com Vishwanath met.PGM finance and welcomed her to Karnataka with warmย  greetings . We discussed about abnormal delay of employees personal payments towards their LIC premium, Bank EMI and society EMI and told it's adverse penalties on employees and affect CIBIL score of an employee. Also discussed about the delayed EB bill payments.
Requested PGM finance for uniform fixation ofย FR 22 1(a)1 for officiated JTOs in all SSAs of Karnataka Circle.
PGM finance patiently heard us and expressed her difficulties as PGM finance under huge financial crisis. Appealed to us motivate toe customers to opt for e mail bill option so that we can save money on postage and printing bills and also we can contribute for the world wide mission of GO Green and save trees.

We assured her our best support for the growth of the company BSNL.

SNEA Karnataka welcomed Sri T V Venkatarama who joined Karnataka Circle and taken the charge of PGM NBC CO Bangalore. Appealed to PGM to have co ordination meeting with Police commissioner and BBMP commissioner for smooth functioning of BSNL outdoor works. He assured to do the needful.


CP Com S B Nagavi and CS attended the special General body meeting of Hubli on 09.02.2019 in the conference hall, Sanchar Sadan Hubli. the meeting started under the presidentship of Com Smt Rajalaxmi P Yavagal , with welcome by Com S J Bongale, with opening remarks by DS Com S A Bellubbi.

Most of the executives attended the meeting and actively involved in the discussion of field problems and with their suggestion for the improvement of the serviec and there by revenue growth.

Com Kumar JTO Amargol the outdoor difficulties , scaarcity of staff and HKL. He also appealed to have co ordiantion meeting with all concerned other Departments and well informed of their respective works to all so that it will helps to protect our UG and OFC cable.

Com Tadas SDE Shiggoan expressed the presuure of NPC and new mobile customers aquisition targets on the executives, to provide one land line with Broad band and FTTH in village area is very difficult, rural customer are not affordable , it is evry difficlut to achive the targets. He appealed that targets should given on realastic manner based on the geography. He also expressed difficulty in maintenace without HKL in the un manned exchanges.

Com Maganurmath SDE Ranebennur expressed the shortage of OFC jointing kits, difficulty in convincing the HECOM authority every month for not disconnection of Supply to our Excahnges / BTS due to delay in payment by BSNL.

Com Hanumanthappa Parvatar expressed the difficulies of Power plant module AMC.

Com Benagi AGM Saptapur expressed the difficulies of maintenance by reducing the HKL.

Com R S Kadam AGM Dharwad expressed that putting the targets of NPC on external staff is not correct, lead booking should be done by UDAN spacial meant fr Bookinhg of new connection, so that external staff can be utilised optimally for service provision and maintenance. As lots of cables are being damaged during road widening most of the time external staff are enagaged in attending the cable cuts and hardly gets time for NPC.

Com Ravi Badiger JTO expressedthe draw back of marketing the WINGs services as it requires Internet connection and for every internet pack voice is 100 % free then the necessity of voice calls through WINGS does nto arrises. He also expressed the fault booking of FTTH and escalating to respective vendor / section incharge.

Com Smt Girija Kariyappanavar expresssed the issues of NGN and poor support form NMS / NGN CORE team in resolving customer related issues. Requested for having local acces so that issues can be resolved locally without any delay.

Com A G Kulkarni AGM STR, appealed to SSA regarding informinhg the non working circuits for chich bandwidth / fibre allotted so that it can be decommissioned and same can be allotted for new circuits.

Com Jagadish Kammar JTO Gokul Exchange expressed that co ordination of BSNL with other Departments is need of the hour to protect our UG cable network.

Com Gunashekar JTO MS asked about the HR related issues on JTO to SDE Promotion , SAB , E2 - E3 etalong with above comrades many more members spoke on the various issues on Development and maintenace.

CS Congratulated all the members of Hubli for their best contribution in acquiring highest FTTH connections and maintaing BEST QOS parameters inspite of all the hurdles.

He explained the financial position of the Hubli SSA / Karnataka Circle and BSNL as a whole. He appealed to all that now it is the need of the hour improve our revenue along with reduction of our expenditures where ever it is possible. Customers are the backbone of the BSNL they must be given BSEt service and gain thir confidence with the BSNL. As we cant assure the required internet speed with our convention land line , we need to migrate as many customers as possible to FTTH. There is accute shortage of OLTEs as a alternate we can go for more number of MOU with local cable TV operators on revenue share model so that we can satisfy the customers as well as we will get 50 revenue without CAPEX and OPEX. For the drastic reduction ogf HKL CS asked all the mebers to sit with all their Superior and subordinate staff and work out how much manpower of HKL is needed genuinely. Also narrated about the GTI and Rule 8 transfer of Karnataka.

CP Sri S B Nagavi briefed in detail on HR issues and on the ongoing court cases on various promotion, he also eloborated the role played by SNEA in getting JTO to SDE Promotions, SDE to DE Promotions. He also updated on the latset position of E2 , E3 Scales , SAB . He also appeale dto the members to work professionally and maintain all the records for the justification for money , man power and materials.

DS Com S A Bellubbi answered for all the local issues and appealed to support for the 3days strike call given by AUAB.

The meeting was very interactive and informative. The meeting concluded with presidential remarks by Com Smt Rajalaxmi P Yavagal and vote of thanks by ADS Com V S Myageri .



CS writes to Sri Shivaraj CGMT STR regarding frequent interruption of 10 G link between Hubli to Bangalore , the traffic for MPLS, ILL,KSWAN, DCR Links, NGN Exchanges, FTTH etc are severely getting affected and customers are annoyed. Requested for immediate restoration of the fault permanently. Click for the letter


SNEA Karnataka very thankful to all its members , COBs, District secretaies , DOBs for their solidarity and support extended for the 3 days strike.

Though our efforts are not yielded immediate fruitful results but definitely it will be achieved.

Let us believe in our strength and struggle definitely we will succeed.

Let us not be dishearten immediately. Let us make all our efforts to make the Government to know our importance and our genuine demands.

Let us make make appeal more effectively through available social media and by personnel rapo with Ministers , MPs and social concerned parties.

AUAB decided certain mode of communication to Govt let us do as much effectively as possible

1. On 06.3.19 March to PMO.
2. Meet all MPs by 28.2.19 and submit memorandum on the charter of demands.
3. Send messages to PMO and Minister through Twitter.
4. Meeting with minister wherever possible through various sources.

There is one saying in Hindi " Koshish Karne walonki koyi haar nahi hothi "

Let us believe in our own Strength.

Let us resume for our duty on 21.2.2019 pl.


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka , requesting to hold immediate press conference with all National and local news agencies and clarify about the wrong propoganda published about BSNL in yesturday's and today's news papers. Click for the letter.


CP Com S B Nagavi and CS attended the Executive body meeting of BGTD in the conference hall,NTB , Bangalore. all the executive members expressed ther field difficulties especially outdoor and Transmission staff, that everyday they are facing major cable cuts due to many agencies who are damaging our cable network during their activity. The members expressed further reducing of HKL numbers will definately hamper the outdoor works and affects the services. Members protested for the CGMT / PGM BGTD classification of executives in the name of performance , without properly understanding and analysing the practical difficulties of the field staff and circumstances under which they are working and giving their best out of all odds. CP expressed about the heartburn issues that BSNL is undergoing now and what are the remedies to overcome. CS explained how to work out the justification for getting HKL as per requirement and he has also appealed to the members to put their best effort where ever they can find scope to reduce the expenditure which is order of the day.

On this occasion SNEA BGTD Division took the opportunity to felicitate our senior and very active member Sri M H Gombi , who worked upto the level of AGS SNEA CHQ , on his superannuation on 31.12.2018. Many members spoke about his dedication and contribution to the trade union. CP spoke about his assosiation with Sri M H Gombi .

President Com Huliraja presided over the meeting and DS Com Vishwanath E conducted the meeting and Com Devaraj gave Vote of thanks.


SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of very active member of SNEA Com Late Shivakumar RSDE Marketing BGTD on 9.2.2019. He left with his wife Smt Hema and only daughter Nanditha who is married. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to all his family members to bear the loss and pain.

DS BGTD Com Vishwanath and many other members of SNEA attended the funeral and gave the respect of homage to the departed soul.



Make extensive preparations at Circle/SSA/Branch level by conducting combined meetings and door to door campaign.


(1)ย ย ย Implementation of 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment.

(2)ย ย ย Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, as per the proposals submitted by the BSNL Management.

(3)ย ย ย Implement assurance of the Hon Minister of State for Communications for delinking pension revision from pay revision. Revise pension of BSNL retirees w.e.f. 01.01.2017.

(4)ย ย ย Payment of pension contribution by BSNL as per the Government rule.

(5)ย ย ย Settlement of the left out issues of the 2nd Pay Revision Committee.

(6)ย ย ย a) Approval for BSNLโ€™s Land Management Policy without any delay.

b) Expeditiously complete the mutation and the process of transferring of all assets to BSNL, as per the Cabinet decision taken on the eve of the formation of BSNL.

(7)ย ย ย (a) Ensure financial viability of BSNL, as per the decision taken by the Group of Ministers, at the time of formation of BSNL.

(b) Issue letter of comfort for BSNLโ€™s proposals for taking bank loans.

(c) Expeditiously fill up all vacant post of BSNL Board of Directors.

(8)ย ย ย Scrap BSNLs outsourcing for the operation and maintenance of its mobile towers.ย 

ll07-02-2019 CS writes to GS SNEA regarding stopping of outsourcing of mobile CAFs scanning and preservation in Pvt server to M/s Intense Technologies PvtLtd by paying huge money unnecessarily when our own staff doing major activities of it. Click for letter

ll07-02-2019 CS writes to GS SNEA regarding the financial crisis the Karnataka circle facing and about total liability Rs 220 Cr as on date. Click for the letter

ll06-02-2019 CS Writes to CGMT Karnataka for his immediate intervention with police higher authority for the withdrwal of false FIR filed against our Comrade Vishwanath P JTO Ulsoor Bangalore , while attending the cable break down which was damaged by BESCOM authority. Click for the letter

ll 24-01-2019

CS and Com Raveendrakumar met Sri K C Pandey GM STSR Bangalore,discussed the field issues which our STSR executives suffering like non payments for HKL , Tepmroary advacnce,diesel for Vehicle etc and shortage of staff where major road widening is in progress. Transfer case of Com Saraswati and giving technical manpower to SDE O/D Belgaum where major Belgaum to Goa road widening is in progress. GM assured to act.

CS also requested the GM to give the details of the requirement projected by STR to CO so that SNEA CHQ can persue with CO to get allotment.

Also met GM STP and requested to forward the request of Com Konnur at the earliest.


Our AGS Com Pandurang Nayak is at CHQ Delhi, he will be there for a week and assisting the CHQ in preparatory work of DPC and in other welfare issues of members. Any needful is needed to any members at CHQ level may kindly contact either CS SNEA Ktk or Pandurang Nayak AGS so that personnel attention for the Karnataka cases can be given and resolved to our level best. Cases of Karnataka to be resolved


CS , DS CO Com Anandkrishna and Com Subramanya met DGM Admin and DGM Operation CO requested for giving approval for purchase of diary 2019 for the executives of Karnataka. It is being processed and approval is expected shortly.

The list of the JTOs under Rule 8 Transfer and who are due for JTO to SDE promotion , requested for their choice of Place are forwarded to GM personnel by our GS SNEA . Click for the list. Any missing cases , their representation may be sent to mail Id mysneaktk@gmail.com for including further pl.


CS Met DGM IFA CO taken the updates of fund allotment for HKL and Electricty Bills etc for Karnataka Circle . It is known that only 1 Cr received to pay Electricity bills out of 9 Cr dues. HKL payments may be expected this week.


CS and Circle treasurer along with members met GM Finance Smt Durga Rani escalated the issue of 3rd party fund transfer like MOU Bank loan EMI , LIC and Society EMI pending since two months, which leads to unnecessary penalty burden on the officials and lowers the credit score of the employee with bank. She assured to do the needful to avoid penalty.


SNEA KARNATAKA COBs and DSs near by Bangalore met

Sri Shushil Kumar Mishraji new CGMT Karnataka who joined yesturday and greeted him on the occasion of new year 2019.

Happy and proud to say that he is One of the BSNL Absorbed ITS officers heading our Karnataka.

The Executive Diary 2019 of SNEA is released by our beloved Sri S K Mishraji . CS Explained majority of the members of SNEA are working in the field and doing their best in delevering their service to our esteemed customers. He also brought to the notice of the CGMT, what are the crucial points for which our executives are strugling. CGMT was very kind enough to listen the field problems which our field executives are facing. He assured to support all the issues which are for the betterment of the BSNL. VPs Com Javali, Com Ramakrishna , CS Com S P Jagadale, ACSs Com B Ramesh , Com Tatababu, Com K Y Prashant , Treasurer Com Sdananad Makannavar, CWC members Com Balakrishna Aithal, Com Smt Savitha A, DS CO Bangalore Com Ananadkrishna , DS BGTD Com Vishwanath, DS Kolar Com Narein Nandakumar, DS Tumakur Com Umesh, DS Mysore Com Ravikumar , Com Sudhakar Gour, Com Ashok , expressed the support of SNEA to CGMT Karnataka for the growth of the BSNL.

SNEA presented the letter Click




ll31-12-2018 Farewell Function:

SNEA Karnataka gave a grand farewell on 29.12.2018 at Conference Hall CGMT Office, Bangalore and expressed our gratitude to our Beloved Sri R Mani CGMT who is retiring on 31.12.2018 , for his excellent contribution in development of Karnataka Circle especially in Transmission OFC cable laying during 2000 to 2002 STD station conversion when he was DGM TP and for his keen interest in developing mobile services as GM MS Operation Karnataka. He worked and was incharge for Madikeri, Tumakur, Chikkamagalore, Hassan, Shivamoga, Karwar, Davanagere, BGTD in various capacities and ultimately headed entire Kerala Circle for one year and then from June 2017 one half year Karnataka Circle as Chief General manager Telecom. Where ever he has worked he left his foot foot prints of development , improvement of service and revenue growth for the BSNL. He is very open minded personality , very humble , took every emplyee as his own family member and entire BSNL as his family. The crowd gathered for the farewell function witnessed the love and affection he gained from the executives. Many members and OBs spoke and praised about his good works and prayed for his happy and Healthy retired life. SNEA Karnataka pleased to place on its record his cordial relation with SNEA through out his service. SNEA Karnataka wishes him "A Very Happy and contended retired life".

On the same occasion along with CGMT , SNEA Karnataka felicitated our senior comrade and our Ex AGS SNEA CHQ Com M H Gombi who is also retiring on 31.12.2018 , for his contribution and dedication to SNEA. He was in trade union at Bombay at various position and then continued after coming to Karnataka worked up to the level of AGS SNEA. He is a strong follower of Our Pithamaha of SNEA Late Sheshagirirao , earlier GS Bagchi , Jogi etc . He was known for dedication and commitment to SNEA greately for which SNEA is very greatful to him. He is retiring as AGM Jayanagar Bangalore after serving for 34 years to the BSNL. Many members spoke on his contribution during his service to the organisation and prayed for his happy and healthy retired life. SNEA seeks his service in future also. SNEA Karnataka wishes him "A Very Happy and contended retired life".


29-12-2018 CHQ Updates

GS, President and AGSs met DIR(HR) and held discussions regarding JTO to SDE promotion and DE to DGM promotions. Since the preparatory work is almost in the final stage, we requested to expedite both promotions. DIR(HR) informed that management is very keen to give the promotions at the earliest but want to do it litigation free. All the promotions ended in litigations which mgt not expected, DIR informed. Recent AO to CAO promotion also ended in status quo order and contempt case.

On JTO to SDE promotion, the reply will be filed in the Hon CAT by Monday along with the proposal to go ahead with the promotion.ย The CAT case is the only hindrance in giving promotions and management several times expressed its readiness to give promotions to all the concerned, DIR repeated.The withdrawal of case will expedite DPC for JTO to SDE, DIR(HR) assured. DE to DGM DPC will be expedited.


Sanchar Soft issues in South Zone:ย GS, President and AGS met CMD on 27.12.2018 and discussed, continuing failure of Sanchar Softย for the South Zone, halting all the activities of provisioning, MNP etc in entire South Zone due to some hardware problem. The DR server at Hyderabad is shut down 6 months back! The vendor is working for several days but so far the service restored partially only. CMD informed that he and DIR(CFA) is in continuous touch with CGM/TN and the problems will be set right in a day or two. Restoration of the data base is almost completed.ย We expressed our serious concern over the repeated failures of such sensitive systems frequently which shows the casual approach of the management as well as concerned officers. Responsibility has to be fixed, we demanded.

In addition to this, the various issues of OLTs supplied by Utstarcom for FTTH connections also discussed. These issue was raised by Kerala Circle. ย On 26.12.2018, Assn met DIR(CFA)ย  and held discussions on both the issues. DIR(CFA) held a meeting with the vendor on 27.12.2018 itself and directed them to address the issues raised by Kerala and other Circles immediately. The vendor informed DIR(CFA) that their experts are already on the job.ย 



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of Mother of our Circle President Sri S B Nagavi today morning at Gadag. Funeral will be at their native Kurtakoti near Hulakoti , Gadag District, on today at 4 Pm. We pray almighty let the departed soul rest in peace and give enough strength to Nagavi and all family members to bear the loss and pain.

ll 27.12.2018

JTO to SDE promotion:ย Today the proposal for conduction of DPC for all the SDE(T) vacancies upto 31.03.2018 is moved for the approval of competent authority. The DPC proposal is as per the suggestion given by SNEA.

The reply in the contempt case also sent for the approval of competent authority so that it can be filed latest by Monday, 31.12.2018. In the reply affidavit, BSNL is intimating the Hon CAT that BSNL is proposing to go ahead with promotion for the remaining vacancies, rect year wise, as per the interim measure suggested by the Hon High Court.

GS, President and AGS met GM(Pers) and held discussions to complete the process expeditiously and issuing the promotion orders at the earliest. We also demanded to consider all the Rule 8 request transfers while issuing the promotion and posting orders which is accepted by management. On our request to include the 2012 batch JTOs also, GM(P) assured to examine the case to the extent of vacancies and do the needful. We expect the promotion orders by early next week if everything moves as we planned.ย 

DE to DGM promotion proposal is with DIR(HR) and after the clearance of DIR, it will be moved to CMD for approval. We requested DIR(HR) for early clearance of the proposal and she assured early action.ย 

Sanchar Soft issues in South Zone:ย Last few days, Sanchar Soft is not working for the South Zone, halting all the activities of provisioning, MNP etc in entire south Zone due to some hardware problem. This also during festival season when more connections are expected. There is no DR also for South Zone.

Earlier GS brought this to the notice of CMD/BSNL for his intervention. Today GS and AGS met DIR(CFA) also and held further discussions on the subject. Technical team is already on the job for the last 4 days and complete restoration is expected by today night. Meanwhile the system is restored temporarily with limited access. ย ย 

ll 24.12.2018

BSNL to raise Rs 12,000 crore from PSBs for network upkeep.โ€ƒ

View Media Report:

Amendments in Leave Rules for WRILL, CCL and HPL.โ€ƒ
Single Maleย Govt Servants can avail Child Care Leave.โ€ƒ
WRILLย Workย Related Illness and Injury Leave.

ll20.12.2018 CHQ Updates

Meeting with Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD/BSNL on 19.12.2018:

GS, President and AGS Com Sanjeev Sharma met CMD/BSNL and held discussion on the following issues:

1) Status of Bank loan to tide over the present financial crisis:CMD informed that a loan for 500 to 1000 Cr is expected in another 10 days time by which the immediate requirements including vendor payments can be settled.

2) JTO to SDE promotion:ย We requested to expedite the JTO to SDE promotion. CMD assured that it will be done at the earliest. Management is keen to give the promotions but the court cases are creating hindrances in this regard. However CMD directed us to have more discussion with DIR(HR) in this regard.

3) DE to DGM(T) promotion:ย Since the stay is vacated, we requested to expedite the promotions. If the promotion orders are issued by 31.12.2018, those who are retiring in this month also can be promoted, we requested CMD. If the approval is given for conduction of DPC without taking into the MC for relaxation of qualifying service, it can be completed before 31st December, we informed. CMD assured to do the needful positively for issuing the promotion orders at the earliest.

4) CPSU Cadre Hierarchy notification:ย We requested to notify the same at the earliest so that all the eligible Executives can be given promotion w.e.f. 01.07.2018. Now the promotions are stopped due to shortage of vacancies in various cadres. CMD assured to do the needful.

5) Payment of EB bills, labour payment, temporary advance, payment of loan instalments to banks/societies etc:ย CMD informed that these payments will be done on priority for which Bank loan is under process. It is expected shortly by which it can be streamlined soon.


Meeting with Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR) on 19.12.2018:

GS, President and AGS Com Sanjeev Sharma met DIR(HR) and held discussion on the following issues:

1) JTO to SDE promotion:ย We requested to expedite the promotion. DIR(HR) assured that all possible steps will be taken in this regard. A proposal will be submitted to the Hon Court shortly for giving promotions. The applicants are also asked to withdraw the cases through AIGETOA leaders so that promotions can be done at the earliest. The court case at Ernakulam CAT is the only hindrances at present, DIR(HR) informed.

2) DE to DGM(T) promotion:ย Since the stay is vacated, we requested to expedite the promotions before 31.12.2018. DIR(HR) assured to do the needful at the earliest.

3) CPSU Cadre Hierarchy notification:ย We requested to notify the same at the earliest so that all the eligible Executives can be given promotion w.e.f. 01.07.2018. DIR(HR) assured to do the needful.


Meeting with Shri Keshav Rao, GM(Pers) on 19.12.2018:

GS, President and AGS Com Sanjeev Sharma met GM(Pers) and held discussion on the following issues:

1) JTO to SDE promotion:ย GM(Pers) informed that a proposal for giving promotions will be submitted to the court after the approval of competent authority. Meanwhile, if the court cases are withdrawn, the DPC can be expedited, GM informed.ย ย 

2) DE to DGM(T) promotion:ย Since the stay is vacated, we requested to expedite the promotions before 31.12.2018. GM(Pers) informed that the proposal is under process and after getting the approval of competent authority (CMD/BSNL), VC will be called for. Based on the VC status, DPC will be expedited, GM(P) assured. The preparatory work will be completed by that time.

3) Soft tenure break:ย The revised proposal based on the discussions with SNEA will be submitted to DIR(HR) soon, it is assured.ย 

Preparatory work for JTO to SDE promotion is going on since last one month by verifying the Screening Committee reports (SCR) and VC status and regularly updating the missing cases in the Intranet and our websites. The concerned section is fully involved and we are trying to complete this process at the earliest by another one week time. This will enable early conduction of DPC once BSNL proposal is submitted in the Hon Court to promote the JTOs, rect year wise or the court case in CAT is withdrawn as we suggested. The roster also prepared for SC/ST reservation and submitted for the clearance of CLO. ย 

The court cases badly delayed the promotions and continue to affect the future of thousands of JTOs. The withdrawal of the petition from CAT by the petitioners will enable DPC in shortest time. Already court cases delayed the promotions for years together and further delay is detrimental to the JTOs when management is very much ready to give the promotions. We are regularly interacting with the management on a day to day basis to find some way out and management is agreed to give promotions immediately if court case is withdrawn.ย When management is ready for promotions, then what is the need for court cases?ย Seniority etc can be decided later on after the final decision.

Now only SDE(T) vacancies as on 30.06.2018 remain unfilled, due to the unnecessary court case filed at Ernakulam. In all other cadres, including CAO, we could issue the promotion orders for the vacancies upto 30.06.2018.

All CSs to monitor the progress in missing APAR grading and VC cases and sent it urgently.

DE to DGM(T) promotion on Adhoc basis: The interim order copy is yet to be received. However we could move the proposal for promotion to DGM(T) today itself to the competent authority for approval. Immediately after the approval, VC will be called for. We requested to utilise the unfilled DR DGM vacancies also for the promotion and the total vacancies will be about 891.ย 

Update ON GTI

The executives who have earlier given their option as โ€œdisagreeโ€ ย in ERP regarding GTI can now change their option to โ€œagreeโ€. In this direction pop up window regarding GTI has been enabled in ERP. This facility can be availed up to 20thย December 2018.

View Letter Copy.โ€ƒ

ll18.12.2018 Visit of Com K Sebastien our beloved General Secretary to Mysore

In view of attending AIC of BSNLEU held at Mysore, our Beloved General Secretary K Sebastien attended the General body meeting of SNEA Mysore Branch which was held in grand manner at RTTC Mysore on 17.12.2018.The meeting begun with welcome by DS Com Ravikumar, welcomed the new members . The Circle secretary Com S P Jagadale expressed the heart burnt issues that the executives are facing in the field due to scarcity of fund and human resources. CS appealed the General Secretary to address on the following issues of executives

1. E2 E3 standard pay scale progress and status, 2. 30 % SAB, 3. EPF full pension option , 4. JTO to SDE Promotion 5. Medical bills settlement, 6. GTI 7. Promotion avenues in other executive cadres. 8. MT recruitment etc

For all the above queries our Beloved General secretary gave detailed explanation with facts and figures and also explianed what role played by SNEA for resolving all these issues. He put his best effort in clearing all the doubts which were there in the minds of executives. He also explained what was the impact of our huge preparation for the indefinate strike which was declared from 3.12.2018 on the Government and DOT and ultimately gave path for negotiation of our 5 Demands and found a ray of hope to get our demands fulfilled.

Com Ramakrishna Vice President addressed the meeting and explained the achivement of SNEA as a whole and SNEA Mysore branch in particular.

Our Ex President SNEA Karnataka Sri Venkateshmurthy , senior Com Balasubramanya , Com Vishwanath DS BGTD, Com Rudresh DS Hassan , Com Panchakshari DS Madikeri , Com Suvarna DP and Com Bijapur District Treasurer Mandya were attendeed the meeting as special invitees.

Almost members have attended the meeting and got updated with detailed address of our General Secretary K Sebastien.

Mysore comrades felicitataed our beloved General Secretary on his hattrick victory . All the comrades showered their love , affection and conveyed their best wishes for his third tenure as GS SNEA.

Com Naragund gave presidentail remarks , com Raghavendra gave vote of thanks.


Revision of guidelines regarding simplification of referral system under CGHS - MoH and FW instructions reg

ll14.12.2018 GS writes to Shri Anupam Shrivatava, CMD/BSNL:

Notification for Recruitment of Management Trainee (External) โ€“ Recruitment from External candidates and placing them above the existing Executives, virtually killing the career growth will demoralize thousands of highly talented and experienced Executives working in BSNL. Evolve a fast track promotion policy to promote talented internal candidates through meaningful rigorous screening mechanism to occupy higher positions after implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy approved by the BSNL Board and promoting all the eligible Executives to the higher grades.ย 

As far as so-called internal MT is concerned, the need of the hour is to get DGM level Executives left with sufficient service to head the company from among the experienced internal candidates by meaningful rigorous screening. There is no point in giving chance to internal candidates at E3, E4, E5 scales to compete for a post in E3 scale.

SNEA demands:

1) Review the decision to recruit Management Trainees from open market at E3 scale and evolve a suitable fast track promotion policy to promote the Internal talent to high management positions through rigorous screening.

2) Before any such attempt, promote all the eligible candidates and bring parity and uniformity in promotions for the existing Executives in equivalent cadres by implementing the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy w.e.f. 01.07.2018 as approved by the BSNL Board.GS letter to CMDโ€ƒ


AUAB Circular - Hold Joint General Body Meetings during the period from 26-12-2018 to 29-12-18.....View Circular copy.

View Media Reports:


It is reliably learned that as assured to AUAB, a very positive recommendation on Pension Contribution on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale is sent by DoT to Ministry of Finance and it reached MoF. We hope a positive decision from MoF shortly. This will take us one step close to 3rdย PRC.

One cannot imagine implementation of 3rdย PRC without settling this issue. After 3rdย PRC implementation, Pension Contribution alone will shoot up to about Rs 2420 Crores (presently it is less than 200 Cr) and if it is on actual basic pay, it will be about Rs 875 Cr (with 15% fitment). A difference of more than 1500 Cr in Pension contribution alone.ย Even for 0% fitment also, BSNL has to pay Rs 2420 Cr as Pension Contribution! This is the reason why AUAB given top priority to settle this issue before 3rdย PRC.

JTO to SDE promotion โ€“ Review petition:

All the tree review petitions filed by BSNL pleading for 1) restoration of training Centre marks as the criteria to decide the inter-se seniority among Direct rects and 2) there is no excess promotion between 1995 to 2000 came up for hearing today, 12.12.2018. For completing the formalities, Hon HC issued notice to AIBSNLEA who was a party in the case earlier but not present in the court. SNEA represented by its lawyer and taken notice earlier. The case will be listed once notice is served to AIBSNLEA.

The Hon HC was pronounced the judgment on 05.06.2018. Thereafter another OA filed in the CAT by AIGETOA activists.After the promotion order, a contempt petition is filed against CMD/BSNL and GM(Pers) for issuing promotion order with the main contention that 1) there are excess promotion during 1995 to 2000 and 2)ย 1:1 ratio not followed.

The data collected from all the Circles established that there is no excess promotion between 1995 to 2000 in the 50% Dept quota.ย According to the compiled data from all the Circles, from 1995 to 2000, total vacancy in 50% Dept quota is 14,102 and JTOs promoted is just 8,833 only.

For an issue, which is not having any relevance, AIGETOA and its activists are fighting in the court and misguiding the innocent and young JTOs. They are deliberately provoking the management by insisting the personal appearance of CMD and GM(Pers) in the Hon CAT. This is just for delaying the promotion for the remaining JTOs. By this time, Management more or less understood their game plan.

It has become a fashion for them to blame other Associations for their short sightedness, negative attitude and mal propaganda. Filing court cases and closing the doors for promotion has become a passion for some sections and then crocodile tears in the name of BR, DR etc. On each and every issue they want to make a division among the Executives. This also mainly in JTO cadre, not among JAOs. This will be suicidal. The divide and rule policy of the erstwhile British Rulers are again trying among the Executives and by this, they are simply strengthening the hands of management and playing with the future of thousands of JTOs. This thinking we are not witnessing among Non Executives.ย This all propaganda can be for the sake of membership.

On JTO to SDE promotion, the court cases started in 2010 from Chennai. Once they defeated at Chennai, they shifted to Ernakulam from 2013 onwards. 8 years long court cases, spending lakhs of rupees and precious time. Their achievements are: 1) About 3000 JTOs retired without SDE promotion after serving more than 15 years as JTOs, 2) The promotion for the JTOs upto 2001 rect year would have completed in 2014, they lost minimum 4 years of service, 3) LDCE promotion delayed 3 years due to the conflict, 4) upto 2005 rect JTOs, promotion could have completed by 2016, it is getting delayed, 5) 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 JTOs would have got promotion by 2017 or 2018 which is not happened yet.

The prayer of AIGETOA and its activists (mainly SDEs now) are rejected by all the courts, Chennai CAT, Ernakulam CAT and Ernakulam High Court. Still they are blocking the promotion of the juniors by filing contempt petition in the name of excess promotion in JTO cadre which is not at all true as explained earlier.

It is heard from reliable sources that during LDCE posting in May, 2018 some non-recognised sections made some understanding with the management on MT rect and on that condition only LDCE posting issued. Joint Forum was not consulted. With that understanding, now MT rect notification is out! Another achievement for them!

Now our young comrades should analyse why promotions are getting delayed and what is real reason behind that and who is responsible for creating this stalemate condition. SNEA is making sincere efforts to come out of this stalemate condition and interacting with the management. Not only 2007 & 2008 batches, we will try our level best to promote the JTOs from 2012 batch also as per the availability of vacancies. To protect the inter-se seniority, we are trying the promotion notionally from 29.06.2018, along with those got promotion on 29.06.2018.

ll11.12.2018 Minutes of the formal meeting of SNEA with CGMT Karnataka issued :

For minutes click here

SNEA Karnataka extends grattitude to our beloved CGMT Sri R Mani, GM HR Sri Ashok Agarwal, DGM Admin Sri M V Angadi , AGM HR Sri Swaminathan , AGM SGO Muralidharan and Shantala Shanbagh and all GMs and senior Officers who were present in our formal meeting and actively involved in the discussion of Development , maintenance and HR issues.

We extend our sincere thanks to our very humble CGMT Sri R Mani and CO HR and Admin section for very kind enough to consider 65 JTO Rule transfer from Karnataka ( 35 will be processed now and releived in April 2019 and another 30 will also be processed and releived staggerly in next months ). This could happen only with persuation of SNEA and kind hearted Management.


GTI implementation w.e.f 01.01.2019:

A meeting held today to review the progress in the submission of options. As on today 24,832 Executives (about 50%) submitted the options through ERP. Remaining Executives also submit their opinions immediately. All those upto age group of 50 shall opt for the GTI as it is very much beneficial for them.ย 

No medical certificate is required for this scheme which is the main advantage. The premium will remain as the same till the retirement (even after crossing the age of 50). This is an initiative taken by SNEA for the welfare of our young comrades.All SSA Secretaries and Office bearers may contact our members and make them to submit the options through ERP before 20.12.2018.

ll11.12.2018 External Management Trainee recruitment..

The SNEA stand on Extl MT was once again reiterated in the last Ludhiana AIC to oppose it in all the possible ways. SNEA will strongly oppose Extl MT organizationally and if required legally also.

ll11.12.2018Corporate Office letter on Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from Internal candidates:

Corporate Office letter on Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from External candidates:

Notification for Rect of Internal MTโ€ƒย Notification for Rect of External MT

ll11.12.2018 Meeting with Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR & Fin) on 10.12.2018:

GS and AGSs Com Padmanabha Rao and Com Sanjeev Sharma met DIR(HR) and held discussions on the following issues:

a) Financial problems in the field units:ย We brought the severe financial crunch in all the field units which started affecting the services. UP(East), STR and TN Circle issues specifically brought to the notice of DIR(Fin). DIR informed the efforts taken by the management to take bank loan to tide over the present situation. The letter of comfort from DoT is yet to be released for taking the loan even though it was promised. BSNL is pursuing with DoT in this regard. The condition will continue for some more time.

b) Notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy:ย We informed the demand in the Ludhiana AIC and the resolution passed in the AIC for early implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy w.e.f 01.07.2018 for giving promotions to thousands of Executives waiting for promotion and to bring parity with those got promotion on or before 29.06.2018. Except SDE(T) cadre, vacancy is not available in any other cadre and thousands and thousands of Executives are waiting for promotion. Day by day, litigations on reservation and seniority related matters increasing and at the earliest it should be implemented. DIR(HR) assured early action based on the report submitted by the Committee.

c) JTO to SDE promotion:ย We continued our earlier discussion for finding some way out to give promotions for all the SDE vacancies. The court cases after 15.06.2018 delayed the promotion for about 6 months now. The court cases are spearheaded by some SDEs and those who may not get promotions in the coming DPC. So they are trying to delay the promotions as much possible by way of contempt and other methods. The innocent JTOs who are not part of the litigations are becoming victims, promotions not happening and management has to help them, we demanded. As a possible way out we suggested two ways to go ahead with promotions.

The vacancy is about 4500 which is calculated now and submitted the roster for approval.ย The promotions given earlier led to contempt of court and litigations. So before issuing promotion, management want to ensure that it will not lead to another court case or contempt. Management is taking all precautions in this regard and the promotions are delayed only because of court cases, not due to management, DIR(HR) told.ย The suggestion of the Assn to prepare the AIEL based on Ernakulam HC order and give promotions subject to the outcome of the court cases is not feasible as it will weaken the review petition filed by BSNL, mgt informed. The second option given by us, as an interim arrangement to give promotions from among the remaining JTOs in 1:1 ratio to the extent possible, rect yearwise, is almost agreed by the Management.ย As a precaution management is informing this to the CAT/EKM on 18.12.2018 for its concurrence before taking actions.

Meanwhile the 3rdย Review petition filed by BSNL come up yesterday in Hon High Court of Kerala and posted to 12.12.2018 along with other two review petitions which is already listed for 12.12.2018. If the applicants (AIGETOA activists) does not oppose the review petitions tomorrow, on 12.12.2018 and agreeing to BSNL prayer for restoring Training Centre marks for fixing the inter-se-seniority, the case will be decided immediately and BSNL can go ahead with promotion. If it happens, it will end the litigations and management can go ahead with promotion for about 4500 vacancies for which the grading, VC etc already collected.ย GS and President informed this to GS/AIGETOA and told him to prevail upon the AIGETOA activists at Ernakulam for the same line of action, not to oppose the review petition. This will be in the best interest of the cadre and promotions can be given immediately.

d) Submitting the seniority list to Hon CAT Chandigarh for DE to DGM promotion:ย Detailed discussion held in this regard. The seniority list as per Rule 206 has to be prepared and submitted. A provisional list of the serving DEs as per Rule 206 prepared by BSNL and submitted for the approval of DIR(HR). DIR(HR) assured to discuss the matter with GM(P) tomorrow, 11.12.18 as some more clarity is required in this regard before approval.


Heartiest Congratulations to Hubli and Mangalore Mobile Team for getting an Appreciation letter from our Beloved CMD Sri Anupam Shrivastav for maintaining best QOS parameters in Drive test of Mobile coverage conducted by TRAI.

Appreciation Letter KT


AUAB Writes to DOT for the Implementation of direction of the Honโ€™ble Minister of State for Communications, with regards to putting in place an institutional mechanism for periodic interaction between the DoT and the AUAB. <<ย Letter to DOTย >>


Group Term Insurance (GTI):

The demand of SNEA immediately after MV for Group Term Insurance is getting implemented. As reported earlier, a POP UP is developed by ERP team. It will be available as and when ERP portal is opened. This scheme is initially proposed for the BSNL directly recruited Executives who are not covered by Govt pension and now extended for all. This will be more beneficial for those below 50 years.All our comrades are requested to exercise their option before 20.12.2018.

GTI detailsโ€ƒ

GS, President and AGS Com Sanjeev Kumar Sharma met GM(Pers) and held discussions regarding JTO to SDE promotions for the vacancies and SDE to DE promotion for the missing cases and unassessed cases. In the AIC also we requested in this regard and GM(P) responded positively at Ludhiana. Discussions held on various options to give promotions for maximum vacancies. For bringing parity, JTOs of 2012 also to be promoted, we demanded. Now JTOs from 1999 rect onwards are waiting for promotion. Above all thousands of young JTOs are waiting for the promotion and losing the precious service, we pointed out.

Meanwhile BSNL sought the legal opinion from Addtl Solicitor General (ASG) onย own meritย in promotions after the Hon SC judgment dated 26.09.2018.

Status of court cases:

JTO to SDE contempt case โ€“ The case came up for hearing on 03.12.2018. BSNL sought exemption from personal appearance which court allowed upto 18.12.18. CAT directed BSNL to file reply by 18.12.2018 and the case posted to 18.12.2018.

JTO to SDE promotion --- Review petition in the Hon High Court, Kerala: The review petition is expected this week end.

AO to CAO promotion: In the case against the recent AO to CAO promotion demanding catch up rule,ย Hon Chandigarh CAT ordered STATUS QUOย putting fresh hurdles in promotions.ย 


Talks between the AUAB and the Hon MoSC held today. The details are:

1) On 4G spectrum, Cabinet approval will be taken at the earliest. The Cabinet memo is already circulated and Addtl Secretary, DoT is asked to interact with other Ministries to clarify their doubts. Once reply received from other Ministries, it will be placed before the Cabinet, in the next meeting itself.

2) It is accepted to delink the pension revision from pay revision and affordability clause and process separately.

3) On Pension Contribution, a positive recommendation is being sent to Dept of Expenditure.

4) On 3rd PRC for the employees, some more issues are to be sorted out between DoT and BSNL. In the present form, Union Cabinet may not approve it, Minister and Secretary are doubtful.

The progress of the issues will be reviewed every fortnight and a mechanism will be evolved in DoT for regular discussion with AUAB.ย After making a thorough review of the situation, AUAB meeting unanimously decided to defer the strike till further intimation.
AUAB Circularโ€ƒ


RTI reply on SAB contribution: EPF-12%, Gratuity-4.8%, PRMB-3.3%, Pension-5%.

RTI Replyโ€ƒ


Meeting with Hon MoSC:ย In todayโ€™s meeting with Hon MoSC, SNEA raised the issue of approval of E2 and E3 pay scales and other AUAB leaders supported it. In a very positive response, Hon Minister directed the officers to process it in DoT at the earliest as it can be settled in DoT. Officers from DoT assured to discuss it separately for early settlement.

Comrades, this is a golden opportunity we got it, to discuss the standard pay scales issue, with the support of AUAB.

Last week, on another important issue, 3% hike in SAB agreed by CMD/BSNL in the discussion with AUAB.

These two are very important breakthrough in addition to the other demands.


The Delegates of Karnataka who attended 30th AIC of SNEA held at Ludhiana.

Felicitation during AIC at Ludhiana by SNEA CHQ to Com S B Nagavi for his dedication & service to the SNEA.


Today formal meeting of SNEA with CGMT Karnataka Sri R Mani took place in presence of all GMs , DGM Admin , AGM HR, AGM SGO and Circle office berers of SNEA Karnataka . All the developmental and maintenance issues were discussed , CGMT gave patience hearing to all the issues and assured his best possible support in resolving the issues. Agenda

Com Ramakrishna highlited the issues of CSC to open between 8 am to 8 pm and opening during closed holidays because of scarcity of clerical staff.

Com Prashant highlited about formation of persuit team for realisation of outstanding bills. Proper arrangements to post Bescom payments RR numberwise will avoid unnecessary penalty on BSNL due to the delay in sagrigation individual RR numberwise by BESCOM.

Com Javali and Com Ramesh requested for making an arrangments for continous availability of 4F low count cable , UG cable stores and Uy connectors for day to day maintenance.Highlited the need of OFC cable laying in and arround city of Bangalore to strengthen Backhaul connectivity for all our services.

Discussion on JTO rule 8 request transfer is also discussed in length , CGMT and GM HR Sri Ashok Agarawal expressed about shortage of JTOs in Karnataka , more resignation of newely recruited Gate JTOs and very difficult to consider Rule 8 request transfers. We from SNEA gave the complete Data analysis of JTO strength and expressed the difficulties of these long awaited Rule 8 JTOs . After giving patience listening to our request CGMT made his mind to consider only 20 nos but we all SNEA Office bearers present in the meeting tried our best to convince CGMT, ultimately very kind hearted CGMT agreed for 35 nos to process immediately and will be releived during April 2019 and another 30 nos will also be processed and will be releived stagerly. SNEA Karnataka made all its best effort to clinch 65 cases of pending Rule 8 requests which are all registered up to 2015.

CGMT appealed to all of us to put best effort in making GB paln more and more reach to customer and reconnections of closed lines. As 4F low count cable has come around 3000 Kms and PO for another 800 Kms is being processed so asked to give more FTTH and EB connections. We assured our best to the organisation.

SNEA Thanked CGMT Sri R Mani , GM HR Sri Ashok Agarawal, DGM Admin Sri M V Angadi, AGM HR Sri Swaminathan for their sympathetic consideration.

Thanked all GMs for giving their patience hearing of all our points and for their intaeraction. Thanked AGM SGO for making necesary arrangemnts for the meeting.

From SNEA side the Office bearers Com Jayaprakash Javali, Com Ramakrishna, Com S P Jagadale , Com Sadanand Makannavar , Com B Ramesh, Com Tata babu , Com Prashant K Y, Com Kumarswamy, Com Smt Savitha, Com Ananadkrishna, Com Ramadas and Com S B Nagavi also gave his guest appearance at the final and thanked the CGMT and GM HR for considering Rule 8 requests. For the Glimpses


Today All Unions and Associations of BSNL Karnataka Circle Bangalore all the Circle Secretaries, BGTD District Secretaries/Circle Office and active leader's met Honrable Minister of State of Communications (IC) Sri Manoj Shinha Ji and submitted memorandum of demands on behalf of AUAB Karnataka Circle Bangalore. Leader's apprised the Minister and expressed their anguish regarding delay in implementation of 3rd PRC ( wage revision wedding 01.01.2017). Honrable Minister expressed that regarding wage revision Iam fully aware and Iam thinking of implementation of revival plan of BSNL and it's takes approximately one month time, Referring pension contribution on actual pay, allotment of 4G spectrum DOT already decided to do the needful other issues nothing has been decided. He visited to Bangalore on the accasion of Security Assurance Facility, Mandatory Testing and certification of Telecom Equipment portal and Saral Sanchar protal on 15th November 2018 at City Telephone Exchange Sampangi Ramanagara Bangalore.

ll12.11.2018 The District Conference of Mangalore SSA held on 04.11.2018 at Auditorium , GMTD Office Building, Mangalore in very grand manner. During the delegate session all the field probelms were discussed at length and every executive was very keen for the growth of the BSNL.The Distrct Secretary Com Samaga presented the DS report and Com K Janardhana presented the Tresurer report. Both reports were accepted with acknoledgement by august house.

The Open session was Innagurated by Sri Ravi PGM Mangalore and Sri Prakash DGM Admin , Circle President Com S B Nagavi and Circle Sectretary Com S P Jagadale. The function was presided by the presiden Com K S Murlidhar. The grand open session was witnessed by huge presence of executives. Mangalore SNEA felicitated all the retired members of SNEA and also felicitated the Circle President Com S B Nagavi for his untired work for SNEA and for Mangalore SNEA in particular.

In the District Secretary key note address Com Samaga highlited the problems that the field executives are facing in the field, inspite of all the sacrcity of man power, material and money our executives are giving their best to the organiastion and service to our esteemed customers. Inspite of all price war and competetion BSNL is withstanding in the market, is only because of the Faith of customers in BSNL and the employees who give the best service to the customers. He appealed the managment for their best support in giving manpower or outsourcing the maintenence activities. He also highlighted that Mangalore SSA is having very good revenue in Mobile Sector , if existing Nortel network of only 2G is replaced by 3G then there is scope further revenue growth.

Circle Secretary Com S P Jagadale addressed the gathering , in his speech he gave the revenue and loss analysis of BSNL as a whole , Karnataka Circle and Mangalore SSA. He appreciated the Mangalore SSA for the dedication and sinceraty of Mangalore comrades for the growth of Mangalore SSA . He appealed to the management to make use of our executives for the revenue growth rather than SIM sales which is in reality not fetching remarkable revenue. He toold MOU with LCOs is need of the hour to penetrate aggressively in FTTH and earn more revenue without Capex and Opex. As at many place sthe WiFi hotspots have been installed but not in a way to get service to customers and earn revenue , instead these WiFi hotspots can be relocated to places like Corporate Offices, Engineering ,Medical Instituitions and Hostels , etc so that utility of the avaliable service can be made to earn revenue.

Circle President Com S B Nagavi in his address gave the complete picture of Today's telecom market , how the predatory pricing of REL JIO affected the entire Telecom Industry in which majority of small Telecom companies vanished away, now at present only three Major telecom companies are there in the Market. All telecom companies are with huge debt where as our BSNL is having bank debt very very less. He appreciated the role played by our executives in giving service to our esteemed customers under the crisis of money, men and material. He also narrated the role of the management in supporting staff and strengthening the BSNL.

Guest of the function Sri Ravi PGM Mangalore in his address , appreciated the concern of SNEA members for the growth of the BSNL. He narrated the limitations but assured to overcome all the issues to support the field executives problem and will create an encouragement environment to the staff to work.

Sri Prakash DGM Admin also addressed the gathering , appreciated the SNEA for the concern of BSNL Growth. He recalled and thanked SNEA for helping him when he was in need. He appealed to the members to concentrate on reconnection mela , retaining ten customers is easier than bringing one new customers. He assured to extend best cooperation for the growth of the BSNL and to create good working atmosphere to all the executives in the field.

Com Kiran Bhat Anchored the function, Com Smt Pankaja presented inovocation, Com Guruprasad Deshpande welcomed the gathering , Com K S Murlidhar gave his presidential speach and Com Arun Manvi gave vote of thanks.

In the afternoon session all the field problems were discussed . Com S B Nagavi breifed on the CHQ updates on Promotions in various cadres , E2 ,E3 Issues, SAB , GTI , CPSU and JTO to SDE promotions further. He gave the picture of legal hurdles faced during last decade which was major reason for the delay of promotions.

Election for the formation of new body took place and following office beares were elected unanimously.

1. Com Guruprasad Deshpande Disrict President

2. Com K S Murlidhar District Secretary

3. Com Narayan Pai Distrct Tresurer

For the Glimpses


SNEA letterย regarding reduction in AMC charges for CM vertical --- BSNLCO taken the inputs very seriously and initiates action to reduce the AMC expenditure. All CSs are requested to follow up at Circle level.

View Copy of letters:
Letterย ofย GS to CMD regarding Huge expenditure for CMC on CM verticals.ย 

ll03.11.2018 Revival of BSNL:ย DoT appointed IIM, Ahmedabad as consultant for the revival of BSNL. Prof Rekha Jain from IIMA is heading the team. They visited Kerala Circle as part of the study and invited SNEA for the discussions. Eventhough they had given 30 minutes time, very fruitful discussions held for more than 1 hour. SNEA KRL Circle in consultation with CHQ given a detailed presentation. IIMA team very much appreciated our presentation.ย ย BSNL Revival Plan --- Pdfโ€ƒย BSNL Revival Plan-- Power point presentation


View Media Reports:


GS, President and AGS met Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(Fin) on 31.10.18 and held discussions on Precarious fund situation in BSNL:ย We discussed the serious issue of fund allotment and it is reported by KTK Circle that Electricity authorities disconnected several connections and Exchanges/BTSs are down. DIR(Fin) informed that there is serious cash flow issue and next month it may worsen further. BSNL taken up the issue with DoT. All has to work together to come out of this grave situation, forgetting the differences, she suggested. SNEA assured its full support.

Earlier GS brought these issue to the notice of CMD, DIR(Fin) and GM(BFCI). On the intervention of KTK Circle, management met the Electricity authorities yesterday, 31.10.18 and got one month extension for the pending payment. The connections will be restored by today, 01.11.18. DIR(Fin) assured to allot fund to KTK on priority.


Kum Shrirang Gombi Son of our very actice SNEA member, Ex CS and Ex AGS Com M H Gombi AGM Jayanagar, Bangalore , awarded with Gold medal by Mata Amritanandmai University for securing 1st Rank in M.Tech Mechanical Engineering. Immediately he was interviewed by M/s Cummins India Pune , appointed and positioned as Senior Engineer.

Congratulations to Kum Shrirang Mohan Gombi

ll31.10.2018 View the Glimpses of AUAB Dharana held on 30.10.2018 all over Karnataka Circle.

ll29.10.2018 View Media Reports:

Nokia toย deploy smart telecom poles for BSNL.โ€ƒ
Telecom operators instructed to have new KYC process ready by November 5: DoT.โ€ƒ
View Media Reports:
DoT hasย another bad news for telecom companies.โ€ƒ
Government to grantย instant approval for 5G R&D, field trials.
DoTย directs telcos to stop Aadhaar-based e-KYC.โ€ƒ
Steppingย upย of Pay Guidelines issued by DoPT.โ€ƒ
Fibre deploymentsย key to networks of tomorrow: Telecom industry experts.โ€ƒ
All Unions & Associations in BSNL (AUAB) has served notice today, to the Secretary/DoT and CMD/BSNL for Dharna and rallies, demanding implementation of the assurances given by the Hon MoSC in the meeting held with the AUAB on 24.02.2018.


(a) 3rdย Pay Revision to BSNL employees.

(b) Implementation of Government Rules in payment of Pension

contribution by BSNL.

(c) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL as per the proposal submitted by the BSNL Management.

(d) Pension revision for the BSNL pensioners.

e) Settlement of left out issues of the 2ndย PRC.


1) Dharna at all levels on 30-10-2018.

2) Rallies at circle and districts levels on 14-11-2018.

AUAB noticeโ€ƒ


CS spoke to CGMT STR Chennai and explained the crisis that STR executives facing in terms of Temproary adavance , diesel supply to Departmental vehicle to maintain the long distance OFC major routes , scarcity of manpower assistance to executives. Requested for immediate intervention with Corporate Office in getting fund allocation for Diesel to vehicle on priority.


CS Writes to CGMT STR Chennai regarding no fund allocation for Diesel to Department Vehicles and temproary advances to field executives. Click


GS writes to Hon MoSC Shri Manoj Sinha:ย It is high time for the Govt intervention for the revival of BSNL. As a first step, more than 6400 Crores rupees due from DoT, the administrative Ministry to BSNL is to be released immediately. Abnormal delay in reimbursement of huge amount is seriously affecting the cash flow and functioning of BSNL

GS letter to Hon MoSC regarding reimbursement of Rs 6400 Crores due for BSNLโ€ƒ


GS writes to DIR(HR): Fixation of pay under FR22(1)(a)(1) and itsย  consequentialย  benefit on pay revision to the officiating JTOs.

GS letter to DIR(HR)โ€ƒ

ll10.10.2018 CS Writes to CGMT Ktk regarding:

1. delay in temproary advance allotment. Click

2. Karwar SSA issues. Click


District Conference of Karwar Telecom District:

The District conference of Karawar District held on 07.10.2018 under the presidentship of Com V A Kamat the deliberation begun with invocation by Kum Sonali Shet D/o R J Shet SDE STSR Karwar, welcome by DS Com C E Gunagi ADS. Com P S Bhat presented DS report and Com R N Goankar presented the finance report.

During the delegate session, members raised the querries on JTO Rule - 8 transfer, DE promotions for list no 8 & 9, STR issues of Diesel supply to vehicle,Tempraory advances, shortage of staff in outdoor, FR22 1(a)1 , First Time bound promotions for JTOs issue,No tender for OFC development and maintenance in Karwar SSA, redeployed BTS installed recently whose control cards are getting faulty frequently,poor 3G coverage and speed issues, AMC vendor for power plant repair not responding effectivey, major issue of good old powerplant at Karwar MBM and Sirsi , HKL payment and not full HKL is supplied to feild units ( 0.5 unit), issues of CSCs , dedicated ERP supporting staff issues, scarcity of stores and shortage of staff etc were discussed by all the members.The session was very interactive and it was all about for the betterment of the BSNL and welfare of the members.

Com S A Bellubbi DS Hubli who was invited as guest , he appreciated the Karwar staff in maintaining all the QOS parameter of Mobile services at top and karwar SSA earned good profit. Expressed about need of still more staff for Karwar. He compared the Mysore SSA , inspite of all shortage and crisis Mysore is doing its best. Appelaed to all members that the diversified business avenues can only fetch the revenue in the coming days as all operators are in huge revenue dip becuase of price war in Telecom field in recent two years.

CS Com S P Jagadale addressed the gathering , gave the financial analysis of BSNL, Karnataka . The reasons for not getting temproary advances , rent for hired buildings / land, KEB bills, water charges , HKL payments , other vendor bills in time. He explained that the single reason for all delay payments is the drastic revenue dip of entire BSNL in the current financial year of about 46 % dip. Appealed to diversify our activities towards more revenue earnining area. As there is staff shortage every where and it will continue, he requested to go for more automation like ERP, extending infra alarms to monitor Exges / BTSs etc. Appealed to all members to contribute their best for uplifting the BSNL . Elaborated the developments at SNEA CHQ and Karnataka Circle.

It was nice, well organised function under the leadership and dedication of all the comrades of Karwar SSA.

The election for the new Office bearers took place and the following Office bearers were got Elected.

District President-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Shri Chandrakant.E.gunagi JTO (Tx) Karwar.

District Vice President-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย Shri Sudesh.G.jogalekarย  S.D.E. (P) Sirsi.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

District Secretary- ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Shri Pradeep.S.Bhatย  S.D.E. (Tx) Karwar.

Asst District Secretary-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย Shri Vinod.S.Vajantri J.T.O. (MBM) Kumta.

Asst District Secretary-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Shri G.H.Palekarย  S.D.O.Tย  Sirsi.

Asst District Secretary-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย Shri Vinayaka Naik J.T.O. (MBM) Karwar.

Organising secretary-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย Shri Ramadas.N.Gaonkarย  J.T.O (MM) Karwar.

District Treasurer-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย Smt Chaitra.S.Akkasali J.T.O (ERP) Karwar.

Executive Committee Members-ย ย ย  Shri Rajesh.M. Moger. D.E. (DTC) STR Karwar.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย Shri Chandrakant. S.Ager. S.D.E. (Phons/Groups) Ankola.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย Shri Nagaraj.N.Moger. J.T.O. (Groups) murdeshwar.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย Shri Rizwan.Madgaonvi J.T.O. (Groups) Haliyal.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Shri Natik Jain J.T.O. (Tx) Karwar.

Auditor-ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย Shri V.M.Paiย  S.D.E.(DRC) Karwar.ย ย ย ย ย ย 

For the Glimpses

ll06.10.2018 CS writes to CGMT for taking initiative for the supply of low count cable 4F and procurment of low capacity OLTEs for providing FTTH reg Click

05.10.2018 CHQ Updates

Meeting with Shri Aunpam Shrivastava, CMD/BSNL on 04.10.2018:ย GS met CMD/BSNL and held discussion on the proposal of E2/E3 scales and its approval by DoT. GS informed CMD that the reply given by DPE is processed by DoT and the file is with Secretary/DoT for further directions. GS requested immediate intervention of CMD by personally taking up the matter with Secretary. CMD assured to discuss with Secretary once she returns to the office on 14.10.2018. Meanwhile a DO letter regarding early approval of E2/E3 pay scales will be sent from CMD, it is assured.

Meeting with Shri Keshav Rao, GM(Pers) on 04.10.2018: GS, President, AGS and Jt sec met GM(Pers) and held discussion on 1) resubmitting the Committee report on CPSU Hierarchy, 2) JTO to SDE promotion, 3) Soft tenure break and 4) promotion for the missing cases.

1) On the Committee report, it is informed that it may take few more days as some feedback is yet to get from some section.

2) On JTO to SDE promotion, we held detailed discussion based on our letter dated 17.09.2018. Since Hon HC permitted to give promotions even before finalization of AIEL, all possibility is to be explored for the promotions from the remaining JTOs, to the extent possible. The AIEL is finalized for the DoT rect upto 1999, DoT rect and BSNL rect are segregated by Hon HC and promotion orders are issued. Remaining JTOs can be promoted on interim measure. The promotion can be regularized after finalization of AIEL, we suggested. Management is trying to establish that there is no contempt and of opined that after giving much awaited promotions, management is facing contempt and other court cases which is not a positive sign. Finally GM(P) assured to examine the matter and continue the discussions next week.

3) Soft tenure break: The matter will be discussed with DIR(HR) for approval.

4) Promotion for the missing cases: Due to the contempt cases, further promotions are not processing, GM(P) informed. We explained that the pending cases are nothing to do with the contempt cases and they are very seniors, their juniors are already promoted. Finally GM(P) assured to discuss this with DIR(HR) and do the needful.

Meeting with Shri Sourabh Tyagi, Sr GM(Estt) on 04.10.2018: GS met Sr GM(Estt) and held discussion on 1) sending a DO letter regarding early approval of E2/E3 pay scales and 2) Board approval for E1/E2A pay scales notionally from 01.10.2000 for the Civil/Electrical/TF/Arch/PA/Ps etc and 3) Board approval for the AD(OL) scale:

Based on the discussions held earlier with CMD, DIR(HR) and GM(Estt), a draft DO letter is prepared, GM(Estt) informed.

On approval of E1A/E2A scales from 01.10.2000, the possibility of settling the issue without altering the Presidential order is under examination. Whether it can be shifted to another date to overcome the objections of DOT, it is under examination.

The AD(OL) pay scale proposal is an agenda in todays Board meeting and in all probability, it will be approved, informed GM(Estt).ย 

05.10.2018 GS writes to CMD/BSNL: Outsourcing of O&M activities of passive infra of Non-collocated BTS sites โ€“ the rates needed to be revisited again in view of 1) huge investment BSNL already made in the last few years, 2) the exorbitantly higher rates and 3) revenue from the BTSs.GS letter to CMDโ€ƒ


Inspirational Initiative by GM Kolar Sri Pardasarathi and staff :

As a part of BSNL formation Day and Gandhi Jayanthi , GM Kolar Sri Pardasarathi and staff of Kolar actively participated in "Swachcha Bharath programme" on 01.10.2018. Cleaned all the office premises . All the members of SNEA also took part in this programme actively under the leadership of DS SNEA Com Narain Nandakumar. Click for photos


District Conference of Belgaum Telecom District:

The District conference of Belgaum District held on 30.9.2018 . Under the presidentship of Com Chinchali the deliberation begun with invocation by Com Mallikarjun Talikote, welcome by DS Com Kamath.

Com Kamath presented DS report and Com Balekundari presented the finance report.

During the deliberation session Comrade Divatagi, Kalasappanavar, Yarnal and Vinayak Kapate expressed the difficulties which executives are facing in the field in the form of scarcity of stores, shortage of supporting staff, shortage of DG starter battery, pressure of SIMs sale through Mela, speed issues in mobile services, etc. STR com Shyam Kulkarni and Com Kagawad expressed their STR issues like absolute no supporting staff , insisted for outsourcing of major routes where NH and state road construction and expansion is in progress so that the optical cable network can be monitored and maintained more efficiently.

During the open session the office bearers Com Aravind Kaulagi BSNLEU,ย  Com Rajendra Gumaja AIBSNLEA, addressed the gathering and expressed about need of the hour. Com Satish Kallanavar DS SEWA expressed his noble idea of havingย  a BSNL customer association to bring pressure on Govt to protect state owned PSU BSNL and to get support for its welfare.

Com M H Talikoti CWC member expressed about the need of 4G service in BSNLto compete with other operators and appealed for strong agitation for the Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL.

Com Pandurang Nayak ,ย  Joint Secretary south addressed and elaborated the developments at CHQ level. He also expressed the role of SNEA for the welfare of the members in terms of pay scale , social security and promotion avenues.

CS Com S P Jagadale addressed the house , elaborated what are the reasons for delayed payments for Electricity bills, HKL payments, rent for the owners of the buildings, vendors payments and temporary advance etc other than salary to employees.He gave the financial status of BSNL , Karnataka circle and lastly about Belgaum SSA. CS appealed to all the members to raise to the crisis and contribute our best in revenue generation rather than giving output only in the form of number of connection. At present FTTH is the potential sector which needs to be encashed and proceed very aggressively. As we are not having shortage of OLTE S and 4F low count cable, to overcome this crisis MOU on revenue sharing with local cable TV operators is highly needed.Appealed for dedication towards revenue growth.Highlited about circle issues and role played by SNEA.

Com S B Nagavi Circle President addressed the gathering, recalled what was the vision for formation of PSU and their benefits to the public and what is approach of present Govt towards PSU.He highlited that it is the high time for all unions and associations to join and fight to protect the interest and vision of PSUs.As a state owned PSU BSNL has given its best service at very low price to the public of India especially to the rural public even by incurring huge loss.He said it is the responsibility of Govt to see the welfare of public and PSUs.

He also expressed why bsnl is making profit only in J&K because no other private operators in operation, Orissa because of innovative marketing ideas and implementation by staff and Kerala because the public keep faith and believe only in Govt services BSNL . He recalled all the revenue which BSNL was getting in the form of ADC, IUC and USO fund earlier now it is stopped which is one of the major issue for revenue dip for BSNL. He thrown the light on the present telecom market and every operator is under stress and having thousands of crores of debt in which bsnl debt is very very meager. All this unrest in the telecom marketย  happened just because of entry of Reljio with predatory pricing.It can be over come by BSNL only by giving more and more FTTH and EB circuits which will fetch more revenue for the BSNL. He appealed toย  work with more enthusiastic and deliver QOS to our customers.

President Com Chinchali gave his presidential address and requested to members to involve in the activities of strengthening BSNL.

Election for the new office bearer was conducted and following office bearer got elected unanimously.

Dist President: Com Sangamesh Mulimani

Vice President:
Com Vinayak Dasar

Dist Secretary:
Com Arun Chavali

ADS: Com N P Jadhav
Com Rajesh Kamatagi

District Treasurer:
Com Vinod Kulkarni

CEC member:
Com Shyam Kulkarni

Executive committee members:
Com Vijay Burli
Com D V Chandargi
Com Smt Kalpatri
Com Gopi Dandgal

Auditor: Com S J Sanjay

It was nice deliberation which took place from 11am to 6 pm with huge crowd of enthusiastic members of Belgaum SSA and members from Karwar , Goa , Kholapur MH circle were attended the gathering as special invitees.
Comrades of Belgaum SSA felicitated our CP Com S B Nagavi for his valuable contribution to SNEA Karnataka and especially for Belgaum SSA.

For the Glimpses

ll28.09.2018GS writes to Smt Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, DoT on E2 and E3 pay scales: Approval of BSNL proposal for revision of the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A to the next higher standard pay scales of E2 and E3 for the JTO, SDE and equivalent Executives in BSNL w.e.f 01.01.2007 as per 2nd PRC recommendations, based on the 1) pay scales notified by DoT in the Presidential order dated 28.07.2003 for the BSNL Executives, 2) affordability clause for 2nd PRC, the PBT for the year 2007-08 and 3) based on the advice given by DPE in its OM dated 29.08.2018.

As advised by DPE, it is requested to review the unilateral decision of DOT on 28.03.2017 to lower the pay scales of E1A to E1 and E2A to E2 w.e.f 01.01.2007 and approve the BSNL proposal dated 06.06.2016 and subsequent reminders to replace the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A to E2 and E3 respectively.

GS letter to Secretary, DoT on E2, E3 ---- pay scale approvalโ€ƒ

ll27.09.2018 Status of APAR and SCR of JTO for SDE DPC


District Conference of Tumakur Telecom District:

The District Conference of Tumakur Telecom District held on 23.09.2018 in the conference hall, GM Office Building,Tumakur.The hall was with full of enthusiastic and active members.The delebarations were begun under the presidentship of Com Sangameshwaraiah with innvocation song by Com Smt Seetalaxmi , with welcome speech by Com M C Suresh.District Secretary Com Mahesh gave detailed DS report and Tresurer Com T P Nijalingappa submitted the accounts detailed report for the approval of the house.Both the reports were approved by the house with great appreciation.

SNEA Tumakur Branch felicitated the Vishisht Sanchar Seva Padhak Awardee Com Madesh B AGM Txmn.

Circle President Com S B Nagavi addressed the gathering, interacted more with the newely joined GATE JTOs.He narrated in depth about the BSNL organisation, what are the adavanteges of working in BSNL rather than in IT Company.He took the feed back on the matter all the Gate JTO expressed that they are comfartable in BSNL compared to their friends who are in IT field facing terrible work pressure and with monotonus type of work where in BSNL they are getting variety of job exposures. Only Language is the hitch which can be overcome as the time elapses and with more interaction with public in the field.CP also appealed to the new JTOs with their high talents in IT and Electronics they can contribute their best and can definately take the organisation to new heights. Appreciated the contribution and dedication of SNEA Tumakur branch in strengthening the SNEA and taking care of the welfare of members.

Tumakur comrades in acknowledging the service of Com S B Nagavi CP and his contribution to SNEA as a whole and for Tumakur SSA in particular,honoured him with warm felicitation.

CS addressed the audience, he explained what is an assosiation,what for it is required and what SNEA being only the mojority recognised Executive assosiation delivering its best to the executive cadres.He explianed the milestones achived by SNEA for the welfare of Executives and what are the current challenges to overcome.He eloborated the details of CHQ and Circle issues.He also explained the present financial status of Tumakur,Karnata and BSNL as a whole.Appealed to all the members to give their best in improving the revenue.Explained how to penetrate more and more in FTTH by having MOU with cable TV operators which is the need of the hour.Asked all the new Gate JTOs with their IT experience and knowlege to come out with ideas to control the expenditure and to improve the revenue for the BSNL.

Distrct President Com Sangameshwaraiah gave the presidential remarks and concluded the meeting with vote of thanks.

The following office bearers got Elected unanimously:

1. District President Com V Mahesh

2.District Vice Presidents

a.Com Sangameshwaraiah b. Com Ramesh S R

3.District Secretary Com Umesh B K

4.Asst Dist Secretaries

a.Com Hanumanthrai

b.Com Shankar K M

5.District Treasurer Com Rangaswamy R K

6.Asst Dist Treasurer Com N Krishnamurthy

7.Organising Secretary Com Manjunath P

8.Executive committe members :

1. Com Smt Rehmat unisa

2.Com Vishweshwarayya K S

3.Com Basavaraj A

4.Gopikumar N

5. Com Viveksharma

Auditor : Com Nataraj For the Glimpses


District Conference of Bangalore Telecom District:

The auditorium completely packed with huge participation

of members, witnessed the enthusiasm of members and

strength of SNEA in BGTD.


On 22.09.2018 under the Presidentship of Com M Huliraja, the AGB meeting of Bangalore Telecom District commenced in Auditorium of CTO Building with invocation song by Com Smt Shaila and welcomed by Com Rama in very grand manner with huge crowd of members. Com Jayarakash Javali presented the District Secretary report and Com Gurunath Treasurer gave the financial report both the reports were accepted and approved with big round of applause by the entire house of members.

Com Jayaprakash Javali DS gave the details of the efforts made by the DS and DOB in resolving all the issues related to executives. It was the first time where in the postings of JTOs (LICE) in BGTD were done in more transparent and convincing way through counseling which avoided any favoritism and injustice to the meritorious executives in postings.

BGTD recalled and remembered the contribution of Com S B Nagavi for the association in general and supporting BGTD in particular.As mark of respect they have honoured Com S B Nagaviย  by grand felicitation on his superannuation.

Com S B Nagavi Circle President , addressed the gathering and highlighted the efforts in Strengthening the SNEA BGTD and he appreciated the approach ofย  Jayaprakash Javali with the District administration in resolving the issues of members. He also explained the tradition of SNEA and appealed to the members to remember and carry forward the ideals of our predecessors who have helped us and built this organization.

Com M H Ghombi addressed the gathering, he explained the strength of SNEA and what are roles played by the SNEA in uplifting the executive cadre especially JTOs and reminded the responsibilities of the members to carry forward the SNEA with same zeal and enthusiasm.He appreciated the work done by DS Com Jayaprakash Javali for the members of BGTD and also highlited about his honesty and commitment for the organization.

CS highlighted the issues taken, resolved and to be resolved by the SNEA for the welfare of the executives.
He explained the role played by SNEA at CHQ and at Karnataka Circle during JTO to SDE and SDE to DE promotion.

CS gave the critical analysis of present financial position of BSNL and of Karnataka Circle. Explained the factors affecting our revenue and how to overcome, alerted the members to focus more on revenue generation and come out with innovative ideas for improving the revenue which is the need of the hour.

CS SNEA Ktk placed on record the contribution of Com Jayaprakash Javali under the valuable guidance of Com M Huliraja President and his entire team of DOB for doing their best to the members and as well as in strengthening the organization.

The DS of CO Bangalore Com Ananadkrishna, Circle Treasurer Com Makkannavar, ACS Com B Ramesha , Com Tatababu, Com Prashant , organsing Secreatry K N Muralidhara , Com Smt Savitha CWC member, Com Lokesh DS ACE wing, many active members of CO Laxman, Nagesh, Tyagaraj ,Sureshkumar , Nyamathi and many more attended and graced the gathering as invitees.

District President gave his presidential remarks, and concluded the meeting with vote of thanks.

The following new office bearers elected unanimously:

  1. Com M Huliraja ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย District President
  2. Com Palanivelu ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย  District Vice President
  3. Com ย E . Vishwanath ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  District Secretary
  4. Com K . Gouthamย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ADS
  5. Com Ashok Kumar V N ADS
  6. Com Santosh Prasadย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ADS
  7. Com ย S.F. Devarajย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  District Treasurer
  8. Com Prakash.Mย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Area Secretary East
  9. Com K. Gurunathย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Area Secretary West
  10. Com Kiran Kumar Sย ย  ย  Area Secretary Central
  11. Com Shivanna ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Area Secretary CM & CFA
  12. Com. Anushree Joshi,ย  Auditor

CEC Members :

  1. 1. Com Jaffarulla 2.Com Smt Ramaย  3.Com Smt Geetha

4. Com Ananadkumarย  5. Com R C Patilย ย  6. Com Delhibabu

Executive Committee Members: Com. K B Math, Com. Arun Kumar, Com. TS Kamala, Com. Ravikumar, Com. Umadevi CS, Com. Rajesh A Naik, Comย  Rajeshwari, Com. Ayub Baig.

Click here for the glimpses


View Appeal letterย to SNEA from SR section.ย ย 

View GSย letterย toย CMD.

ll22.09.2018 CHQ Updates

Details of the discussion with BSNL management on 20.09.2018 on the charter of demands of the agitation programs from 24.09.2018 onwards:

BSNL management invited SNEA for discussions on various issues raised in the charter of demands. GS, CHQ President, AGS and Jt Sec(C) attended the meeting. DIR(HR), GM(SR), GM(Pers) and DGM(Estt) was present from management side. ย The discussions continued for more than one and half hours on various issues.

At the outset DIR(HR) informed that BSNL management is taking very serious efforts to implement CPSU Cadre Hierarchy which is already approved by the BSNL Board, to settle E2 & E3 pay scales and other issues and discussion is going on at different level to resolve the issues, the proposed agitation programs from 24.09.2018 is to be avoided. All the genuine demands are getting attention and management is sincerely trying to resolve them.ย Thereafter discussion started on the various demands:

1. Notify and implement BSNL Executive promotion Policy Amendment & Recruitment Rules, 2017 (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy) w.e.f. 01.07.2018 which is approved by the BSNL Board and solve the huge stagnation in different cadres. Bring Parity and Uniformity in promotions among equivalent cadres of different wings. All the existing vacancies in different cadres like SDE(T), CAO etc shall be filled notionally w.e.f. 29.06.2018 as per the earlier rules.

DIR(HR) informed that management is very seriously working on it. BSNL Board already approved it and management spent more than 2 years to finalise the policy, which is going to benefit all the executives. While approving the new promotion policy, BSNL Board directed to ensure that Govt policies on reservation is followed in the new policy also. This matter is under examination.

Meanwhile the matter come up before the Parliamentary Standing Committee for the welfare of SCs and STs also, along with several other issues. The Committee called the management on 19.09.2018. Initially CMD and DIR(HR) sought exemption from personal appearance due to the Board meeting scheduled for 19.09.18 but later on decided to attend the meeting. The Full BSNL Board meeting scheduled for 19.09.2018 was cancelled for this purpose which reflects the seriousness shown by CMD and DIR(HR) on this issue.

The Committee formed will complete the formalities and submit its final report by next week and thereafter it will be submitted to the competent authority. Management is trying its level best to implement it at the earliest by taking everyone into confidence, DIR(HR) assured.

Comrades, now the issue is moving in the right direction and results are expected without much delay. We are working with the management for the early notification and its implementation.

On promotions, DIR(HR) informed that whatever promotions and upgradations done, it lead to litigations and contempt of court. Court cases increased only. CMD is not at all in favour of any more upgradation. JTO to SDE promotions also will be considered once contempt is withdrawn. On AO to CAO promotion, it was informed that the stay is vacated, the DPC is on and promotion orders can be issued as soon as the legal opinion is received from the Sr lawyer from whom the opinion sought. On our specific request to consider JTO to SDE promotion under SCF, where the seniority can be decided later on, finally DIR(HR) agreed to have further discussion with GM(P) on this matter. However mgt expressed its doubt how promotion can be effected without publishing AIEL? As per HC order, only provisional promotion (same as Adhoc/Offtg/LA promotion which does not give seniority or counting of service) can be given in the ratio 1:1, before publishing AIEL.ย The contempt case at Ernakulam filed by AIGETOA activists is the major hurdle for JTO to SDE promotion where more than 5,500 vacancies are available.

2. Approval of E2 and E3 pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 replacing the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A for all the post 2007 recruited JTO/JAOs, SDE/AOs and equivalent cadres.

DIR(HR) explained the efforts taken by the mgt by deputing BSNL Officers to DPE for explaining the matter to DPE officials. Mgt is committed to E2 and E3 scales and all possible measures will be taken to settle it. CMD will write a DO letter to Secretary in this regard to expedite the approval of E2 and E3.

Assn also informed DIR(HR) and others the continuous efforts taken by it. Assn met the Hon Union Minister for Heavy Industries, Shri Anat Geete and requested his intervention to modify the DPE reply. As per the intervention of the Hon Minister, we are trying to meet the Secretary/DPE in this regard.

E2 and E3 pay scales is the most important HR issue for the BSNL Executives, like the new promotion policy, which is to be resolved at the earliest, we demanded. DIR(HR) assured that CMD and DIR(HR) will work together with the Assn for the settlement of E2 and E3 scales.

3. First Time Bound Financial Upgradation as per EPP-2007, uniformly after 4 years, instead of 4 to 6 years.

We explained the matter to DIR(HR). The JTO/JAOs recruited from 1993 to 2001 got their first TB promotion in 5 or 6 years where as the juniors are getting it after 4 years. This is the anomaly created after the implementation of 2ndย PRC with 30% fitment and 78.2% IDA merger. This anomaly referred to the Khan Committee. Khan Committee recommended CPSU Hierarchy after 5 years by reducing it from 6 years as in EPP. On the same line, recommended the first TB promotion for the earlier rects also after 5 years. But this anomaly can be settled only if the first TB promotion is extended uniformly after 4 years, Assn told. The informations regarding the number of Executives affected are already collected from the Circles. After discussion, GM(Pers) informed that the details will be processed in a couple of weeks and will be submitted to the competent authority.

It is a very positive development as mgt so far reluctant to process the case on the plea that BSNL Board and DoT will not agree for the amendment of EPP with retrospective effect, from 01.10.2004.

4. E1+5 increments for the post 2010 rect JTO/JAOs and equivalent cadres.

The benefit of E1+5 increments is not extended to the thousands of JTO/JAOs rected after 2010. The new rects are getting the pay of Rs 16400 only where as earlier batches are getting minimum E1+5 increments. The pay loss of these JTO/JAOs recruited in 2010(SRD), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 etc are huge. Thousands of LICE JTO/JAOs also affected and they are also drawing less than E1+5 increments. Even the PO issued by DoT on 28.03.2017 extended Rs 18850. Taking the benefit out of that, E1+5 increments may be extended to the remaining JTO/JAOs recruited after 2010.

Management is very sympathetic to this demand. It was informed that the proposal for E1+5 increments for the JTO/JAOs recruited upto 2014 is pending in the BSNL Board since, 2015. BSNL Board took a stand that it will be approved only after the approval of HR plan. For remaining JTO/JAOs, Board is not ready to consider E1+5 as they are recruited in E1 scale. We strongly objected this as the E1 pay scale is a provisional pay scale and even the pay scales in the RR for JAO, JTO(C/E) etc are still E1A. ย ย 

We demanded that as per the PO issued by DoT, E1+5 can be extended. We have to find a way to extend it without notifying the PO issued by DoT, we demanded. Management assured to discuss it further to find some way out, keeping the demand for E2 and E3 scales intact.

5. E1A and E2A scales notionally w.e.f. 01.10.2000 for the JTOs and SDEs in Civil, Electrical, TF, Arch, PA, PS etc and equivalent cadres.

This proposal is already approved by the MC of the BSNL Board and placed before the full BSNL Board for its approval. However DoT objected it stating that E1A and E2A scales can be extended only to those working in the corresponding CDA scales before 01.10.2000. The JEs and AEs were not in that sale on 01.10.2000, so it cannot be considered. The presidential order issued at the time of absorption cannot be altered now, according to DoT. We explained the background and the need to bring parity in the pay scales as on 01.10.2000 for all the equivalent cadres. Moreover the JTOs and SDEs of these streams are working in the same pay scales for a few months which is a serious anomaly. Recently AD(OL) case also settled like that. Finally it was agreed to examine it, whether it can be implemented without altering the PO issued on 01.10.2000, to overcome the DoT objection.

6. Increase the DGM(T) posts, atleast by another 800 for maintaining a ratio 1:4 and filling up all the DGM(T) vacancies on regular basis.

Increase in DGM(T) posts is a demand we raised 1 year back. The number of DGM(T) posts was less, comparing to any other streams. 1331 DGM(T) posts are available against the 5303 AGM posts. Even the available DGM(T) posts, maximum were occupied by the ITS officers on deputation which further affected our limited promotional avenues.

The creation of another 3410 AGM posts recently through upgradation strengthened our demand for increasing the DGM(T) posts atleast by another 800. Now the total number of AGM post is 8713. Moreover, the number of AGMs after implementation of CPSU Hierarchy will be between 8500 to 9500, so naturally the DGM posts is to be increased, we argued the case with full justification.

Finally management in principle agreed to our demand for increasing the DGM(T) posts to maintain a reasonable ratio. It is to be further discussed and worked out whether it can be done through HR plan or through cadre review. It will be a major breakthrough for the cadre after the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy approval. Similarly for other streams also, same ratio will be worked out.

On DGM(T) promotions, BSNL is filed a MA in the Hon CAT to vacate the stay citing the vacation of stay in a similar case, AO to CAO promotion. It is expected to hear on next Monday. The original case is listed for 27.10.2018 only. Once stay is vacated, DPC will be held including the DRDGM vacant posts and promotion orders will be issued.

Comrades, the extensive preparations for the agitation programs by the CHQ and the Circles compelled the management to invite SNEA for negotiation. We had made extensive arrangements for the agitation programs. The response from our activists was so positive, they were solidly with CHQ supporting from all the corners. In addition to CS and CP, large number of activists planned to reach New Delhi from far off places to participate in the agitation. It shows the commitment and conviction of our comrades on the issues. It is a great break thorough, now management assured us to work together to settle the issues in a time bound manner. Congratulations to one and all.

We are extremely grateful to CMD/BSNL, DIR(HR) and other senior officers for the timely intervention to resolve the issues through discussion. Further we are very happy to note that we could do it without going into agitation, through negotiations especially when we are fully involved in the field units for the revival of BSNL. Once again, congratulations to one and all.

20.09.2018 CHQ Updates

AO to CAO promotion: The issue regarding implementation of reservation and own merit in CAO promotion is referred to the legal section and then to a Sr Advocate for the expert legal opinion. All other DPC work is completed. As soon as the legal opinion is received, promotion orders can be issued.

Vacation of stay on DE to DGM(T) promotion:ย  Based on the CAT judgment vacating the stay on AO to CAO promotion, BSNL is filing an MA for early hearing and vacation of stay in the Hon CAT on the same ground. Originally the OA is listed for 29.10.2018. On our request, DIR(HR) given the approval for the same as soon as the information regarding vacation of stay for CAO promotion received BSNLCO. All the documents supplied to the BSNL lawyer for filing the MA.

LICE for JE to JTO promotion: The proposal to conduct the LICE from JE to JTO promotion for the vacancy years 2016-17 and 2017-18 sent to Rect Section by the Estt Section. Last week DIR(HR) approved the proposal.ย 

ll19.09.2018 Congratulations to all TTAs who Officiated as JTOs , order for extending FR22(1)a(1) benefits is issued by Corporate Office, It could hapen by sincere effort of SNEA by fighting legaly through the court.Thanks to our SNEA CHQ and Corporate Office for issuing the order for implementation. For order Click

ll19.09.2018 CHQ Update

What compelled SNEA to launch agitations from 24.09.18:

The developments which compelled SNEA to launch the agitations from 24.09.2018 on various issues will be discussed one by one. When negotiations and discussions does not yield the result and resolution of the issues, we donโ€™t have any other option other than trade union actions. Normally in such situations, management will get involve in serious discussions to settle the issues in the best possible manner but unfortunately nowadays, the entire energy is diverted in doing research, how to discipline the Associations/ Unions, instead of addressing the serious HR issues comprehensively. In this situation, as a responsible Recognised Executive Association, we are duty bound to protect the interest of our members as well as all the BSNL Executives.

1. Notify and implement BSNL Executive promotion Policy Amendment & Recruitment Rules, 2017 (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy) w.e.f. 01.07.2018 which is approved by the BSNL Board and solve the huge stagnation in different cadres. Bring Parity and Uniformity in promotions among equivalent cadres of different wings. All the existing vacancies in different cadres like SDE(T), CAO etc shall be filled notionally w.e.f. 29.06.2018 as per the earlier rules.

The urge for a Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion policy, delinking from availability of posts and seniority related issues, as prevailing in other CPSUs, was the demand of our beloved Association from the day of formation of BSNL. This is because of our bitter experience in the past, directly recruited JTOs retired as JTOs, without a single promotion or waiting for 20 to 25 years for one promotion etc due to want of vacancies. SNEA alone fought for the Time Bound Functional Promotion policy in 2002 and laid the strong foundation in the form of Terms and condition for absorption. In 2005, we sincerely tried to erect the structure in the form of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy by demanding Time Bound Promotion upto SG JAG level (E6 scale) but we could not fully succeed in the agitation. Finally EPP-2007 implemented and post based promotions continued as part of it as in a Govt department.

As a result of our agitation in 2015, the demand again picked momentum by the formation of Khan Committee. The Committee made a positive recommendation in October, 2015, recommending Time Bound Functional promotion upto AGM grade, after every 5 years. After the MV, management and SNEA further negotiated for the implementation as assured at the time of absorption in BSNL. ย Finally, after considering the views of other stake holders also, the new promotion policy was approved by the BSNL Board on 28.05.2018.

The approval of the minutes of the Board meeting taken some time and according to the approval, two points required to be examined before its implementation, 1) Whether financial implication is there or not for prior concurrence of DoT and 2) Reservation policies of the Govt is followed in the new policy? In the intervening period, before the next due date of promotion, ie. 01.07.2018 we conducted all the DPCs which are feasible in a record time and issued the promotion orders on 29.06.2018 which made the implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy w.e.f 01.07.2018 very smooth.

Meanwhile both the issues referred to two separate Committees:

1) Whether financial implication is there or not for which prior DoT concurrence required:ย The Committee after careful examination recommended that there is no additional financial implication on implementation of the new promotion policy, rather saving is there and as such it need not require the prior approval of DoT.

2) Reservation policies of the Govt is followed in the new policy? This matter was referred to a Committee of senior officers comprising Sr GM(Estt), GM(Per), GM(EF&FP) and GM(CLO). This Committee after exhaustive deliberations on the subject come to a conclusion that the Govt policies of Reservation is followed in the new promotion policy and submitted a unanimous report in this regard.

With the very positive recommendations from both the Committees, naturally we expected its notification and implementation atleast from 01.07.2018. By approving the proposal with a prospective date, instead of the proposed date of 01.01.2017, the Executives already lost one and half years of service. This already have a big impact on the future promotions. After implementation of the policy this issue to be deliberated further by seeking amendment for more relaxation.

Now management is dilly dallying on the notification and implementation w.e.f 01.07.2018. According to our rough calculation, about 18,500 Executives are expected to get promotion to one or the other grades w.e.f 01.07.2018. The HR plan and drastic reduction on the number of posts (about 40%) is hanging over our heads. So far we could stop it, till the approval of the new non-post based promotion policy, by delinking the promotions from the availability of posts and seniority. On approval of HR plan, it may become even difficult to justify the recent promotions as the number of posts will be less than the promotions. So many HR issues like E1+5 increments etc is pending in the BSNL Board, since 2014 for the approval, in the name of HR plan finalization.

All the vacancies in almost all the cadres filled up on 29.06.2018. Even after that, Executives recruited in the year 1988 as JTO(Arch) still remain as a JTO as there is no vacancy. JTO(E/C) form 1997/1998 are waiting for promotion, even SC/ST comrades. Is they does not deserve even a single promotion?ย  SDE(C/E/T) from 1998/2004 are waiting for AGM promotion. Every time can we look towards the Hon courts, vacation of stay and vacancies for our promotions? Can upgradation of posts as and when required is a feasible solution when the posts itself is going to be cut drastically? Even the SC/ST Executives are waiting for 10 to 15 years for their promotion in different cadres. As a solution we could get three assured Time Bound Functional promotions after 5 years in the new policy.

Comrades, CHQ could negotiate an excellent non-post based, Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy upto AGM Equivalent Grade, delinking from the seniority, as per the terms and conditions of absorption in BSNL. We could get it approved by the BSNL Board also. Finally our efforts since 2002 for the implementation of a non-post based, Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy got Board approval, upto AGM Equivalent Grade. Now CHQ is facing difficulty in getting it notified and implemented. It is not possible without your active support. Our sincere efforts for the last 15 years should yield the desired results, ie. Un-interrupted promotions as in EPP. We seek your active support and participation in the coming agitational programs from 24.09.2018 with full spirit and commitment.

The PARITY IN PROMOTIONS among equivalent cadres in different wings is not a simple demand, we meant business. At the same time we once again want to make it clear that it is not against any particular cadre, rather it is for the welfare and uniform treatment of all the equivalent cadres. In upgradations or CPSU Hierarchy, parity is to be maintained atleast in the future. Discrimination in promotions will lead to demoralization and ultimately affects the performance.

There are huge number of vacancies available prior to 30.06.2018 in SDE(T) cadre and good number of vacancies in CAO cadre. This vacancies are to be filled as on 29.06.2018 as their juniors in equivalent cadres in other wings already promoted on 29.06.2018. This will bring parity in those cadres also. This demand already we placed before the management to protect the interest of our comrades.

ll18.09.2018 GS writes to DIR(HR): JTO to SDE promotions under SCF quota for about 5,500 vacancies for the years 2011-12 to 2017-18. Since the High Court decision on the review petition is pending, it is requested to explore the possibility of conduction of DPC covering all the JTOs of a particular year, without publishing the AIEL. As there is no stay on promotion, promotion orders can be issued to the maximum possible extent, recruitment year wise and the seniority can be decided later on, based on the final outcome of the court cases. Since the vacancies are existing prior to 30.06.2018, the promotion orders may be issued notionally w.e.f 29.06.2018, at par with the juniors promoted from other cadres on 29.06.2018. As per the available vacancies, the JTOs recruited for the years 2010 & 2013 also may be covered and hence the eligibility list particulars of the JTOs recruited in 2010 (SRD) and 2013 also may be called from Circles:ย GS letter to DIR(HR) on JTO to SDE promotion

llGS writes to CMD/BSNL regarding promotion to AGM Grade: Large number of AGM vacancies were reserved for untraceable cases at the time of DPC and it is reported that excess promotions happened against SC/ST quota in the promotion to AGM cadre. The matter may be reviewed and the eligible SDEs in list 8 waiting for promotion may be given promotion w.e.f. 29.06.2018 as their juniors are promoted on 29.06.2018. Letter to CMD


Calling of Volunteers / Options in the cadre of JTO (T), SDE (T) and SDE (TF) for posting in ERP, Ghaziabad (under ITPC Circle) .Click for the details


All the Elected Delegates, CWC members for participating in the AIC being held at Ludhiana from 28.11.2018 to 30.11.2018 are requested to update their journey details in the following excell sheet.Click

Steps for updation:

1.Once link is clicked, option for editing(sneapb@gmail.com) request has to be sent.
2.Editing option will be provided by SNEA Punjab.
3.After entering journey details in the googlesheet , click on share tab on right corner.
4. For any difficulty pls contact organiser 09463400010


ll15.09.2018 CHQ Updates

AO to CAO promotion: The DPC work is going on and BSNLCO is awaiting the order from the CAT, vacating the stay. Earlier Hon CAT, Chandigargh vacated the stay on CAO promotions but the order not updated so far in the CAT website for taking further actions. Meanwhile some missing cases in the VC list and some PH cases brought to our notice is handed over to the SEA section.



GS writes to CMD/BSNL regarding XXX All India Conference of SNEA, demanding withdrawal of the letter dated 07.09.2018 and to allow proper functioning of SNEA, the only representative Executives Association in BSNL and communication with the management with immediate effect. Also request to control some of the biased officers who are deliberately acting against SNEA and ensure legitimate functioning of SNEA as the Recognised Representative Association under REA Rules.

GS letter to CMD, BSNL


05.09.2018 GS writes to Shri Anupam Shrivastava, Director(CM) regarding BSNL participation in the proposed tender for 3.78 lakhs Mobile connections with CUG for Indian Railways. GS Letter to DIR CM


ll 01.09.2018

SNEA Agenda for the formal meeting, for the letterll


ll01.09.2018 CHQ UPDATES

GS, President and AGS met CMD, BSNL on 30.08.2018 and held discussion regarding reply from DPE on E2 and E3 pay scale. CMD informed that he had already spoken to Addl Secretary, DPE on 29.8.18 in this regard for a positive reply.

Earlier as per the instructions of DIR(HR), GM(Estt)ย  met Advisor (Jt Sec), DPE and explained the issue to him.

ll29-08-2018: CHQ NEWS

GS, President and AGS met Shri Anupmam Shrivatava, CMD, BSNL on 28.08.2018 and held discussion on:

a) Notification of Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy w.e.f 01.07.2018 as assured by CMD and DIR repeatedly.ย Inspite of repeated assurances by CMD and DIR (HR) that the new promotion policy will be notified w.e.f 01.07.2018, the notification is not yet issued. Thousands of Executives, numbering about 18,500 are waiting for the promotion. The strong resentment among the Executives on the delay tactics of the management conveyed to CMD. CMD reassured that it will be notified w.e.f 01.07.2018 as assured by the management.

Further CMD informed that as and when the file reaches him from DIR(HR), he will approve the notification.ย The proposal is still with DIR(HR). It is come to know that the entire delay is from DIR(HR) side who had taken all the efforts to get the proposal approved by the BSNL Board.

CMD assured to speak to DIR(HR) and expedite the notification. We informed CMD that we cannot wait indefinitely as several assurances on notification was given by CMD and DIR(HR).

b) DPE reply on the querry from DoT on E2 and E3 scales:

We requested the intervention of CMD and to speak to Secretary or Addl Secretary, DPE in this regard. CMD assured that he will speak to Addl Sec in a day or two to ensure that DPE is sending a positive reply to DoT. GM(Estt) is already instructed to meet the DPE officials, CMD informed.

Developments in DPE on E2 and E3 pay scales:

GM(Estt) and DGM(Estt) met Shri Agrim Kaushal, Advisor(Jt Sec)/DPE on 28.08.2018 and explained the pay scale issue to them. During absorption, DoT approved E1A, E2A, E3, ---E6 pay scales for the Executives, those recruited by BSNL as well as absorbed from DoT. However, on implementation of 2ndย PRC, DoT issued the PO on 28.03.2017, lowering the pay scales from E1A to E1 and E2A to E2, contrary to the recommendation of BSNL. DoT took a stand that E1 and E2 are the pay scales applicable for the Executives recruited/promoted by BSNL after its formation. E1A and E2A are applicable only applicable for those absorbed from DoT.

GM(Estt) informed GS that he explained to DPE that only E1A and E2A scales are implemented in BSNL and there is no E1 or E2 pay scales. After 2ndย PRC, BSNL recommended E2 and E3 pay scales replacing E1A and E2A. The affordability clause is to be considered as per the DPE guidelines based on the PBT for the year 2007-08. By the DoT order, two pay scales are applicable for one cadre, E1A and E1 scales which is not permissible.

Earlier SNEA met CMD and DIR(HR) and requested to a senior officer to DPE to explain and pursue the matter. On their instruction, GM(Estt) met the concerned officers in DPE.

Committee meeting on Group Term Insurance (GTI)

A meeting of the Committee on GTI held on 28.08.2018 in which SBI Life given their final premium quote of Rs 1.42 per thousand for a coverage of 50 lakhs for the age group 18-50. No medical is required for them except a self declaration. For the age group above 50, premium will be Rs 6.98. Medical is compulsory for them GST will be additional.

From our side we demanded further reduction of premium. It is decide to finalise it by next week and the next meeting is scheduled for next week.


AGB OF SNEA Mysore @ RTTC Mysore on 19 th Aug 2018

Under Presidentship of Com M N Ramakrishna AGM, the meeting commenced with welcome speech by Com Chetan C R. Com A B Naragund , DS gave the brief report and developments of Mysore SSA. Com Rangaswamy gave the treasurer report. Members from all SDCAs have attended and all newly recruited JTOs also attended the meeting. The discussion on the development, maintenance issues, CPAN role out issues and GSM NSN new Installation took place. 
CS SNEA congratulated the entire Mysore SSA comrades for their best effort in FTTH achievement and RTTC comrades for revenue generation by imparting training to Engineering students and letting out training class room and hostel for other state government to train their staff.
CS highlighted in spite of good strength of staff available at Mysore and their good efforts in FTTH the Mysore SSA is in 2nd position in loss list of SSAs in Karnataka and appealed to all the members for doing critical analysis on the revenue dip and come out with the revolutionary ideas to improve the revenue of Mysore SSA. CS also gave the detailed analysis for the revenue dip across the country in BSNL and what are factors affecting the growth of the company and told viability of BSNL depends on reliability of our service to the customers. Explained the Initiative taken by SNEA for GTI for 50 lakhs for the social security to BSNL recruited executives .Explained the Persuasion of SNEA for
1. uniformย  FTB for 4 years to JTOs/ JAOs recruited between 1993 to 2001.
2. Progress on FR22ย  (1)(a)(1) for officiated TTAs as JTO.
3. Extending E1+5 increments to JTOs/ JAOs recruited after 2010 onwards who are getting only E1 scale at present. ย 
Com M N Ramakrishna Vice elaborated the CHQ efforts in E2 E3 scale persuasion, getting approval of CPSU CHย  and its achievement in getting huge number of promotions in various cadres. Also explained about SNEA demand for parity in future promotions.
Our Ex President Sri Venkateshmurthy explained the role of SNEA during EMV and how it has got victory in Mysore.Appealed all the members to work in team spirit in future also.Senior Comarade Balasubramanya eloborated on the how the SNEA grown up and what are all its contribution for uplifting the executive cadre and in taking care of welfare of its members.

Mysore Comrades felicitated the following members on their Superannuation.

  1. Com Vishakantmurthy JTO Chamarajanagar
  2. Com Manvi Jayram SDE Elect Mysore

Election for the new body took place, all the following new Office bearers ย were got Elected Unanimously.




Under Presidentship of Com Pattanashetty AGM, the meeting commenced with invocation of Com Mukund Jois who also welcomed the gathering. Com Gopalkrishna , DS gave the brief report and developments of Chikkamagalore  SSA and on the focus counter the  shortfalls.

Members from all SDCAs have attended and all newly recruited JTOs also attended the meeting. These JTOs were exposed to the prospects of  BSNL as PSU and government owned company which plays a pivotal role in the regulation of  other Pvt companies.

The threadbare discussion on the development, maintenance issues, CPAN role out issues and GSM speed issues, burden on the staff by frequent melas, need of the FTTH and letting out of vacant building and space for rent etc were the cruicial points and highlights of the day.

CS SNEA congratulated the entire Chikkamagalore SSA for the first SSA which made 8.2 crores profit in the recently ended financial year. He also appreciated the contribution of Mobile services of Chikkamagalore for contributing 75% of revenue from Mobile segment to the total revenue of the SSA. The Salary expenditure is only 40%  very less compared to other SSAs where it is shooting  upto  60 to 70%. In toto Chikamagalore SSA is doing one of the best among ROK. Support in respect of additional HKL, OLTE, and additional 3G BTSs will further encourage the Chikkamagalore SSA to give its further excellence.

Comrades of Chikkamagalore SSA felicitated our CP Com S B Nagavi on his superannuation, getting AGM promotion and more for his untired services to the Organization especially for Chikkamagalore SSA and trade union SNEA.  Many members spoke about his contribution for the SSA and his humbleness to the members. His foot prints in the expansion of the outdoor cable network, exchange installation, MARR mtce, economy on expenditure by solar power and in GSM were recalled and remembered by many speakers in the meeting.

Com Josheph Crasta DS AIBSNLEA, Com Halappa Ex DS AIBSNLEA, Com Rudraiah BSNLEU Comrades of sister unions have also felicitated Com Nagavi and acknowledged his services to the trade union movement during his services. The sincerity and dedication of Com Nagavi was highligihted many staff in their address.

Com K L Shivanna DGM and Com Prasannakumar AGM, Com Thyagaraj Ex DS SNEA,  Com Venkatesh, Com Parameshwar,Com Jadadish, Com Marulasiddegowda and many comrades spoke about their association with Com Nagavi during. The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks by Com Ugendragowda AGM.

In total it was festival for Chikkamagalore comrades to felicitate him.

For glimpses of meeting click hereโ€ฆ


STR ROK Conference at Shivamogga on 29th July 2018:


The meeting was presided by Com Vijayakumar DP and proceeding commenced with  invocation by Com Deshpande , welcome by Com Sanjaykumar. Com Kencharadder  gave the DS report which was adopted unanimously.

Members spoke about the field difficulties which they are facing in day to day works especially Vendor GST, HKL and difficulty in attending the faults in late nights and main issue with CPAN equipments and its maintenance problems. Many issues were discussed and CS in his speech elaborated the issues and their remedies and assured to take  the issues of CPAN,GST and HKL with the STR amanagement to ease out the working condition of STR executives. He also suggested to have self supporting GPS based route and Joint tracking system with GPS and simple Apps so that it helps in future without any manual records.

CP elaborated the need of STR ROK Division which taken birth in 2015 and how it helped in resolving the STR unique issues. He also appealed the members to strengthen the Division and gear up for organizational activities in getting the issues resolved. He also explained  the role of SNEA in getting promotions and its further action plan for pending issues like Standard Pay scales E2-E3, SAB , term insurance ,  3rd PRC , promotion in the cadre of JTO to SDE , SDE to DE etc.

STR ROK Felicitated CP Com S B Nagavi on his superannuation and also  Com R C Vijayakumar Ex Div President of STR ROK Division.

SNEA Karnataka felicitated Com Krishnamurthy AO our Ex Dist Secretary and very active member of SNEA Shivamoga on his superannuation on 31.7.2018. They have also felicitated Com S P Jagadale CS SNEA KTK the newly elected CS on his first visit to Shimoga both by ROK and also by SNEA SSA branch of Shivamogga.

Com Rajashekar CWC member, Com Dattatri DS SNEA Shivamogga and other leaders also spoke on this occasion and acknowledged the services of Com Nagavi, Vijayakumar and Krishnamurthy.

The election for new body took place and following Office bearers have been elected unanimously.

Com Ravindrakumar                                      Div President

Com  K Devprasad                                          Vice President

Com Gangadahar Naik                                   Vice resident

Com C Kencharadder                                       Div Secretary

Com Mukund Jois                                             Div Treasurer

Com Allanavar                                                  Asst Div Treasurer

 Com Shivanna Naik                                       Asst Div Secretary

Com R G Kulkarni                                          Asst Div Secretary

Com K S Leena                                               Asst Div Secretary

Com Sanjaykumar                                          Asst Div Secretary

 Com S D Hazare                                           Organsisng Secretary

 Executive committee members : 1.Com Deshpande, 2.Com Srinivasrao 3.Com T C Manjunath 4.Com Gurudatta Sanabal 5.Com Shyam R Kulkarni 6.Com S Sundar 7.Com G L Moses . 8. Com R J Shet 9.Com P V Mamata 10. Com C P Kulkarni 11. Com Rajapurkar

For glimpses click here..  



We are extremely shocked to inform that our very active comrade Smt Vijayalaxmi S Dixit   SDE Plg Belgaum, expired due to massive heart attack  while travelling in VRL bus on the night of  29.7.2018 near Nelamangala while returning to Belgaum after attending PTCC meeting at CO Bangalore.  She left by behind her husband  Sri Shivanand Dixit Retd AGM BSNL , two sons , both working and one son got married  and in USA. Funeral  expected to take place on the afternoon of  31.07.2018, awaiting for hir son from USA to arrive. We pray God to give the strength to her family and may her soul rest in peace.


SNEA Chickmaglur is holding its meeting at Chickmaglur on 28th July 2018 and CS and CP and other COB are addressing the same.

ROK STR is holding its meeting at Shimoga on 29th July 2018 and CS and CP and other COB are addressing the same.


The SNEA Dharwad Telecom District held its 5th District Conference on 22.07.2018 at Conference Hall Sanchar Sadhan Buiding, Hubli:

The delegate session started with welcome speech by Com R S Kadam AGM , Com Smt Rajalaxmi P Yavagal Presided over the delegate session. CS SNEA, the outgoing DS Hubli Com  S P Jagadale submitted DS report in which it is explained, what was the membership position and what was the financial position of Hubli Branch when took the charge as DS in 2009. He started the branch with membership of around 30 and a cash balance of Rs 1634  - with liability of 18 months Circle, CHQ unpaid quota. He explained how he could overcome all the hurdles on critical issues and with the support of Hubli comrades how DS could succeed in enhancing  the branch from a  membership 30 to 118 at present. He also explained how he could strengthen the financial position form Rs  1634 /- to present  cash balance of  Rs 1,01,137 after clearing all the CHQ/Circle dues. He also explained how the issues of members addressed with the help of then CS Com  S B Nagavi and CHQ. The report was aqdopted with one voice from all appriociating the contributions of outgoing DS Comrade Jagadale.

Com S J Bongale Dist Treasurer submitted the finance statement and accepted unanimously.

During the delegate session the members raised many maintenance, developmental issues, vendor issues, AMC issues, NOFN and FTTH issues. It was nice interaction in which every member expressed their concern about the improvement of the services, FTTH connections, mobile data speed, and growth of the company. Recently joined young Gate JTOs also took active part in deliberations. Com Abhimanyu expressed his experience in BSNL that he is very much happy to work in Transmission and taking interest in all Transmission developmental and Maintenance activities. Com Shashank expressed his feeling that it is very difficult to pay attention to multiple jobs like Mtce of Exges, Marketing and attending NOFN etc simultaneously. He suggested separate personnel for mtce and marketing. In total it was best brain storming session about BSNL viability.


The Open session begun at 1pm, Presided by Com Y R Bhajantri , and Sri J L Gautam ITS GMTD as Chief Guest, Com Pandurang Naik JSS CHQ and Com S B Nagavi  CP, Com M B Talikote CWC member were the Guests of honour.


Sri Soratur DGM Admin and T C Hiremath Agm admin also graced on the occasion of  open session.

Com Harish Doddamani DS BSNLEU, Com S L Pujar DS NFTE, Com Belur Org  Sec NFTE, Com Shivashankarappa OB BSNLEU were among the sister organization who graced the open session function.

The Open session started in very grand and colorful manner with invocation song by Sri V K Yavagal , welcome by Com S P  Jagadale and he gave the Key note address to highlight the issues which are affecting the services and revenue of the company in Hubli SSA. The critical analyses of the   trail balance of Hubli SSA which is not encouraging  and how it needs to be improved was pointed out by DS in his report.  DS appealed the members and management to have thorough critical analysis and take corrective measures to arrest the revenue dip.

SNEA Hubli felicitates Com Nagavi and Bhajentri:

Com Y R Bhajantri Dist President, retired on  his superannuation was felicitated by SNEA Hubli.

Com S B Nagavi Circle President SNEA was alos felicitated on his superannuation and for his contribution for SNEA Karnataka in general and Hubli SSA in particular. His help is remembered and recalled by many members who have thanked him. Com Nagavi was also felicitated by BSNLEU and NFTE.

Com P R Kakkanavar JTO Txmn was also felicitated by us  for getting VSSP award.

Com Pandurang Naik JS South explained the CHQ issues and their action plan to resolve them. He also spoke on the issues o E2,E3 and 22820 case of 2007 and 2008 recruited JTOs pay anomaly , SAB and Term insurance for BSNL recruits.


Com S B Nagavi, explained the role of management and executives in improving the service condition and to increase the revenue. He elaborated that need of the hour is the FTTH and needs to be taken in a big way.

J L Gautam GMTD Hubli gave the reply to all query raised by SNEA and saught to join the helping hands of our executives in strengthening the BSNL and improving it.

In the conference the following office bearers were elected unanimously.

Com Rajalaxmi  Yavagal                      Dist President

Com  K Benagi                                      Vice President

Com S A Bellubbi                                 Dist Secretary

Com S A Bongale                                  Dist Treasurer

Com R S Kadm                                       Asst Dist Secretary

Com V S Myageri                                Asst Dist Secretary

Com Gunashekar                                Asst Dist Secretary

Com H F Shirahatti                             Asst Dist Secretary

Com Ravi Badiger                               Asst Dist Secretary

Com Ramesh H Bandiwaddar          Organsisng Secretary

Com R G Hunashimath                      CEC Member


Executive committee members :

1. Com Vinayak Hugar

 2.Com Rameshwar rao

3.Com Deepa Patagoankar

4.Com Baghatsingh

5.Com Sanjay Mane

6.Com J B Kammar

7.Com Shwetha Katigar


For glimpses of conference click hereโ€ฆ..


Mysore SSA conducted AGB at RTTC Mysore on 8.7.2018. It was huge gathering and very interactive session. CS and CP , VCP and Ex CP attended the meeting.


Mysore comrades gave a grand felicitation to our beloved CP Com S B Nagavi on his superannuation retirement recognizing  his contribution to the organization.


Ex CP Com Venkateshmurthy was also felicitated by SNEA Mysore in recognition of his work as CP SNEA,  support for SNEA.


 CP Com Nagavi elaborated about  the legal hurdles till May 2018 for promotions in JTO to SDE, SDE to DE and how it could overcome and lead to get thousands of promotions not only in telecom but also in Civil , Electrical, Architecture and Accounts wings. How the board approval for CPSU Cadre hierarchy has become a catalyst for post up gradation in various cadres. 


CS elaborated the real role played by SNEA CHQ in getting thousands of promotions for executives in various cadres when other associations were engaged only in website publication and creating confusion in the minds of SNEA members. Also explained the CHQ concern to bring parity among all executives irrespective of the wings they are working, which will again give a path to get few more thousands of executivesโ€™ promotions. Explained how day and night our CHQ has worked to achieve max promotions.


CS gave the revenue analysis of BSNL in general and Mysore SSA in particular. It is an alarming situation of revenue dip and requested all SNEA comrades to have brain storming session and come out with valid suggestions for improvement of the revenue of the BSNL. It is the responsibility of all of us, being majority executives association to work for strengthening the BSNL.


VCP Com M N Ramakrishna explained what are the future challenges  for executives and appealed for support of all on the on going agitation programs chalked out by CHQ for 3rd PRC, withdrawal of subsidiary tower company etc and for the welfare of the executives and oanization.


Mysore comrades felicitated all the retired and recently promoted executives also.


DS Com Naragund welcomed the gathering and gave a brief report of the DS and thanked PGM Mysore for considering the issues of SNEA positively. Com B S V Murthy, veteran leader spoke on the occasion and described the services of Com Nagavi for the company as well as for SNEA, particularly construction of 1st and 2nd floor of SNEA Bhavan from raising the internal resources from members. His works made our individual members to donate liberally for the building construction. Com Raghavendra extended vote of thanks. The meeting concluded with an arrangement of a grand lunch.


It was a grand and very interactive meeting, all the members discussed various problems of the field which affecting the service and revenue.


For glimpses of meeting click hereโ€ฆ

AUAB News:

The meetings of All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB), held on 26.06.2018 and 04.07.2018, discussed in detail about the non-implementation of the assurances given by the Hon MOSC to the representatives of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, in the meeting held on 24.02.2018, on the issues of implementation of 3rd  Pay Revision to BSNL employees, implementation of Government of India Rules on payment of Pension Contribution by BSNL and the allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL etc.

It is decided to call on the BSNL employees to organise the following agitational programme:-

Agitational programme

1) Demonstrations in front of the BSNL Corporate Office, CCA offices at all Circles and at SSA levels on 11.07.2018.

2) Relay hunger strike at the BSNL Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels on 24th, 25th & 26th July, 2018.

Circle AUAB decided to enforce the programme successfully in the meeting held on 9th June 2018


Felicitation to Com S B Nagavi at Mysore:

SNEA Mysore has arranged a felicitation function to Com Nagavi and other retired members at Mysore on Sunday 8th June 2018 at 1100 hours at RTTC Mysore. Invitation to all is extended by DS Mysore.

Grand Felicitation to Com S B Nagavi, CP SNEA and Com C D Naik, Ex CWC Member  on thier superannuation



We are extremely privileged to felicitate to our beloved Com S B Nagavi, Circle President SNEA Karnataka, who is retired on 30.6.2018 on superannuation after completion of 40 long years of untiring services to the company and our organization, SNEA for 26 years.


Along with official responsibilities he also took the social responsibilities through trade union movements, leading associations from the front. He has worked for the trade union and association at various capacities like DS,CWC member,CS and CP etc.


During the first EMV, Com Nagavi, spearheading the campaign, toured all the districts in Karnataka circle to ensure a massive victory and thereafter increasing the membership to more than 1800 in our circle.  His contributions and dedication for the association and for the executive cadre are beyond the word of any appreciation. And this could be possible because of his helping hands to all executives and the reforms he brought about in resolving the issues of our members.


He is not only an inspiring leader for SNEA but an icon for Karnataka, his thinking, his deliberations at the central working committee meetings were always cherished by our senior leaders.


He is very humble and compassionate for all the needy people. He is always liked to be in the middle of the issue to fight against injustice irrespective of union and associations. We find no ends for his dedication and commitment for the organisation.


He was instrumental in the vertical expansion of  SNEA Bhavan from ground floor to 1st and 2nd  floors which made earn revenue for the organisation and made  SNEA self dependent financially.


He started his carrier as a clerk in Gadag SDOT office in 1978 and completed his services by attaining the post of AGM on a day before his retirement. He could get elevated from clerk onwards to TA, JTO and SDE by succeeding in competitive examinations besides his outstanding service to the company and DOT. He is recognized by several appreciation letters in his services including the Sanchar Seva Padak in 2003. He is known for his teaching capabilities and remembered for the outstanding results of our employees from Chickamaglur SSA in various competitive examinations for promotion to TM, TTA and JTO examinations.


He could  disprove that  age is an impediment for learning by successfully completing  B Sc at the age of 52 , LLB at the age of 57 and presently pursuing MBL ( Masters in Business Law) from NLSU Bangalore. The thirst for knowledge and learning is an inspiration to all and especially to youngsters.


His passions are learning new things, fighting for justice, encouragement to youngsters and daring qualities to face any challenge forced before him. It is very difficult to explain him in short but we must recognize him as man of Principle and for Justice of all.


The grand felicitation was arranged at CGMT Office auditorium on 30th June 2018, with the huge gathering. Com C D Naik, DGM Admn, MS BG was also felicitated on his superannuation retirement. CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani, General Secretary Com K Sebastin and Chairman SNEA Com G L Jogi, Com Ajay Trivedi CS UP East , AGS Com P K Shukla, JS South Com Pandurang Nayak, PGM BGTD , all GMs of CO and GM MS (o) BGTD witnessed the function. It was a huge gathering, DSs,COB and members from all over Karnataka attended and Graced the Function. Many of  our retired members of SNEA were also part of this moment.


All unions and associations office bearers were also graced the function and felicitated Com Nagavi especially BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, SAWA, AIBSNLEA, BASE(I), FNTO.


In toto it was like celebrations of festival for SNEA  to extend our gratitude to Com S B Nagavi for his untiring  and marvelous contributions for the organisation and for the executives.


I sincerely thank all the members who made this event more colourful and successful, which every one appreciated including our CHQ and other unions and associations.


I Once again thank all organisers , members , COB, DOB .


Thank you one and all. 


S P Jagadale,

Circle Secretary.

For Citation of company about Com Nagavi Click here

For glimpses click hereโ€ฆ

Glimpses of felicitation by CGMT Office



Com C D Naik, DGM Admin Mobile Services Bangalore has donated Rs.10,000-00 to SNEA Karnataka. Circle association is thankful to Com Naik Sir superannuating on 30-60-2018.


Felicitation Function:

Com S B Nagavi, AGM(LA) and Circle President SNEA is retiring on superannuation on 30th June 2018 after completing his 40 years successful and outstanding service in DOT  and BSNL.

A felicitation function is arranged by SNEA Karnataka

On Saturday the 30th June 2018

At 11.00 AM

Venue: Auditorium, CGMT Office, Halasur, Bangaloare

Com G L Jogi Chairman CHQ and Com K Sebastin, GS CHQ will be gracing the occasion. CGMT Shri R Mani, is also invited to grace the occasion.

We invite all our members, staff and executives to attend the function and make it a grand success.


Our gratitude and thanks:

We are very much grateful to Shri R Mani Sir, CGMT Karnataka circle with full of our gratitude  for issuing  the posting orders of promoted SDEs.

We are also thankful to Shri Ashok Aggarwal Sr GM Admn, Shri M V Angadi DGM, Shri Swaminathan AGM and Smt Vijaya Hiremath SDE Staff and all others who have worked in this connection.

When the management has swiftly acted and issued the orders followed by BSNL CO order; it has increased our responsibility in the field to be more and more proactive to achieve the goal of the company to increase our business and revenue with good services. Let us all rise to the occassion.

We are thankful to CHQ for their untiring efforts under the leadership of our beloved GS Com K Sebastin.

Congratulations to our brave hearts who have waited for so long and finally got their overdue promotion. For orders click hereโ€ฆ..


Karnataka Circle administration already sent the VC for Promotion from JTO(T) to SDE(T) , for OC and SC up to 2001 and for ST up to 2005. Thankful to the circle administration.

ll07-06-2018 CHQ Updates

Hon Kerala HC ( Earnakulam) Judgment on JTO(T) to SDE (T)SCF delivered on 5.6.2018.

The main features of the judgement are:

A) JTOs recruited by BSNL as per JTO RR 2001 cannot claim the vacancy or seniority prior to 2000. It is reserved for the DoT officers. The basic contention of AIGETOA to interpolate seniority in the ratio 1:1 prior to the vacancies of 2000 has been rejected. This was the crux of the issue.

B) The promotion and seniority of JTOs recruited for 1995 to 1999 are intact and the eligibility list prepared by BSNL is correct.

C) The seniority of direct rect JTOs and the supernumerary JTOs recruited for the years 2001 to 2007 has to be revised based on date of appointment and date of promotion.

As such there is no hindrance in giving promotion from the final eligibility list prepared and circulated by BSNL from among JTOs recruited from 1995 to 1999.  

Except the method of fixation of seniority of the JTOs recruited from 2001 onwards, all the pleadings of SNEA and BSNL management accepted by the Hon High Court.

CHQ will take all out efforts to issue the promotion orders as quickly as possible. 



Quite relief to our Executives who are working in External plant, our long pending demand of procuring copper cable route tracer is materialized. Karnataka Circle received 24 nos of cable route tracers of Andig make .Thankful to the Circle Planning team

ll06-06-2018 CHQ Updates

Updates Hon High Court of Kerala pronounced the Judgment today (05.06.2018) in the JTO to SDE Promotion case: The salient features are:

1. JTOs recruited directly by BSNL after 2001 can have no right to claim for the vacancies earmarked for direct rect during the period from 1996-2000 in DoT. No provision of law or any authority which confer them an indefeasible right to claim allotment of rect years as 1996 onwards -----. Certainly from the date of their appointment in BSNL the petitioners are having the right to get their seniority fixed in accordance with JTO RRs 2001 framed by BSNL.

2. JTO seniority list is to be prepared not on the basis of Trg Centre marks, but based on date of promotion in cases of promotees and date of appointment in case of direct rects.

3. Final eligibility list is to be prepared within 6 months.

4. In the meantime BSNL can make provisional promotion against the vacancies equally from among senior most promotes and senior most direct recruites.

Provision 1 and 4 seems to be contradictory. The judgment copy will be available in 1 or 2 days.

CHQ will take all necessary steps immediately to get the judgment stayed by the Hon SC in case it is adverse.

The applicants main prayer was for interpolation of Promotes and direct rects in the ratio 1:1, irrespective of recruitment year. If the prayer was allowed, then 1995 to 1999 rect promotee JTOs will be interpolated with 2001 to 2005 BSNL direct rect JTOs in the ratio 1:1. Similarly 2007 and 2008 BSNL direct rect JTOs will be interpolated with 2014 to 2017 rect promotee JTOs in the ratio 1:1.




All SDEs are to update their personnel data compusarily through ESS portal.Information to be updated on priority for the upcoming promotion through DPC are

1.Substantial Grade / Cadre

2.Date since working in Substantial Grade

3.Staff Number.

Today all SSA Admins are given previlages of updating data.Kindly co ordinate with SSA Admin and get updated your personnel data in person with Admin.

If not a Pop Up will be enabled by tommorow evening through which an individual can update their personnel data by themselves.

While updating pl be cautious and carefull.

Don't be panic for the last date of tommorow , it is expected to get extended pl.


JTO to SDE Promotion case at Hon Earnakulam HC is listed for Judgement on 05.6.2018 (today) in the Chamber of Hon Judge at 16.15 Hrs. There are 3 cases clubbed together. The two judges heard the case one year back are now sitting in different division benches. On our request, BSNL deputed senior lawyer from Delhi to Ernakulam to plead the case at High Court during final hearing. On our constant pressure on BSNL management, last week BSNL deputed GM(HR) and DGM(HR) of Kerala Circle to Ernakulam and they visited the HC for expediting the case.


CHQ Updates

Uniform Time Bound Functional promotion Policy, 2018 or CPSU Cadre Hierarchy:

GS alongwith President and AGS met CMD and DIR(HR) on 04.06.2018 and once again thanked them for approving the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy proposal in the Board meeting held on 28.05.2018. GS personally thanked both of them for keeping the commitment given by them to the GS that they are committed to CPSU Hierarchy as mutually agreed upon and will ensure the Board approval without any change. GS reached HQ today, 04.06.18. It was only due to their timely intervention at various occasions, the policy could finalise, overcoming the major issues like bench marks, huge number of Executives at AGM equivalent grades in all streams, relaxation in qualifying service for the Executives in higher scales, date of effect etc.

GS interacted with the CMD, DIR(HR), DIR(EB), DIR(CM) and all the four external Board directors on 27.05.2018, one day prior to the Board meeting requesting them to approve the proposal in the Board meeting on 28.05.2018.

This is a direct result of membership verification and the first major HR issue settled by SNEA through negotiations over a period of two years, after becoming the only recognized Executives Association through membership verification. The commitment given by SNEA to all the Executives at the time of MV is getting fulfilled by this and thousands and thousands of Executives will get the time bound functional promotion.

By this policy three functional promotions are assured after every five years from Dy Manager(JTO/JAO equivalent) to Manager(SDE/AO equivalent) to Sr Manager(Sr SDE/Sr AO equivalent) to Asst General Manager (AGM/CAO/EE equivalent) without linking with availability of posts. Jt DGM(NF) designation is approved for the AGMs in E5/E6 scales and eligible for DGM promotion. At present JTOs with more than 20 years of service is waiting for the first promotion due to shortage of vacancies. Executives having more than 30-35 years of service got only one promotion.

It is a historic decision paving the way for smooth functional promotions on time bound basis in the future. Our demand for Uniform Time Bound Functional promotion for all the Executives and the firm resolution to bring parity in promotions among various wings finally got the approval of full BSNL Board. An impression and confusion was created by some sections in the minds of Extl Board directors and DoT directors that the new policy is needed as the promotions are blocked due to litigations and reservation issue. By our strong lobbying among these directors we could overcome this negative propaganda and convince them the need for uniform promotional avenues and parity in promotions for all the cadres as per the terms and conditions for absorption and as per the promotion policies prevailed in other CPSUs. Both DIR(HR) and CMD also strongly pleaded and fought for a Uniform promotion policy for all the Executives as practiced in other CPSUs. Both of them strongly pleaded till the last moment for getting the proposal approved for w.e.f 01.01.2017. However the Govt directors were very much against this, fearing litigations on that ground. If the court case was not filed at CAT EKM against the CPSU Hierarchy and the stay order was not passed on 20.12.2017, the BSNL Board meeting on 21.12.2017 might have approved the proposal w.e.f 01.01.2017 itself as the DoT Board member made objections on retrospective date was not attended that Board meeting. Evenif it is prospective, it could have from 01.01.2018. By filing this case nothing achieved but the promotion of thousands and thousands of Executives delayed by 1 ยฝ years and their subsequent promotions also. It needs introspection.

The policy will be notified once the Board meeting minutes are approved. It has to be implemented at the earliest, latest by 01.07.2018 as majority of the Executives will be getting promotion to Manager, Sr Manager, AGM and Jt DGM by this policy only and qualifying service for future promotions are linked with this.

Bench mark for the promotion in the new policy was one of the major challenges for us. Initially BSNL management was also insisting for atleast 3 very Good and 2 Good for JTO equivalent to SDE equivalent promotion which we could bring down to 5 Good through marathon negotiations. Further our request for following marks instead of grading also accepted by the management which will be further beneficial to the Executives (low grading in an year will be compensated with the better grading for another year).  

Further we had discussions with CMD and DIR(HR) regarding issuing promotion orders as much possible during the intervening period as CPSU Hierarchy will be implemented latest by 01.07.2018. Since the date of implementation of CPSU Hierarchy has become prospective and the major hurdle on promotions, the reservation issue is temporarily overcome by the interim order of Hon Supreme Court, we requested to issue the promotion orders as much possible. JTO to SDE promotion case judgment is expected tomorrow (05.06.18) which will pave the way for JTO to SDE promotion which is badly delayed for more than 6 years due to litigations. Management assured to complete the promotions as much feasible within this short period without giving any scope for future litigations after implementation of CPSU Hierarchy. JTO/JAO to SDE/AO promotions in all the streams are under consideration. On SDE to DE promotion also mgt is making all efforts to complete the DPCs by diverting the MT quota. Since the seniority list is under dispute, entire list no 6&7 has to be promoted in a single order for which more vacancies are required. Seniority will be as per the final order of Hon SC. Mgt is working some way out for this including upgradation of posts. On AO to CAO promotion, catchup rule is the major hurdle. Various options are under consideration. EE(C/E) and AGM(TF) promotions also under consideration.

Around 700 DGM(T) vacancies are available. Since 206 final judgment has come, we demanded for regular promotion to DGM(T) posts as per revised seniority.

We are trying our level best to issue maximum promotion orders in this month followed by promotion through CPSU Hierarchy w.e.f 01.07.2018.


Corporate Office has given instruction to update the status of executives in ERP on or before 06-06-2018 since the process for Promotion to different grades of all executives / Streams is in advance stage. All executives are also requested to to go through the list corresponding to their data and get it corrected in the ERP.For list Click here.......For Letter Click here.......


Heartiest Congratulations to all LDCE passed and Promoted SDEs posting order issued by Karnataka administration.Thankful to the CGMT and Circle Office administration.For orders Click here


SNEA Karnataka extends best wishes for all  comrades  who  retire today on superannuation, for a happy and peaceful  retired  life. Comrade you are starting a new journey  and  exceptional chapter of your life. May your days be filled with elation and triumph.  We thank you for your dedication & congratulate you on your retirement.



Regarding the case of promotion of SCF from JTO to SDE, CHQ is making all out efforts to ensure that this order is issued at the earliest. In this connection CHQ office bearers met concerned officers in BSNL HQs and urge upon them to understand the seriousness of  the issue and keep the entire process for issuing of promotion orders ready so that as and when the stay is lifted the promotion orders are issued.

On our request Director(HR), Madam Sujata Ray also spoke to CGM Kerala on the matter. Our CHQ President and Circle Secretary Kerala spoke to CGM and GM HR Kerala and requested their intervention on top most priority for getting the case listed at Ernakulam as quickly as possible. We understand that the case at Ernakulam is likely to be listed on 4th June. However we appeal to our comrades to have full faith in CHQ which is making strenuous and pain staking efforts for issuing SCF order as quickly as possible.

In the meantime we have come to know that very few VCs have been received from Circles. Circle Secretaries are requested to expedite sending of VCs on war footing basis such that promotion orders are issued immediately. 


Continous persuation with CE Civil Bangalore, requests of

Sri V Hanumatnthappa SDE Civil to Davangere and

Sri M Jagadish Babu SDE Civil to Bellary considered and

issued transfer order.Thankful to Sri Rajakumar CE Civil



The proposal approved by BSNL Board in its meeting being held at Hyderabad on 28th May 2018 on Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy).

I.   It will be a Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion policy for all the Executives in different cadres and in different wings upto AGM grade. This will end the disparity in promotions between various cadres in different wings and provides uniform promotional avenues to all the Executives in different wings.

Date of effect .. prospective 01.07.2018).

Bench marks...






Sr manager..






E5 and E6..




II.     New designations will be as follows:

JTO /JAO equivalent grade        - Deputy Manager

SDE /AO equivalent grade          - Manager 

Sr. SDE /Sr.AO equivalent grade  - Sr. Manager

AGM /CAO/EE/DE equivalent grade -Asst General Manager

AGM /CAO/ equivalent grade (With 4 years regular        

service) --Jt.DGM ( Non Functional)

III.  Date of implementation: 01.07.2018.

As a onetime measure, all the existing Executives in higher scales and completed the qualifying service will be placed in higher grades on 01.07.2018 itself without conducting fresh DPC.

IV. Subsequent review: 1st Jan/1st July, 2019 onwards, twice in a year.

V.       Existing Executives in higher scales will be placed in higher grades without conducting fresh DPC.

VI.    Promotion upto AGM grade will be on Rect year/ vacancy year basis.

VII. Functional Promotion upto AGM grade will be on Time Bound basis as under:

a)  Deputy Manager (JTO/JAO) to Manager (SDE/AO) --- 5 years.

b)  Manager (SDE/AO) to Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) --- 5 years.

c)  Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) to AGM (DE/CAO/EE) --- 5 years.

d)  Since Sr Manager (Sr SDE) grade is newly introduced as a functional grade, time bound promotion to AGM grade will be after 5 years of service in Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) grade or 12 years combined service in SDE & Sr SDE equivalent grades, whichever is less.

e)  If sufficient number of eligible Executives is not available for AGM/CAO promotion, Adhoc promotions will be given by relaxing the qualifying service.

VIII. Time Bound upgradations to higher scales will continue for the Executives already working in higher scales, on completion of qualifying service in the lower scale.

IX.    Relaxation in qualifying service for the Executives in higher scales:

a)  Manager (SDE/AO) in E3 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 3 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 8 years.

b)  Dy Manager (JTO/JAO) in E4 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 3 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 8 years.

c)  Dy Manager (JTO/JAO) in E3 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 4 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 9 years.

X.     One year relaxation for the Dy Managers (JTO/JAO) recruited for the same rect year.

On CPSU Hierarchy, the formal discussions have taken place with the recognized Association only, as per the provisions of Recognition Rules. SNEA only have the right for negotiation/discussion with the management on such policy matters. On large number of issues, agreement reached between both sides. But on some issues, management did not fully agree to the demands, citing administrative constraints.

This will be the major breakthrough for all the Executives and a direct result of the membership verification and becoming recognized Association. During verification campaign, it was assured by SNEA that it will try to get promotions within 3 months, ie. by March, 2017. But due to the unavoidable circumstances  it was delayed and this new policy / promotions will be effected from 1st July, 2018.

Due to various reasons Assn could not update the latest developments and this major breakthrough to our activists at various levels for the last two months when proposal was under finalization.


29-05-2018: CS Writes to GS SNEA CHQ, Considering of the Rule 9 transfers in the cadre of JAOs. For letter click hereโ€ฆโ€ฆ

ll29-05-2018: CS writes to CGMT Karnataka for immediate postings of LDCE passed SDEs on as is where is basis.For letter click hereโ€ฆ



Congratulations to all 82 LDCE passed JTOs for their promotion as SDEs. We wish them all the best in their new role.

CS Com S P Jagadale Writes to GS SNEA CHQ:

Letter to GS SNEA on SCF Promotions demanding for a Strong Fight to defeat of the sinister Divide and Rule Policy of BSNL CO: For letter click hereโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Meeting with CGMT Shri R Mani:

CS Com S P Jagadale and CP Com S B Nagavi have yesterday morning met CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani and discussed various issues. We have requested for the immediate posting of the LDCE passed JTOs to the promoted cadre of SDE and with no disturbances. We have at length discussed on the Rule 8 issue and informed him of the unrest created due to the present negative stand. CGMT was much relying on the shortages of Karnataka Circle and appraised that BSNL CO to has go for further recruitment of JTOS and he has been taking all efforts in that directions. However at the end of the meeting he sought some more time and he will discuss with the concerned administration.

Comrades we have to be in full alertness and unity to fight this issue.


Congratulations. Today the case(SNEA & others) regarding formation of tower company came up for hearing in Honourable High court of Delhi. The case has been admitted. In the interim direction the decision of BSNL to form subsidiary tower company will be subject to further direction & final order of Honourable High Court. The case is listed further on 26th Sep 2018 โ€ƒ


Yesterday our SNEA President, AGS and other CHQ Office bearers met Dir(HR), BSNL to expedite JTO to SDE promotions( both LDCE and Seniority cum fitness) as the same are badly delayed. They had drawn the attention of Madam as JTOs irrespective of the quota ie LDCE and seniority cum fitness should be carried out on war footing basis. It is really sad that the date of final date of hearing on 23rd May 2018 at Honourable Ernakulam High Court was all of sudden postponed to 30th May 2018 causing lot of frustration amongst the JTOs. The case was not listed at all. SNEA demanded that a proper inquiry may please be made into the matter.

Further, it is requested madam to take all necessary steps such that the much awaited CPSU cadre hierarchy is approved in the board meeting on 28th May 2018.


CONGRATUATION  for getting AGM L/A, for the orders Click here...


In reponse to our plea to consider the huge pending Rule 8 request transfer from karnataka to various circles,CORPORATE OFFICE has called for the details of pendancy of RULE 8 request transfers as on 01.05.2018 from all the circles.Click here...


With the persution of SNEA KTK the Transfer Orders of 3 JTO's to MPLS is issued today. Thankfull to the Circle Administration. Click here...


CS SNEA writes to CGMT Karnataka Shri.R Mani requesting to encourage Franchise for  activation of SIM's through E-KYC to avoid heavy penalty . For letter Click here...

Penalty paid by the BSNL for the insufficient CAF details penalty paid by the BSNL for the insufficient CAF details Click here...


Promotion from JTO to SDE under SCF & LDCE:
BSNL Corporate Office had called for the Gradation List Particulars and VC for promotion to SDE grade under SCF & LDCE quota. View Letter
Circle office has endorsed the same to Vigilance for VC. All the District Secretaries are requested to followup for timely submission of the VC


The formal agenda meeting with DIR(HR) held on, 17.05.2018 from 11.30 AM on the following agenda. GS, President, AGS, CS/BSNLCO and senior comrade Shri V K Yadav represented SNEA. GM(SR), GM(Pers), GM(Restg) and OSD to DIR(HR) were the other participants  in the discussion from official side:

1. Implementation of Group Term Insurance (GTI) for all the BSNL Executives:

Decision: Negotiation with LIC and SBI Life on Group Term Insurance (GTI) for all the BSNL Executives will be held today itself.

2. Restoration of break in Circle Tenure on posting to soft tenure stations as provided in the Transfer policy Dated 09.05.2012:

Decision: Break in Circle Tenure will be restored.

3. Uniform First Time Bound promotion:

An anomaly created after the implementation of 2nd PRC where all the Executives are getting 1st TBP after 4-5 years after 01.01.2007 where as the seniors got it in 5 or 6 years in 2005 or 2006. All the 1993 to 2001 rect JTOs joined before 2003 are affected by this. The matter has been referred to Khan Committee and Khan Committee recommended 4-5 years instead of 4-6 years. However in order to remove the anomaly, we demanded the 1st TBP uniformly after 4 years.

Management was very much reluctant on this demand as EPP-2007 has to be amended with retrospective effect, after so many years for meeting the demand.

Decision: It will be examined and processed once CPSU Hierarchy is approved and the residency period is finalized by Board for future promotions. Further discussions will be held after the Board approval.

4. HR Integration:

There is no uniformity in deciding the policy matters like promotions, transfers etc at BSNCO/Circle/SSA level, among different wings. For promotions, vacancy year is not followed in certain wings, creating anomaly. All the request transfers after 3 years are at the company cost, as per the transfer policy. However some wings/circles are giving transfer after 2 years at company cost whereas some other wing/unit, transfer is not given on company cost even after three years. The differential treatment between different wings created large scale resentment among the Executives in different wings. For the purpose of uniform policy in the company, HR integration is to be implemented. Huge man power deployed for the same work among different wings can be spared and can be redeployed effectively.

Decision: It is agreed to follow uniform policy and best HR practices by all the wings. For its smooth implementation, a Committee will be formed to examine the various issues raised by the Assn to bring uniformity in the HR practices followed in BSNL.

5. Finalization of HR Plan.

Since CPSU Hierarchy proposal is finalised delinking the promotions from availability of posts, HR plan finalization is to be expedited. Due to non finalization of HR plan, some HR issues like E1+5 for the JTO/JAOs recruited after 2010 are not approving by the BSNL Board. Rect and Transfers can be made judiciously based on the actual assets. This will help deployment of staff in the potential areas.

Decision: The additional posts as pointed out by the Assn for trans mtce, FTTH, Leased ctts, Govt projects etc are reworked and soon it will be send to the MC for approval. Thereafter it has to be cleared by the HR Committee and then by the Board. HR Plan finalization will be expedited.

6. Increasing the number of Office bearers of the Executive Associations from 7/11 to 15 at SSA /Circle level and recognition to the body at Circle offices and Metro Dists at par with SSA level:

The number of office bearers at Circle/SSA level was 15 each before finalization of the Recognition Rules. In the new Recognition Rules, it reduced to 11 and 07 respectively which is to be reviewed. This is badly affecting the functioning of the Association at Circle/SSA level as it has to represent and accommodate all the Executives in different streams, wings including non recruiting Circles in the Circle/SSA body. The office bearer number is to be increased to 15.

The elected body at various Circle offices, Metro Dists, ITPC, BBNW, TF etc are to be treated at par with the SSA level body and necessary clarifications are to be issued.

Lot of resistance was there from the part of GM(SR) to increase the number of office bearers citing the recognition Rule provisions, cost to the company, these issues are already examined by a Committee etc. Finally DIR(HR) assured to revisit the issue with a positive mind.

Decision: The demand for increasing the number of office bearers to 15 will be re-examined and necessary amendments will be done in the Recognition Rules.

Recognition to the elected body at various Circle offices, Metro Dists, ITPC, BBNW, TF etc will be considered and necessary clarifications will be issued.

7. Office accommodation at Circle/SSA level:

Some of the Circle/SSAs are insisting for instructions from BSNLCO citing the instructions issued for accommodation to Recognised Unions and SEWA BSNL. SNEA is the Recognised Executives Assn and it should be given accommodation at Circle/SSAs. Instructions may be issued to all the Circles.

DIR(HR) was kind enough to consider the matter and of the firm opinion that Recognised Assn also should be given accommodation as others are already enjoying.

Decision: The matter will be decided shortly with a positive approach.

After the discussion on the agenda points the following issues also discussed:

Board approval for CPSU approval: DIR(HR) assured that the reply will be submitted to the Board as assured to the Assn without any change in date of effect or bench marks. The original proposal along with the reply will be send to company secretary today itself for making it as an agenda for the Board meeting on 28.05.2018. DIR(HR) is very much hopeful that this time the Board will approve the proposal.

Rule -8 cases of KTK Circle: We explained the stand taken by the new CGM where he is not ready to consider fresh Rule 8 cases against 211 new JTOs joined. Earlier 173 JTOs transferred when JTO posting through LICE/Offtg regularization taken place. This also done after lot of struggle by SNEA and by the intervention of DIR(HR). DIR(HR) assured to examine the matter.

After the formal agenda meeting, GS and AGS met GM(SR) and held further discussions on the matter. We explained the developments during last three years and how the JTOs are relieved after lot of struggle. The Rule 8 cases settled since 2016 is taken now and fresh cases are not considering when new direct rect JTOs are joining in the field. Against new JTOs fresh Rule 8 is to be considered and 191 Rule 8 cases are still pending.


"Pride of SNEA "

The following members of SNEA bagged the โ€œVishist Sanchar Seva Padak Awardโ€ for the year 2017 for their excellent contribution and delivering their best to the organization.






Sri.B Madesh




Sri.Lakshmanan R




Sri.Mallikarjuna Reddy




Sri.Mahdevu S M




Sri.P R Kakkanna




Sri.Santosh Prasad

JE-Promoted as JTO




CS Com S P Jagadale writes to CGMT Karnataka to review the decision of 5th May 2018 formal meeting decision to consider 191 pending Rule 8 transfers with full justification. For letter CLICK HERE..

07-05-2018: Com Siddaramanna SDE Channapattana of BGTD passed away yesterday. SNEA deeply mourns the demise of our comrd. We pray almighty to give strength to his family, near and dears on the sad demise and pray Com Siddaramannaโ€™s soul rest in peace.


Today formal meeting with CGMT is held and the results of the meeting are not positive on Rule 8 agenda. Details will be published once the minutes are released by administration.


Com S P Jagadale Circle Secretary ( Mob 9449854799) reported for duty at Circle Office Bangalore as SDE Mobile Services Members are requested to contact new CS for their issues.


CS was in Bangalore on 08 th, 09 th and 10 st April 2018.

CS Com S P Jagadale along with CP Com S B Nagavi and ACS Com Prashanth met GM Admin Shri Ashok Agarwal on 9th April and discussed on the issue of holding the assured Rule 8 transfers agenda immediately and inform the demand of SNEA to CGMT. As usual the reaction of GM Admn was not clear on the date of the meeting. As such CGMT Shri R Mani was not in HQ we had met AGM HR and informed our points and delivered copy of the letter to both GM and AGM. We have taken strong objection for not forwarding the case of temporary transfer cases of Shri Devendra and others on genuine medical grounds.


CS Com S P Jagadale along with CP Com S B Nagavi, ACS Com Prashanth, VP BGTD Com Palanivelu, AS BGTD Com R C Patil have visited Bangalore NOC met Shri Buddan PGM Noc and took very strong objection for selectively recommending the cases of SDEs to be posted to NOC and such act of him how it is affecting the transfer policy of the circle. Though PGM talked on the technical expertise, we impressed on him to call for the volunteers with required technical expertise and at the same time train the huge staff already available with NOC.

The team also held informal meeting with the JTOs and SDEs of NOC in which Com Jagadale and Com Prashanth addressed the gathering. Ten new members have immediately given SNEA membership forms after the meeting accepting the policies of our association.


CS Com S P Jagadale along with CP Com S B Nagavi, ACS Com Tata Babu ACS, OS Com K N Muralidhar and DS BGTD Com Jayaprakash Javali attended and addressed the District Conference of ACE Division Bangalore on 8th April held at BSNLEU BGTD building. Com Padmanabhachar presided over the function. Com Ravishankar presented the DS report.

Com K Ashok Sudarshan, Com J S Lokesh and Com K S Shridhar have been elected as the District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.


Rule 8 Transfers:

CS SNEA Com S P Jagadaale writes to CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani requesting for scheduling the meeting for discussion on Rule 8 transfers. For letter Click here...


For new website link of SNEA BGTD Click here.


CS Com Jagadale Visited Bangalore and meets CGMT and other officers:

CS was in Bangalore on 19th, 20th and 21st Feb 2018.

CS along with Circle President met DGM and AGM staff on 19th and discussed various issues relating to transfers and Rule 8 cases.

CS Com S P Jagadale met CGMT Shri R Mani on 20th and discussed the issues relating to the Rule 8 transfers and protested on the rigid stand taken with regard to Rule 8 transfers. SNEA insisted for the official meeting as already requested by SNEA. Administration also replied to us that the meeting will be held once the 3rd list recruitment of JTOs is sent for training. CGM directed the GM Admn and DGM who were present in the meeting to get all the details of the executives (JTO and SDE) strength of AP, Telangana, Kerala, Maharastra etc., and then convene the meeting. CS raised the issue of discussion on the considering the request transfer of SDEs to reduce the long stay outgoing transfers. CGM directed to GM admn to hold discussions. Com S B Nagavi CP, Com Makkannavar CT, Com Prashanth ACS were also present in the meeting.

CS along with CP met GM STP Shri Mahapatra and GMM STR Shri Pande and discussed various issues of STP and STR comrades.

Later in the evening CS attended the Branch Secretaries Meeting of SNEA BGTD wherein he was welcomed and greeted by the District Executive Body. In his address CS called for the united working of executives and for this to strengthen SNEA in a big way. As such his transfer has already been ordered by CGMT, in the first week of April he join and report at Bangalore in the interest of full pledge working for the association.

Com Unnikrishan DGM Finance and Com Rama Rao CAO who have joined SNEA were welcomed with Rose Flowers.






The Circle Conference of Karnataka Circle was held at Shivamogga on 24th and 25th February, 2018: GS, President and Jt Secretary(South) attended the Conference.

A grand open session was held on 24th Feb 2018 under the president ship of Com BSV Murthy/CP. Com S B Nagavi/CS delivered his key note address.

Shri R Mani, CGMT/Karnataka, the Chief Guest of the function called upon the Executives and the employees to put their best efforts in giving best services to the customers with the available resources. He explained the successful results which were possible because of the hard work of the Executives particularly the field officers. He has also appreciated the members of SNEA, being responsible Association under its present leadership, how it excelled in resolving the issues of Executives of KTK Circle and wished for the success of the conference.

Shri Ashok Kumar Agarawal GM(Admn) and Shri Upendra Tiwari, GM(Davanagere & Shivamogga) also spoken on the occasion.
Com A A Khan, CHQ President in his address explained the achievements of SNEA and our sustained efforts in getting the promotions to all, uniformly, in the form of CPSU cadre Hierarchy. Com President declared that SNEA is committed to get the Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 to the JTO/JAOs and SDE/AOs which is another focused cadre issue in addition to 30% superannuation benefits, fought under the banner of Unions and Associations.
Com Pandurang Nayak, Jt Sec(South) has spoke on the occasion and detailed about the role being played by SNEA in protecting and progressing on our issues related to BSNL recruits with regard to cadre issues and 30% Superannuation benefits.

Due to the sudden scheduling of the meeting of Union and Association leaders with the MOS Shri Manoj Shinaji on 24th Feb 2018, Com GS could not join and participate in the open session.
The emerging of the majority Association by getting 1597 votes in the first EMV and there after  increasing its membership to 1800, adding value to the assets of SNEA and its financial position were acknowledged by the house with  proud to be part of such a dignified Association like SNEA. Com CHQ President and Com G L Jogi/Chairman extensively toured KTK during the EMV campaign in addition to the earlier tours of Com GS.

Com K Sebastin, General Secretary addressed the delegate session on 25th Feb 2018 in detail for more than two hours and clarified the doubts of each and every member. Com GS explained the very successful Sanchar Bhavan March on 23.02.18 with huge participation, very successful discussions with the Hon Minister and Secretary/DoT on 3rd Pay and Pension Revision, Pension contribution on actual basic pay, 4G spectrum allotment etc. We have to vigorously pursue further.

GS has focused on the urgency and importance of ensuring the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy implementation in the present circumstances as promotions are struck up with various court cases on seniority, shortage of vacancies and reservation issues. Once the new promotion policy implemented, it will ensure one promotion to almost 70% of the Executives and three assured promotions upto AGM grade for all the Executives. This become possible only due to the MV as management initiated the discussion with the Recognised Assn, SNEA only for finalizing the proposal. Thereafter we will focus on fast track promotions to the meritorious Executives also.

On standard pay scales, we could break the deadlock in 2015 by reconstitution of the Joint Committee with Shri M A Khan as the Chairman. This was possible only due to the agitation of SNEA in April-May, 2015. The new committee recommended E2 and E3 pay scales from 01.01.2007. Now JF is pursuing the matter at various levels.

GS further explained how we could achieve the 5% SAB though CMD promised 6% in AIC Jaipur, despite many negative forces.
GS congratulated the KTK comrades for the success of MV and elaborated the benefits of membership verification and the way in which it proved before the management that who are the real stake holders of the Executives. Our membership touched 23,000 in the month of January. Our ultimate aim is the unity of all the Executives and Assns and a single Executive Assn representing all the Executives in BSNL.

GS conveyed the message of Com G L Jogi, for the success of the Shivamogga conference who could not make it due to personal engagements. GS conveyed the special appreciation of Com Jogiji to Com S B Nagavi, CS for his leadership in strengthening SNEA, KTK.
GS categorically placed on record, Karnataka SNEA is one of the best circles which despite retirements consolidated steadily and for bringing maximum youngsters under the folders of SNEA and the role played by the Circle body under the leadership of Com S B Nagavi, CS who was instrumental in engaging many young officers in the active role of the organization.

On 25th Feb 2018, veteran Trade Union leader Com C K Gundanna addressed the House.  Com Prsad, CS/BMS also addressed the conference.

Our veterans, retired during the period under review; Com B S Venkatesh Murthy/Circle President, Com M S Hiremugadur/ACS and Com Padmanabhachar, DS/ACE have also been felicitated by SNEA.
Comrades of Shivamogga have put their best efforts in arranging the Circle Conference and got the appreciation from all the delegates.

Com S B Nagavi, Com Somanath P Jagadale, Com Sadanand Makkannavar, Sri K Rajashekar, Sri Balakrishna Aital, Sri M H Talikote, Smt Savitha A, Sri Narain Nandakumar and Sri Y Raghu Babu have been elected as the Circle President, Circle Secretary, Circle Treasurer and CWC members respectively. Two new JAOs and three JTOs also inducted in the Circle body as office bearers..... View New list of Office Bearers
View Glimpse of Photos:   
Flag  Hoisting   Delegate Session   Open session     New office bearers


Circle Conference

The circle conference of SNEA Karnataka is scheduled to be held

at Shivamoggaa

on 24th  and 25th  Feb 2018.

The notice for the circle conference is issued.  CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani is kind to consent to grace the occasion and accordingly the open session will be held on 24th Feb 2017.

For notice of Conference Click here..

For circular click hereโ€ฆ


All Districts/Branches are requested to ensure  100% payment of circle/CHQ quota, Conference donation and 2017/2016 Diary arrears dues on or before 31st Jan 2017 and ensure their eligibility to the forthcoming conference. Rule 8 Transfer:

CGMT Karnataka agreed to discuss the agenda of considering the Rule 8 transfers once the training of 3rd Merit list of JTOs commences. We are thankful to CGMT Karnataka for the positive decision.



In Karnataka SNEA membership crosses 1700 (60%) of paid membership as per the salary recovery of Dec 2017.




Com Gunashekar SDE NGSN Bangalore has donated Rs.10,000-00 ( Rupees Ten thousand only) to SNEA. We SNEA are grateful and thankful to him for the affection  towards SNEA.

Com Deepa Bansal done it again

It is with great pleasure we share the achievement of Smt Com Deepa Bansal JTO circle office, our yong comrade and  member of SNEA in 16th ALL India BSNL Athletic Meet held from 20th to 22nd Sept in Coimbattur TN. From Karnataka Smt Deepa was the only lady candidate participated in the meet and won 1 silver and 3 bronze medals in 800, 200, 400 and 1500 Mts race respectively. Around 18 states participated in the Meet. Karnataka mens Athletic Team has won runners up trophy. Congrats to Comrade Deepa and all others. For views click here..


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka respected Shri R Mani regarding considering of the Rule 8 Transfers in the cadre of JTOs. For letter Click here...



STRIKE ON 12 & 13 DECEMBER, 2017


Massive mobilization going on throughout the country. Very successful conventions by all Unions and Assns at Jaipur, Chennai, Bengaluru and Bhopal. Telangana circle organised convention at Hyderabad.

Make door to door campaign for the success of the strike with 100% participation.



SNEA deeply mourns the sad and sudden demise of daughter of our member, SDE Shimoga Smt Megala. We are all aware that madam had tried her level best in ensuring best possible medical treatment, hats off to  brave efforts Madam Megala. We pray almighty that Madam Megala gets enough strength to bear the shock. We pray God the departed soul rest in peace.  


Joint Convention of all Unions and Associations of BSNL at Bengaluru:


Strike preparatory meeting was organized by the All  Unions and Associations of Karnataka Aircle at Bengaluru on 6th December2017. On behalf of SNEA CHQ  Com. Pandurang Nayak JSS CHQ addressed the gathering. Com M H Gombi ACS, represented the circle as CS S B Nagavi was on leave. All District Secretaries and members of Bangalore were present in the meeting.

For Glimpese click here.


Get together meeting of new members at Bangalore and Mysore:


SNEA BGTD has arranged the meeting of the new members on 8th December at Bangalore  and welcomed them to SNEA. More than 90 percent of the newly joined JTOs have joined SNEA. CS Com S B Nagavi attended the meeting and addressed the gathering and at the same time invited Com K Y Prashant Ex CS SNATTA to attend the CWC meeting as our invitee; who recently along with many JAOs and JTOs have joined SNEA. Com Palanivelu AGM presided over the meeting. DS Com Javali gave brief account of the activities of SNEA. Com Arun representing the new JTOs, addressed the house and thanked SNEA for the focused active role it took during the allotment of LICE trainees to various SSAs and also in ensuring the transparent posting in BGTD. DS Bidar Com Karthik also attended and addressed the meeting of BGTD as our special guest and highlighted as how he and his team is impressed by the untiring works of SNEA particularly in Karnataka for the welfare  young JTOS.

For more glimpses click here..


SNEA Mysore had also arranged meeting on the same day which was addressed by Circle President Com B S Venkateshmurthy. Com M N Ramakrishna presided over the function. Com B S Naragund DS gave brief account of the achievements of SNEA at various levels.


For more glimpses click here..



In the entire circle, by and large new JTOs have shown keen interest to join SNEA. SNEA welcomes these new and young generation to our organization and at this juncture we assure them of all our support in making the company to grow further heights in the coming days and in this endeavor we will not hesitate to take their (our) issues with the management at every level by which the interest of the cadre as well as company is always protected.


Best of luck to our NEW COMRADES.




Com Krishnamurthy SDE (CTO Building) BGTD has donated Rs.5,000-00 ( Rupees Five thousand only) to SNEA. We SNEA are thankful to him for extending support in the form of donation.


CS along with Com Palanivelu VP SNEA BGTD today met GM Admin Shri Ashok Agarwalji . CS took strong objection for the non relieving of the JTOs on request transfer by some SSAs though last date is fixed as 30th November 2017. DGM Admn Shri M V Angadi, present in the meeting explained that; for the cases of new JTO trainees posted as substitute; the regular posting order to report as JTOs will be issued shortly to ensure the relieving for the cases of request transfers issued earlier. We have pointed out that even where regular JTOs are posted as Substitutes also there are instances of not relieving. In the interest of avoiding discrimination as some are being relieved and some are not; SNEA demanded immediate action to relieve all immediately without further delay. DGM explained that this week regular posting order of new JTOs will be issued to avoid the technical problem of reliever and action will be taken to ensure the relieving of the JTOs on request transfer.

CS reported for duty after two days leave. Due to personal function CS could not attend the 6th meeting of all Unions and Associations.


Efforts of Belgaum Comrades  appreciated:

Our endeavor for transparency in administration yielded results. Comrades of Belgaum under the leadership of Com Kamath DS and Com Pandurang Nayak JSS pursued the matter with PGM Belgaum and finally the minutes were issued on the issue and they deserve the appreciation. We are thankful to Shri Deepak Tayal ji PGM Belgaum for understanding the sentiments of our members, the LICE candidates got promotion as JTOs and revised the posting order. We are also thankful the DGM, AGM admn and others for their co-operation in resolving the issue. For minutes issued by Belgaum administration click here..



Comrade K Y PRASHANTH, the then Circle Secretary SNTTA,  joined SNEA.

Comrade K Y Prashanth, working as JAO in circle office had since then been actively involved in the activities of SNATTA as its circle secretary; who along with his CP Com Kiran Kumar, BGTD District President Com A Arun Kumar and others were inturn engaged with our association, in closely moving with, on the issues related to the TTA/JEs in their transition period to join as JTOs through LICE quota. Comrade Prashanth, as we know was deeply committed to the issues related to the members of SNATTA and presently working in the accounts wing at circle office; will be the best person to represent the issues of accounts wing through SNEA in our future days. It is not only Comrade Prashanth, his whole team of SNATTA who have joined as JTOs like Com Arun, CP President, Com Ashwin DS BGTD and all SNATTA members in the entire circle have been joining our association. More than 20 JAOs, had long back joined SNEA as per the wish of Comrade Prashant when they were newly joining to JAO cadre but Comrade Prashanth could not do so since he was still holding the charge of CS SNATTA. He has very carefully and successfully completed his responsibilities for his members till recent posting of all LICE promoted JTOs and then relinquished the office of the CS SNATTA. Comrade Prashanth was prompt to communicate me that he is, on behalf of all LICEans his team SNATTA is thankful to all the District Secretaries and other activists of SNEA in Karnataka Circle who have in fact timely interfered with the district administration and helped in restoring the postings of the JTO trainees in most transparent way.

I once again extend revolutionary welcome to Com Prashanth and his team for this mighty organization and feel proud to be strengthened with these young as well as organizationally trained members under the guidance of Com Sudarshan BGTD DS and OS CHQ BSNLEU and Com Gundanna CS BSNLEU.  




Com BRN JOIS, DGM Mobile Services Bangalore has donated Rs.5,000-00 ( Rupees Five thousand only) to SNEA. Com Jois is retiring on 30th November 2017 on superannuation. We SNEA are grateful and thankful to him for the affection the senior comrade has towards SNEA. We wish him a happy retired and peaceful retired life.



HUMAN CHAIN ON 23.11.2017

Make all out preparations. Join enmass to the Human Chain at the Circle/SSA HQs.The human chain programme at Bangalore is programmed at CTO Building (Telephone House) from 1230 hours to 1330 hours....


Comradeโ€™s Command Commended:

Kannada Rajyotsava Awardee Comrade, Com Chikkamagaluru Gundanna was felicitated yesterday by Kannada Sangha of Circle Office, supported by Circle Administration. We are thankful that Kannada Sangh was kind enough to allow the unions and associations also to felicitate comrade Gundanna. SNEA Karnataka felicitated Comrade Gundanna on this occasion. For more glimpses Click here.

Comrade Gundanna speaking on the occasion, expressed his association with SAMUDAYA a theatre institution, more specifically working for the drama TAYEE (THE MOTHER) for SAMUDAYA made him committed for the trade union activities all these days and probably SAMUDAYA and the drama TAYEE, changed his life from the concept of earn for self to the concept of give up for society. He said he was surprised to know of his selection for the award in the absence of lobbying but held that he was the happiest person to be recognized for his compassion on theatre; work a part and parcel of service to the society.

Today he is leading BSNLEU and more importantly the bottommost cadre the CONTRACT WORKERS.  

The real credit to Com Gundanna from BSNL was the remarks of CGM Shri R Mani Sir, who said that Shri Gundanna, he knows from the last 20 years and Shri Gundanna is known for his seasoned interaction with the management that has earned all benefits to the employees at the circle level.  

SNEA Karnataka wishes Comrade, Com C K Gundanna, to grow for further heights, in the field of social works and let his dreams become true in the coming days.

The function which was supposed to be made open for sharing the views of many others was censored for very few.


CS writes to Com K Sebastin General Secretary on the issue of further list of JTO recruitment at the earliest. Getting more JTOs recruited is crucial to Karnataka Circle in view of accute shortage of executives in our circle compared to other circles. For letter click here...


Joint Forum (SNEA & AIGETOA) meets CGMT Karnataka:

CS SNEA Com S B Nagavi and CS AIGETOA Com Sundar Raju, along with DS BGTD Com Jayaprakash Javali, yesterday met Shri R Mani Sir, CGMT Karnataka circle and discussed local issue related to transfers in BGTD. CGMT while updating the status assured to look into and consider the case sympathetically. Earlier both CSs held detailed discussion on the issue before meeting CGM, when Com Sourab Agarwal of AIGETOA was also present and the issue of consensus was decided to be taken up with CGMT for discussion.


Com C K Gundanna, Trade Union Leader and Convener of BSNL Unions and Associations has been conferred with 2016-17 RAJYOTSAVA PRASHASTI.SNEA Karnataka heartily congratulates comrade Gundanna and we all feel proud that that luminary of BSNL got the prestigious STATE award.


Glimpses more of Formal Meeting held on 23-10-2017 with CGMT KTK.

Congratulations and welcome to all LICE trainees for the field training:


It is new era of your career in BSNL entering from non-executive to the executive cadre and becoming the basic block of BSNL management in the front end position of BSNL business. We all have seen you working as JEs in various fields and acknowledge your expertise in various fields and how important you are in the prestigious position of JTO in your future assignment. It was our endeavor to make your promotion most purposeful for the company and at the same time must be convenient to your personal aspirations. It is with this objective that this association has always moved forward and at the end of the day achieved the desired goal.

When huge number of trainees is allotted to places like Bangalore, Hubli etc., it was our duty as majority executive association to ensure transparency in the posting of the trainees. The nepotism, favoritism should have no place is the principle of this association. Our leaders at district level have worked very hard in bringing such expected transparency everywhere through the method of counseling. We acknowledge their successful efforts and thank the reciprocated administration for going in such fair method.

We wish all the JTOs/trainees a great success in their new role in the coming days and request them to choose their best association with conscious evaluation of all aspects of the matter whether it is local issue, circle issue or even the matters being taken up at the Central Headquarters (E2E3, CPSU, SAB etc).

Our crucial Role in Rule 8 and JTO trainee Posting:

When our 53 point agenda was presented to the administration on 7th Aug 2017, it needed more time and the actual meeting could take place only on 23rd of October 2017. << For full Agenda Click here>>.  On understanding the importance of the decisions to be taken on the Rule 8 transfers and posting of about 200 JTO trainees, we brought pressure on the administration to hold the meeting on priority to discuss on these two agenda points and accordingly the meeting was scheduled on 4th September 2017 and decisions are taken and minutes are issued. The decisions on agenda 37 and 38 paved the way for the consideration of Rule 8 transfers upto WL 50 plus 5 spouse cases. Most importantly the decision to post all the LICE passed trainees to their respective SSAs and as per the decision taken by this association, the LICE JTOs who were disturbed in previous batches were also to be transferred back to their parent SSA simultaneously with above batches was also got achieved in our formal meeting with administration. << For minutes click here>>.  

The above crucial and historic decision in the above minutes has almost placed all the LICE JTOs to the desired places, avoiding the prospective request transfers. We have also created a history that all pending request transfer of JTOs is brought to NIL with the present transfer order of 83 JTOs. As the administration has time again raised the issue of long stay transfer of JTOs to clear WL; we had tough times to face the challenges and twice SNEA had launched agitation programees in this direction. Pending request transfer WL, it would have been difficult for us to bring back the JTOs who had gone on request transfer one and half year back. The hurdle is clear and those JTOs can be brought back in the month of March this year very easily now as there is no pending WL.

In this regard we are aware that the rationalization of posting of JTOs equally to all SSAs is partially varied and can be immediately set right in couple of months as the trainees are in the pipeline and getting released from November onwards regularly. The District Secretaries of the SSAs are to please go through the sanctioned and working strength of the JTO and SDEs and update us in our group email to take up the matter with the administration more effectively in these crucial months forthcoming. 

Pending Rule 8 transfers:

When we had and also have a huge WL of Rule 8 transfers and our own colleagues who were waiting to go their native circles for decades and even more, we are able to ensure the Rule 8 transfer of 71 JTOs. As a responsible association the effort of this association are bound to continue to get the R 8 transfers further approved and hence another batch of 55 cases is in the pipeline as against the huge WL of 228. << For WL click here>>

At the same time we are fully aware of the acute shortages of executivesโ€™ in our circle particularly in the cadre of JTOs. As against the DR training batches of 30, 30 and 45 only 18, 21 and 31 trainees have reported. In the latest programmes of 40, 40 batches only 36 in the first batch reported and the 2nd one yet to start. The pending list for training is 56. As against the ongoing training of 145 only 106 are reported. As against 300 recruitment list so far 236 cases verification done but again sharp decline in reporting for the trainings. We are closely monitoring the reporting of the trainees for the remaining batches, asses the shortfall and to take up the matter with CHQ to go down in the GATE list and to process for further recruitment and ensure all 300 allotments to Karnataka Circle are duly filled up. We are thankful that our CGMT Office is also fully and seriously engaged in bringing these facts to BSNL CO. In the interest of meeting the shortage of SSAs and to achieve more Rule 8, we are seriously pursuing with CHQ to recruit and release one more list of GATE JTOs as early as possible.

Let us move forward.



Hassan District Conference:

On 23rd Oct 2017, at Jewel Rock Hotel Hassan, the district conference was held under the President ship of Com Sanjay Kumar District President. Function commenced with the invocation by Com Santhoshkumari. Com Maruthi Rathod DS presented his annual report and Com Tirumalesh presented the statement of accounts. The issues related to Promotions, E2E3, SAB, CPSU Cadre Hirarchy, Posting of JAOs in CSC, 3rd PRC implementation, opposition to Tower Subsidiary, stopping of TESA FLASH were the main issues raised by the district branch. CS Com S B Nagavi answered all the queries and explained on the latest position on each issue. CS welcomed the newly reported JTOs and explained the role played by SNEA in the policy of their posting to their desired places. The leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE and SEWA have also addressed the meeting. DGM Shri Joshi, also attended and addressed the gathering and called for improving the sales and better services. Com Tata Babu, CEC member also attended and addressed on various issues about Rule 8 and request transfers and on our pending CHQ issues. Com Ramdas Ex DS SNEA Hassan also addressed the house.

Com Sanjay Kumar, Com K Rudresh and Com Maruthi Rathod Have been unanimously elected as the District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.

For glimpses click here..


What we have told is what we have established.

Congratulations; Request transfer orders in the cadre of JTOs is issued today with the constant persuasion of SNEA/SNATTA to end all disturbances and minimize future transfers more importantly to ensure these youngsters to put their best as JTOs in their works. We thank SDE, AGM, DGM for their untiring works. We are thankful to CGMT Shri R Mani Sir and GM Shri Agarwalji for the on time decision in the matter. For orders click hereโ€ฆ


Agenda Meeting with CGM Karnataka Scheduled on 23rd Oct 2017.


Meeting with CGMT Karnataka Respected Shri R Mani:

CS along with Com Sadanand Makkannavar DS CO, Com Harish ADS,ACE,SNEA met CGM yesterday. As such the issue mainly to be discussed was pertaining to the violation of rules by CE civil, the presence of CE Civil Shri Rajkumar and GM Admn Shri Ashok Agarwal was also ensured in the meeting by the administration.

(1) The act of manipulations in issuing LA arrangement to the post of EE (C); by procuring coerced unwillingness letters for LA from 3 senior SDEs to issue LA to a specific SDE to shield him from the liability of longest transfer and at the same time processed to issue longest transfer to his junior was explained to CGMT in the presence of CE Civil. CE Civil rebutted that unwillingnessโ€™s are not coerced one. CS SNEA informed him clearly that the LA to be issued to the senior most and if he declines it can then be issued to his immediate junior. The motive of departing from the laid down rules is ultra vires of the powers vested in CE and manifests their ulterior intentions as explained on our email to CGM. CS when met CE civil last week, CE in our discussion was pushing the onus on CGMT as the order is issued with his concurrence. But CGM respected Shri Mani, today categorically clarified that he has very clearly written with regard to our email that seniority should not be bye-passed. When he looked for confirmation towards GM Admin, Shri Agarwal who clarified that the file was processed during his absence when he was on leave and he is not a party to the orders. SNEA vehemently informed the management that we will not allow any transfer shielding the senior longest stay SDE in the guise of LA Executive Engineer. The entire discussion unmasked the conspiracy of Shri Anil Vaish the then CE Incharge and how the coterie  used situation namely the reporting of the new CE Shri Rajkumar and also the absence of GM Admn Shri Agarwal to get the file cleared by CGMT with the help of DGM Staff Shri M V Angadi. We are surprised to know how DGM Staff Shri Angadi also allowed the false procedure despite several times CS has brought to his notice on the game plan of Shri Anil Vaish and his team- when DGM was telling us that he is unaware of any such proposal and also would not allow it but on the contrary become a party to such illegal order. SNEA very strongly condemns these acts of manipulations and at the same time acknowledge the action of CGMT Karnataka to call all the concerned and resolving the issue. CGM informed that the rules have to be scrupulously followed and no transfer will be done in the cadre of SDE the way it is being proposed and to follow the procedure of transfer in the substantive grade only. CE Shri Rajkumar informed  in the meeting that no long stay transfer will be done in the cadre of SDE now as proposed, the proposal will be dropped and action will be initiated only at the end of current fiscal. As the officer taken over the Charge of EE on the present LA order CS also accepted the stand of administration, and will not insist for its withdrawal till the SDE longstay transfer is taken up or next LA orders whichever is earlier.

(2) CS brought to the notice of CGMT, that the request transfer of SDEs having less than 2 years is not being issued and creating discrimination. GM tried to inform that only in March it can be considered. We have very strongly opposed the same and re-iterated that all old cases are to be disposed of immediately as per transfer policy. We have further made our intentions very clear once again and how it helps the management if transfers are only ordered in April but not in March resulting in totally avoiding the less than two year cases permanently. We want all old cases to be cleared by transfer orders immediately.

(3) Non holding of formal meetings by PGM Mysore with SNEA: CGM instructed GM admn to issue instructions to PGM Mysore and also informed to fix the formal meeting on agenda of SNEA with CGMT on 23-10-2017.

CS thanked CGM and CE civil for settling the issues.


Meeting with CE Civil Shri Rajkumar:

CS along with DS ACE Com Ravishankar, DP ACE Com padmanabhachar, ADS ACE Com Harish, Com Aithal CVP, Com Huliraj DP BGTD have met CE Civil Shri Rajkumar and welcomed him. We have requested for the formal meeting at the earliest for which CE agreed immediately. CE made it clear that he would like to work transparently and would like to bring changes in the companies interest taking into confidence of the recognised executive association on all related matters.


Higher Pension under Para 11(3) of EPS, 1995 (Present Status):

The information sought on this issue under RTI is complied by BSNL. From the information received, it is revealed that only one letter has so far been written to RPFC Bangalore on 24th May 2017. Though it is claimed that BSNL consulted RPFO on 12-07-2017, no supporting documents manifested for this. The circle administration has written one more letter only on our taking up the case on 12-09-2017 through RTI as well as letter dated 12-09-2017. With this we can assess the seriousness with which the concerned authority is working on such important issue of BSNL Recruits whose pension issue is at stake. Therefore we are of the firm belief that unless we organisationally fight the issue, we may not get the solution. The very basic issue of pension emanating from the order of the Hon Supreme Court of India is being treated so casually by the administration. This association cannot allow and tolerate the sluggishness of this kind. Wecall upon all the DS to keep informed this complecent attitude of the officers of BSNL at the helm of affairs to our members and get ready for the struggle we are going to launch in the immediate future. <<For Reply to the RTI click here>>. <<For RTI application click here.>> << For our letter in this connection click here.>>


CS Com S B Nagavi along with DS BGTD Com Jayaprakash Javali, Com Balakrishna Aithal CVP, Com Tata Babu CEC member BGTD today met Smt Geetanjali Sr GM Finance and protested on the untimely transfer of AOs in the middle of acadamic year. The accounts administration has unilaterally decided these transfers which is strongly opposed by us. When a transparent policy is being adopted in Karnataka Circle in all cadres, the accounts wing of circle office is indifferent in its attitude on such matters. We have also submitted a letter to CGMT in this regard. For letter click here...


Massive Lunch Hour Demonstration all over Karnataka:

The employees and Executives of all unions and associations have came out of office and held lunch hour demonstration yesterday to protest against the Cabinet decision to form a Tower Subsidiary Company and fragmenting BSNL. In CGMT Office, the meeting was addressed by CS Com S B Nagavi and other leaders.

For the full glimpses click  hereโ€ฆ.



Com Anthonyswamy Ex DS Hubli passed away yesterday at Bangalore who was suffering from multi-organ failures. SNEA deeply mourns the demise of our veteran leader who was a great social worker and a prominent trade union leader from North Karnataka. Till he retired he was our DS SNEA. He was active in co-operative moment and served in various capacities for the society and particularly to BSNL executives. We pray almighty to give strength to his family, near and dears on the sad demise and pray Com Swamyโ€™s soul rest in peace.


GS CHQ writes to Secretary, DoT regarding Lunch Hour demonstration on 15.09.2017: Ill conceived and ill timed decision of Government to off load most powerful and potential assets of BSNL-66,000 mobile towers-gravely threatens to decelerate an otherwise accelerating growth of BSNL, besides endangering its very existence. Employees of BSNL determined and ready to pay any price to safeguard existing integrated and time tested composition of BSNL. Sinister decision of the Government is nothing but a well calibrated move towards disinvestment of strategic telecom institution of the Country. Massive and prolonged trade union actions are on the anvil to force the Govt. to reverse this retrograde decision.

All Unions and Assns will give separate notice for lunch hour demonstration due to shortage of time. 

GS letter to Secretary, DoT on Luch Hour demonstration against Tower Subsidiary formationโ€ƒ
Accordingly Karnataka SNEA will participate in today's Lunch Hour Demonstration to protect our bread earning Tower Assets to Save BSNL


Meeting with DOT Secretary Smt Aruna Sundarrajan, today at Bangalore:

Circle Secretaries of Unions and Associations today met Smt Aruna Sundarrajan, Secretary DOT and Chairman Telecom Commission during her visit to Bangalore at Hetel Park Plaza and submitted memorandum on issues of 3rd PRC and Dropping of Tower Subsidiary. Com C K Gundanna CS BSNLEU, Com H V Sudarshan AGS BSNLEU, Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA, Com K Y Prashanth CS SNATTA, Sundararaju CS AIGETOA, Com B S Shivalingappa SAWA BSNL, Com B D Mahadev CS BASE(I), Com Mahalingaiah CS FNTO and Com Nagaraj DS AIBSNLEA BGTD have attended the meeting. During the discussion Com Gundanna explained the need of 3rd PRC implementation and the adverse effect on BSNL due to formation of a Tower Subsidiary Company. Madam Aruna Sundararajan appreciated the employees and executives of BSNL for the works being done and taking the company forward by reducing losses, but still lot of scope is there to improve its performance. She compared the performance of Kerala circle, when Kerala can perform why cannot be other circles. She had informed that Hon Minister of Communications and IT is also very positive on the issue of 3rd PRC and she will definitely work positively on the issue and at the same expects BSNL to perform better than the present in the days to come. When CS Com S B Nagavi, representing the executivesโ€™ association requested for the Standard Pay Scale E2 and E3 issue, madam informed that she is fully aware of the issue and will look into the matter. We are thankful to DOT Secretary that despite her hectic schedule she had a patient hearing on our issues. For  glimpses of meeting click hereโ€ฆ For memorandum click here..


The members of SNEA have done it again:


Com Sunil V M Desai, (view more details) SDE(NIB/Computer), Belgaum and Com Shailendra Singh, (view more details) Accounts Officer Circle Office Bangalore have been declared to be conferred with Sanchar Seva Padak. SNEA is proud to state that they are the active members of SNEA. We congratulate these officers for their outstanding performance.

Com Desai, known for his silent but hard work is discharging duties of many SDEs in Belgaum District. 

The whole circle office has noticed the fighting spirit of Com Shailendra when injustice, discrimination is forced on genuine issues. He is instrumental in the medical rules modification by BSNLCO when arbitrary ceiling was imposed by circle office.

We congratulate and wish the officers a great success in future also.


Higher Pension under Para 11(3) of EPS, 1995:

It is unfortunate that, a pension related issue of BSNL Recruits; a social security measure extended by the Hon Supreme Court of India in SLP No.33032-33033/2015 is taken so lightly and kept under cold storage by Finance wing of Karnataka Circle. The disregard shown to the intent of Hon SC order is nothing but to deny retirement security to the BSNL Recruits. CS SNEA writes to administration, CGMT Shri R Mani and Sr GM Finance Smt Geetanjali for immediate action to call for options. For letter Click here...

Comrades, let us gear up for organization action if Circle Administration continues its complacent approach on the issue still further.


Meeting With GM Finance:

CS Com S B Nagavi along with Com Ravishankar DS ACE, Com Padmanabhachar DP ACE, Com Sadanand Makkannavar DS CO met Smt Geetanjali Madam, GM Finance and discussed on the difficulties faced by the SDEs and JTOs in the field in entire circle due to the non-payment of temporary advance which in turn forcing our officers to pay the expenses from their personal salary money in the interest of the company as such any emergent work cannot be postponed. Madam informed us that by next week all the approved advances will all be cleared as she had already received some funds after continuous interaction with the BSNL CO. Madam also explained us and given the statistics that this year the revenue collection is far below than the expenditure and it is very much alarming to us. Revenue is low as compared to last year also.

We have explained that the traffic of voice and data is drastically increased but due to steep reduction in the tariff; to match with market rates, has been the effect of revenue fall. We have thanked madam for her efforts in getting the funds with her extra effort.

Meeting With GM Admn:

The team also met GM Admn Shri Ashok Aggarwal and strongly protested on the incharge CE Civil who has been evading the meetings to SNEA and at the same time involved in many biased activities on the members with regard to the transfer and postings and his total disregard to the recognized executive association is condemned. GM informed us that as instructed by CGM; as per our email addressed to CGM, instructions have been issued to him.


Minutes of meeting;

Minutes of the meeting released by CGMT Office and published in Circle Intranet. The meeting was held only to discuss agenda HR Agenda Points relating to Rule 8 and Posting of LICE JTOs/Trainees ( Point 37 and 38 ). Another meeting will be scheduled shortly. For official minutes copy click here. We are thankful to Shri R Mani, CGMT, Shri Ashok Agarwal GM Admn, Shri M V Angadi DGM and Shri Swaminathan AGM for the resolution of these urgent issues.


Glimpses of Formal Meeting held with CGMT Karnataka on 4th Sept 2017.

Report will be uploaded shortly.


Meeting with Shri Munindranath, CGM BBNW Newdelhi at Bangalore:

The frequent failure of the BB and FTTH services has created a very bad image of the company in the entire country. Knowing CGMT BBNW was on tour to Bangalore for South Zone Meeting, CS Com S B Nagavi along with Com Palanivelu AGM, VP BGTD rushed to NOC Bangalore and sought urgent meeting.

CS strongly protested the failure on the part of BBNW management in giving uninterrupted services, now since last month BSNL BB has been the victim of cyber war; utter failure on the part of BSNL to have required FIREWALLS and protections in place. We have demanded to immediately hand over the issue to cyber police, conduct cyber audits to find out the culprits.

CGM informed that the ONT/OLTs of ALPHOIN make are affecting the network elements and hence the said units are taken out of the network temporarily till the issue is resolved by ALPHOIN.

CS explained CGM that in recent times, the image of the company is being spoiled by these frequent failures giving room for the subscribers who on the face our field JTO/SDEs openly alleged that BSNL officers are hand in glove with Reliance JIO and hence deteriorating BSNL service to help increase the market share of Reliance JIO. We have sought CGM the answer what we should give to these subscribers.

Our field officer in the recent cyber attack, day and night re-programmed the modems to face and resolve the malware attack. CGM informed us that he is also fully aware of the repercussions of the frequent failures.

We have also informed him of the shortage of the equipments relating to BB and FTTH services especially the DSLMs and MLLN equipments, urgent need to upgrade the backhaul bandwidth.                                                        

Later in the afternoon, CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani Sir, also visited NOC and held discussion with CGM BBNW. CGMT Karnataka informed us that they have to block WAN port and reboot all ONTs of โ€˜ALPHOIN makeโ€™ and it will take 6 to 10 hours.

We hope things will get normalized immediately. Otherwise, we will be holding protest meeting at the gate of NOC on Monday at 1330 hours in the interest of saving this company from the disastrous attack and the miserable failure of the concerned in the matter. << View Glimpses>>

Formal Meeting:

As per the information from GCMT secreriate and DGM Staff, the formal meeting with CGMT Karnataka Circle is scheduled on 4th Sept 2017 at 1100 hours to discuss the Agenda submitted by SNEA. For agenda copy click ehre..


Formal Meeting:

Today CS along with DS CO Com Makkannavar, DS Kolar Com Narain Nandakumar and other comrades of Kolar have met DGM Shri M V Angadi and protested on the delay in scheduling the formal meeting to discuss various issues including Rule 8 cases. Then in the afternoon GM Admn Shri Ashok Agarwal informed CS that next week meeting will be arranged as such CGMT is very busy this week particularly on meeting the targets of circle, revenue realization etc. CGM is appealing through SMS on the importance of RV 80 promotions by staff of BSNL. Further the team also met DGM Finance and apprised him of the difficulties facing for not clearing the wages of HKS, Elec Bills and Temp Advances. DGM updated his efforts in resolving the crisis.


Karnataka SNEA observed Lunch Hour Demonstration against the high handed action of BSNL management on the CHQ,  GS SNEA for raising the legitimate issues of the executives and employeesโ€™. SNEA Karnataka condemns the unwarranted action. Massive response of members of SNEA Karnataka from all over the circle.

On 28th August 2017, LHD was held at CGMT Office and memorandum was submitted to CGMT Karnataka. << View Glimpses>>

On 29th August 2017, LHD was held at SSAs and memorandum was submitted to GM/DGMs of SSAs. << View Glimpses>>

Bidar, Raichur, Gulbarga, Hubli, Mangalore, Madikeri, Tumkur, Hassan, Kolar, Belgaum, Chickmaglur, Mysore and other SSAs have conducted the LHD and submitted the memorandum.


NGN Core Main Site to go to Chandigarh:

Sudden decision of BSNL Management to Shift NGN Core Main Site from Bangalore to Chandigarh, at the last moment even after every aspect being finalized to install it at Bangalore. A strong doubt on the intent of the BSNL management. CS SNEA writes to CGMT Karnataka for for his intervention. SNEA Karnataka plans for massive protest in this regard. Comrades please gear up. For letter click hereโ€ฆ


Avoiding long stay transfers by some SDEs:

CS and GS SNEA write on violation of transfer policy by favoring some individuals. For GS letter click here.. For CS letter click hereโ€ฆ


CS Com S B Nagavi and CEC member Com Tata Babu met PGM Shri Janardhana Rao yesterday and discussed on the procurment of the Cable Route Tracer RIDGID, this is in continuation to our letter written to CGMT. In the discussion PGM informed that the one proposed by us is costly and moreover it having no TEC approval. That already having TEC approval is cheaper but it shows only route but not the depth.

Com Tata Babu explained that, in the field where RIDGID was used we found, its accuracy both in tracing the route and depth is very precise. As explained in the letter it will save lot of money spent on labour in tracing and moreover it saves time. With the available tools we are most of the times struck for days together, ending up in delay and objections by local municipal authorities etc.,.

PGM in the mean time called DGM MM and asked them to reprocess the file to explore further possibility of procurement by calling tender with the new specification including the depth tracing also.

From our side we request you to kindly inform anyone using any such Route tracer being used as claimed by PGM Shri Janardhan Rao.


Formal Meeting between SNEA Hubli and GM Hubli



Com S P Jagadale, DS Hubli with his team was able to ensure  formal meeting on 19th Aug 2017 with GM Hubli on the agenda points of SNEA Hubli. The meeting lasted for 3 hours. DS thanked the administration and GM Hubli Shri Vivek Jaiswalji for the detailed discussion and interest shown in our genuine issues. For the agenda points click here. The minutes are awaited. Similar meeting was also conducted at Davangere under the leadership of DS Com G Nagaraj, AGM Mktg Dvg.

Circle SNEA expects that all other SSAs should insist for such meetings and bring forward our issues on the official minutes to be issued by the administration.


CGMT Karnataka Published SNEA Agenda for formal meeting in circle intranet and seeks for the immediate comments and breif on the agenda points from concerned PGM/GMs. For circle office letter click hereโ€ฆ

CS SNEA writes to CGMT on requirement of RIDGID route and depth locator. For email copy click hereโ€ฆ

CS SNEA writes to CGMT demanding immediate meeting for the processing of the rule 8 transfers in the background of the recent discussions held with CGMT. For letter click hereโ€ฆ

Com G C Kamat DS SNEA Belgaum seeks formal meeting with GM Belgaum. For agenda points click hereโ€ฆ


Meeting with CGM Karnataka Shri R Mani Sir:

CS Com S B Nagavi along with DS CO Com Makkannavar yesterday met CGMT Karnataka Shri R Mani, and discussed various issues.

(1) In a surprising move one SDE who was on long stay transfer was relieved to QA though many lady SDEs with very serious medical and personal problems have honoured and obeyed the orders of administration and accepted long stay transfer; but this case of modification has created serious heart burn on these propmpt officers. We have very strongly protested the case. CGMT assured us to verify the case in detail and also would take suitable action including writing to BSNL CO not to entertain such cases.

(2) WIFI Hot-spot commissioning by L&T and the very poor technical response of the vendor and poor response of NOC in attending to the faults. CGMT informed that he is also aware and will take appropriate action.

(3) Holding of immediate formal meeting: CGMT assured to instruct the concerned to schedule the meeting.

(4) To start the process of Rule 8 transfers in case of pending R 8 WL: CGMT informed us of the huge task before us in the coming months of the current financial year and the acute shortage of technical staff Karnataka the Circle is facing. All GMs of SSA are informing him that it will be difficult for them to achieve the targets in the situation of the present shortage. CGM further informed that 300 JEs cadre have fallen vacant due to LICE promotion and presently 205 are on JTO training. These practicalities have created serious vacuum in all SSAs. The expert and experienced JTOs recently relieved on Rule 8 has a serious impact on the SSA performance. CS SNEA totally disagreed with the observations of CGMT. We have made our position very clear to CGMT that all those JTOs relieved on Rule 8 were hard workers and the motivation was that they would get transfer to their States, have been working for BSNL Karnataka  for decades. On the pretext of shortage, if Rule 8 is denied, it will  seriously de-motivate the JTOs who are in the WL.  We have made it clear that all Rule 8 orders are not done at one stroke. When around 190 TTAs were regularized only 61 cases were considered in 2016, in 93 (82+11) LICE candidates promoted only 71 cases are considered and now more than 205 LICE candidates in the pipeline to get promotion shortly. It is only in Karnataka that this huge WL is still (more than 200) pending and this association has been pursuing these cases on humanitarian grounds, social justice that too only when they complete their 5 years service in Karnataka and also when the addition of strength to the JTO cadre is increased. In the rigidity of management we were compelled to organizational routes also. Finally CGM agreed to begin the process of Rule 8 and also will hold detailed discussion with us on this issue.

Later we met GM Admn Shri Ashok Agarwal and DGM Admn M V Angadi and requested them to hold discussion on all important HR issues immediately to take timely decision in this regard.


Let us understand that, our CGMT Shri Mani Sir, from the day one is on serious engagement to bring Karnataka Circle on the lines of Kerala pattern in earning revenue. For his pressure; one and the main reason posed by SSA heads is this shortage due to Rule 8 transfers. We have therefore informed CGMT to attend to the points raised in our agenda points wherein we will definitely reach to the ground level of resolving the issues. However from our part let us all be engaged in our works very seriously to fulfill our endeavor of generating more revenue in the coming days and at the same time bring all practical issues to the notice of CGMT so that he will be correctly knowing factual impediments. Keep your issues in our whats app pages to bring it to the notice of CGMT.

At the same time, we are keeping our demand on the issues particularly Rule 8 transfer firmly with the management and if necessary we may be compelled to repeat our struggles in the coming days. But most importantly right now we have to seriously focus on the ongoing programmes  very seriously to materialize the target fixed on us.



Comrade Venkata Vara Prasad, JTO, Telangana (Earlier JTO Raichur) donated Rs.5000-00 to SNEA Karnataka. We are thankful for the donation.


CS Submits AGENDA for formal meeting with CGMT Karnataka:

Shortage of young Staff/skilled and unskilled workers: The present executivesโ€™ strength (around 3000 in Karnataka); projecting as shortage is an incorrect approach. We are facing dearth of ground level work force in the field like attending break downs, line faults and interruptions, digging trench and jointing works, route monitoring, attending BB and FTTH faults, attending OF breakdowns etc., Hence we have to adopt policy of system efficiency based outsourcing (managed service model) of  these vital jobs that are severely affecting the QOS of BSNL leading to customer dis-satisfaction or engage both skilled and unskilled work force on contract basis as being adopted by other PSUs. Out of compulsion today the JTOs/SDEs being executives are forced to be on the roads and customer premises or engage with series of attending to customers but with unsuccessful result in the absence required work force/materials leaviing aside their supervisory, monitoring works.. Providing proper level playing platform for the existing 3000 executives in Karnataka is the much required necessity for top management to bring expected results and targets.

For full 53 point agenda click here..



Our attention towards membership drive:

Our sincere thanks to all activists of SNEA, District Secretaries, Circle Office Bearers and especially all new members who have joined SNEA in Karnataka coming out openly defying the coercion and threats of some officers, holding strategic positions in circle, making the following remarkable increase in membership.

Among the 2918 executives 2485 have taken membership in Karnataka Circle. In this 2485 SNEA members are 1459 amounting to 59% of registered membership (Crossing 50% of total executives) and leaving behind the other associations to 36%, 4% and 0.8% (30%, 3.9% and 0.68% of total executives). The prominent point to note is that more than 65 accounts executives ranging from DGM Finance to JAOs are our members today. [Note: These figures are only for Karnataka Telecom Circle but do not include STR, STP, QA, NOC etc.,]

Still more than 400 executives are not the members of any Association and our endeavor should be to educate on our agendas,  both cadre issues and common issues; the importance of executives to be in the mainstream of BSNL Executives and to bring these executives in our folder so as to ensure one association in the executive cadre.

We hope for the active cadre of SNEA it is going to be possible in the coming days.


CHQ UPDATE (02-08-2017):

In a historic decision, today, complete AIBSNLEA/Delhi Circle having more than 200 members merged with SNEA, Delhi Circle writing a new chapter of Unity among the Executives.

New Adhoc Committee of SNEA, Delhi Circle formed with Com S K Agarwal as Circle President, Com Satish Kumar as Circle Secretary and Com Sandeep Mathur as Circle Treasurer.

CHQ wholeheartedly welcome all of them into SNEA and wish them all the success. This merger took place in the presence of GS, President, Chairman, AGS and Jt sec.

Circle office bearers of both the Assns and Com Pawan Sharma were instrumental in forging the Unity. Mob No of new CS/Delhi Circle: 09868583030



Agenda for formal meeting is being submitted to CGMT Karnataka: The issues to be taken up with management may be emailed to nagavisb@gmail.com before 3rd Aug 2017 to incorporate in the agenda. The issues must relate to circle administration. Already all District Secretaries have been requested by sms/whatapp to send their points. This may be treated as most important.


General Body Meeting of SNEA Karwar at Sirsi:

The GB meeting was held at TRC Sirsi on 29th July 2017 under the Presidentship of Com Vaman Kamath DP SNEA with the invocation by Com P S Bhat.  DS Com Deshpande presented the DS report and DT Com P S Bhat updated the finance details and increase in membership being crossed to more than 43 in Karwar SSA.

DS in his report updated the efforts present body has put forth and the visible results and also categorically demonstrated the unethical practices being adopted by few officers of the administration and the need for the collective action to combat the evils of such activities.

CS Comrade Nagavi welcomed Comrades  Gounkar, Joshi, Gunagi, Gurudatt Bant and Nivedita who have joined SNEA and acknowledged the efforts of Com Deshpande for his organizational success as DS. While appreciating the efforts of executives of Karwar in keeping the district in its best performance especially the role of SNEA members who are almost working in the field units has categorically condemned the complacent attitude of administration towards our members and given call for a collective fight to end this biased attitude. CS further detailed the issues related to pay commission, Standard Pay Scales, Promotions and also the circle level problems relating to Rule 8 transfers and postings of LICE JTOs.

Comrade S P Jagadale, DS Hubli who has attended as the special invitee to the GB, appreciated the great fight of Karwar comrades in fighting the management, extended his support in all their future fights also. He gave a detailed account of sustained fight SNEA continued for the last 5-6 years and how it is resulted in consolidating the strength of SNEA in Hubli.

Comrade Kamath District President give his presidential address and remembered the days of SNEA and called upon the members that to carry on the same enthusiasm in coming days.

As such DS and ADS have been transferred, the following election of office bearers was conducted. Com P S Bhat, Com Gunagi and Com Gaounkar have been elected as the District Secretary, Asst District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.

For glimpses of the GB click hereโ€ฆ


Strike of 27th July 2017:

Congratulations to all; who have become a part of our historical struggle by total participation yesterday in our beginning of the sustained struggle to get our legitimate 3rd PRC. Your participation has strengthened our future actions. Thanks to one and all who participated.

We appriciate the bold decisions of the members of sister organizations for their actual participating in the strike yesterday, showing real solidarity to the right cause. Our revolutionary salute to them,

To view Hubli preparatory meeting click hereโ€ฆ



Participation in the 27th Strike:

SNEA Karnataka Decides to ensure 100% participation of its members in 27th One Day Strike as per CHQ and JF Call. Our hard work and tireless efforts have been undermined by 3rd PRC and Cabinet decision. Utter failure of DOT in recognizing the requests and recommendations of CMD BSNL who has all these years encouraged and assured BSNL employees and executives at various meetings and most importantly instrumental in bringing BSNL into operational profits and fast moving towards bringing back its glory; thereby DOT has shown its bias to BSNL. It is time for each and every BSNL executive and non executive to record his protest by remaining absent on 27th July 2017 in protest against the failure of both DOT and Govt in extending the 3rd PRC benefits for those who are grass root workers on the contrary extending 7th CPC to ITS officers in the same BSNL. SNTTA Karnataka circle has declared to participate in the Strike.

All of us join our hands, unite together, become part of the programme by remaining absent on 27th Strike and be a part of the saga of beginning of our great and historic struggle.


Welcome to new members:

Huge number from different cadres of executives including accounts wing, LICE promotees have come forward and voluntarily submitted the membership forms to SNEA. During their just entrance (Six months before), they were threatened and forcible membership attempted is now reversed by the conscious decision by such executives this time. This sort of coercive attempt by some of the top officers especially in the accounts wing was very strongly protested by CS SNEA in the recent meeting held with GM Finance Circle office Bangalore and SNEA is committed to ensure the โ€œfree consentโ€ concept in the exercise of option to which association they wish to align.

Associations and unions are built on sacrifice and hard work of leaders coupled with the objective to safeguard of the interest of their members at large but not for the self protection by occupying the posts of office bearers. Associations and unions are built on strong commitment to issues but not on flip-plop actions with short term appeasement to confuse members, which will boomerang. The executives are wise enough to understand our objectives and are strong enough to react properly. Leaders understand the expectations of members and act. But managers fight for their personal targets at the cost of followers, at the end of the day loose their followers. But blaming the true leaders for their own failure to hold their membership has no place in trade unionism. They can beat the drum without listeners.

It is SNEA, SNEA alone which courageously fought against the vindictive transfer orders of Smt Malati Accounts Officer, ( though not member of our association at that point in time) and finally proved the order issued is illegal and mala-fied and hence got it cancelled by legal process. It is again SNEA which prevailed upon the wrong interpretation of the AO Pay to be treated as sensitive post without any guidelines; that too applying this wrong interpretation to one particular AO; leaving all others, taken up boldly by SNEA with circle administration for reconciliation and clarification.

We want the suffocation, the autocracy prevailing in some sections by coercive actions of officers to further their vested interests to be halted. SNEA will tirelessly work in ensuring the free and fair atmosphere in all segments of BSNL.

Our sincerity in achieving Rule 8 cases both in 64 cases and 74 cases in addition to achieving almost all intra circle transfers is open from the beginning and known to everyone, of course at the same time role of others, their objective; how to mix up a non issue to scuttle our prompt and committed efforts but how ultimately sincerity and commitment has fetched the results. The microscopic observation of the letters being published in other association websites is an eye opener of the ambiguous stands that are taken on the contrary.

Our CHQ, which took clear from day one stand on the most pertinent executivesโ€™ issues on Standard Pay Scales, Super Annuation Benefits, CPSU pattern of promotions in the coming days, vision to work out a method of fast track promotion of youngsters to the level of DGM/CG/CGM are to attain finality at the earliest.  

At the same time we have to ensure the long pending promotions of JTO ( both SCF and LDCE), SDEs to the cadre of SDE and DE respectively which are held up due to complacent approach of the BSNL management. We have serious aberrations and anomalies like junior getting more salary than senor, uniform 4 year 1st TBP etc., Our CHQ is very seriously engaged in these issues also.

Our friends, LICE promoted JTOs have unanimously joined SNEA and we are committed to safeguard their interest in the coming days. We are moving with a very broad approach to ensure that all the stake holders will be best beneficiaries in our future plans and approaches we put forth before management.

Your joining the association has strengthened us to move forward with much enthusiasm and more strength in the coming days. We welcome you whole heartedly and we  โ€œ Let us move forward unitedlyโ€


Abnormal delay in taking decisions and failure to supply on demand products to the field units; is one of the avoidable causes added to the loss of mobile revenue in Karnataka circle. CS SNEA writes to CGMT Karnataka Respected Shri R Mani, for his personal intervention and urgent needufl action. For letter <<<View>>>


AGB Meeting of SNEA Raichur:

The AGB of Raichur was held on 14-07-2017 in the TRC HALL of GM Office Raichur. The meeting was presided by Com Bhimaiah. The programme commenced with invocation by Com Ibrahim. DS Com Shrikanth presented the DS report. The meeting was addressed by CS and CEC member Com Tata Babu and during the address by circle leaders some members both AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA shown interest to hear CS and attended the meeting. The doubts and queries were answered by the circle leaders.

Com Babu emphasized the importance of executivesโ€™ unity and thanked the circle body for the firm decision taken in the matter of Rule 8 transfers but for which the transfers would not have materialized and unfortunate situations that are created by some forces in destabilizing the process was successfully countered and nullified by the able leadership of SNEA. He has thanked all young JTOs who have participated and supported in the struggles that have been launched by SNEA and requested for further consolidation since the huge pendency of Rule 8 WL. He has particularly thanked the comrades Raichur for attending the lightening protest organized by SNEA irrespective union affiliation. Though he belong to 2007 batch JTO cadre, he has learnt a lot from the great works done by Com G L Jogi, Com S B Nagavi with whom he had and has the opportunity of travelling and meeting the various officers and the level of persuasion for the larger interest of the JTOs of Karnataka Circle have been serving in Karnataka circle for 8 to 10 years leaving their parents, near and dears far away in AP, Telangana, Kerala etc.,.  The entire SNEA Karnataka leaders have understood and accepted their family problems as of their own and shown their utmost sincerity in pursuing the case of Rule 8 and intra circle transfers. Though CS Karnataka was the brain behind our fight against BGTD administration to ensure the transfers from Rural to Urban and also adoption of transparent policy in the posting of incoming JTOs to BGTD; he had acknowledged and appreciated the 2nd line leadership in achieving this goal for the first time in BGTD.

CS Com S B Nagavi, while addressing the AGB, acknowledged and thanked all the comrades like V V Prasad, Chandrashekar and all others who have served in Raichur and got relieved under Rule 8 transfer AP/TS; for their service to Karnataka Circle. He has also thanked the CS SNEA of Telangana and AP for the best possible posting to our comrades in their states. Irrespective of persons whether he belongs to SNEA or any other association we have fought and pursued the cases and could see that all are helped in the process CS emphasized. CS in detail discussed about the importance of the 27th July 2017 one day strike for 3rd PRC and 30% SAB.

All LICE passed JTOs and many others friends who left our association earlier approached us and volunteered to join SNEA. It may be recalled that all young JTOs were the members of SNEA and even in 2008-09, the DR JTO was our DS Raichur for more than 2 terms but due to membership pouching some had left us. But when they had been frustrated there, wished and approached our DS that they want to join back SNEA. Article 14, 19 and 21 of Indian Constitution provide for fundamental rights like freedom of speech, form associations, join the association of their choice and freedom for life and liberty. These rights cannot be snatched away by anybody, any organization or any understandings. They are the right of individual, right in his person and cannot be snatched away by anybody. Of course anybody does it under duress, coercion can be rebuttable. SNEA has not done any sort of such coercion and that is not our policy.  

For the wrong policy adopted, not able to meet the aspirations of their members one cannot complain and blame others for their own failures. In a democratic country and that too in a class of educated community every executive in BSNL has that minimum prudence to decide himself where he can be, how he can protect himself and align to the association of his choice. If people are liked by the stand of SNEA and they want to reciprocate positively how can we say no to them.

Due to Rule 8 transfers many of our SNEA office bearers including the DS, Treasurer etc were relieved, our District Conferences were over due, it is our internal meetings of SNEA where we prioritized our meetings to elect new body at all places wherever vacuum is created by these transfers. It is in this background that SNEA had been holding these conferences and meetings at Kolar, Madikeri, Chickmaglur, Bidar and Raichur. Any other association leadersโ€™ dreaming that they are not involved in these meetings and expecting CS SNEA to take them for our District Conferences is beyond the scope of SNEA constitution. The allegation of the other association that we are not initiated such meetings is without any base.

We have very high regards to other associations, it is for this reason that whenever we had actively involved in any struggles especially in respect of the issues related to the transfer of JTOs both Rule 8 and intra circle, CS has personally contacted them to join our struggle and also in recent past updated them all the issues, the pros and cons and requested for joint efforts; but unfortunately our sincere efforts were received no attention.

Now also, the war is not over, still huge numbers of Rule 8 transfers are pending to be considered. We request our friends for joining hands with us so that we can put up a strong demand for the consideration of Rule 8 transfers and at the same time safeguard the interest of all the LICE passed candidates to ensure justice to this major lot in the coming days. As these leaders of these associations are very good friends of mine (CS) and I always discuss with them of our plans always to forge a stronger unity on the issues and this is sincerely done by me all these years. Truth cannot be shielded or hidden for a long time; over the period it comes to the public domain. This is the strength in which leader wins though his travel may be little long. On the contrary, false promises may give immediate results; short cut methods may bring timely joy but suffers sustainability.

Our appeal to each individual and also to our young leaders is, use the scope available with us and let us unitedly fight this challenge so that our remaining JTO  friends aspiring intra circle transfers including LICE, Rule 8 transfers and their family can be helped by our future united struggle. SNEA is open for unity and united fight.

When the open discussion concluded and the house dissolved for election of new office bearers, the members of AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA said they will leave the house. After accepting our thanks and gratitude, members of other association have left.

Then, the election process commenced and the following office bearers have been unanimously elected.

Comrades Kishor Reddy,  P Lakshmikanth, and Com Shrikanth have been unanimously elected as the District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively. We congratulate the new young and vibrant body and extend all support in the coming days.


For the full glimpses click here..


Let us clearly understand that,

So far DOT has not taken any decision positively on 3rd PRC,

MOC has not categorically taken a stand to recommend 3rd PRC,

Affordability cause cannot be applied to BSNL where it is Flagship Company of Indian Government

a.    Carrying the burden of providing loss making rural services

b.    Taking care of all Govt Policy programmes,

c.    No autonomy to take decision to close loss making exchanges, BTSs,

d.    BSNL is not free from political intervention,

e.    BSNL is not having its own top level management

f.     Hired management is not accountable and have failed miserably to provide the much needed support in the form stores, manpower and lack of quick decision.

Hence, employees and executives cannot be made responsible for its losses and hence we cannot be deprived of 3rd PRC when these hired deputationists are enjoying the 7th CPC.

We are bound to support the ongoing struggle, so join enmass to record our protest by participating in tomorrowโ€™s hunger strike programme and let us be alert enough to act before cabinet takes an adverse decision on the 3rd PRC implementation with regard to BSNL.

Brief details of our justification by BSNLEU CHQ <<View>>


HUNGER STRIKE ON 13-07-2017 by Unions and Associations at BSNLCO,  Circle and SSA HQs.


(i) Settle wage revision and pension revision w.e.f. 01.01.2017.

(ii) Settle superannuation benefits to the Directly Recruited employees.

(iii) Unconditionally withdraw the Corporate Office letter dated 08.05.2017, banning all trade union activities in BSNL and vindictive actions.

All DSs / BSs / CHQ and Circle OBs / Activists / Members are requested to participate en masse and make it a grand success.

Note: The hunger strike at Bangalore will be at CGMT Office and in ROK at all SSA HQs.


Great Job done by SNEA BGTD:

In the administration of justice in transfer and postings, injected with  influence of one particular group decisions were being taken arbitrarily to trouble the members of SNEA. This act of administration yielding to such pressures is successfully halted both in accounts and engineering by the active and timely role played by SNEA BGTD.

SNEA is successfully halted the arbitrary transfer of an AO on the pretext of reading and defining AO pay as the akin to AO Cash and thereby arbitrarily bringing it in the ambit of sensitive post just to the furtherance of their motive of coercion they being the heads of sections and at the same time members of the association to whose pressure they were adding strength, misusing their administrative powers. We are thankful to Madam Geethanjali GM Finance Circle Office in understanding this motive behind the pressure exerted and decided to halt the process and get clarity on the issue.

An effort of making the Admin Section of PGM office filled by the activists of one particular association just to ensure all their unjust acts through back door entry was strongly protested by the leadership of BGTD under the leadership of DS Com Jayaprakash Javali; and SNEA was successful in making PGM BGTD to comprehensively understand the game plan. We are thankful to PGM BGTD for taking the timely corrective actions in the matter.

When large number of JTOs amounting to more than 20; being posted would have been the scapegoats of nepotism, favoritism etc.,. SNEA BGTD for the first time able to ensure that the vacancies are announced, options are called for and postings are given as per gradation list seniority, of course giving preference to lady JTOs. The efforts to manipulate such gradation seniority were also stalled by the timely intervention of DS SNEA and positive response by PGM/GM Admn.

However we found that some vested interests misguided our incoming JTOs to limit the options to 3 or 4 and also assuring them that they will certainly get urban and thereby issued the orders by which they have successfully ensured their favorites though they are juniors getting the better postings. BGTD SNEA will be taking all efforts to bring it to the notice of PGM and how this nexus is deep rooted and demand for action in the matter.

Our fight for the justice as per rules will continue. Great going by our comrades of BGTD.



Comrade Devaraj Kulkarni DGM Gulbarga and SDE Smt Shobha D K, have jointly donated Rs.10,000-00 to SNEA Karnataka. We are thankful to our beloved members of Gulbarga for their faith in this mighty organization.

Bidar SSA General Body Meeting:

On 7th July 2017 the District Conference of Bidar SSA was held.  32 members attended the GB.  Com Sunder AGM STR Presided over the function.  Com Anitha Patil had inspired the house with her invocation song. Com Dhoop Sing DS gave annual report. Com Tata Babu CEC member addressed the house and explained the achievements of circle and CHQ.  Com Nagavi CS in his address thanked all outgoing JTOs who have got rule 8 transfers for their service as JTO Karnataka.  
Com Com Nagavi welcomed Comrades Karthik, Swami, Azar, Sunil, Chaitanny, Sudhir, Sadayya, Vikas, Ashuthosh, Saikrishna, Vishwanath and Suvarna who have newly joined SNEA. 

Com  K Shrinivas Chaitannya JTO, K Karthik JTO and S Sundar AGM are elected as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
The meeting was a grand success with the participation of all young JTOs of Bidar with more than 32 members present.
An Appreciation to be placed on record:

Com Dhoop Singh, young JTO took charge of DS Bidar in ) October 2016, with 6 only 6 youngsters joining SNEA at that time; proved his organizing capacity by his hard work of protecting the members of SNEA and particularly in the transfers of JTOs with the strong guidance of senior leaders of SNEA in Bidar. He was able to ensure 22 youngsters join this mainstream. Interestingly, the much needed support extended by Com Karthik, Com Shekar and others instilled the confidence in the executives that it is only SNEA that can achieve the welfare of executives and stop nepotism and favoritism.

Now Com Dhoop Singh and many others from Bidar have got  transferred to AP under Rule 8 (members of other association also) have beyond any iota of dought understood the efforts of the association that has materialized their dream of reaching home town which ultimately resulted in the consolidation of SNEA in the state.

What is more important is his concern in holding the conference promptly even after his relief and finally electing a new vibrant body with the leadership of Comrade Karthik and Shekar who will continue the success to further heights.

We from SNEA, recognize and acknowledge the humbleness, hard work and success of Com Dhoop Signh and his team in strengthening  Karnataka BSNL and in particular SNEA. We wish him and his team of Rule 8 all the success.
For full glimpses of Conference click here...

Preperations of Agitations to ensure 3rd PRC and 30% SAB to BSNL; Extended CEC of BSNLEU addressed by SNEA representing executives' associations.
For full glimpses view here



JTOs of Madikeri transferred to Kerala have donated Rs.25,000-00 to SNEA Karnataka. Com Hussain Peer SDE Tumkur (RS.5000-00), Com Ashok Alagundi JTO CO (Rs.3,000-00) and Com Udaya Ravi DGM MR (Rs.10,000-00) have donated to circle fund. SNEA is thankful to all these comrades.


CS attends Farewell meeting Chickmaglur.

In Krishna Grand Hotel Chickmaglur, the farewell function to Com Satishkumar JTO Mobiles on Rule 8 transfer to Telengana and Com Gurumurthy JTO OD Chikamaglur on transfer to STR Kolar was arranged on 29th June 2017. Com Tatababu CEC member and Com Nagavi CS have attended the function.

It is quite apt to place on record the services rendered by Com Satishkumar, JTO MS Chickmaglur. An humble, quite knowledgeable in IT, a postgraduate in the IT security tools has applied his knowledge to create many IT tools in the mobile and transmission wing which was very much helpful and the entire section benefited in Karnataka and BGTD also. Now the STR Telangana will be enriched by his inclusion there. He is a great resource person for this company and with such humble personality is ready to help anybody.

In his speech on the occasion he told that he has worked to satisfy himself and always tried to find out ways and means as to how his educational knowledge could be applied to this company which gave him bread and butter but never dreamed that he would be honored with the SANCHAR SEVA PADAK by BSNL. He said he has got many things, name, fame and position by the company. He was lucky to be among the company of Chickmaglur colleagues. He has thanked SNEA for its role in ensuring the Rule 8 transfers to many most needy JTOs who were away from their native like him.

Comrade Gurumurthy JTO also thanked the gathering for such a colorful function. Com K L Shivanna, DGM Chickmaglur presided over the function.

During the meeting the newly joined JTOs Comrades Prakash, Ramakrishna, Sundar, Ravishankar and Geetha have joined SNEA and submitted forms of membership.


Com A N Gopalkrishna DS SNEA welcomed the gathering and Com Prasannakumar extended vote of thanks.

Glimpses of Farewell function at Chickmaglur


Glimpses of Farewell function at Chickmaglur

Madiker AGB Glimpses view here...

AGB meeting of Madikeri SSA.

The annual general body meeting of Madikeri SSA was held on 28th June 2017 under the president ship of Com Panchakshari DP. Com Prashanth DS presented the DS Report and acknowledged the tremendous work done by circle body in ensuring the rule 8 transfers of JTOs in 2016 and 2017. Com Raghavendra Treasurer presented the statement of accounts. Com Geetha welcomed the gathering and Com Lingappagowda extended the vote of thanks. In the open session Shri Subbaiah TDM Madikeri addressed the house and appriciated the works of SNEA members and sough the co-operation in future also.

Com Tatababu CEC member from BGTD attended the conference and addressed the house and answered the questions and cleared the doubts in the minds of young JTOs by his research analyses of the history of SNEA right from the era of Com W Sheshagiri Rao to the present leadership and how presently the real polarization of the stake holders has taken place in CHQ and all dramatists are playing their real game of spoiling the prospects of young generation of BSNL and it is the right time for each executive to decide who is the real representative of JTOs and executives. Com Babu appreciated the efforts of Circle SNEA under the leadership of Com Nagavi and how the hurdles created by many corners are successfully countered and achieved 71 Rule 8 transfers and more than 50 intra circle transfers in the cadre of JTOs. Com Babu explained all the tough stand taken before the management at every stage of the process and he was with CS and witnessed all such timely actions of CS. In the absence of the stiff resistance; the whole process would have been diluted he said.

Com S B Nagavi, CS in his address thanked all the comrades of Kodagu who are now being relieved on rule 8 transfers for their services they have rendered in a difficult hilly station like Kodagu and wished them a great success in their future career. CS welcomed all the new JTOs Comrades Sandhya, Prathibha, Rijul, Vinod Kumar, Dattaatreya, Rathish Kumar, Renuka, Mashruque and Binoy to SNEA. CS also thanked Com Prashant and his team for their support in all the activities of SNEA during his period as the DS.

Comrade RIJUL, JTO has been unanimously elected as the new District Secretray in place of Com Prashanth DS who is under transfer orders to Kerala. We congratulate comrade Rijul and other newly elcted office bearers in the present body.

Glimpses view here...


CS today met GM Admn Shri Ashok Agarwal and DGM Staff Shri M V Angadi and protested on the non relieving of the JTOs on Rule 8/request transfers and also on the non relieving of SDEs who have to come back after long stay and request transfers. As the issue is related to children education an urgent action in required. GM instructed DGM to get full details of all the cases immediately to take further action in the matter.


SNEA leadership met Shri R Mani, CGMT Karnataka and welcomed him on 19th May 2017:


Kolar Annual GB Meeting of SNEA:

A well organized meeting SNEA Kolar was held on 21st June 2017 at Kolar under the leadership  of Com Narain Nandakumar DS and Com Munishekar CWC  member. Com Giridhar AGM presided over the function. GB deliberated on the burning issues of SSA and particularly on the outsourcing incremental OF cable maintenance and also acknowledged the role of SNEA in highlighting the facts in the issue. Comrades who are being relieved under Rule 8 transfers are honored and felicitated by SNEA Kolar for their services to BSNL Karnataka and Kolar. The untiring efforts of SNEA in recognizing these services vy ensuring the rule 8 transfers as the relief to join their families and the dear ones was very well appreciated by honoring CS SNEA on this occasion. CS informed the house that he accepts the recognition attributable to the collective efforts in our endeavor but not as an individual. SNEA is capable of producing leaders to achieve the goals of executives even in the coming days also. CS categorically assured to ensure that in the coming days the issues relating the present LICE promoted JTOs will be protected at any cost and SNEA is committed for that. Com Munishekar recollected the memories how SNEA came into picture at Kolar, when all DRs were treated like bonded labours by vested interests at Kolar and the success in countering and nullifying such forces under the banner of SNEA. Com Tata Babu, CEC member spoke on the occasion and gave detailed account of the achievements of SNEA right from the beginning of BSNL formation and why he is today the strong supporter of SNEA. Right from the local issues to national level SNEA is going to play a major role in the coming days and being in SNEA and supporting all decisions of SNEA will save BSNL for ever at the same time achieve all our cadre demands into a reality. Com Narain gave brief report of Kolar Branch and drawn the attention of CS on issues relating to stores, FTTH and Transmission related maintenance issues. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks.
Glimpses of Kolar SNEA Meeting.


Glimpses of Dharna at Circle Office BG by Unions/Associations.

Glimpses of Kolar SNEA Meeting.



MASS DHARNA on 20.06.2017:

Unions and Associations Mass Dharna at BSNLCO Circle and SSA HQ demanding:


(i) Settle wage revision and pension revision w.e.f. 01.01.2017.

(ii) Settle superannuation benefits to the Directly Recruited employees.

(iii) Unconditionally withdraw the Corporate Office letter dated 08.05.2017, banning all trade union activities in BSNL and vindictive actions.


Historic Joint CEC of SNEA, AIGETOA and BASE(I) of Karnataka Circle:

The Joint Circle working committee of the three associations was held at SNEA BHAVAN, Sahakar Nagar, Bangalore on 9th June 2017 under the President ship of Veteran Com B S Venkateshmurthy, Circle President SNEA Karnataka. Com Ashok Shigli, President AIGETOA shared the dias and conducted the function in grand and most focused and purposeful way. Com K Sebastin, Convenor, Joint Forum of Executivesโ€™ Association and General Secretary SNEA, Com Shankar General Secretary BASE(I) and Com Ravishil Verma, General Secretary AIGETOA were the distinguished guests on the occasion.

The proceedings commenced with the invocation. Com S B Nagavi after welcoming the guests and the house, gave a brief report of the progress and development of SNEA Bhavan, its use for the public of Sahakar Nagar and members of SNEA where we are able to provide free accommodation to members of SNEA during their visit to Bangalore. The saga of dedication and sacrifice of our predecessor leaders in bringing this asset SNEA BHAVAN, the market value of the asset now exceeding 2 crores, and remembered the names of Com Gangadhara Rao, Com Raghavendra Rao and Com Vittal Rao, their vision and fore thinking in bringing this asset and the value addition of the present body in constructing the First and Second Floor. Today we are the beneficiaries of the fruits of such asset. CS acknowledged the huge donations by our members in the construction of this massive building. He remembered the name of Com M N Ramakrishna, Present District President Mysore who donated Rs. 16,002-00 in the year 1994.

In the meeting today Com Uday Ravi, DGM Mangalore announced Rs.10,000-00 donation to SNEA Bhavan and Com Sandeep JTO Raichur announced Rs.5,000-00.

Com Sunder Raju CS AIGETOA has briefed the details of the agitation programmes  by the JF, conducted in Karnataka and declared to strengthen the bonding of JF in the coming days on CHQ as well as Circle issues.

Com Pandurang Nayak, JSS spoke and explained the role of youngsters in the present circumstances and their future is fully depended on the seriousness with which each one of us take this programme and actively participate.

Com Shankar, GS BASE(I) assured the full support in the coming days and all their circle/SSA units will take active and 100% participation as their issues being taken care of JF.

Com Ravishil Verma GS AIGETOA, explained on the seriousness of the issues on the agenda and its full accomplishment depends on our full energy participation in the forthcoming days. He has explained that the Joint Forum of SNEA, AIGETOA with other executive associations is moving with clear vision and full confidence of achieving the common issues drawn out in our demands.

Com K Sebastin, Convenor JF and General Secretary SNEA, in his address elaborated the present position on all the issues vis-a vis Standard Pay Scales, 30% SAB, promotions from JTO to SDE and  SDE to DE, uniform 4 year first TBU, Pay parity and particularly on the move of BSNL CO, the Dir HR and CMD who are presently in line with the demands of JF and represented vehemently to DOT that they are with the executivesโ€™ and needs them to be resolved to improve the performance of the company and motivation of the staff and executives.

Both the GS, made it very clear that their path of negotiation with the management was paved the way by the mass CL of more than TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND EXECUTIVES as part of JF call. While GS AIGETOA claimed the selective threat of disciplinary action of management is a feather in his cap for his success in consolidation of executivesโ€™ support, GS SNEA told that getting charge sheet is not new to SNEA that they have faced such situations in the past and they will not be deterred by such tricks of administration to divide and rule at the same time assured the house that the action on AIGETOA leadership will be nullified in toto at any cost. Both GS have appealed to all the activists not be complacent but be prepared for any short notice to hit back to the management by our organizational action if situation so demands. When some leadership in the fag end of his service takes a narrow view to defeat the success of larger issues, their members have every right to take a considered comprehensive stand in the larger benefit of executives and this message should reach down the line.

As such presently we are much concerned with the stiff competition and price war we are facing in the industry, the JF will strive hard to utilize all methods to convince MOSC, DOT, BSNL and if they fail to be sincere and honest at any stage, we will be and we must be ready to react.

Com Ashok Shigli, Com B S Venkateshmurthy have delivered their presidential address and both endorsed the view of CHQ.

The meeting adjourned sine die with a resolution of working with strong bonding in the circle for achieving the local and CHQ issues.

 Com Jayaprakash Javali DS BGTD extended vote of thanks.

Glimpses of Joint CEC Meeting of SNEA/AIGETOA/BASE(I) <<<View>>>



Congratulations. Your unqualified support for the cause taken up by SNEA to ensure the intra circle and Rule 8 transfers of our JTOs, who had been serving in Karnataka in most cases even for more than decades; has now finally put straight and implementation commenced. Though SNEA leadership has taken very clear focused stand on the strategy; it is your support, commitment and firm belief in this leadership, which resulted into achieving 64 Rule 8 transfers last year and 71 Rule 8 transfers now.

You must be aware or investigate on the intention of the people who claimed 1:1 transfer when 82 candidates were sent for JTO training, even by writing a letter to CGMT but how they changed their colors and tried their level best to become the stumbling block in these matters. We are surprised to know that when the management was about take firm decision to decide the posting of JTO trainees to enable the agreed 74 Rule 8 transfers, these forces questioned even the authority of CGMT to issue Rule 8 orders and pleaded to get clarification from BSNL CO on such authority. They tried to mislead management that CGMT cannot issue Rule 8 orders. Circle Office accordingly written to BSNL CO to get such clarification which was very strongly rebutted telephonic ally by BSNL CO that seeking such clarification totally amounts to poor knowledge on the staff and HR matters. When such reaction was received by BSNL CO, they have realized that what is being demanded by this association is totally in line with the rules and procedures and our intervention at each and every stage  yielded us the expected results.

In 2015, we had no JTO recruitment either through LICE or by Direct Recruitment, we could allow the long stay transfer in the cadre JTOs to consider the request transfers and as no increase in the number of JTOs, we could not pursue the Rule 8 transfers also.

When 22 LICE candidates except one medical case were used to consider the request transfer during the then CGMT Shri R K Mishra period, none intervened and it was a smooth sail as requested by SNEA. Of course all these JTOs are getting transferred back to their required places now.

When in 2016, we got 190 TTAs promoted as JTOs and among them 70 candidates were having more than 3 to 4 years of service, the ulterior motive of these forces when encouraged by administration to resort to long stay transfers protecting these 70 was successfully stalled by SNEA by our agitation at the same time achieved our assured 64 Rule 8 transfers.  In the process more than 30 request transfers were also got ordered and implemented by our agitation programme in 2016.

Now in 2017, through our formal meeting with the management on 1st Feb, we were able to clinch transfer of Rule 8 cases upto WL No.74 and thereafter worked continuously  with the administration by our much needed inputs as well as intervention in such a way that side by side maximum request transfers are also considered. Our efforts have yielded full results.

First Rule 8 cases are identified; the request transfers to these resultant vacancies were fixed. These two processes paved the way to identify vacant posts for the candidates who are getting their promotion. More than 60% of the trainees also got their desired places. The postings were ensured by counseling method as per training centre marks.  

These candidates who are getting promoted are enbloc juniors to both Rule 8  as well as the intra circle aspirants and therefore their effort to override these seniors should have been properly resisted by all executive associations and there should have been a unanimity on this fundamental position. But surprisingly these other associationsโ€™ initially demanding 1:1 rule 8 transfers corresponding to 82 trainees, when management actually reached to act positively on the issue, changed their stand. Had these forces proceeded on proper line, we would have clinched 5 more Rule 8 cases plus 8 spouse cases. In fact the then CGMT had assured us that he will at least ensure net 74 cases but now only 71 could be cleared. But unfortunately our energy was to be much focused only on achieving the assured cases rather than increasing the numbers due the confusion tried by others in the process.

Of course, we went to RTTC Mysore and met all these trainees and explained the position. We have told them in what way their demand for posting them to Bangalore by replacing the long stay JTO of Bangalore other places will hold no ground. The hard fact is that these JTOs whom they are talking of sending them on long stay transfer are waiting for their SDE promotion for more than 20 years. These JTO trainees for whom they are showing vengeance; they were trying to get Bangalore etc., have just put in 5 to 7 years service and are going to other places on promotion. When the JTOs get SDE promotion they will also be bound to be transferred but not on the only reason of their longest stay.

We have also clarified them in categorical terms during our visit at RTTC that; when a situation of the future trainee being proposed tp be posted to Bangalore or any other place, this association will very seriously take up the matter to ensure the transfer of the presently disturbed candidates to such places to undo the aberration by relaxing the condition of two year stay as future trainees are the junior-most.

JTO cadre is a feeder cadre and people are recruited here and in any department, the internal transfers will be ensured before posting the new person. SDE cadre is not feeder cadre. And to consider the request transfers long stay transfer has to be resorted as there is no direct recruitment.

Today SNEA has the satisfaction that, we are able to achieve the highest number of Rule 8 transfers and almost all request transfers and this is being felt and enjoyed by all those JTOs who are members of SNEA or otherwise.

SNEA fought for ensuring the management to follow the rules, the rule of law should govern, and the law of the land should prevail. Our appeal to these forces is to understand this and move forward. This association never fought for gaining membership by false assurances. Today we are equally conscious that some JTOs trainees are not able to get their desired places. We donโ€™t enjoy their disturbance, but will try to bring them back to desired places in the immediate next opportunity. Now this is our responsibility and we will sincerely pursue it with full commitment.

We are sorry to say that when hundreds of JTOs are waiting for decades for their transfers others were trying to derail it in the name of long stay, SNEA shouldered its responsibility to get them relief and justice but never with the intent of disturbing the JTO trainees.

Dear young promoted JTOs,

You are entering into the cadre of Executives, from Monday 12th June 2017. We welcome you to this prestigious cadre. We are having larger issues to fight for you. The standard Pay Scales (E2 Rs.20600), 30% SAB, CPSU cadre hierarchy etc.,. These efforts of association will take you to the level of GMs and CGMs and this is our final target. You are the luckiest of the Group C cadre because you are entering executive cadre in just 6 to 7 years of service and that too in numbers of 100, 200. May be you might have seen the posting issue one perceptive but when it is taken comprehensively you will be able to perceive that no injustice is enforced. Our appeal is to look at the intent of the forces assured you and not at the promise that have been brought before you. To take a call on which association you are to be is your liberty. The way we fought for the transfer of JTOs to whatever the association he belongs and this principle of ours goes on and on. Definitely you would be the next beneficiary of our efforts in the coming days. Once again wishing you all the best in your career.






Spl CL Granted by CGMT Karnataka Circle for the CEC. <<View>>

CS along with DS BGTD and DS CO met CGMT Karnataka Circle Shri N Venkateshwara Rao yesterday and discussed various issues including timely relieving of JTOs, SDEs on transfer and also modification in the posting of DGMs and AGMs to avoid anomaly. CS also brought to the notice of CGMT, the colourable practices of DGM Karwar, defying the orders and instructions of GM Karwar in order to meet his unfair requirements.


Emergency Circle Executive Committe Meeting:

The CEC meeting of

SNEA Karnataka circle will be held

at SNEA Bhavan, Sahakar Nagar, Bangalore

on 09th June 2017 from 1000 hours.

The meeting will be addressed by CHQ leaders, General Secretary Com K Sebastin, Joint Secretary Com Pandurang Nayak and also by other Joint Forum leaders on the pending HR issues and the modality of the programme of action to achieve the same. The district Secrertaries are requested to come prepared with their inputs to make the programme a grand succes. CS is also contacting the circle level JF leaders to hold joint meeting on the same day.

All the District Secretaries, CEC and CWC members, Circle Office Bearers have to attend the meeting positively without fail. Attendence is compulsory. For notice and agenda copy click here..Spl CL will be sanctioned and published in circle intranet today.


Farewell Function:

Respected Sri P Nagaraju, Advisor, DOT, the then CGMT Karnataka, is retiring today the 31st May 2017 and SNEA circle organisation is proposing to conduct

a grand farewell function

on 3rd June 2017 at 1500 hours

in CGMT Office Bangalore

to express our gratituous feelings for the work he has done to our circle as well as to the executive cadre. All the District Secretaries, District Office Bearers, Circle Office Bearers all members of circle office, Mobile Services and BGTD are also invited on this great occassion and be a part for the success of the function.


CHQ News:

In strongest protest against repressive measures and vindictive actions against our leaders , Jt Forum of BSNL Executives Associations decided to hold two days Massive Dharna at BSNL CO, Circle HQs and SSA HQs on 01.06.2017 and 02.06.2017.  

for letter click here


Farewell Function:

It is proposed to arrange a farewell function to our beloved and respected CGMT Karnataka Shri P Nagaraju on his promotion and superannuation retiurement. The programme is tantatively scheduled to be held on 3rd June 2017 at Circle Office Conference Hall. All the district Secretaries, District Presidents, Circle Office bearers and active members are invited to attend the function. The exact time will be informed after confirmation of the time slot of CGMT.


Postponment of Circle Conference:

It is informed by GS Com K Sebastin, that it will not be possible for the CHQ leaders to attend the Circle Conference on 27th and 28th May 2017, due to their pre-occupied programmes at Central Headquarters specially on the agitation programmes and various discussions on the demands of SNEA and suggested us to postpone the confercnce.

The circle conferance donation is so far not credited by many SSAs, including all big SSAs also. In the absence of sufficient funds it is not possible to schedule the circle conference. In view of this it is reqestred that all SSAs who have not credited the circle conference fund, Diary amount and quota due to immediately credit the same.

The decision to hold the conference will be taken after receipt of the requsit funds and dues.

6th Day Relay Hunger Strike:

6th Day RHS programme was a grand success by the presence of our Belgaum Comrades ( Seven members ) and  ACE Division (Architecture, Civil and Electrical) comrades ( 25 members ) from all SSAs of Karnataka, of course supported by Circle Office young comrades and BGTD members also.

Com Pandurang Nayak JSS (CHQ), Com D D Shanwad AGM and Senior Comrade of Belgaum, Com Kamath DS Belgaum have addressed the gathering from Belgaum. Com Bapugouda Patil of AIGETOA Belgaum also addresed the meeting. Comrades of AIGETOA lead by Latha Jain also fully participated in the hunger fast and the gathering was addressed by Com Lata and Uttam.

During lunch hour CS BASE(I) Com Mahadev and Com Prabhu have also addressed and explained the importance of agitation. Com Ramesh Ex DS BGTD explained the importance of struggles that have yielded in the previous instances.

In the evening when Member Services respected Shri R K Mishraji arrived at the RHS vanue, members taken slogans for the implementation of standard pay scales which is pending with DOT. Members Services DOT hand shaked with Com Nagavi CS SNEA and invited us to CGM's chamber and held discussions with all the JF representatives. Com Gundanna Convenor also accompanied and held discussions. The focus was on E2 E3 issue and the 3rd PRC implementation.

As per CHQ instructions, the programme is deferred and members present in the RHS announced that they will be ready for any future call given by CHQ/JF in the coming days.


5th Day Relay Hunger Strike:

Com B S Venkateshmurthy Circle President, Com M N Ramakrishna Distrct President Mysore and Com A B Naragund District Secretary and ten members of Mysore SNEA have participated in the 5th day programme on 5-5-5017. 

Com Jayaprakash Javali DS BGTD, Com M H Gombi ACS, Com Ramesh Ex DS BGTD, Com R B Joshi ExDS BGTD and other comrades of BGTD have also participated in the programme.

Com S P Jagadale DS Hubli also continued his fast yesterday.

Com Pallavi Latha DS AIGETOA and her colleuges also took part in the RHS programme.

Comrades of Circle office have joined in launch hour meeting to extend the moral and solidarity support.

Today Comrades of Belgaum and Civil and Electrical wing (ACE Karnataka Circle Branch) will  participate in the programme today the 6th May 2017.


4th Day Relay Hunger Strike:

Lead by Com S P Jagadale DS SNEA Hubli, along with 10 members of Hubli SSA was held yesterday the 4th May 2017. Four Comrades of SNEA Circle office joined the programme. Com Ahok Shigli Circle Presidnet AIGETOA along with Com Sourab Agarwal also took part in the programme.

Com S P Jagadale, DS while addressing the programme focused on the need of consolidation to bring the much needed pressure on the management to ensure our demands are met at the earliest.

Huge number of members of Circle Office members of all executive associations have also attended the programme during lunch hour and extended their moral and solidarity support for the ongoing struggle.

Today Comrades of Mysore SSA will be leading the programme.


Comrades of Belgaum will be participating on Saturday.


The relay hunger strike of the third day i.e. on 3rd May 2017 was lead by Com Mahesh DS Tumkur with more than 11 members from Tumkur attended and took part in the programme. Com Leela Branch Secretary Malleshwaram with her colleagues also participated. Com Ashok Shigli Circle President AIGETOA participated and addressed the programme. During lunch hour Com M N Ramakrishna District President SNEA Mysore and comrades of Mysore also attended the programme.

Huge number of circle office executives especially  members of AIBSNLEA have also attended the lunch hour meeting and expressed support to the members  on hunger fast. Com Savita, Com Ramakrishna, Com Nagavi, Com Javali of SNEA and Com Shigli of AIGETOA addressed during Lunch Hour.

Comrades day by day the momentum of our struggle getting consolidated and going stronger and members from outstation are coming to circle office and participating. This being noticed by members of circle office are now appreciating the members of this association and joint forum for the spirit of our comrades and the inner strengths our comrades do have.

Circle organization acknowledges the great programme of our Tumkur comrades and thank Com Mahesh and his team and all the members of Joint Forum who took part yesterday.

Today Comrades of Hubli will be on hunger fast. Comrades of STP and Circle office are likely to take part in the programme. And tomorrow Mysore comrades will take the lead.


The relay hunger strike on the second day i.e., on 2nd May 2017 was lead by Com Narain Nandakumar DS Kolar and 21 comrades of Kolar have participated in the programme. One member from AIGETOA, one member of SNEA Circle Office also participated in RHS. Members of circle office also joined in the lunch hour and supported the members on hunger fast.

Today more than 10 members of Tumkur SSA under the leaqdership of Com Mahesh DS Tumkur  have promised to participate. Comrades of BGTD have assured to join in today's programme.

Com Sunder Raj CS AIGETOA, Com Narain Nandakumar DS Kolar and Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA have addressed the gathering during lunch hours.

Thanks to all comrades who have been volunteering to be part of this struggle for dignity of executives. Let the struggle consolidate to furhter heights in the coming days to strengthen the hands of CHQ Joint Forum in resolution of our justified demands.


Today also lunch hour meeting will be programmed and the members of circle office and BGTD are requested to be present in the meeting.


Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike Commenced on May Day the 1st May 2017, making another history in the trade Union Movements. Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA and Com Sundar Raj CS AIGETOA began their fast from 0930 am of 1st May. Com Mahadev CS BASE(i) also joined the programme. DS BGTD Com Jayaprakash Javali, Com Makkannavar DS CO BG, Comrade S Shridhar ACS, Com C R Suresh Kumar CT, Com Ravishankar DS ACE, Com Padmanabhachar President ACE has also joined in the Hunger Fast.

Today, Comrades of Kolar under the leadership of Com Narain Nandakumar DS Kolar are participating as the first District to travel to Bangalore and participate in the programme.

Various developments are taking place in Headquarters, negative forces surfacing again at the time of resolution of some of the issues, the feelings of the grass root level members are totally against such negative move by their leadership at this juncture have dis-appointed them and such members are calling us that they will desert their association come out openly to join in our ongoing struggle.

Today, Lunch Hour demonstration is also planned at Circle office and therefore it is appealed that all members of circle office and BGTD are requested to attend the same in maximum number to boost the morale of the fighting brigade.

Next Turn.. Tumkur (3-5-2017), Hubli (4-5-2017), Mysore (5-5-2017)


Joint Forum Meeting comprising of SNEA, AIGETOA and BASE(I) :

Today morning the Circle Secretaries of SNEA ( Com S B nagavi), AIGETOA ( Com Sundar Raju) and BASE(I) ( Com B D Mahadev) met at Circle Office and decided to make the CHQ organisational programme a Grand Success.

It is decided to direct the District Secretaries of all SSAs to hold the joint meeting of all associations at SSA level also.

The meeting decided to hold the relay hunger strike at Circle Office ( CGMT Office Bangalore) and at all SSA headquearters and to ensure the participation of all members in the 3 days programme of relay hunger strike from 25h April 2017 to 28th April 2017.

Further it is decided that all members of all the associations to go on MASS CASUAL LEAVE on 28th April 2017.

As it is a do or die situation, the Joint Forum requests all the members and executives irrespective of their affiliation to take the programme very seriously without any second thought and enure the dignity of the executives is protected at any cost and will give no chance for the administration to divide us.

Posters and banners to be printed locally.

The meeting concluted with vote of thanks.


Day long Dharna on 11th April 2017:

As per CHQ call, Karnataka Circle is decided to hold the Day Long Dharna on 11th April 2017 at all SSA headquarters and in Bangalore at CGMT Office Bangalore. All SNEA members are requested to join enmass and also SNEA appeals to all executives to join the struggle to protect our scales.


CS met CGMT Karnataka Shri Nagaraju on 31st March 2017 and discussed on the modalities of considering the Request Transfer of SDEs and the SDEs waiting to come back who have gone on long stay transfers 2 years before. CGMT informed that the cases will be processed in the first week of April. This week therefore orders are likely to issued.

CS along with Com Giridhar, Com Rakesh, Com Tukaram, Com Deepa, Com Shridhar, Com Palanivelu today met DGM Finance Circle Office Shri Unnikrishnan and discussed on the issue of EPF pension and requested to expedite the process as per the dire4ctions of BSNL CO. In fact DGM and concerned officers were on the job and are likely to meet EPF authorities at Bangalore tomorrow and appraised the same to us. Our team has also given certain inputs particularly the errors to be corrected in the database of EPF accounts particularly the Date of Joining in BSNL etc., and given them some running examples of errors. DGM was kind to look into all those cases.

Glimpses of Lunch Hour Demo at Bangalore Circle office << Click here>>
Glimpses of Lunch Hour Demo at ROK << Click here>>


Lunch Hour Demonstration


31st March 2017

AT CGMT OFFICE Bangalore and all SSA HQrs


Protesting against

DOT orders on Standard Pay Scales.

Demotion of JTO/JAO cadres

Unilateral Decision of DOT

            Betrayal of Assurances of CMD BSNL


Our fight till We get E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 SDE/AO

Our fight till We get pay parity for JTOs/JAO


Executivesโ€™ Unity Zindabad


Appeal by


For all executives to participate.



FR 22(1)(a)(1) Case of TTA to JTO Officiating Court left out Cases:

For the list sent to CHQ in respect of left out cases. For list click here..


Award To Com Somnath Jagadale DS Hubli:


Vishist Sanchar Seva Padak conferred on to Com S P Jagadale, District Secretary Hubli on 25th March 2017.

Thanks to respected GM Shri Vivek Jaiswalji for arranging a grand function, of course for recognizing the hard work of Com Jagadale despite facing him as DS in many issues where he had confronted but also got results by his sustained efforts.

Thanks to all well wishers of Com Jagadale who have thanked and congratulated him personally, through whatsup and SMSs.

Thanks to Smt Jyotirmaye, Lecturer Hanchinamane PU College Ddarwad, wife of Com Jagadale and all family members for their support to Jagadale.

Thanks to JTOs Comrades Kakkanna, Suresh, Uday TTAs Comrades Bankapur, Yavagal, Alasangi, Shivaprasadgowda, Abbigeri (now JAO), TMs Comrades Girish, Nithynand, Mallad and Driver Jeetu the team of Comrade Jagadale for their wonderful support.

Compassion, Commitment and Concern about BSNL got him the prestigious recognition. He has been the most successful leader of SNEA Hubli, brought glory and pride to SNEA by honestly and sincerely working presenting the cases of our members and always stood like rock beind the issues of our members. This act of him brought great improvement in our strength at Hubli and today all BSNL Engineers are members of SNEA today.

But this activity has never came in the way of his official duties. Rather he was extremely prompt in his official duties and works which has brought him this recognition. We wish Com Jagadale all the success in his future aims and dreams in furthering the progress of the Company BSNL as well as SNEA in the coming days. For Glimpses of award ceremony Click here...


FR 22(1)(a)(1) Case of TTA to JTO Officiating Court Case:

The list of SNEA members whose names are missing in the Hon Court order may be sent with full details to Com Pandurang Nayak JSS (9449854464) , to hs email id on or before 26th March 2017 so that he will send a consolidate list to CHQ. This may be treated as important and urgent. The list sumbitted thereafter will not be accepted. His email id is nayak.pandurang@gmail.com


Cancellation of Hunger Strike of 16th and 17th March-2017


We have belatedly received the information from the CHQ on the cancellation of the programme of Hunger Strike. The CHQ and BSNL management engaged in ensuring the meeting of in charge DOT Secretary and could not materialize however, BSNL management once again informed in writing to us that they are fully engaged in the issue and CHQ has taken cognizance of the same, hence cancelled the programme. CHQ definitely must be trying to impress upon BSNL management that we SNEA are equally responsible because we are passing through a critical financial year to increase our revenue and also fully understand that there is no regular DOT Secretary on Board. I feel this much liberty to the CHQ is available in doing so and find no reason to doubt of their seriousness or commitment in the issue of Standard Pay Scales demand or for that matter 22820 issue. This association, to be precise this association alone has the credibility of achieving all the glories in the fast on the foundation of sustained negotiation and struggle in all important issues. Our veteran Late W Sheshagiri Rao, used to tell us that trade union action should be the last resort but never forget that once it has to be resorted to, it should be with full preparation and full force. Being SNEAans, one should not have an iota of doubt that leadership has told something for the sake of gaining votes. If SNEA had fought verification for gaining votes it would als have had the unholy alliances. These sort of feelings will weaken our movement. Though it is standard pay scale we will witness that all seniors will also equally participate or participated in such struggles and they were never complaisant. This association is a blend or both youngsters, seniors and top executives. Any one section hurting the feeling of others are not welcome and our leaders have trained us how we must be accommodative and result oriented. 

We have after the cancellation of the programme, received many aggressive responses, even doubting the seriousness of the leadership, the CHQ for the abrupt cancellation of the programme. Of course, this is the outburst of the patience of our young JTOs who have been waiting for long years on this vital issue. It is more pertinent here to know that who had created this mess all these years and also how to effectively move forward. It becomes the responsibility of everyone of us that once the real struggle starts on this issue, we have ensure the participation of all the SNEAans as well as all stake holder executives in the struggle.

We all must also understand that, verification, representative executive association are not the only the path for the solutions of theses issues but the real solution lies in the STRONG and UNITED fight in the coming days.

As Circle Secretary of this organization, I have took all your resentment as our aggressive strength for the remaining, forthcoming programmes of our agitation. In the meantime I have  appraised all these developments to our respected CHQ  and got the direction that all SSAs to hold organizational meetings to make future programmes successful.

So comrades, get ready for a great struggle in the Month of April and onward, struggle and struggle alone can get us standard pay scales.


Circle Secretary.



CS writes to CGMT Karnataka Shri P Nagaraju, to increase the number of Rule 8 transfers upto WL No.79 and 8 Spouze cases. For letter click here...


It has been decided that the Two days Relay Hunger strike on 16th and 17th March, 2017 will not be held for now. However there will not be any change in the TU programmes from 11.04.2017 onwards. Since regular Secretary DoT has not joined so far, decision on E1A and E2A pay scales may take some time.  DIR(HR) tried to arrange a meeting with Secretary for the last one week but could not materialize as regular Secretary not available. CMD also tried to discuss the issue with Secretary and resolve it. Yesterday DIR(HR) written a DO letter also to AS(T) citing the Trade Union Notice of the recognized Executive Association in BSNL and requested DoT for early approval of the proposal by BSNL for revision on E1A and E2A scales.

Today DIR(HR) invited SNEA for discussion and explained the developments and appealed not to go for agitation till regular Secretary joins in DoT.

Morning we had discussion with CMD also. Both assured us to use their good office to settle the issue as soon as new Secretary joins.

View Copy of the Appeal by GM (SR) /BSNL CO.


Observe Hunger Strike and Lunch Hour Demonstration

DoT Approval for standard pay scales of E2 and E3 replacing the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A w.e.f 01.01.2007 for JTO/JAOs and SDE/AOs as per 2nd PRC. 

Two days Hunger strike on 16th and

17th March, 2017 at BSNL HQs and Circle HQs:

Union cabinet decided to implement standard pay scales in all CPSUs. DPE issued guidelines and clarification strictly directing all the CPSUs and Administrative Ministries on 26.11.2008, 02.04.2009 and 24.12.2012 to implement standard pay scales. DPE further directed BSNL and DoT on 09.07.2014 to implement standard pay scales only.

BSNL recommended standard pay scales on 06.06.2016, 9 months back. Again BSNL gave a presentation to DoT on 10.02.2017 to approve E2 and E3 scales only without cascading effect, with the approval of MC as it will address DoT concern.

Some negative forces in DoT are decided to demote the cadres to E1 and E2 scales or to extend on E1A and E2A instead of E2 and E3. DoT will be taking a decision on BSNL proposal based on the suggestion of the few negative officers in DoT shortly.

It is the time for all the BSNL Executives to mount pressure on DoT and BSNL Management to approve standard pay scales of E2 and E3 only. It is a do or die situation for BSNL Executives.

Be United, come out and join the struggle from 16thMarch onwards for approving the standard pay scales of E2 and E3, for getting E2 scale instead of E1, for addressing the pay loss and for the recognition and status of the JTO/JAO/SDE/AO equivalent cadres.


March to Raj Bhawan / Collectorate / DM Office on 9th March, 2017 by all Unions and Associations -- Make extensive preparations:


a) Opposing Niti Ayogs proposal for Closure and transfer of BSNL assets to State Govts.

b) Opposing formation of Subsidiary Tower Company.

c) Demanding allotment of 4G spectrum, free of cost, to BSNL.

d) Opposing favours being extended to Reliance Jio.

View Copy of the Memorandum (In Word format)


In this regard the meeting at CGMT office Bangalore was held on 7th March 2017 at BSNLEU Office and all the Circle Secretaries decided to make the programme a great success. For detailed information click here. Co-ordinate at SSA level and make the programme a great success


Circle Conference News:

Today Circle conference dates are finalised by the Host SSA comrades and the schedule will be as follows.


Pre-CEC Meeting on 26-05-2017

Circle Conference on 27th and 28th May 2017



( Please note the change in dates published in watsup)


Notice for the conference will be issued shortly.

All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly remit the conference donation at the rate of Rs.500 per member to be collected and credited to the Circle Treasurer immediately; latest by 15th March 2017


CS Com S B Nagavi and JSS Com Pandurang Nayak met CGMT Karnataka Shri P Nagaraju on 22-02-2017 and discussed various issues regarding development and mainly on the BB NOC related issues and took up the matter of Server Failures and prolonged interruptions very seriously. CS emphasized the need of this importance in the background of Reliance JIO services where subscribers have started doubting the present failures as the indirect support of BSNL to private operators and employees and executives in the field are embarrassed by the direct attack of subscribers. The present crisis is causing serious dent in the goodwill of BSNL, existing in the common citizen of India. CGM informed that he is in constant touch with NOC authorities and will do his all out efforts for early restoration.



Protest at NOC Bangalore:

CS in discussion with GM BB NOC Bangalore


Comrades of BGTD under the leadership of Com Jayaprakash Javali, assembled at NOC Bangalore on 221st Feb 2017 and conducted lunch hour protest demonstration. All the Branch secretaries and active members of BGTD have also attended the event. CS Com S B Nagavi, JSS Com Pandurang Nayak, ACS Com M H Gombi, CVP Com Balakrishna Aithal, DS Circle Office Com Sadanand Makkannavar, CEC Member Com Tata Babu have also joined in the protest. All leaders have shared their views on the adverse impact being resulted on the company and strongly condemned the lack of seriousness of BSNL management in resolving the issues to ultimately achieve a robust working of the NOC. The failures have become routine and the frequency of failure has increased and now the duration of the failure has been to days and weeks. This attitude of the GM NOC and CGM BB services needs to be thoroughly investigated into and proper uninterrupted service need to be ensured to save BSNL. For glimpses of protest click hereโ€ฆ

Formal meeting with PGM BGTD:

The formal meeting on the agenda points of DS BGTD was held on 21st Feb 2017. In addition to office bearers of BGTD Com S B Nagavi CS and Pandurang Nayak JSS have also attended the meeting. The meeting was held in a cordial manner and the issues raised by SNEA were accepted and action accordingly will be taken. Minutes are likely to be issued shortly. For glimpses click here..

CS visits Shimoga on 20th Feb 2017 for finalizing the Function Hall and dates of Circle Conference:

The District body also arranged emergency meeting of SNEA Shgimoga and felicitated Com S B Nagavi CS and com Pandurang Nayak JSS on the eve of Victory in the Executive Membership Verification held in December 2016. The District Body also decided to hold the Circle Conference tentatively on 6th and 7th May 2017. For the Glimpses of meeting Click here..




CS Com S B Nagavi along with the CWC Members Comrades Jayaprakash Javali DS BGTD, Somanath Jagadale DS Hubli, Ganapathi Samaga DS DKTD,  R G Kulkarni (Belgaum), Munishekar (Kolar), JSS CHQ Com Pandurang Nayak  have attended the CENTRAL WORKING COMMITTEE HYDERaBAD from 13th Feb to 16th Feb and actively participated.  Com Tata Babu (BGTD), Com Satishkumar (Chickmaglur) who were in Hyderabad have also spared their time to witness the proceedings. Issues relating to Karnataka were effectively represented by the team of Karnataka in addition to participating in all policy issues. For the outstanding performance of Com Tata Babu, in the EMV campaign, he was asked to share his experiences in the meeting. Com GS and CHQ President have greeted all CSs with flowers for the victory. For the glimpses of the CWC and Victory Celebrations click here...


As has been pursued by SNEA from the beginning to consider maximum transfers from the first batch of trainees, the transfer orders for 24 JTOs issued today and particularly making the substitutes also. Congratulations to the JTOs who have got transfer. For orders click here..


Minutes of the Formal Meeting released by CGMT Karnataka today. For minutes click here. We are thankful to CGMT Shri P Nagaraju in this regard especially approving 74 Rule 8 transfers.

Formal Meeting with CGMT Karnataka:


The formal meeting scheduled with CGMT Karnataka circle, was held on 1st Feb 2017. The meeting was attended by Com Pandurang Nayak JSS (CHQ), Com S B Nagavi CS, Com Savita Circle VP, Com Jayaprakash Javali DS BGTD, Com S P Jagadale DS Hubli /CWC member, Com Sadanand Makkannavar DS CO, Com Munishekar CWC Member from SNEA. Com Giridhar EC member from Mobile Branch and Com Tata Babu CEC member BGTD have also attended as the invitees. Respected Shri P Nagaraju CGMT Karnataka Chaired the meeting along with the official side represented by Shri Raghava Kumar Sr GM Nobiles ( Promoted as CGMT STP Chennai) , Shri Surendar Shenoy PGM Mktg, Smt Sumam Pillai Sr GM Finance, Shri Janardhan Rao Sr GM New Services, Shri Ashok Agarwal GM Admn and HR, Shri M V Angadi DGM HR, Shri Swaminathan DE HR, Shri Puranik DE Welfare, Shri Balasubramaniyam DE IT and Shri Pattar SDE Welfare.

CGMT Congratulated the CS and SNEA team for being emerged as the majority association at Circle and All India level and sought the co-operation of SNEA in all the works of the company to achieve maximum revenue this year also. CS in his introductory speech thanked CGMT for the prompt action in holding the meeting as requested by us in the urgent need of resolution some pressing issues. On behalf of SNEA Karnataka CS assured of our full co-operation in the works of the company.

All the agenda points of SNEA were discussed in a cordial manner and most of the issues were resolved even before the meeting also. On the agenda points administration assured to supply the minutes copy shortly.

A detailed discussion was held on the issue of Rule 8 and administration appraised the issue of shortage of JTOs and the issue of 46 JTOs going to be retired though we are getting about 84 new JTOs (under training) and expressed the difficulties in the consideration of the Rule 8 transfers. SNEA presented the strength of the young JTOs who were instrumental in bringing the circle to profit level last year. They have left their native places/States and have been working away from their parents, spouze keeping the hope that once new substitutes  becoming available, they will get their chance of joining spouse and parents. In view of keeping this motivation alive in the minds of these youngsters and also as they have completed more than 6 to 10 years of  service in our circle it is not fair on our part to make them to further wait. This will highly demotivate them. After detailed deliberations,  CGMT was kind enough to approve the consideration of 74 Rule 8 cases, i.e. upto WL 74., and the same was also agreed and accepted by SNEA, taking into consideration of all aspects both on management side as well as the interest of our JTOs. In addition to the above it was further agreed to consider all the possible intra circle transfers also.

We are very much thankful to Respected Shri P Nagaraju CGMT Karnataka, Shri Ashok Agarwal GM Admn and HR, Shri M V Angadi DGM HR, Shri Swaminathan DE HR and all others for considering the rule 8 transfers and for agreeing on all other points raised by SNEA.We also thank the welfare section for the nice arrangement of the meeting.

SNEA was instrumental in getting 64 Rule 8 transfers considered last year and now 74 cases this year. We will continue our efforts in the future also.

CGMT has almost agreed on all the points we have raised and the details will be published shortly on other issues.

For the Glimpses of Meeting Click here....

For meeting letter click here...

Meeting of CS with CGMT Karnataka:

CS Com S B Nagavi along with DS Hubli Com Somanath Jagadale and DS Kolar Com Narain Nandakumar met Shri P Nagaraju CGMT Karnataka circle yesterday and discussed on the important and pressing urgent issues. SNEA has registered its strong protest on the attitude of circle administration towards the decisions taken unilaterally but with lot of mistakes in addressing the issues of intra circle and Rule 8 transfers of JTOs and the willful denial of administration to take into the requests and suggestions tried to be given by SNEA to ensure more cases of requests considered before taking a final decision. CS pointed out glaring errors in the unilateral decisions taken by the administration  which was noticed by us after seeing the orders. The present attitude of the administration is lacking  prudent thinking, violates  rules and procedures and defeating the due natural justice to the honest JTOs who have obeyed the orders of transfers in earlier years and now waiting for their due and justified orders in the form of intra circle/rule 8 transfers. We have in detail  explained  CGM,  all the violations occurred in the present stand taken by the administration. We have also appraised CGM that so far no formal meeting  was given on the agenda and assuring to give us the meeting, simultaneously  decision being taken thereon is creating unrest in the minds of the stake holders in these issues. SNEA made it clear that approach of administration is against the intent of EMV rules 2014. After detailed discussion, CGM understood of the adverse impacts of the administrative stand and assured to reconcile the same, also assuring to hold the meeting next week at least  on the issues raised by us today. We have also discussed on the issues of the request transfer of DEs and DGMs who also have obeyed the orders of administration and joined at different places in Karnataka circle even after serving at other circles last year and earlier, to meet the administrative exigencies. CGM assured to look into all these cases. CS brought to the notice of the administration clause 7 of the notification issued in the recognition of the executive association by BSNL CO as per EMV rules 2014 and to take cognizance of the same in its true spirit in interacting with the executive associations to ultimately achieve the goal of the recently concluded EMV.


Resolution of Request transfer WL issue by CGMT Karnataka: The arbitrary order to stop the transfer request registration is finally withdrawn by Circle Administration with a modification. Reply given to CS SNEA in this regard. For reply click here..<<1>><<2>>. Before we withdraw the LHD we will further discuss with GM as assurred by CGM.

The rule 8 and request transfers of non-recruiting circles are updated in the circle intranet. We are thankful to AGM, DGM and other officers for the positive action.

CS also met CGMT Karnataka circle and discussed on the issues of Rule 8 and request transfers urgently. CGM informed that he will instruct GM to discuss on urgent points.


CS writes to CGMT Karnataka on the issues of RTTC Mysore and posting of JTOs selected for RTTC. For letter click here.

CS writes to CGM STR Chennai for agenda meeting. For letter click here.

CS writes to GM Admn and HR O/o CGMT Ktk and gives notice of organisationasl action on the willful non action for transfers of non recruiting circles. For notice click here.


CS along with Com Giridhar and Com Tukaram met CGMT Shri P Nagaraju and handed over the new 2017 Diaries to CGM.

Distribution of Diaries at Circle Office.

The Diaries will be distributed at Circle Office on Friday the 6th Jan 2017.


CS Nagavi S B along with Com Tata Babu, CEC member yesterday met DGM Shri M V Angadi, and discussed various issues relating to updating of Waiting List of JTOs request transfers, (1) the anomalies still existing particularly the incoming request transfers of STR JTOs requesting Karnataka Telecom circle even after the applications being forwarded by the CGMT STR Chennai, (2) the serious anomalies created in the Looking After orders issued by the management, (3) sending of JTOs for Phase II training as still huge number of JTOs are waiting for the training and (4) TBU of PA/PS of BGTD. DGM assured to look into the cases raised by us and informed us that the PA/PS TBU will be issued shortly in respect of BGTD as the minutes are ready and will be approved shortly.


CS submits Agenda to CGMT Karnataka Circle for the discussion on various issues including the Rule 8 and intra Circle transfers. For Agenda Click here..


CS along with CVP, COS, DS CO and other active comrades met CGMT and other PGMs and Sr GM Mobile and yesterday wished them on the eve of new years day.







2017 Diary Released by Shri N Venkateshwara Rao, CGMT in charge on 25th Dec 2017.


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CS delivered Diary 2017 to Shri Mohan DGM Chickmaglur






Our Leaders




Our SNEA Mentor


S B Nagavi, BSc, LLM
Ex Circle President

Contacts of Ex CP

Cell: 9448010565 email: nagavisb@gmail.com

Our President


Guruprasad P Deshpande
Circle President

Contacts of CP

Cell: 9449831733 email:

Circle Secretary

Circle Secretary
Mobile 9449854799 Email:mysneaktk@gmail.com